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Thank you.
So I know it's the evening.
I know you guys saw that at 4 30 the bar opens, and I know you guys are, like, ready, like, one more talk later, I will have that cocktail.
But, uh, I hope you find this useful.
And I'm I'm pretty sure you will if you work on the bed.
How many people here use the web?
Give me a show offense?
Everybody does.
And that's why we're here.
Because no matter what Javascript, PHP, ruby, whatever you use, even if you use a cobalt.
Oh, right, right.
You Everybody uses Internet, and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about me.
And I'll tell you about my use case, which might surprise you.
So I worked for Baker Hughes.
Now you see G or there and will be Sir, Price Baker uses the oil and gas division of G Island.
So that that little gasoline that you put into your waker, right?
It's extracted from the earth.
And do you know what I do on a day to day basis?
I right cord To make sure that oil is extracted from the earth efficiently.
Now you might be terrified to think.
Oh, shit.
Javascript controls oil extraction.
Don't worry.
Does not It only manages the visualization of data.
He made sure off.
You know, we have called You can come on people.
So But my point is, the web is everywhere.
Think of any use case, any single part of your life.
The web is there, and somebody has a website aborted.
Some wish, right?
So let's talk about our uses.
Where do your users come from?
So if you use the Internet and I'm hoping everybody here has some part in creating the Internet, you write it or you create country down the Internet because you want people to consume it, right?
Am I right?
So if you want users to consume it very your users come from.
So I was breaking it down.
And these are the three highest uses around the world.
And now we have China.
And I tried to find statistics, but none of that is ve added because of reasons.
So I'm gonna skip that, and I'm gonna focus on India that I'm from where I get access to easier statistics, and I'm gonna compare that with next largest country by uses, which is the U.
And I'm going to show you a gap, right?
So in India, we have 1300 million.
That's 1.3 billion people.
And out of that, only 45% off India is connected to the Internet, right?
So 45% of 1.3 billion people is nearly 627 million uses.
And that's considering the people who use Internet right now.
Let's look at the U.
U S.
Has almost 85% connected.
Oh, I think the mike started working with, you know, my bed.
Ah, and so, by the initiative, the start of how many users have did we start to see the gap?
Now this is just a rough draft of how many the percentage off Internet penetration.
So when we say Internet penetration, that's like how many people use the Internet frequently enough to make a dent on the user percentages, and you can see the places with the largest number of people they come to South Asia said in Africa.
That's the places with the lowest penetration off Internet on, Let me say lower penetration.
The Internet is not going away.
That means the lower that number is, the higher is the opportunity for you and your product to go into those markets, right?
So if you see that's the opportunity off people who are I've never used the Internet before and have an idea or an interest in using the Internet.
That's where in the future your product will be used.
So how can we make products that are targeted to those speakers?
And you see the higher demographic so you see Canada 87%.
That means a lot of people have seen what the Internet is like, right if they have any idea of the infinite, and they're happy with the tools that they already use of the products they already use.
What is the chance that they lose your product unless yours is of it even established product?
Right, So you have competition, which is more available.
So let's look at these markets.
So the market saturation off technical products and this is what I was talking about in the first World.
And then I say the first word, I want you to think of places like Silicon Valley, right?
That's where the first Google came out off, the first Facebook came out off.
And that's where you think that technology started from this, right?
And when you come to India or when you come to South Asia, right, Facebook started in the Silicon Valley and now the highest user base.
Whoopsie Daisy.
Don't mind me.
That largest user base is now India.
So I read a very interesting statistic that Facebook right now has it in 2016.
I believe it had about of 200 million users in the U.
And India overtook it in 2016 with 400 million.
Um, and that was still only when there was 35% off India connected to the Internet.
Imagine what that number would be like if 70% of India connected.
You know, can you imagine that amount of data that Facebook and collect?
Because that's what Facebook is thinking about.
I think I brought this Yikes.
So my goal is to help you think about the larger picture, you know, to find out a great balance in between performance accessibility and user experience.
The Big Three.
When it comes to how a person decides to use your product Now the first come will be performance.
But I'm sure you help.
Performance can actually be.
It actually can be helped with accessibility and user experience.
You don't have to compromise between the three.
So the first and the easiest barrier sometimes I feel is internationalization.
And I'd like to bring an example.
Well, I checked and I can't really find that example here, but a very violent example.
This is a very common company.
Wait over is dominant across the world.
And you would think that uber would care a little bit more about one of their largest consumer basis because the last time I checked over still, there's local grown competition against uber.
But India is one of the largest markets for uber.
