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who said, I can't wait for good rant from Adam Hills after this election result was finished.
I think it's necessary.
Frankly, look, he's a weird thing.
Normally, when we do this show, the hashtag is that okay, starts trending on Twitter.
It was training at six PM this'd evening.
There are a lot of vulnerable people who are really worried about what's gonna happen under this government because it's it's not okay that disabled people have suffered under the Tories.
It's not OK that the prime minister described women in burqas is looking like litter boxes.
It's not okay that political tensions are boiling point, but it's up to all of us to make it okay.
And I genuinely don't think the situation is gonna be fixed by another middle aged white man shouting, Right now, I genuinely think I really believe this.
I think it's time to calmly hold this government to account and do what we can to support those who need it.
There's a sign in the window last week I saw it and said, Think of the most vulnerable person you know and vote for the party that will help him today.
I'm pretty sure that science would read.
Think of the most vulnerable person you know and help them.
Because what now?
For disabled people, that's the big thing we've got.
A lot of disabled viewers were asking the question.
What's gonna happen to disable people now?
Well, I don't think this is a question for May.
I mean, I think we're still gonna be disabled.
I've given it some four e thing that, you know, despite a lot off overwhelming evidence against you.
Can't you hope?
The Tories will, you know, maybe get breaks it down, and then maybe try not to be ourselves to us lot.
But then there's another side of me that just thinks, I mean, in six months time, there's a good chance they're gonna ban Fox hunt in replace it with hunting us.
And I'm gonna find myself running down Oxford Street sometime next year.
Chased by dogs and geysers were trumpets beyond.
That's not the world I want to live in.
So disable people tonight.
I mean, my message to you is just a tool up.
You can, you know, put spikes.
We will test it.
It's gonna be a lot fucking better.
Look, we want to do our bit.
And what can we do to help way?
Want a vow right now to try to help fix the assessment system?
We've been working behind the scenes with a bunch of politicians on this over the last few months to try and make it happen.
And then, of course, that the election happened and it all fell through.
There have been a disability ministers in nine years.
So what we'd like to do right now is invite the next disability minister on the show cabinets gonna be announced on Monday.
This is our official invitation to the Tory party.
Let us come together to try and help you fix the assessment system.
Could something needs to be done.
And in fact, I'm gonna start now.
He's a tiny, tiny thing we can do.
The Tory manifesto didn't have much on disability.
I'm going to say right now, but it said they want to reduce the number of reassessments a disabled person has to go through when a significant change in condition is unlikely.
Now he's a tape.
If a significant change in condition is unlikely, you don't need to reduce the reassessments.
Scrap him.
Do not remain down syndrome doesn't fix itself.
You can't just walk it off.
That's the steps.
That easiest thing you can do straight away way really, genuinely want to try and do something about this, Chris Cal said.
Is it okay that Boris will need to move back to center?
Rebrand is a compassionate conservative and support the traditional Labour seats that turn blue.
That's a really interesting thing because he's won over a lot of traditional Labour voters, he said yesterday.
He's gonna try and keep them.
Is he going to become nice?
Is that the hope for us all?
Okay, eyes, It's interesting.
That is this idea of nice Boris and people go with the theory of Boris's.
He's not actually very ideologically right wing.
He's kind of just does what he needs to do to get power.
And so actually that could be, you know, maybe it's all right.
So the best case scenario is basically he is a power hungry narcissist.
That is the best case scenario, Boris.
The reason he appears nice sometimes is he hangs out with his cabinet on that contains some of the worst human beings that ever you hung out with pretty Patel, Dominic Robber and Jacob Reese Mall skeletal people.
We gotta he's hanging out with a shit crowd here.
I mean, just you worry because you know you don't some people don't you don't want to change what's worked for you up until then, Yeah, I mean, look at what happened with Robbie Williams when he did that Rude Box album, and that was Gash Way.
One more.
Let's go.
Analysis On its wake nothing sums up Jeremy Corbyn's night more than the moment he had to acknowledge the election results, while a man that looked like a giant yellow Teletubby stood behind him.
What about Big Jamerica?
I described the result, has been disappointing and said he's not gonna have a period off reflection.
How do we feel about that?
I sigh.
Disappointing is understatement.
When you had the worst result off your party in 84 you should just get the hell out of me.
Oh, Theo, it was a failure.
It's here, hardly his fault, and he should just go and let somebody else.
Disappointing is when delivery bring the wrong dips.
It's not when you reduce to 203 seats.
Perhaps that happened as Well.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the deliveries that the election was.
Oh, that was that.
I think that he didn't come out for remain.
I think he should have bean unequivocally for remain which I am.
And every sensible person is on those of you voted to leave our foolish on Dhe.
You will rue the day.
Okay, sorry.
That way, since 60 you're certainly not on the fence like Corbin with you.
I've got another treat for Alex.
Yes, our guts.
Alex, for six weeks of this election period has had a joke that he's wanted.
Thio really wanted to do is break.
It was going to do it tonight.
Then we moved on from Laura Swinson.
You have so much have moved on from that set you up for it, Alex.
So it turns out lived.
EMS leader Jo Swinson lost her seat cuts.
You know the old saying goes, Jo Swinson, you loose Theo.