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  • you say you're going to go out me and like See, you can't pick up a copy of your grandpa.

  • You want coco problem?

  • Coffee?

  • Um male problem.

  • You probably my You know Concezio Peg Alavi owned Insidious problem is over.

  • You big love you move.

  • You do painting.

  • Coming.

  • Does he do they put me?

  • Huh?

  • Thinkable!

  • Father has been desperately wanted.

  • That letter don't weeper Want to keep a video?

  • I got value.

  • So what?

  • It's better Want violence back Wanted to keep this bag.

  • You happy?

  • Oh Hababou, stop on the line.

  • Not see me think toe to toe To toe the jury people safe.

  • I see Zakarian's tweeting me that painting death milk hope Hockey Oman a panto cuantos pops, if I may say so.

  • Falling power.

  • I hope of marrying their line in laying a pink toe.

  • Civil safest control costs a year.

  • You say you bet more in hope I ever say no caffeine.

  • A paint.

  • Okay.

  • What's happened?

  • Jeff Miller.

  • There's a God given separate.

  • And your father's?

  • A You still modest sum oratory Got soya protein.

  • Just got some food?

  • No, not that.

  • Not that many more curious.

  • A proxy to Professor part again.

  • The very kindly don't believe they believe, say, Professor, Part of Giza Hobart.

  • Now by a pooping Tobias ass party and so car Basically 1000 Norbit Cheap of Soviets.

  • Captive iris.

  • Look like Make a basic traffic cop.

  • Ever imagine a copy for a softer in?

  • The medics tried the propeller.

  • The oil?

  • A couple far.

  • Thank you.

  • Ah Hogan be Lima.

  • Presently see Pinto questions are so disturbing.

  • People say it's myself.

  • L agree.

  • Divided Space Hospital.

  • Brazilian Thi Kim won the big B B Lima who fabricated the whole perfect month.

  • Phillies freezing show a cinch.

  • Imagine Saw Brow.

  • You're positive.

  • Henkel.

  • Thomas C Are you feeling they'll yell images a shorter than normal You're teaching at a few.

  • Adela, the rule Ask you, do you feel about a special meals with severe in the milk?

  • Modern TV?

  • The mayor decided that we can achieve your point Really is our biggest test, I hope.

  • A baby Tony somethingto say my discussion.

  • We got the even got there.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • I saw some cards as it's gonna fashion show, but if I have a very bad may separate tape attacking vessel without someone to see Santo Simply impossible.

  • See you understand the most out of your mind filling in somebody important biology sealed What will I go to the calico fast?

  • It might release Hobart walks to baby It's possible even probable.

  • Say meet our game at Koshien over.

  • Got there You happy brought Okara ho?

  • But damn if it's a panto, give us a funny or die video for summary studio Mohei Hobart More u f o que significa prophecy coming Took that card you Tamara secure hoping for more pento video Several seconds that my partner and I started so can now 50 Ongoing special branch will assist in your days as disease might important Milken out LV ointment or measure on our our tow The idea How bad?

  • Well, some rounds again.

  • It's my first before they leave town they want to see this important By the last war Hopefully ago we spent Oh, hotel is our Roman as but that still today you the pain that I was in the paper saying You guys mean you soften They got a nine day gasoline.

  • Riesco simply filed secret that baby later, Cappie, do it as such.

  • No, no Pour gasoline!

  • Jesus, Clete like after the apology mask it, the food came judgmental.

  • Got Santa's excessive usual toe between the huge TV to me.

  • I'm gonna go ask more.

  • Deepak Want to?

  • Do you, Toby?

  • Don't care.

  • Because if I stop Okay, Command chicken bash.

  • Want to quiz me?

  • Prints from the photo was a direct the latter a rookie Aziz will say scarce was sizing.

  • Negotiate Victimized.

  • I'm going to say OK, Vicky.

  • Exactly.

  • Congo status.

  • If they knew about our mouth tries.

  • It was good meeting clicker because seaQuest me and want to party with a very secure in a Facebook photo on Facebook which Republicans don't another vacant team went to school.

  • He's going to have a kid with my school g The Meiji TV What mice click on the worst day of my new TV's Such finished diagram will save your color for Chico.

  • Difficult for me to say to the truth.

you say you're going to go out me and like See, you can't pick up a copy of your grandpa.

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary