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  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Today, we're going

  • to talk about analyzing task parallel algorithms--

  • multi-threaded algorithms.

  • And this is going to rely on the fact

  • that everybody has taken an algorithms class.

  • And so I want to remind you of some of the stuff

  • you learned in your algorithms class.

  • And if you don't remember this, then it's

  • probably good to bone up on it a little bit,

  • because it's going to be essential.

  • And that is the topic of divide-and-conquer recurrences.

  • Everybody remember divide and conquer recurrences?

  • These are-- and there's a general method for solving them

  • that will deal with most of the ones we want,

  • called the Master Method.

  • And it deals with recurrences in the form T of n

  • equals a times T of n over b plus f of n.

  • And this is generally interpreted

  • as I have a problem of size n.

  • I can solve it by solving a problems of size n over b,

  • and it costs me f of n work to do that division

  • and accumulate whatever the results are of that

  • to make my final result.

  • For all these recurrences, the unstated base case

  • is that this is a running time.

  • So T of n is constant if n is small.

  • So does that makes sense?

  • Everybody familiar with this?

  • Right?

  • Well we're going to review it anyway,

  • because I don't like to go ahead and just assume, and then leave

  • 20% of you or more, or less, left behind in the woods.

  • So let's just remind ourselves of what this means.

  • So it's easy to understand this in terms of a recursion tree.

  • I start out, and the idea is a recursion tree

  • is to take the running time, here,

  • and to reexpress it using the recurrence.

  • So if I reexpress this and I've written

  • it a little bit differently, then I have an f of n.

  • I can put an f of n at the root, and have

  • a copies of T of n over b.

  • And that's exactly the same amount of work as I had--

  • or running time as I had in the T of n.

  • I've just simply expressed it with the right hand side.

  • And then I do it again at every level.

  • So I expand all the leaves.

  • I only expanded one here because I ran out of space.

  • And you keep doing that until you get down to T of 1.

  • And so then the trick of looking at these recurrences

  • is to add across the rows.

  • So the first row adds up to f of n.

  • The second row adds up to a times f of n over b.

  • The third one is a squared f of n over b squared, and so forth.

  • And the height here, now.

  • Since I'm taking n and dividing it by b each time,

  • how many times can I divide by b until I get to something

  • that's constant size?

  • That's just log base b of n.

  • So, so far, review--

  • any questions here?

  • For anybody?

  • OK.

  • So I get the height, and then I look at how many--

  • if I've got T of 1 work at every leaf,

  • how many leaves are there?

  • And for this analysis we're going to assume everything

  • works out--

  • n is a perfect power of b and so forth.

  • So if I go down k levels, how many sub problems

  • are there at k levels?

  • a of the k.

  • So how many levels am I going down?

  • h, which is log base b of n.

  • So I end up with a to log base b of n times what's

  • at the leaf, which is T of 1.

  • And T of 1 is constant.

  • a log base b of n--

  • that's the same as n to the log base b of a.

  • OK.

  • That's just a little bit of exponential algebra.

  • And you can-- one way to see that is,

  • take the log of both sides of both equations,

  • and you realize that all that's used there

  • is the commutative law.

  • Because if you take the log base--

  • if you take log of a log bn, you get log bn times log--

  • if you take a base b, log ba.

  • And then you get the same thing if you take the log base b

  • of what I have as the result. Then you

  • get the exponent log base ba times log base b of n.

  • So same thing, just in different orders.

  • So that's just a little bit of math, because this is--

  • basically, we're interested in, what's the growth in n?

  • So we prefer not to have log n's in the denominator.

  • We prefer to have n's--

  • sorry, in the exponent we prefer to have n's.

  • So that's basically the number of things.

  • And so then the question is, how much work is there

  • if I add up all of these guys all the way down there?

  • How much work is in all those levels?

  • And it turns out there's a trick,

  • and the trick is to compare n to log base b of a with f of n.

  • And there are three cases that are very commonly arising,

  • and for the most part, that's what we're going to see,

  • is just these three cases.

  • So case 1 is the case where n to the log base b of a

  • is much bigger than f of n.

  • And by much bigger, I mean it's bigger by a polynomial amount.

  • In other words, there's an epsilon such

  • that the ratio between the two is at least n to the epsilon.

  • There's an epsilon greater than 0.

  • In other words, f of n is O of n to the log base

  • b of a minus epsilon in the numerator

  • there, which is the same as n log base b

  • of a divided by n to the epsilon.

  • In that case, this is geometrically increasing,

  • and so all the weight--

  • the constant fraction of the weight--

  • is in the leaves.

  • So then the answer is T of n is n to the log base b of a.

  • So if n to log base b of a is bigger than f of n,

  • the answer is n to the log base b

  • of a, as long as it's bigger by a polynomial amount.

  • Now, case 2 is the situation where n to the log base b of a

  • is approximately equal to f of n.

  • They're very similar in growth.

  • And specifically, we're going to look at the case where f of n

  • is n to the log base b of a poly-logarithmic factor--

  • log to the k of n for some constant k greater than

  • or equal to 0.

  • That greater than or equal to 0 is very important.

  • You can't do this for negative k.

  • Even though negative k is defined and meaningful,

  • this is not the answer when k is negative.

  • But if k is greater than or equal to 0,

  • then it turns out that what's happening

  • is it's growing arithmetically from beginning to end.

  • And so when you solve it, what happens is,

  • you essentially add an extra log term.

  • So the answer is, if f of n is n to the log base

  • b of a log to the k n, the answer is n to the log base

  • b of a log to the k plus 1 of n.

  • So you kick in one extra log.

  • And basically, it's like--

  • on average, there's basically--

  • it's almost all equal, and there are log layers.

  • That's not quite the math, but it's good intuition

  • that they're almost all equal and there are log layers,

  • so you tack on an extra log.

  • And then finally, case 3 is the case when no to the log base

  • b is much less than f of n, and specifically

  • where it is smaller by, once again, a polynomial factor--

  • by an n to the epsilon factor for epsilon greater than 0.

  • It's also the case here that f has

  • to satisfy what's called a regularity condition.

  • And this is a condition that's satisfied

  • by all the functions we're going to look at-- polynomials

  • and polynomials times logarithms,

  • and things of that nature.

  • It's not satisfied for weird functions

  • like sines and cosines and things like that.

  • It's also not-- more relevantly, it's

  • not satisfied if you have things like exponentials.

  • So this is-- but for all the things we're going to look at,

  • that's the case.

  • And in that case, things are geometrically decreasing,

  • and so all the work is at the root.

