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  • On Wednesday April 10th 2019 you will probably see the first-ever image of a


  • black hole. That's when the Event Horizon Telescope will be releasing their

    黑洞的照片 因為屆時事件視界望遠鏡將會發布

  • results and I haven't seen them yet but I think they're going to look something

    他們的結果 我還沒有見過它們但是我認為他們看起來應該

  • like this and I can be relatively confident because well it's gonna look a

    就像這樣 我可以比較自信地說它看起來有點像是

  • bit like a fuzzy coffee mug stain. But if you are disappointed by this image I

    一團模糊的咖啡漬 但如果你對此覺得失望你很有可能

  • think that misses the gravity of the situation. From this image we should be

    錯失了這個事件的莊重性 從這個圖像中我們應該可以

  • able to tell whether the general theory of relativity accurately predicts what


  • happens in the strong gravity regime that is what happens around a black hole


  • what I want to do here is understand what exactly we are seeing in this image


  • so here is my mock black hole of science and this sphere represents the event

    所以我準備了一個“黑洞” 這個球體表示

  • horizon. That is the location from which not even light fired radially away from

    事件視界 那是連黑洞所放射出的光都無法

  • the black hole could be detected by an outside observer. All of the world lines

    被外部觀測者探測到的區域 所有的世界線

  • end up in the center of the black hole in the singularity once you're inside

    終結于黑洞中心的奇點 只要你進入其中

  • here there is no coming back not even for light. The radius of the

    就再也不能回來 即便是光也一樣 事件視界

  • event horizon is known as the Schwarzschild radius. Now if we were just

    的半徑以“史瓦西半徑”為人所熟知 現在如果我們

  • to look at a black hole with nothing around it we would not be able to make

    去看一個周圍什么都沒有的黑洞 我們會沒有辦法

  • an image like this because well it would just absorb all electromagnetic

    看到一張像這樣的圖像 因為它會吸收所有落到它上面的

  • radiation that falls on it but the black hole that they're looking at

    電磁波 但是他們(望遠鏡)正在觀測的是

  • specifically the one in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A*


  • has matter around it in an accretion disk. In this accretion disk there is

    在它周圍有物質環繞 也就是吸積盤 在吸積盤里面有

  • dust and gas swirling around here very chaotically it's incredibly hot we're

    塵埃于氣體在混亂地旋轉 它非常的熱——

  • talking to millions of degrees and it's going really fast a significant fraction

    有上百萬度 同時又非常的快 是光速的幾分之一

  • of the speed of light and it's this matter that the black hole feeds off and


  • gets bigger and bigger over time but you'll notice that the accretion disk

    然后變得越來越大 你可能會注意到吸積盤

  • does not extend all the way in to the event horizon. Why is that? Well that's

    并沒有擴展到事件視界 為什么?

  • because there is an inner most stable circular orbit and for matter around a

    因為有一個最內部穩定圓形軌道 對于一個不旋轉的黑洞

  • non-spinning black hole that orbit is at three Schwarzschild

    周圍的物質來說 軌道的半徑大概是

  • radii now in all likelihood the black hole at the center of our galaxy will be

    三倍史瓦西半徑 我知道我們銀河系中心的黑洞應該

  • spinning but for simplicity I'm just considering the non spinning case. You

    會是旋轉的 但是為了簡單一點 我只考慮不旋轉的情況

  • can see my video on spinning black holes if you want to find out more about

    如果你想了解更多 可以去看我的關于旋轉的黑洞的視頻

  • that. So this is the innermost orbit for matter going around the black hole if it

    再回到這個最內部穩定圓形軌道 對于黑洞周圍的物質來說

  • goes inside this orbit it very quickly goes into the center of the black hole

    如果它進到這個軌道的內部 它將會被以極快的速度吸入黑洞

  • and we never hear from it again but there is something that can orbit closer

    然后我們就再也看不見它了 但是還有一些東西可以有

  • to the black hole and that is light because light has no mass it can

    離黑洞更近一些的軌道 那就是光 因為光沒有質量

  • actually orbit at 1.5 Schwarzschild radii. Now here i'm representing it with a ring

    它可以以1.5倍史瓦西半徑環繞黑洞 這里我把它表現為一個環

  • but really this could be in any orientation so it's a sphere of photon

    但其實它可以是在任何一個方向 所以它是一個光子軌道組成的球體

  • orbits and if you were standing there of course you could never go there but if


