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An enduring myth says we use only 10% of our brain, the other 90% standing idly by for spare capacity.
有個歷久不衰的迷思說人類只用了大腦的 10%,其餘的 90% 閒置備用。
Hucksters promise to unlock that hidden potential with methods "based on neuroscience", but all they really unlock is your wallet.
Two-thirds of the public and nearly half of science teachers mistakenly believe the 10% myth.
三分之二的大眾和近半的科學老師都誤信了這 10% 迷思。
In the 1890s, William James, the father of American psychology, said, "Most of us do not meet our mental potential."
1890 年代時,美國心理學之父威廉‧詹姆士說:「我們多數人都未充分發揮心智潛能。」
James meant this as a challenge, not an indictment of scant brain usage, but the misunderstanding stuck.
Also, scientists couldn't figure out for a long time the purpose of our massive frontal lobes or broad areas of the parietal lobe.
Damage didn't cause motor or sensory deficits, so authorities concluded they didn't do anything.
For decades, these parts were called silent areas, their function, elusive.
數十年來,這些部分被稱為 「寂靜區域」,它們的功能難以描述。
We've since learned that they underscore executive and integrative ability, without which we would hardly be human.
They're crucial to abstract reasoning, planning, weighing decisions, and flexibly adapting to circumstances.
The idea that nine-tenths of your brain sits idly by in your skull looks silly when we calculate how the brain uses energy.
Rodent and canine brains consume 5% of total body energy.
齧齒類及犬類的腦消耗身體總能量的 5%。
Monkey brains use 10%.
猴子的腦使用 10%。
An adult human brain, which accounts for only 2% of the body's mass, consumes 20% of daily glucose burned.
一個成年人的腦只占身體總質量的 2%,卻消耗每日燃燒葡萄糖量的 20%。
In children, that figure is 50%, and in infants, 60%.
對應到孩童的數字是 50%、嬰兒則是 60%。
This is far more than expected for their relative brain sizes, which scale in proportion to body size.
Human ones weigh 1.5 kilograms; elephant brains, 5 kilograms; and whale brains, 9 kilograms.
人類腦重 1.5 公斤、大象腦重 5 公斤,而鯨魚腦則是 9 公斤。
Yet, on a per-weight basis, humans pack in more neurons than any other species.
This dense packing is what makes us so smart.
There is a trade-off between body size and the number of neurons a primate, including us, can sustain.
A 25-kilogram ape has to eat 8 hours a day to uphold a brain with 53 billion neurons.
一隻 25 公斤的人猿每天要進食 8 小時以維持腦內 5 百 30 億個神經元。
The invention of cooking one-and-a-half million years ago gave us a huge advantage.
人類在 150 萬年前發明的烹飪給予人類一項巨大優勢。
Cooked food is rendered soft and predigested outside of the body.
Our guts more easily absorb its energy.
Cooking frees up time and provides more energy than if we ate foodstuffs raw, and so we can sustain brains with 86 billion densely-packed neurons, 40% more than the ape.
比起生吃食物,烹調能讓我們空出時間,並提供更多能量,我們也才能維持腦內比人猿多出 40% 的 8 百 60 億個緊密填充的神經元。
Here's how it works.
Half the calories a brain burns go towards simply keeping the structure intact by pumping sodium and potassium ions across membranes to maintain an electrical charge.
To do this, the brain has to be an energy hog.
It consumes an astounding 3.4 x 10^21 ATP molecules per minute, ATP being the coal of the body's furnace.
它每分鐘消耗驚人的 3.4 x 10^21 個三磷酸腺苷分子(ATP),而 ATP 則是人體能源火爐的煤炭。
The high cost of maintaining resting potentials in all 86 billion neurons means that little energy is left to propel signals down axons and across synapses, the nerve discharges that actually get things done.
要讓 8 百 60 億個神經元都維持靜止電位的成本很高,這表示只剩下很少的能量能將信號推送到軸突、越過突觸,也就是實際完成事情的神經放電。
Even if only a tiny percentage of neurons fired in a given region at any one time, the energy burden of generating spikes over the entire brain would be unsustainable.
Here's where energy efficiency comes in.
Letting just a small proportion of cells signal at any one time, known as sparse coding, uses the least energy but carries the most information because the small number of signals have thousands of possible paths by which to distribute themselves.
A drawback of sparse coding within a huge number of neurons is its cost.
Worse, if a big proportion of cells never fire, then they are superfluous, and evolution should've jettisoned them long ago.
The solution is to find the optimum proportion of cells that the brain can have active at once.
For maximum efficiency, between 1% and 16% of cells should be active at any given moment.
應該要有介於 1% 到 16% 間的細胞在任一時刻處在活躍狀態,這是能量的限制。
This is the energy limit we have to live with in order to be conscious at all.
The need to conserve resources is the reason most of the brain's operations must happen outside of consciousness.
It's why multitasking is a fool's errand.
We simply lack the energy to do two things at once, let alone three or five.
我們就是沒有精力同時做兩件事,別說 3 件或 5 件事了。
When we try, we do each task less well than if we'd given it our full attention.
The numbers are against us.
Your brain is already smart and powerful, so powerful that it needs a lot of power to stay powerful, and so smart that it has built in an energy efficiency plan.
So, don't let a fraudulent myth make you guilty about your supposedly lazy brain.
Guilt would be a waste of energy.
After all this, don't you realize it's dumb to waste mental energy?
You have billions of power-hungry neurons to maintain, so hop to it!