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  • What is it about?

  • What is it about those two words?

  • How our aggression.

  • I've heard that a lot from the other guys.

  • Power and aggression is that the energy wanted portraying.

  • Is that what people are supposed to respect about you?

  • The underground people will respect it because they just get off on it so bad, being so heavy, you know?

  • But I want to be really heavy.

  • But I don't want to be trashy sounding, you know, just, you know, I wanna be really tight and really heavy.

  • You know, like that sound, you know, a lot of power and the energy, the excitement that's involved with the kind of music.

  • That's the sort of man into it for what goes through your mind when you're performing.

  • You look like you really get into it.

  • You look like you really get energy.

  • Just go up there with the with the I don't care attitude.

  • No, and not get up.

  • They're worried, G.

  • These people are gonna like like us, you know, just get out there and do it, you know, if they don't like it, okay, fine is actually get off on people not liking us because no I like it when people really hate us.

  • Because that fits our image can really be obnoxious toe stuff, you know, just because it's not what?

  • Not what we're really about.

  • But I'm just saying, like, people around here, you know, because they just people around here just mainly top 40 people, you know, in the I, like shocking him.

  • No, making him go.

  • Geez, What's that?

  • You know, it's like just give me back this sentence.

  • When I'm up there performing, I feel like what I feel like.

  • Look, this is no boundaries.

  • No, do anything, you know?

  • So it feels Yeah, not really at first.

  • At first, when you get up on stage, it's like a little bit nervous, but ah, but after you play a little bit, you know, you start to get into it more, you know, but okay, well, I can't I don't mean that, because I kind of mean that.

  • But then again, I don't, because you got to kind of go out there and just Britain first Just jump around, bang your head and brash and do whatever whatever you want.

  • You know, that's the way I feel.

  • Just do whatever you want I think people perceive you the image you project.

  • Who they Probably a punk?

  • No.

  • Somebody who's bad.

  • Somebody trips acid every day.

  • It takes a lot of drugs, but I don't know You're a good singer.

  • At when did you get interested?

  • Um, I got into singing after I, uh, is a ban.

  • This is just a heavy metal band Queens, right?

  • And I heard the singer for Queens, right?

  • And I said, Wow, you know, because I used to be a drummer and in this band called Steel Profit in Connecticut means to live there.

  • Our singer really stunk, you know, and that I was drumming at the time.

  • They said, You know, there's trying everybody out bands and see who could sing Will be lead singer.

  • I just got up there and saying I did pretty good.

  • So I was a singer from that arm.

  • Then I heard the singer for Queens, right?

  • Jeff Tate.

  • He was massive.

  • So I just said, I'm gonna become a full time singer, and I just practiced and things like that never took any lessons.

  • But that was before I got a hard core, and now I'm a hardcore, abandoned it just mostly just kind of screen the lyrics, But it's not like yelling.

  • It's like to scream.

  • It takes a lot, lot of energy out of you.

  • So you know that it takes talent to build, you know, push all that energy out, you know, and make it sound good.

  • You know, like range.

  • You know, I screamed, but I got a lot of range.

  • I could go.

  • I could scream really high.

  • Can scream really low.

  • I think I'm pretty good.

  • It's famous.

  • Um, okay.

  • I'm going where I want to go.

  • As in how far?

  • Um, I would mind just being on a on an independent record label, you know, like combat mega forests, kind of underground record labels where you could do whatever you want.

  • You could write any kind of music you want, and they'll still release it, you know, because being on a big record label, like like Elektra, you know, take Electra.

  • It's real big record label, Warner Brothers.

  • And they say, Okay, we're going to sign you to this label, but, you know, and I don't like that you got to do this this and this and you have to write slow songs roots.

  • They won't get played on the radio.

  • Make any money.

  • I don't like that at all.

  • What about the guys in the band?

  • Just tell me a little bit about them.

  • Is this a good band?

  • Is this tight band?

  • What makes it good If it is Yeah, We're a tight band.

  • We make really good hard core songs, you know, kind of complex were not as nearly as faras.

  • We were gonna go with their music.

  • But you know, we've only been together boats seven months.