Can you tell me if something looks wrong in this picture?
And I and I highlighted it for your ease.
Unfortunately, my my laser point was not working.
So what I'd liketo find out over here is that you see Lithuania, right?
And I'm not dumping on Lithuania here, but I think India is slightly lowered the number of people and a lot more languages a supported in Lithuania, then in India are in countries in in southern Africa.
This is not good, you know.
Those are large countries with a diverse population with a lot of people who don't speak English.
So you want those companies who have large user groups in those areas gator to communities in their own language?
Imagine you're somebody who's not technically able in your family.
In my case, that's my grandfather.
You know, the first time my grandfather heard about Hubert, he's like, What is this room?
But why should I trust some guy to pick me up?
Because he has never seen detail it before, you know?
So when when my brother went to a different city and he, my grandfather wanted to go there, I'm sure you've all heard of Bank Lord.
So where is very strong in Bangla?
My grandfather wanted to go visit my brother in Baghlan, and then my brother said, It's very easy.
You just open Hubert and then you can be dropped right in front of my apartment.
And what do you know?
My grandfather could not figure out uber in the end.
He's just waited at the airport for to us, and my brother had to make the trip.
And if you know, battle or traffic, you know he hated that trip.
So if you ever had worked, there would have got to mark it.
Is Mikey bite?
So for non native speakers A.
For non native English speakers.
If you have a larger market or if you have uses you know who.
If you can change, a slight tweak in your product can help uses.
I don't know why it's not done so far, but this is this.
The latest statistic I took maybe three months back from the uber blawg so enabling native languages it is very important to improve access.
And it's not just that of other parts of accessibility, of course, but for having languages is a different kind of accessibility that maybe you don't think about as much.
And when it comes to Asia, you know there are different languages at play and different people that play.
So I feel like internationalization is list very easy barrier that you can cross to make your products that much more interesting for your uses, and this is just adding it.
If you're curious about how internationalization work, it's very easy.
You can just add the language called.
And most of the time, if you have those characters and Unicord, if they should work and there might be cases where in specific, very particular language does not work, that's outside the scope of my talk.
It's just it's just starting point for you if you're interested in this.
So the next story is is where I really want to focus on going beyond an iPhone or handling real world devices.
Now, I'm hoping this crowd will be a bit different, but I'm gonna ask how many people here does not have an iPhone?
You know, your phone is not an iPhone.
So So I did a version of the stock in the U.
And I was very disappointed that were maybe two hands because everybody else had knife phone, but moving to anywhere.
You know, this is not the case, you know.
It's like at least the people in and around Asia would know that the Chinese manufacturing companies have pretty much a great marketer here.
You know, if you have a price range and in India you're kind of price conscious.
If you heard about us Ah, and if you can get all the features of a night for 1/10 the price of an iPhone from a Chinese company like quality, you're gonna get the way for and we're gonna put a stick around up that has an apple logo on it and claim it's night phone.
That's how we do it.
Honestly, I've seen that so many times.
So we're devices now.
This is just the forms in my family.
It's, ah, it.
My phone is not listed because I used my phone to take a photograph, but I own, and one plus with Again, a sign is manufactured company.
My mother.
She's a proud owner of an iPhone.
My grandfather could not care less like he was.
He was.
He has the second phone, which is a touch screen, simply because he thought that screen was in.
But he figured out that he could not handle that.
That's green and even back to his old phone anyway.
Ah, and my father again, he could not care less about this form so that so long as it works, you know the calling.
So basically, when you when you have the such kind of devices and more and more people are moving toe, a sort of standardization when it comes to such the races.
You know there are more people moving to an iPhone, but that the quantity of people are the market of an iPhone is still very, very, very small in Asia.
So but if you've ever seen the kind of checks for the sizes of screens that comes up right, mostly there's like a standardless, which has a bunch of Apple devices.
And maybe, if you're lucky, a few Nexus or Google pictures are supported, but a long list off.
Other popular devices are not in the list, so you can create a kind of expedience on mobile.
But maybe it's not supported for the device, which is one of the most freakin runs.
And I think Xiaomi has one of the largest selling phones.
Is the company that says the most phones in India, and I've never seen a show me aspect of issue ever.
And in the Google chrome in Google grow medic.
Check how what your screen can be adjusted so that is a big part.
And if you have, you know, if you're creating a product to be used in forms I have to stress is enough.
You know, hardware is created unequal, you know, forget the screen sizes.
You can also have really bad Ram.
You know, you have really bad expectations of What do you guys can do?