  • you could you could look forward and actually see the back of your head

    但如果你可以 你將會看到自己的后腦勺

  • because the photons could go around and complete that orbit. Now the photon


  • sphere is an unstable orbit meaning eventually either the photons have to

    光子球體是不穩定的軌道 意味著光子最終將會

  • spiral into the singularity or spiral out and head off to infinity now the

    旋轉飛入奇點 或者進入無限的宇宙

  • question I want to answer is what does this black quote-unquote shadow in the

    現在我想回答一個問題 這個圖像中心的

  • image correspond to in this picture of what's actually going on around the

    黑黑的影子 到底黑洞周圍在發生什么

  • black hole. Is it the event horizon? Are we simply looking at this? or is it the

    這個黑影是事件視界嗎? 我們就這么看到它了? 或者它是光子球?

  • photon sphere? or the inner most stable circular orbit? Well things are

    或者是最內部穩定圓形軌道? 好吧

  • complicated and the reason is this black hole warps space-time around it which

    這東西很復雜 原因是黑洞扭曲了它周圍的時空

  • changes the path of light rays so they don't just go in straight lines like we

    改變了光線的路徑 所以它們不再像是我們平常想象的那樣

  • normally imagine that they do I mean they are going in straight lines but

    直線傳播 我的意思是它們仍然直線傳播但是

  • space-time is curved so yeah they go in curves so the best way to think of this

    時空被彎曲了所以它們也彎曲了 最好的思考它的方式

  • is maybe to imagine parallel light rays coming in from the observer and striking

    也許是想象觀測者發出的平行光線 射入這個圖形 51

  • this geometry here. Of course if the parallel light rays cross the event

    當然 如果平行光線穿過事件視界

  • horizon we'll never see them again so they're gone that will definitely be a

    *我們并沒有真的發送光線 但是這樣可以幫助理解* *因為來和去的路線是一樣的*

  • dark region but if a light ray comes in just above the event

    我們就看不到了 它們消失了 所以這里肯定會有一個

  • Rison it too will get bent and end up crossing the event horizon it ends up in

    黑暗的區域 但是如果光線從稍微高于

  • the black hole. Even a light ray coming in the same distance away as the photon

    事件視界的位置射入 它會被彎曲 最終進入事件視界 消失在黑洞里

  • sphere will end up getting warped into the black hole and curving across the


  • event horizon so in order for you to get a parallel ray which does not end up in

    一樣會被彎向黑洞 最終進入事件視界

  • the black hole you actually have to go out 2.6 radii away if a light ray comes


  • in 2.6 Schwarzschild radii away it will just graze the photon sphere at its

    你得離黑洞2.6倍史瓦西半徑遠 如果一條光線

  • closest approach and then it will go off to infinity and so the resulting shadow

    以2.6倍史瓦西半徑的距離射入 它將會以最近的距離掠過光子球體

  • that we get looks like this it is 2.6 times bigger than the event horizon. You

    然后它就離開 進入無限的宇宙空間 所以產生的影子

  • say what are we really looking at here? what is this shadow? well in the center


  • of it is the event horizon. It maps pretty cleanly onto onto the center of

    那我們到底在看什么呢? 這個影子是什么? 那么在它的中間

  • this shadow but if you think about it light rays going above or below also end

    是事件視界 它完美地落在這片影子的中心

  • up crossing the event horizon just on the backside. So in fact what we get is

    但是你想想 從上方或下方來的光線同樣會

  • the whole back side of the event horizon mapped onto a ring on this shadow. So

    在另一側進入事件視界 所以事實上

  • looking from our one point in space at the black hole we actually get to see


  • the entirety of the black hole's event horizon. I mean maybe it's silly to talk

    所以我們從一個點看黑洞 我們其實可以看見

  • about seeing it because it's completely black but that really is where the

    完整的黑洞的事件視界 我知道

  • points would map to on this shadow. It gets weirder than that

    說“看見”聽起來有點傻因為它完全是黑的 但那確實是

  • because the light can come in and go around the back and say get absorbed in

    那些位置對應在影子上 還有更奇怪的

  • the front you get another image of the entire horizon next to that and another

    因為光線可以射入 然后轉一圈 再被吸收

  • annular ring and then another one after that and another one after that and you