  • Seven or eight months.

  • Yeah, We're doing really good.

  • Is your progress Do you think your songs will Mel a little Slow down Little Never know No, that that will never happen We'll get heavier if anything Have your sound Have your guitar sound have your drum sound piece basis I think my vocals is heavy is I could get him You can only screen as you know is a limit Thio voice It's not a limit to an instrument There's a limit to a voice Depends on who the person is.

  • I can only do so much You gotta You gotta do with what you got You know you can still progress.

  • But But you got If your voice can't do something, then you got to do with with what you have to make the best of.

  • But like with an instrument like a guitar could go on forever, you know, learn new stuff.

  • Like like envy.

  • Mom Steam.

  • You know, he's like, really good guitarist Randy Rose.

  • How do you crack?

  • I know why.

  • Practicing?

  • Well, sometimes I practiced, like up in my bedroom.

  • You know, just singing, Mel.

  • Mellow things, you know, just trying to get my voice in into things like that.

  • And then sometimes if I really get inspired by something, I just scream, You know, Could you sing me a mellow tune right now?

  • Just opera policy.

  • Which sounds like screaming anything.

  • No, I could do that.

  • Kind of.

  • I don't know if I could do that.

  • I could do it, but we'll go ahead, sing you something that is pretty easy.

  • Something so I can hear your voice sounds when you're not living, you're heavy.

  • Well, I don't really know because I got a practice to get to that.

  • I want to make a fool out of myself.

  • No.

  • Who's that?

  • You see, when you're practicing.

  • Just getting a check.

  • Well, it's really not.

  • It's like you.

  • Just you Can I put this?

  • Well, save me some of the words from one of your songs that you do have metal, just like in a sense of what it sounds like about the music.

  • Oh, okay.

  • This is one of the songs.

  • Well, that would be like screaming Give me too much.

  • So I get a sense of what it sounds like that, um I don't know.

  • It's mine.

  • And your performer, this is, you know?

  • Yeah, but you think of something.

  • Your words.

  • Body bags.

  • Good role in Dorset.

  • Remorse is good.

  • Murdered, brother, desired by one.

  • That's basically how that goes.

  • It's the first verse.

  • That Is that Okay?

  • Yeah, that was low, but I do a lot heavier, but so what happens when you slow it down a bit, taking us to hear the words just tero at your door.

  • Saved no more since his killing murders and spur their desire to start the fire.

  • One life, give a lot, take a kamikaze.

  • Destroyed girls and boys with great joy sent body bags.

  • That's what's it mean.

  • Well, it means no self inflicting death.

  • You know, doing things like that verse right there means it means, you know, terrorists, you know, killing, killing other people.

  • You know, terrorists coming in, killing people to make, to make a point for the point across.

  • There's others these other verses and songs about drugs and just just versus that mean things about killing yourself.

  • You know, like, take a lot of drugs.

  • You're slowly killing himself.

  • You know, just things like that.

  • How port is performance to you.

  • A good performance.

  • It is important in music.

  • Oh, yeah, yeah, it's really important because you can't get can't get up there and just stay in there and and do what you're gonna do.

  • Just stand in one place and play guitar or whatever that's born.

  • Nobody wants to see that some people obviously do.

  • I don't I want to see people jumping around Slamdance and diving off the stage, smashing into stuff.

  • It's fun.

  • What do you do personally to make a good performance?

  • I just jump around, bang my head, thrash, move around if I feel like it's fall down on the ground spends Oh, it's whatever.

  • What if the audience doesn't react tonight?

  • Um, then Who cares?

  • I'm just gonna do it.

  • Anyone?

  • That's my attitude.

  • Do what I want.

  • You know, people around here won't like it anyway.

  • You know, Do you think, uh, bad response is as good as better than no response, sir, for our bid?

  • Yeah, around here again.

  • Um, because I like I'd like to shock people around here, you know, because they don't understand the music at all.

  • And to get up on stage and just let him have it, you know, be real fun watching him go.

  • Jay's What is that?

  • You know, you know, just seeing us all, just doing all kinds of stuff that they don't no other band have the nerve to D'oh.