You know how much speed in which your device can, lord, how much the size of it and all that is is so, hardware in general, if you're only gonna create it for a few specific do, Isis, that again creates a block for your uses, you know.
Please don't do that.
Please think off.
At least the top five devices in the market that you're going in tow job being sold and dispensed for them.
And the best thing that you can do is to get a bunch of bang up forms.
You know, the screen cracked.
I'm sure a few if you hear have few screengrab phones.
You know, check with those check and see how well your website does in those.
And see what the results you know, performance ways and access operative eyes.
Check with unequal do Isis.
So if you have seen the previous light, you've seen what my grandfather's form looks like.
now my grandfather, he owns a bunch of property because he's the head of the household.
And very, very Recently, one of his friends told him about this website called Airbnb.
Yes, and he ordered me to Lord Airbnb in that second phone.
That was a task, Yeah, and I thought I could do it, but I found out I couldn't So and you would think that a company as well established unicorn like a B and B would get a little bit more, and I tried to take a photo of that, but it came a brulee belt, and I did not want to scar your eyes with that.
That's why I did not put that photo.
But let me tell you, it's just it's so surprising the way things turn out, you know?
So if you are creating a product for mobile, just check it for the mobile said that really popular.
You know, your your average bestselling Xiaomi's and Oprah phones should be enough.
They will do the trick, but go the extra mile right?
And, uh, one more thing is, I'd like to talk about using jobs.
Could frame looks.
Now Oliver's know some cool JavaScript cream work or the other.
I'm pretty sure a lot off, you know, border gyroscope framework that I've never heard of before.
I've recently heard a drug like there are some jobs.
Good frameworks that last less than a milk product.
Probably true.
It's Ah.
If you have a latest and greatest just framework that you have to try out, I again would like you to go to the same rule, build a website in that Jasper framework and then see how much time it takes to Lord on a crappy phone.
Maybe it works well on an iPhone, but please don't let the iPhone be your benchmark.
Please run it on something with Lesson two GB of RAM and see how well your mobile website performs on that phone.
Because the majority of users who used the Internet are coming in from mobile.
This is especially true if you run a website that has videoing now from my understanding and maybe sit most uses who connector mobile Internet, especially in local languages.
Norn English language is they try to access video.
So if you have a video lording element, try to make it as performance as possible for the lower run mobile forms because that is very demographic.
What would your demographic is trying to access?
That's what they want the most speed for, and that is very letting them down.
Sort of.
Now, if you have great performance in more beds will be you excellent and at the risk off violating the code of conduct.
I tell you, immortal that you should definitely book be following that's born, huh?
If you've ever tried to use that in mobile in Indian Mobile data, you will know I am Dr Boat and some people are laughing because I know you've tried it, you know, because if you've ever used that mobile website, they know their audiences.
And that's a very performance website on the really crappy dozy later, right?
And that leads in tow or no, the WiFi, the third story that I would like to tell you.
So, um, it's the definition of WiFi in India.
Is there Namibia's to 3300 oblivious.
That's the actual.
So you see that this slightly a bit of a vacation, Uh, and this I actually I was surprised that there was three in my mind.
I thought, Well, that would be one, but surprisingly, it's three.
So I instinctively I knew that no matter what, the definition for WiFi Waas was still pretty bad.
And you think about it.
We have 1.3 billion people crammed into one small location on the map, you know, So definitely, if you have WiFi connection, your family is taking it.
Your neighbors are probably taking it, and then the neighbors below you are also taking it.
So that's the reason why it's so slow Because so many people are trying to access your one three points I MBPs connection.
Its effect?
No at this, with the previous point about how against the phones is more, they don't have ram and they can't use the website.
Now you realize why your website performance is so important, you know, because that's the kind of scenario you're in.
So not only is the device playing against you but infrastructure in general, right?
The amount off network pools around your location, the amount off bandwidth available for your users to use because at the end of the day, if your website does not load, you know, then it's not good.
I'm not already included here, but I do have a very I.
I did not included here because I don't want Microsoft suing me.
But if you ever try to Lord Linden in India in duty, you should try it.
It's an experience where after 30 seconds, you give up and you're like, I don't need a rescue May.
I don't need a job anymore.
I'm not opening ring Linden.
That's that's what happens.
So So how does your website perform in three d g.
In those x plus, I don't know if anybody here is Gordon, and it's plus, ever I get it.
Time to time.
This is less frequently.
Thankfully, I'm from a part of India that's blessed with more network connections.
But the more you go to a rule, a DEA, you're going to see your express and duties.
So how does your reps I perform in those lower band wits?
So again, if you use mart of the major browsers, there's probably a network throttling option for you to check this.