  • And the root is basically cos f of n,

  • so the solution is theta f of n.

  • We're going to hand out a cheat sheet.

  • So if you could conscript some of the TAs to get that

  • distributed as quickly as possible.

  • OK.

  • So let's do a little puzzle here.

  • So here's the cheat sheet.

  • That's basically what's on it.

  • And we'll do a little in-class quiz, self-quiz.

  • So we have T of n is 4T n over 2 plus n.

  • And the solution is?

  • This is a thing that, as a computer scientist,

  • you just memorize this so that you can-- in any situation,

  • you don't have to even look at the cheat sheet.

  • You just know it.

  • It's one of these basic things that all computer scientists

  • should know.

  • It's kind of like, what's 2 to the 15th?

  • What is it?



  • And interestingly, that's my office number.

  • I'm in 32-G768.

  • I'm the only one in this data center with a power of 2 office

  • number.

  • And that was totally unplanned.

  • So if you need to remember my office number, 2 to the 15th.

  • OK, so what's the solution here?

  • AUDIENCE: Case 1.

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It's case 1.

  • And what's the solution?

  • AUDIENCE: n squared?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: n squared.

  • Very good.

  • Yeah.

  • So n to the log base b of a is n to the log base 2 of 4.

  • Log base 2 of 4 is 2, so that's n squared.

  • That's much bigger than n.

  • So it's case 1, and the answer is theta n squared.

  • Pretty easy.

  • How about this one?

  • Yeah.



  • It's n squared log n.

  • Once again, the first part is the same.

  • n to the log base b of a is n squared.

  • n squared is n squared log to the 0 n.

  • So it's case 2 with k equals 0, and so you just

  • tack on an extra log factor.

  • So it's n squared log n.

  • And then, of course, we've got to do this one.

  • Yeah.


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Yeah, n cubed, because once again,

  • n to log base b of a is n squared.

  • That's much less than n cubed. n cubed's bigger,

  • so that dominates.

  • So we have theta n squared.

  • What about this one?

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: Theta of n squared.


  • That's not the answer.

  • Which case do you think it is?



  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.


  • No.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: None of the cases?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It's none of the cases.

  • It's a trick question.

  • Oh, I'm a nasty guy.

  • I'm a nasty guy.

  • This is one where the master method does not apply.

  • This would be case 2, but k has to be

  • greater than or equal to 0, and here k is minus 1.

  • So case two doesn't apply.

  • And case 1 doesn't apply, where we're

  • comparing n squared to n squared over log n,

  • because the ratio there is 1 over log n, and that--

  • sorry, the ratio there is log n, and log n is smaller than any n

  • to the epsilon.

  • And you need to have an n to the epsilon separation.

  • There's actually a more-- the actual answer is n

  • squared log log n for that one, by the way, which you can prove

  • by the substitution method.

  • And it uses the same idea.

  • You just do a little bit different math.

  • There's a more general solution to this kind of recurrence

  • called the Akra-Bazzi method.

  • But for most of what we're going to see,

  • it's sufficient to just--

  • applying the Akra-Bazzi method is more complicated

  • than simply doing the table lookup of which is bigger

  • and if sufficiently big, it's one or the other,

  • or the common case where they're about the same within a log

  • factor.

  • So we're going to use the master method,

  • but there are more general ways of solving

  • these kinds of things.

  • OK.

  • Let's talk about some multi-threaded algorithms.

  • First thing I want to do is talk about loops,

  • because loops are a great thing to analyze and understand

  • because so many programs have loops.

  • Probably 90% or more of the programs that are parallelized

  • are parallelized by making parallel loops.

  • The spawn and sync types of parallelism,

  • the subroutine-type parallelism, is not

  • done that frequently in code.

  • Usually, it's loops.

  • So what we're going to look at is a code

  • to do an in-place matrix transpose,

  • as an example of this.

  • So if you look at this code, I want

  • to swap the lower side of the matrix

  • with the upper side of the matrix,

  • and here's some code to do it, where

  • I parallelize the outer loop.

  • So we're running the outer index from i equals 1 to n.

  • I'm actually running the indexes from 0 to n minus 1.

  • And then the inner loop goes from 0 up to i minus 1.

  • Now, I've seen people write transpose code--

  • this is one of these trick questions

  • they give you in interviews, where they say, write

  • the transpose of a matrix with nested loops.

  • And what many people will do is, the inner loop,

  • they'll run to n rather than running to i.

  • And what happens if you run the inner loop to n?

  • It's a very expensive identity function.

  • And there's an easier, faster way

  • to compute identity than with doubly nested loops where

  • you swap everything and you swap them all back.

  • So it's important that the iteration space

  • here, what's the shape of the iteration space?

  • If you look at the i and j values

  • and you map them out on a plane, what's the shape that you get?

  • It's not a square, which it would

  • be if they were both going from 1 to n, or 0 to n minus 1.

  • What's the shape of this iteration space?

  • Yeah, it's a triangle.

  • It's basically-- we're going to run through all

  • the things in this lower area.

  • That's the idea.

  • And we're going to swap it with the things in the upper one.

  • But the iteration space runs through just the lower

  • triangle-- or, correspondingly, it

  • runs through the upper triangle, if you

  • want to view it from that point of view.

  • But it doesn't go through both triangles,

  • because then you will get an identity.

  • So anyway, that's just a tip when you're interviewing.

  • Double-check that they've got the loop

  • indices to be what they ought to be.

  • And here what we've done is, we've parallelized

  • the outer loop, which means, how much work is

  • on each iteration of this loop?

  • How much time does it take to execute each iteration of loop?

  • For a given value of i, what does it

  • cost us to execute the loop?

  • Yeah.



  • Theta i, which means that--

  • if you think about this, if you've

  • got a certain number of processors,

  • you don't want to just chunk it up so that each processor gets

  • an equal range of i to work on.

  • You need something that's going to load balance.

  • And this is where the Cilk technology

  • is best, is when there are these unbalanced things, because it

  • does the right thing, as we'll see.

  • So let's talk a little bit about how loops are actually

  • implemented by the Open Cilk compiler and runtime system.

  • So what happens is, we have this doubly-nested loop here,

  • but the only one that we're interested in

  • is the outer loop, basically.

  • And what it does is, it creates this recursive program

  • for the loop.

  • And what is this program doing?

  • I'm highlighting, essentially, this part.

  • This is basically the loop body here,

  • which has been lifted into this recursive program.

  • And what it's doing is, it is finding a midpoint

  • and then recursively calling itself

  • on the two sides until it gets down to, in this case,

  • a one-element iteration.

  • And then it executes the body of the loop, which in this case

  • is itself a for loop, but not a parallel for loop.

  • So it's doing divide and conquer.

  • It's just basically tree splitting.

  • So basically, it's got this control on top of it.

  • And if I take a look at what's going on in the control,

  • it looks something like this.

  • So this is using the DAG model that we saw before.

  • And now what I have here highlighted

  • is the lifted body of the loop--

  • sorry, of the control.

  • And then down below in the purple, I have the lifted body.

  • And what it's doing is basically saying,

  • let me divide it into two parts, and then I spawn one recurrence

  • and I call the other.

  • And I just keep dividing like that till I get down

  • to the base condition.

  • And then the work that I'm doing--

  • I've sort of illustrated here--

  • the work I'm doing in each iteration of the loop

  • is growing from 1 to n.

  • I'm showing it for 8, but in general, this is working from 1

  • to n for this particular one.

  • Is that clear?

  • So that's what's actually going on.

  • So the Open Cilk runtime system does not have a loop primitive.

  • It doesn't have loops.

  • It only has, essentially, this ability to spawn and so forth.

  • And so things, effectively, are translated into this divide

  • and conquer, and that's the way that you

  • need to think about loops when you're thinking in parallel.

  • Make sense?

  • And so one of the questions is, that seems like a lot of code

  • to write for a simple loop.

  • What do we pay for that?

  • How much did that cost us?

  • So let's analyze this a little bit--

  • analyze parallel loops.

  • So as you know, we analyze things

  • in terms of work and span.

  • So what is the work of this computation?

  • Well, what's the work before you get there?

  • What's the work of the original computation--

  • the doubly-nested loop?

  • If you just think about it in terms of loops,

  • if they were serial loops, how much work would be there?

  • Doubly-nested loop.

  • In a loop, n iterations.

  • In your iteration, you're doing i work.

  • Sum of i.

  • i equals 1 to n.

  • What do you get?



  • Theta n squared.

  • Doubly-nested group.

  • And although you're not doing half the work,

  • you are doing the other half of the work--

  • of the n squared work that you might think

  • was there if you wrote the unfortunate identity function.

  • So the question is, how much work is

  • in this particular computation?

  • Because now I've got this whole tree-spawning business going on

  • in addition to the work that I'm doing in the leaves.

  • So the leaf work here, along the bottom

  • here, that's all going to be order n squared work,

  • because that's the same as in the serial loop case.

  • How much does that other stuff up top [INAUDIBLE]??

  • It looks huge.

  • It's bigger than the other stuff, isn't it?

  • How much is there?

  • Basic computer science.

  • AUDIENCE: Theta of n?


  • It's theta of n.

  • Why is it theta if n in the upper part?

  • Yep.

  • AUDIENCE: Because it's geometrically decreasing



  • So going from the leaves to the root, every level is halving,

  • so it's geometric.

  • So it's the total number of leaves,

  • because there's constant work in each of those phrases.

  • So the total amount is theta n squared.

  • Another way of thinking about this

  • is, you've got a complete binary tree that we've

  • created with n leaves.

  • How many internal nodes are there

  • in a complete binary tree with n leaves?

  • In this case, there's actually n over--

  • let's just say there's n leaves.

  • Yeah.

  • How many internal nodes are there?

  • If I have n leaves, how many internal nodes to the tree--

  • that is, nodes that have children?

  • There's exactly n minus 1.

  • That's a property that's true of any full binary tree--

  • that is, any binary tree in which every non-leaf has

  • two children.

  • There's exactly n minus 1.

  • So nice tree properties, nice computer science properties,

  • right?

  • We like computer science.

  • That's why we're here--

  • not because we're going to make a lot of money.

  • OK.

  • Let's look at the span of this.

  • Hmm.

  • What's the span of this calculation?

  • Because that's how we understand parallelism,

  • is by understanding work and span.

  • I see some familiar hands.

  • OK.

  • AUDIENCE: Theta n.


  • Yeah.

  • How did you get that?

  • AUDIENCE: The largest path would be the [INAUDIBLE] node

  • is size theta n and [INAUDIBLE]


  • So we're basically-- the longest path

  • is basically going from here down, down, down to 8,

  • and then back up.

  • And so the eight is really n in the general case.

  • That's really n in the general case.

  • And so we basically are going down,

  • And so the span of the loop control is log n.

  • And that's the key takeaway here.

  • The span of loop control is log n.

  • When I do divide and conquer like that,

  • if I had an infinite number of processors,

  • I could get it all done in logarithmic time.

  • But the 8 there is linear.

  • That's order n.

  • In this case, n is 8.

  • So that's order n.

  • So then it's log n plus order log

  • n, which is therefore order n.

  • So what's the parallelism here?

  • AUDIENCE: Theta n.


  • It's the ratio of the two.

  • The ratio of the two is theta n.

  • Is that good?

  • AUDIENCE: Theta of n squared?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Well, parallelism of n

  • squared, do you mean?

  • Or-- is this good parallelism?

  • Yeah, that's pretty good.

  • That's pretty good, because typically, you're

  • going to be working on systems that have maybe--

  • if you are working on a big, big system,

  • you've got maybe 64 cores or 128 cores or something.

  • That's pretty big.

  • Whereas this is saying, if you're doing that,

  • you better have a problem that's really big

  • that you're running it on.

  • And so typically, n is way bigger

  • than the number of processors for a problem like this.

  • Not always the case, but here it is.

  • Any questions about this?

  • So we can use our work and span analysis

  • to understand that, hey, the work

  • overhead is a constant factor.

  • And We're going to talk more about the overhead of work.

  • But basically, from an asymptotic point of view,

  • our work is n squared just like the original code,

  • and we have a fair amount of parallelism.

  • We have order n parallelism.

  • How about if we make the inner loop be parallel as well?

  • So rather than just parallelize the outer loop,

  • we're also going to parallelize the inner loop.

  • So how much work do we have for this situation?

  • Hint-- all work questions are trivial, or at least no harder

  • than they were when you were doing

  • ordinary serial algorithms.

  • Maybe we can come up with a trick question on the exam

  • where the work changes, but almost always, the work

  • doesn't change.

  • So what's the work?

  • Yeah. n squared.

  • Parallelizing stuff doesn't change the work.

  • What it hopefully does is reduce the span of the calculation.

  • And by reducing the span, we get big parallelism.

  • That's the idea.