  • get basically infinite images of the event horizon as you approach the edge

    然后又是一個 之后再一個 還是一個 所以當你

  • of this shadow. So what is the first light that we can see? It is those light

    接近這片影子的邊緣的時候 基本上可以獲得無限多的事件視界的圖像

  • rays that come in at just such an angle that they graze the photon sphere and

    所以我們可以看見的最初的光線是? 是那些從某個角度射入

  • then end up at our telescopes. And they produce a shadow which is 2.6 times the

    然后掠過光子球體 最終

  • size of the event horizon. So this is roughly what we'd see if we happen to be

    進入我們的望遠鏡 它們產生了比事件視界大2.6倍

  • looking perpendicular to the accretion disk but more likely we will be looking

    的影子 所以這大致上就是當我們從垂直于吸積盤的角度

  • at some sort of random angle to the accretion disk. We may be even looking edge-on

    觀察黑洞時將會看到的 但是更有可能的是我們將會

  • And in that case do we see this shadow of the black hole? you might think

    以一個隨機的角度觀測 我們甚至可能看著吸積盤的側邊

  • that we wouldn't but the truth is because of the way the black hole warps

    在那種情況下我們可以看見黑洞的影子嗎? 你也許認為不行

  • space-time and bends light rays, we actually see the back of the accretion


  • disk the way it works is light rays coming off the accretion disk bend over

    并且彎曲光線 實際上我們可以看見吸積盤的后面

  • the top and end up coming to our telescopes so what we end up seeing is


  • something that looks like that. Similarly light from the bottom of the

    被彎曲穿過頂部 然后進入我們的望遠鏡 所以我們最終可以看見的是

  • accretion disk comes underneath gets bent underneath the black hole and comes

    看起來像這樣的東西 類似的 吸積盤底部的光線也會

  • towards us like that and this is where we get an image that looks something

    從下方穿過 在黑洞下方被彎曲

  • like the interstellar black hole.

    然后朝我們飛來 這樣我們就會得到一張圖像 看起來就像

  • it gets even crazier than this because light


  • that comes off the top of the accretion disk here can go around the back of the

    甚至還要更瘋狂一些 因為

  • black hole graze the photon sphere and come at the bottom right here producing


  • a very thin ring underneath the shadow. Similarly light from underneath the

    繞過來 掠過光子球體 然后來到底部 就在這里

  • accretion disk in the front can go underneath and around the back and come

    在影子的下方產生一個非常細的環 類似的 從吸積盤下方來的光線

  • out over the top which is why we see this ring of light here. This is what we


  • could see if we were very close to the black hole, something that looks truly

    從上方出來 這就是為什么這里有個光環 這是

  • spectacular. One other really important effect to consider is that the matter in

    如果我們非常靠近黑洞 我們可以看見的 看起來非常壯觀的場面

  • this accretion disk is going very fast, close to the speed of light and so if


  • it's coming towards us it's gonna look much brighter than if

    運動得非常快 接近光速

  • it's going away. That's called relativistic beaming or Doppler beaming

    所以如果它朝我們的方向運動 它將會比遠離我們的方向看起來亮得多

  • and so one side of this accretion disk is going to look much brighter than the


  • other and that's why we're gonna see a bright spot in our image. So hopefully


  • this gives you an idea of what we're really looking at when we look at an


  • image of a black hole if you have any questions about any of this please leave

    希望當你看著一張黑洞的圖像的時候 這個視頻會給你一點關于

  • them in the comments below and I will likely be making a video for the launch

    你在看什么的頭緒 如果你有關于這個的任何疑問

  • of the first ever image of a black hole so I'll try to answer them then. Until

    請在下方留言 我應該會為第一張黑洞照片的發展

  • then I hope you get as much enjoyment out of this as I have

    做一個視頻 到時候我將會解答你們的問題

  • because this has truly been my obsession for like the last week.


  • I guess what


  • would be exciting is to watch it over time how it changes, right? there's a lot of

    我猜會令人興奮的事情是看著它隨時間變化 對吧?

  • hope that there are blobs moving around and you know if you see a blob going


  • round the front and then it goes around the back but you see it in the back

    從前面繞過去 繞到后面 但是你還是可以在

  • image etc then that's gonna be kind of cool

    圖像上看見它 這是很棒的事

On Wednesday April 10th 2019 you will probably see the first-ever image of a


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