I'm sure most of you do this, but I advise you to do that again.
You know, just cover your basis and make sure that your product has a fallback so uber, which I mentioned earlier.
Even though the internationalization is pretty bad, they have ah, nap or uber light in India.
And that actually works where David is data card the map, which actually choke down most of the data and over.
So you can't see the map where the little car goes around.
Lulu, you know, you have to guess whether your cars your divine it off.
It's probably there, but it works.
You know, you actually lords in real time.
So what is the best does not exist, you know.
Looks good at its plus.
That's pretty good, you know.
So so test your website and crappy phones with slow speeds.
If you If you forget everything else from the stock, this is the most important sentence for you.
Julie, please test your website on drily.
Crappy Ford's with really slow speeds as the only thing you have to do to make sure that your product works in Asia.
You know, if that happens, then you're parked.
At least from a technical standpoint, you have covered your grounds.
So how can I simplify my website now?
I know what the problem is.
How do I fix it?
minimum number of downloads on the first click.
No, this is basic performance stuff.
You know the amount off libraries, videos, images, all that you download in the first click.
That is a huge drag on what the first paint.
What he uses sees first.
So if you can minimize the number of downloads excellent.
If you know that click is coming up and you can pre load parts of it again.
The biggest garbage off video that comes in.
You know what chokes in your data the most in any website on any application is video.
If you can optimize your video and images, you know it's nothing like it.
It's the best way to make your product faster now if I don't know if somebody has covered SPG again over here.
But I'm pretty sure there's a great job.
I own a crab.
It's in the last just conversation about SPG, which I suggest everybody check out because if you can use s veggies instead of your images again, a good eight part in optimizing the websites and a little bit more about user experience because I feel that's four of the most important part.
You know At the end of the day, no matter how well built your product is, you know how much the engineering team likes it.
If your user does not like your product and what good is it you know at the end of did they?
The product comes as what the user likes it to be.
Know how well we build It is based on what marketing tells us, that what the users like right, submits, make marketing happy with a little bit born spite.
So this is something I like to add, and this is something off for my personal expedience.
Like I said, my grandfather was very adventurous and comes to technology, and this happened the first time that he opened up Hiss Gmail account.
Now he was very worried that he would not understand what Gmail is and how to navigate it.
But thankfully, the guards of Google have decided that a lot of people don't know what he made this.
So they have a little bit of a demo happening and letter a few great applications which has the skate over there.
More feature really like it, and I'd like to stress that if you're creating a product for the Asian market.
You know, for people who have never used unit before, the demo is a pretty good way to go, you know, because if you're looking for and a group of people who have never seen the Internet plate, so imagine this.
There are people who see the save button.
I've never seen a floppy tits before, and they and they identify a flop it is.
Guess Oh, this is the three reprinted image officer.
But you know, it's pretty much the same thing for for our readers when they see the Internet, right?
So they have no reference point to this.
They've never seen anything like the Internet before.
So when they see a hamburger button for the first time, for example, they don't know what to do with it.
They don't know that just clicking it would open up the menu, right?
So if you have a liquor, a small arrow pointing to it, telling you, Hey, click this, it opens up the menu That's good for use is so based on what the target demographic is, I would suggest that you at least how, at least from the first Lord of the first time using science, and you have, like a little demo moored, showing them what each of the things does that really helps on DA.
It helps to explain the major moving parts off.
And one more thing I'd like to add, probably again.
A bonus point is that there are people, at least in India, that I come from.
There are people who are illiterate, right?
So they're people.
Even if you're right in the native language, they're not good at reading late.
So if you can have Aikens explain City, if you could have Aikens or some kind of drawings that explain what does without having to read it now, next is important from some cases.
But having a good Aiken makes its difference, too.
So I'd like to stress that having that a little bit of a bonus user expedience ways showing people that things are done, it really helps for the older generation are people who are just not used to technology.
So in somebody What, yes, the five more minutes left so in somebody what did the things that you have to do to make your websites better for a new user group ish nationalization of your website, which means supporting different languages, maybe the major languages, any market or any demographic that you're hoping to attract.
Optimized for lik nonstandard aspect.
Non seven expert aspect ratios at Lecter's stress upon that eloquently in the race.
It test your website on crappy phones with slow speeds, that's it.
And for slow speeds, have four backs.
When you have slow Internet, make sure you're apt us something.
Instead of breaking into a small, broken image, you know I could and that's it.
That is me on the Interwebs.
You can probably find me some Iran for the next two days, and I hope this has been useful.
Thank you, Singapore.