  • Now, sometimes it's the case when you parallelize stuff

  • that you add work, and that's unfortunate,

  • because it means that even if you end up

  • taking your parallel program and running it on one processing

  • core, you're not going to get any speedup.

  • It's going to be a slowdown compared

  • to the original algorithm.

  • So we're actually interested generally

  • in work-efficient parallel algorithms, which

  • we'll talk more about later.

  • So generally, we're after work efficiency.

  • OK.

  • What's the span of this?

  • AUDIENCE: Is it theta n still?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It is not still theta n.

  • What was your thinking to say it was theta of n?

  • AUDIENCE: So the path would be similar to 8, and then--

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: But now notice

  • that 8 is a for loop itself.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • I'm saying maybe you could extend the path

  • another n so it would be 2n.


  • Not quite, but-- so this man is commendable.


  • Absolutely.

  • This is commendable, because this

  • is-- this is why I try to have a bit of a Socratic method

  • in here, where I'm asking questions as opposed to just

  • sitting here lecturing and having it go over your heads.

  • You have the opportunity to ask questions,

  • and to have your particular misunderstandings or whatever

  • corrected.

  • That's how you learn.

  • And so I'm really in favor of anybody who

  • wants to come here and learn.

  • That's my desire, and that's my job,

  • is to teach people who want to learn.

  • So I hope that this is a safe space for you folks

  • to be willing to put yourself out there and not

  • necessarily get stuff right.

  • I can't tell you how many times I've screwed up,

  • and it's only by airing it and so forth

  • and having somebody say, no, I don't think it's

  • like that, Charles.

  • This is like this.

  • And I said, oh yeah, you're right.

  • God, that was stupid.

  • But the fact is that I no longer beat

  • my head when I'm being stupid.

  • Our natural state is stupidity.

  • We have to work hard not to be stupid.

  • Right?

  • It's hard work not to be stupid.

  • Yeah, question.

  • AUDIENCE: It's not really a question.

  • My philosophy on talking in mid-lecture

  • is that I don't want to waste other people's time.

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Yeah, but usually when--

  • my experience is-- and this is, let me tell you from--

  • I've been at MIT almost 38 years.

  • My experience is that one person has a question,

  • there's all these other people in the room

  • who have the same question.

  • And by you articulating it, you're

  • actually helping them out.

  • If I think you're going to slow, if things are going too slow,

  • that we're wasting people's time,

  • that's my job as the lecturer to make sure that doesn't happen.

  • And I'll say, let's take this offline.

  • We can talk after class.

  • But I appreciate your point of view,

  • because that's considerate.

  • But actually, it's more consideration

  • if you're willing to air what you think

  • and have other people say, you know, I had that same question.

  • Certainly there are going to be people in the class

  • who, say, roll their eyes or whatever.

  • But look, I don't teach to the top 10%.

  • I try to teach to the top 90%.

  • And believe me--


  • Believe me that I get farther with students

  • and have more people enjoying the course

  • and learning this stuff--

  • which is not necessarily easy stuff.

  • After the fact, you're going to discover this is easy.

  • But while you're learning it, it's not easy.

  • This is what Steven Pinker calls the curse of knowledge.

  • Once you know something, you have a really hard time

  • putting yourself in the position of what

  • it was like to not know it.

  • And so it's very easy to learn something,

  • and then when somebody doesn't understand,

  • it's like, oh, whatever.

  • But the fact of the matter is that most of us--

  • it's that empathy.

  • That's what makes for you to be a good communicator.

  • And all of you I know are at some point

  • going to have to do communication

  • with other people who are not as technically

  • sophisticated as you folks are.

  • And so this is really good to sort of appreciate

  • how important it is to recognize that this stuff isn't

  • necessarily easy when you're learning it.

  • Later, you can learn it, and then it'll be easy.

  • But that doesn't mean it's not so easy for somebody else.

  • So those of you who think that some of these answers are like,

  • come on, move along, move along, please

  • be patient with the other people in the class.

  • If they learn better, they're going

  • to be better teammates on projects and so forth.

  • And we'll all learn.

  • Nobody's in competition with anybody here,

  • for grades or anything.

  • Nobody's in competition.

  • We all set it up so we're going against benchmarks and so

  • forth.

  • You're not in competition.

  • So we want to make this something where everybody

  • helps everybody learn.

  • I probably spent too much time on that, but in some sense,

  • not nearly enough.

  • OK.

  • So the span is not order n.

  • We got that much.

  • Who else would like to hazard to--

  • OK.

  • AUDIENCE: Is it log n?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It is log n.

  • What's your reasoning?

  • AUDIENCE: It's the normal log n from the time before,

  • but since we're expanding the n--


  • AUDIENCE: --again into another tree, it's log n plus log n.

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Log n plus log n.

  • Good.


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: And then what about the leaves?


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: What's-- you got to add in the span

  • of the leaves.

  • That was just the span of the control.

  • AUDIENCE: The leaves are just 1.

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: The leaves are just 1.

  • Boom.

  • So the span of the outer loop is order log n.

  • The inner loop is order log n.

  • And the span of the body is order 1,

  • because we're going down to the body,

  • now it's just doing one iteration of serial execution.

  • It's not doing i iterations.

  • It's only doing one iteration.

  • And so I add all that together, and I get log n.

  • Does that makes sense?

  • So the parallelism is?

  • This one, I should-- every hand in the room

  • should be up, waving to call on me, call on me.

  • Sure.


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: Yeah. n squared over log n.

  • That's the ratio of the two.

  • Good.

  • Any questions about that?

  • OK.

  • So the parallelism is n squared over log n,

  • and this is more parallel than the previous one.

  • But it turns out--

  • you've got to remember, even though it's more parallel,

  • is it a better algorithm in practice?

  • Not necessarily, because parallelism

  • is like a thresholding thing.

  • What you need is enough parallelism beyond the number

  • of processors that you have--

  • the parallel slackness, remember?

  • So you have to have the number-- the amount of parallelism,

  • if it's much greater than the number of processors,

  • you're good.

  • So for something like this, if with order n parallelism

  • you're way bigger than the number of processors,

  • you don't need to parallelize the inner loop.

  • You don't need to parallelize the inner loop.

  • You'll be fine.

  • And in fact, we're talking a little bit about overheads,

  • and I'm going to do that with an example

  • from using vector addition.

  • So here's a really simple piece of code.

  • It's a vector-- add two vectors together, two arrays.

  • And all it does is, it adds b into a.

  • You can see every position as b into a.

  • And I'm going to parallelize this

  • by putting a Cilk for in front, rather than an ordinary for.