  • It's fun.

  • Can you understand?

  • Uh, how they see?

  • Do you understand their outrage?

  • Yeah, because they don't understand that the they want they want to hear bands like like, uh, just talk 40 bins like prints and things like that.

  • Really mellow music that they can dance to, you know, and party.

  • Then get drunk or whatever.

  • That's fine, but not when I get on stage.

  • Do what I want.

  • Not for me.

  • Okay.

  • And talk.

  • Yeah, Well, first of all, tell me who you are, what you're doing.

  • Less the ban and what your partner?

  • Oh yeah, yeah, it's I play lead guitar, rhythm, guitar talking.

  • Joe.

  • Matt Lewis.

  • I played lead rhythm guitars and right, a good amount of music and boat.

  • All for that.

  • Carson.

  • How'd you get the hard core?

  • Um, Dan, Damian, whatever kind of exposed me to it.

  • And I was kind of reluctant, reluctant with first because it was really no.

  • I had heard small amounts before, like Metallica, who I really like.

  • And then he exposed me to some new stuff that was really psychotic, and it took me a while to get into it.

  • And then from the marriages, Lovett can't get enough.

  • What's so great about it?

  • It's just so new.

  • It's so different, and the it's I consider it superior toe.

  • A lot of other music's in that in its intricate and, you know, shit like that.

  • It's just it's like taking a number of different things and putting them together like it's got punk influence, metal influence and could hear classical influence jazz, whatever you want, the more you put in, the better.

  • How would you label the music I mean, with all that punk or the input.

  • What kind of house You categorize it.

  • Label it really kind of a lousy thing to Dio.

  • But I don't know.

  • Um, where did you when did you get interested in music music?

  • Um, when I was in about the fifth grade, I got exposed to the Beatles, and I just went not so's total Vito fanatic.

  • And from there, I've always been in tow what I've always considered good music of I've always been into different music than other people.

  • I knew I was always into something different than they were at a certain time.

  • You know, maybe ahead of them are behind him.

  • I don't know, Uh, after my Beatles craze, I was into stuff like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Hendrix and a lot of blues and stuff.

  • Watch out.

  • It's got a lot of feeling in it.

  • And then I was exposed to a medal, which I've got in tow.

  • Who's been the biggest influence in your life of all those 1000 music Mean any single individual, Um, lately it's it's kind of varied, but for about a year I was a complete iron maiden fanatic, and they had a lot of impact on me.

  • And still, though for Randy Rhoads it, I liked him a lot.

  • You write a lot of the lyrics.

  • You wrote the lyrics for body bags, right?

  • Um, yeah, a lot of that.

  • What you're trying to put across your trying, how how stupid the world is killing each other off, and it's completely stupid.

  • It's It's really not as barbaric as it seems.

  • It's more like a objective view of things that are really happening, so it makes total sense.

  • Everything makes sense.

  • Do people understand metal?

  • Do you think that the population in general understands what metal music is all about?

  • I don't know.

  • Not really.

  • But then again, that there is the label, their metal, you know, it's really general it.

  • It's not really most of it's not about anything that is new or anything.

  • A lot of what the word metal means to me is just patty tunes.

  • You know I don't dig metal.

  • Is the cliche term too much because it's just too clich?

  • Aid.

  • It's not new, it's old.

  • I think people received your How do you think that they look at you guys?

  • Do you think then do they understand what you're all about?

  • Um, we haven't really exposed enough people toe.

  • And the people that we have exposed to it, they they probably think, Wow, these guys play good music, but they don't actually know what it's about.

  • They don't know that we're really serious and putting across different messages and stuff.

  • They probably you know, they probably just think we're teenage band.

  • Um uh, All right.

  • How long have you been to plan to get Carly?

  • Did you start playing it?

  • And what is the guitar meeting you?

  • Um, I started playing started.

  • Let's say when I was about 13 which would be about four years ago, But I was in a really bumming type of situation.

What is it about?

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1986年重金屬少年為自己的生活方式和音樂辯護 (1986 Heavy Metal Teenager Defends His Lifestyle & Music)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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