  • And what that does is, it gives us this divide

  • and conquer tree once again, with n leaves.

  • And the work here is order n, because that's--

  • we've got n iterations of constant time.

  • And the span is just the control--

  • log n.

  • And so the parallelism is n over log n.

  • So this is basically easier than what we just did.

  • So now-- if I look at this, though, the work

  • here includes some substantial overhead,

  • because there are all these function calls.

  • It may be order n, and that's good enough

  • if you're certain kinds of theoreticians.

  • This kind of theoretician, that's not good enough.

  • I want to understand where these overheads are going.

  • So the first thing that I might do

  • to get rid of that overhead--

  • so in this case, what I'm saying is

  • that as I do the divide and conquer,

  • if I go all the way down to n equals 1,

  • what am I doing in a leaf?

  • How much work is in one of these leaves here?

  • It's an add.

  • It's two memory fetches and a memory store and an add.

  • The memory operations are going to be the most expensive thing

  • there.

  • That's all that's going on.

  • And yet, right before then, I've done a subroutine call--

  • a parallel subroutine call, mind you--

  • and that's going to have substantial overhead.

  • And so the question is, do you do a subroutine call

  • to add two numbers together?

  • That's pretty expensive.

  • So let's take a look at how we can optimize away

  • some of this overhead.

  • And so this gets more into the realm of engineering.

  • So the Open Cilk system has a pragma.

  • Pragma is a compiler directive--

  • suggestion to the compiler--

  • where it can suggest, in this case, that there be a grain

  • size up here of G, for whatever you set G to.

  • And the grain size is essentially--

  • we're going to use--

  • and it shows up here in the code--

  • as instead of ending up-- it used

  • to be high greater than low plus 1, so that you

  • ended with a single element.

  • Now it's going to be plus G, so that at the leaves,

  • I'm going to have up to G elements per chunk

  • that I do when I'm doing my divide and conquer.

  • So therefore, I can take my subroutine overhead

  • and amortize it across G iterations

  • rather than amortizing across one iteration.

  • So that's coarsening.

  • Now, if the grain size pragma is not specified,

  • the Cilk runtime system makes its best guess

  • to minimize the overhead.

  • So what it actually does at runtime is,

  • it figures out for the loop how many cores it's running on,

  • and makes a good guess as to the actual--

  • how much to run serially at the leaves

  • and how much to do in parallel.

  • Does that make sense?

  • So it's basically trying to overcome that.

  • So let's analyze this a little bit.

  • Let's let i be the time for one iteration of the loop body.

  • So this is i for iteration.

  • This is of this particular loop body--

  • so basically, the cost of those three memory

  • operations plus an add.

  • And G is the grain size.

  • And now let's take a look-- add another variable

  • here, which is the time to perform a spawn and return.

  • I'm going to call a spawn and return.

  • It's basically the overhead for spawning.

  • So if I look at the work in this context,

  • I can view it as I've got T1 work, which

  • is n here times the number of iterations--

  • because I've got one, two, three, up to n iterations.

  • And then I have--

  • and those are just the normal iterations.

  • And then, since I have n over G minus 1-- there's n over G

  • leaves here of size G. So I have n

  • over G minus 1 internal nodes, which

  • are my subroutine overhead.

  • That's S. So the total work is n times i plus n over G

  • minus 1 times S.

  • Now, in the original code, effectively, the work is what?

  • If I had the code without the Cilk

  • for loop, how much work is there before I put in all

  • this parallel control stuff?

  • What would the work be?

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: n i?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: n times i.

  • We're just doing n iterations.

  • Yeah, there's a little bit of loop control,

  • but that loop control is really cheap.

  • And on a modern out-of-order processor,

  • the cost of incrementing a variable

  • and testing against its bound is dwarfed by the stuff going on

  • inside the loop.

  • So it's ni.

  • So this part here--

  • oops, what did I do?

  • Oops, I went back.

  • I see.

  • So this part here--

  • this part here, there we go--

  • is all overhead.

  • This is what it costs-- this part here

  • is what cost me originally.

  • So let's take a look at the span of this.

  • So the span is going to be, well,

  • if I add up what's at the leaves, that's just G times i.

  • And now I've got the overhead here

  • for any of these paths, which is basically proportional--

  • I'm ignoring constants here to make it easier--

  • log of n over G times S, because it's going log levels.

  • And I've got n over G chunks, because each--

  • I've got G things at the iterations of each leaf,

  • so therefore the number of leaves n over G.

  • And I've got n minus 1 of those--

  • sorry, got log n of those-- actually, 2 log n.

  • 2 log n over G of those times S. Actually, maybe I don't.

  • Maybe I just have log n, because I'm

  • going to count it going down and going up.

  • So actually, constant of 1 is fine.

  • Who's confused?

  • OK.

  • Let's ask some questions.

  • You have a question?

  • I know you're confused.

  • Believe me, I spend--

  • one of my great successes in life

  • was discovering that, oh, confusion is how I usually am.

  • And then it's getting confused that is--

  • that's the thing, because I see so many people going

  • through life thinking they're not confused,

  • but you know what, they're confused.

  • And that's a worse state of affairs

  • to be in than knowing that you're confused.

  • Let's ask some questions.

  • People who are confused, let's ask some questions,

  • because I want to make sure that everybody gets this.

  • And for those who you think know it already, sometimes

  • it helps them to know it a little bit even better

  • when we go through a discussion like this.

  • So somebody ask me a question.

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Could you explain the second half of that [INAUDIBLE]


  • OK.

  • The second half of the work part.

  • OK.

  • So the second half of the work part, n over G minus 1.

  • So the first thing is, if I've got G iterations

  • at the leaves of a binary tree, how many leaves

  • do I have if I've got a total of n iterations?

  • AUDIENCE: Is it n over G?

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: n over G. That's the first thing.

  • The second thing is a fact about binary trees--

  • of any full binary tree, but in particular complete binary

  • trees.

  • How many internal nodes are there

  • in a complete binary tree?

  • If n is the number of leaves, it's n minus 1.

  • Here, the number of leaves is n over G,

  • so it's n over G minus 1.

  • That clear up something for some people?

  • OK, good.

  • So that's where that--

  • and now each of those, I've got to do those three

  • colorful operations, which is what I'm calling S.

  • So you got the work down?

  • OK.

  • Who has a question about span?

  • Span's my favorite.

  • Work is good right.

  • Work is more important, actually, in most contexts.

  • But span is so cool.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: What did you mean when you said [INAUDIBLE]

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: So what I was saying-- well,

  • I think what I was saying--

  • I think I was mis-saying something, probably, there.

  • But the point is that the span is basically

  • starting at the top here, and taking any path down to a leaf

  • and then going back up.

  • And so if I look at that, that's going

  • to be then log of the number of leaves.

  • Well, the number of leaves, as we agreed, was n over G.

  • And then each of those is, at most,

  • S to do the subroutine calling and so forth that's bookkeeping

  • that's in that node.

  • That make sense?

  • Still I didn't answer the question?

  • Or--

  • AUDIENCE: Why is that the span?

  • Why shouldn't it be [INAUDIBLE]

  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It could be any of the paths.

  • But take a look at all the paths, go down, and back up.

  • There's no path that's going down and around

  • and up and so forth.

  • This is a DAG.

  • So if you just look at the directions of the arrows.

  • You got to follow the directions of the arrows.

  • You can't go down and up.

  • You're either going down, or you've started back up.

  • So it's always going to be, essentially,

  • down through a set of subroutines and back up

  • through a set of subroutines.

  • Does that make sense?

  • And if you think about the code, the recursive code, what's

  • happening when you do divide and conquer?

  • If you were operating with a stack,

  • how many things would get stacked up and then unstacked?

  • So the path down and back up would also

  • be logarithmic at most.

  • Does that makes sense?

  • So I don't have a--

  • if I had one subtree here, for example, dependent on--

  • oops, that's not the mode I want to be in-- so one

  • subtree here dependent on another subtree,

  • then indeed, the span would grow.

  • But the whole point is not to have these two things-- to make

  • these two things independent, so I

  • can run them at the same time.

  • So there's no dependency there.

  • We good?

  • OK.

  • So here I have the work and the span.

  • I have two things I want out of this.

  • Number one, I want the work to be small.

  • I want work to be close to the work of the n times

  • i, the work of the ordinary serial algorithm.

  • And I want the span to be small, so it's as parallel

  • as possible.

  • Those things are working in opposite directions,

  • because if you look, the dominant term

  • for G in the first equation is dividing n.

  • So if I want the work to be small, I want G to be what?

  • Big.

  • The dominant term for G in the span

  • is the G multiplied by the i.

  • There is another term there, but that's a lower-order term.

  • So if I want the span to be small, I want G to be small.

  • They're going in opposite directions.

  • So what we're interested in is picking a--

  • finding a medium place.

  • We want G to be--

  • and in particular, if you look at this, what I want

  • is G to be at least S over i.

  • Why?

  • If I make G be much bigger than S over i--

  • so if G is bigger than S over i--

  • then this term multiplied by S ends up

  • being much less than this term.

  • You see that?

  • That's algebra.

  • So do you see that if I make G be--

  • if G is much less than S over i--

  • so get rid of the minus 1.

  • That doesn't matter.

  • So that's really n times S over G, so therefore S over G,

  • that's basically much smaller than i.

  • So I end up with something where the result is

  • much smaller than n i.

  • Does that make sense?

  • OK.

  • How we doing on time?

  • OK.

  • I'm going to get through everything

  • that I expect to get through, despite my rant.

  • OK.

  • Does that make sense?

  • We want G to be much greater than S over i.

  • Then the overhead is going to be small,

  • because I'm going to do a whole bunch of iterations that

  • are going to make it so that that function call was just

  • like, eh, who cares?

  • That's the idea.

  • So that's the goal.

  • So let's take a look at--

  • let's see, what was the--

  • let me just see here.

  • Did I-- somehow I feel like I have something out of order

  • here, because now I have the other implementation.

  • Huh.

  • OK.

  • I think-- maybe that is where I left it.

  • OK.

  • I think we come back to this.

  • Let me see.

  • I'm going to lecture on.

  • So here's another implementation of the for loop

  • to add two vectors.

  • And what this is going to use as a subroutine,

  • I have this operator called v add,

  • which itself does just a serial vector add.

  • And now what I'm going to do is run through the loop here

  • and spawn off additions--

  • and the min there is just for a boundary condition.

  • I'm going to spin off things in groups of G.

  • So I spin off, do a vector add of size G, go on vector

  • add of size G, vector add of size G, jumping G each time.

  • So let's take a look at the analysis of that.

  • So now what I've got is, I've got G iterations, each of which

  • costs me i.

  • And this is the DAG structure I've

  • got, because the for loop here that

  • has the Cilk spawn in it is going along,

  • and notice that the Cilk spawn is in a loop.

  • And so it's basically going-- it's spawning off G iterations.

  • So it's spawning off the vector add, which

  • is going to do G iterations--

  • because I'm giving basically G, because the boundary case let's

  • not worry about.

  • And then spawn off G, spawn off G, spawn off G, and so forth.

  • So what's the work of this?

  • Let's see.

  • Well, let's make things easy to begin with.

  • Let's assume G is 1 and analyze it.

  • And this is a common thing, by the way,

  • is you as assume that grain size is 1

  • and analyze it, and then as a practical matter,

  • coarsen it to make it more efficient.

  • So if G is 1, what's the work of this?

  • Yeah.


  • Yeah.

  • It was order n, because those other two things are constant.

  • So exactly right.

  • It's order n.

  • In fact, this is a technique, by the way,

  • that's called strip mining, if you take away

  • the parallel thing, where you take a loop of length n.

  • And you really have nested loops here--

  • one that has n over G iterations and one that has G iterations--

  • and you're going through exactly the same stuff.

  • And that's the same as going through n iterations.

  • But you're replacing a singly-nested loop

  • by a doubly-nested loop.

  • And the only difference here is that in the inner loop,

  • I'm actually spawning off work.

  • So here, the work is order n, because I basically--

  • if I'm spinning off just-- if G is 1,

  • then I'm spinning off one piece of work,

  • and I'm going to n minus 1, spinning off one.

  • So I've got order n work up here,

  • and order n work down below.

  • What's the span for this.

  • After all, I got in spans there now--

  • sorry, n spawns, not n spans.

  • n spawns.

  • What's the span going to be?

  • Yeah.



  • Sorry I, couldn't hear--



  • No, it's bigger than that.

  • Yeah, you'd think, gee, I just have to do

  • one thing to go down and up.

  • But the span is the longest path in the whole DAG.

  • It's the longest path in the whole DAG.

  • Where's the longest path in the whole DAG start?

  • Upper left, right?

  • And where does it end?

  • Upper right.

  • How long is that path?

  • What's the longest one?

  • It's going to go all the way down the backbone of the top

  • there, and then flip down and back up.

  • So how many things are in the--

  • if G is 1, how many things are my spawning off there?

  • n things, so the span is?

  • Order n?

  • So order n.

  • It's long.

  • So what's the parallelism here?



  • It's order 1.

  • And what do we call that?

  • AUDIENCE: Bad.


  • Right.

  • But there's a more technical name.

  • They call that puny.


  • It's like, we went through all this work,

  • spawned off all that stuff, added all this overhead,

  • and it didn't go any faster.

  • I can't tell you how many times I've

  • seen people do this when they start parallel programming.

  • Oh, but I spawned off all this stuff!

  • Yeah, but you didn't reduce the span.

  • Let's now-- that was the analyze it in terms of n--

  • sorry, in terms of G equals 1.

  • Now let's increase the grain size

  • and analyze it in terms of G. So once again,

  • what's the work now?

  • Work is always a gimme.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: Same as before, n.


  • Same as before. n.

  • The work doesn't change when you parallelize things differently

  • and stuff like that.

  • I'm doing order n iterations.

  • Oh, but what's the span?

  • This is a tricky one.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: n over G.


  • That's half right.

  • That's half right.

  • Good.

  • That's half right.

  • Yeah.


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: n over G plus G.

  • Don't forget that other term.

  • So the path that we care about goes along the top

  • here, and then goes down there.

  • And this has span G. So we've got n over G

  • here, because I'm doing chunks of G, plus G.

  • So it's G plus n over G. And now, how can I

  • choose G to minimize the span?

  • There's nothing to choose to minimize the work,

  • except there's some work overhead

  • that we're trying to do.

  • But how can I choose G to minimize the span?

  • What's the best value for G here?

  • Yeah.


  • CHARLES LEISERSON: You got it.

  • Square root of n.

  • So one of these is increasing.

  • If G is increasing, n over G is decreasing,

  • where do they cross?

  • When they're equal.

  • That's when G equals n over G, or G is square root of n.

  • So this actually has decent--

  • n big enough, square root of n, that's not bad.

  • So it is OK to spawn things off in chunks.

  • Just don't make the chunks real little.

  • What's the parallelism?

  • Once again, this is always a gimme.

  • It's the ratio.

  • So square root of n.

  • Quiz on parallel loops.

  • I'm going to let you folks do this offline.

  • Here's the answers.

  • If you quickly write it down, you

  • don't have to think about it.


  • OK.


  • OK.

  • So take a look at the notes afterwards,

  • and you can try to figure out why those things are so.

  • So there's some performance tips that make sense when

  • you're programming with loops.

  • One is, minimize the span to maximize the parallelism,

  • because the span's in the denominator.

  • And generally, you want to generate

  • 10 times more parallelism than processors

  • if you want near-perfect linear speed-up.

  • So if you have a lot more parallelism than the number

  • of processors-- we talked about that last time--

  • you get good speed-up.

  • If you have plenty of parallelism,

  • try to trade some of it off to reduce the work overhead.

  • So the idea was, for any of these things,

  • you can fiddle with the numbers, the grain size

  • in particular, to reduce--

  • it reduces the parallelism, but it also reduces the overhead.

  • And as long as you've got sufficient parallelism,

  • your code is going to run just fine parallel.

  • It's only when you're in the place where,

  • ooh, don't have enough parallelism,

  • and I don't want to pay the overhead.

  • Those are the sticky ones.

  • But most of the time, you're going to be in the case

  • where you've got way more parallelism than you

  • need, and the question is, how can you reduce some of it

  • in order to reduced the work overhead?

  • Generally, you should use divide and conquer recursion

  • or parallel loops, rather than spawning one small thing

  • after another.

  • So it's better to do the Cilk for,

  • which already is doing divide and conquer parallelism,

  • than doing the spawn off one thing at a time

  • type of strategy, unless you can chunk them

  • so that you have relatively few things

  • that you're spawning off.

  • This would be fine.

  • The thing I say not-- this would be fine if foo of i

  • was really expensive.

  • Fine, then we'll have lots of parallelism,

  • because there's a lot of work there.

  • But generally, it's better to do the divide and conquer.

  • Generally, you should make sure that the work

  • that you're doing per number of spawns is sufficiently large.

  • So the spawns say, well, how much

  • are you busting your work into in terms of chunks?

  • Because the spawn has an overhead, and so the question

  • is, well, how big is that?

  • And so you can coarsen by using function calls

  • and in-lining near the leaves.

  • Generally better to parallelize outer loops as opposed

  • to inner loops, if you're forced to make

  • a choice, because the inner loops,

  • they're the overhead you're incurring every single time.

  • The outer loop, you can amortize it

  • against the work that's going on inside

  • that doesn't have the overhead.

  • And watch out for scheduling overhead.

  • So here's an example of two codes that have parallelism 2,

  • and one of them is an efficient code,

  • and the other one is lousy code.

  • The top one is efficient, because I

  • have two iterations that I run in parallel, and each of them

  • does a lot of work.

  • There's only one scheduling operation that happens.

  • The bottom one, I have n iterations,

  • and each iteration does work, too,

  • so I basically have n iterations with overhead.

  • And so if you just look at these, look at the overhead,

  • you can see what the difference is.

  • OK.

  • I want to talk a little bit about actually,

  • I have a whole bunch of things here

  • that I'm not going to get to, but I

  • didn't expect to get to them.

  • But I do want to get to some of matrix multiplication.

  • People familiar with this problem?

  • OK.

  • We're going to assume for simplicity

  • that n is a power of 2.

  • So here's the typical way of parallelizing matrix

  • multiplication.

  • I take the two outer loops and I parallelize them.

  • I can't easily parallelize the inner loop, because if I do,

  • I get a race condition, because I'll

  • have two iterations that are both trying to update C of i,

  • j.

  • So I can't just parallelize k, so I'm just

  • going to parallelize i and j.

  • The work for this is what?

  • Triply-nested loop.

  • n cubed.

  • Everybody knows-- matrix multiplication,

  • unless you do something clever like Strassen,

  • or one of the more recent--

  • Virgie Williams algorithm-- you know

  • that the running time for the standard algorithm is n cubed.

  • The span for this is what?

  • Yeah.

  • That inner loop is linear size, and then you've got two log

  • n's--

  • log n plus log n plus n--

  • so it's order n.

  • So the parallelism is around n squared.

  • If I ignore constants, and I said

  • I was working on matrices of, say, 1,000 by 1,000 or so,

  • the parallelism is something like n squared,

  • which is about--

  • 1,000 squared is a million.

  • Wow.

  • That's a lot of parallelism.

  • How many processors are you running on?

  • Is it bigger than 10 times the number of processors?

  • By a little bit.

  • Now, there's another strategy that one

  • can use, which is divide and conquer,

  • and this is the strategy that's used in Strassen.

  • We're not going to do the Strassen's algorithm.

  • We're just going to use the eight multiply version of this.

  • For people who know Strassen, more power to you.

  • It's a great algorithm.

  • Really surprising, really amazing.

  • And it's actually worthwhile doing in practice, by the way,

  • for sufficiently large matrices.

  • So the idea here is, I can multiply two n by n matrices

  • by doing eight multiplications of n over 2

  • by n over 2 matrices, and then add two n by n matrices.

  • So when we start talking matrices--

  • this is a little bit of a diversion from the algorithms,

  • but it's so important, because representation of matrices

  • is one of the things that gets people into trouble when

  • they're doing any kind of two-dimensional coding stuff.

  • And so I want to talk a little bit about index,

  • and we're going to talk about this more later when

  • we do cache behavior and such.

  • So how do you represent sub-matrices?

  • The standard way of representing those either

  • in row-major or column-major order,

  • depending upon the language you use.

  • Fortran uses column-major ordering,

  • so there are a lot of subroutines

  • that are column-major.

  • But for the most part, C, which we're using, is row-major.

  • And so the question is, if I take

  • a sub-matrix of a large matrix, how

  • do I calculate where the i, j element of that matrix is?

  • Here I have the i, j element here.

  • I've got a matrix M, which is embedded.

  • And by row major, remember, that means

  • I just take row after row, and I just put them in linear order

  • through the memory.

  • So every two-dimensional matrix, you can index

  • as a one-dimensional matrix, because all you have to do is--

  • which is exactly what the code is doing--

  • you need to know the beginning of the matrix.

  • But if you have a sub-matrix, it's a little more complicated.

  • So here's the idea.

  • Suppose that you have a sub-matrix m-- so

  • starting in location m of this outer matrix.

  • Here we have the outer matrix, which has length n sub M.

  • This is the big matrix--

  • actually I should have called that m.

  • I should not have called this n instead of m.

  • I should have called it m sub something else,

  • because this is my m that I'm interested in, which

  • is this location here.

  • And what I'm interested in doing is finding out--

  • I named these variables stupidly--

  • is finding out, where is the i, j-th element

  • of this sub-matrix M?

  • If I tell you the beginning, what do I add to get to i, j?

  • And the answer is that I've got to add the number of rows

  • that comes down here.

  • Well, that's i times the width of the full matrix

  • that you're taking it out of, not the width

  • of your local sub-matrix.

  • And then you have to add in the--

  • and then you add in j from that point.

  • There we go.

  • OK.

  • So I have to add in the length of the long matrix

  • plus j for each row i.

  • Does that make sense?

  • Because it's embedded in there.

  • You have to skip over full rows of the outer matrix.

  • So you can't generally just pass a sub-matrix

  • and expect to do indexing on that when it's

  • embedded in a large matrix.

  • If you make a copy, sure, then you

  • can index it according to whatever the new copy is.

  • But if you want to operate in place on matrices, which

  • is often the case, then you have to understand that every row,

  • you have to jump a row of the outer matrix, not

  • a row of whatever your sub-matrix is, when you're

  • doing the divide and conquer.

  • So when we look at doing divide and conquer--

  • I have a matrix here which I want to now

  • divide into four sub-matrices of size M over 2.

  • And the question is, where's the starting corners

  • of each of those matrices?

  • So M 0, 0, that starts at the same place as M. That upper

  • left one.

  • Where does M 0, 1 start?

  • Where's M 0, 1 start?



  • M plus n over 2.

  • Where does M 1, 0 start?

  • This is the tricky one.

  • Here's the answer.

  • M plus the long matrix times n over 2,

  • because I'm going down m over 2 rows,

  • and I've got to go down the number of rows

  • of the outer matrix.

  • And then M 1, 1 is the same as the 2 there.

  • So here's the-- in general, for row and column being 0 and 1,

  • in some sense, this is a general formula

  • that matches up with that, where I plug in 0 1 for each one.

  • And now here's my code.

  • And I just want to point out a couple of things,

  • and then we'll quit and I'll let you

  • take a look at the rest of this on your own.

  • Here's my divide and conquer matrix multiply.

  • I use restrict.

  • Everybody familiar with restrict?

  • It says, don't tell the compiler these things

  • you can assume are not aliased, so that when you change one,

  • you're not changing another.

  • That lets the compiler produce better code.

  • And then the row sizes are going to be n sub c, n sub a,

  • and n sub b.

  • And then the matrices that we're taking them out of,

  • those are the sizes of the sub-matrix.

  • The outer matrix is going to have size n by n, for which--

  • when I have my recursion, I want to talk

  • about sub-matrices that are embedded in this larger

  • outside matrix.

  • Here is a great piece of bit tricks.

  • This says, n is a power of 2.

  • So go back and remind yourself of what the bit tricks are,

  • but that's a clever bit trick to say that n is a power of 2.

  • Very quick.

  • And so take a look at that.

  • And then we're going to coarsen leaves with a base case.

  • The base case just goes through and solves the problem

  • for small n, just with a typical triply-nested loop.

  • And what we're going to do is allocate a temporary n

  • by n array, and then we're going to define the temporary array

  • to having underlying row size n.

  • And then here is this fabulous macro that makes all the index

  • calculations easy.

  • It uses the sharp sharp operator,

  • which pastes together tokens, so that I can paste n sub c.

  • When I pass r and c, it passes--

  • whatever value I pass for that, it pastes it together.

  • So it allows me to do the indexing of the--

  • and have the right thing, so that for each of these address

  • calculations, I'm able to do them by just saying x of,

  • and just give the formulas these.

  • Otherwise, you'd be driven nuts by the formula.

  • So take a look at that macro, because that may help you

  • in some of your other things.

  • And then I sync, and then add it up.

  • And the addition is just going to be

  • a doubly-nested parallel addition, and then I free it.

  • So what I would like you to do is go home and take a look

  • at the analysis of this.

  • And it turns out this has way more panels than you need,

  • and if you reduce the amount of parallelism,

  • you get much better performance.

  • And there's several other algorithms

  • I put in there as well.

  • so I'll try to get this posted tonight.

  • Thanks very much.

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8.多線程算法分析 (8. Analysis of Multithreaded Algorithms)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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