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Consider the problem of using voltages
to represent the information in a black-and-white image.
Each (x,y) point in the image has an associated intensity:
black is the weakest intensity, white the strongest.
An obvious voltage-based representation
would be to encode the intensity as a voltage, say 0V for black,
1V for white, and some intermediate voltage
for intensities in-between.
First question: how much information is there
at each point in the image?
The answer depends on how well we can distinguish intensities
or, in our case, voltages.
If we can distinguish arbitrarily small differences,
then there's potentially an infinite amount of information
in each point of the image.
But, as engineers, we suspect there's a lower-bound
on the size of differences we can detect.
To represent the same amount of information that can be
represented with N bits, we need to be able to distinguish
a total 2^N voltages in the range of 0V to 1V.
For example, for N = 2, we'd need to be able to distinguish
between four possible voltages.
That doesn't seem too hard — an inexpensive volt-meter would
let us easily distinguish between 0V, 1/3V, 2/3V and 1V.
In theory, N can be arbitrarily large.
In practice, we know it would be quite challenging to make
measurements with, say, a precision of 1-millionth
of a volt and probably next to impossible
if we wanted a precision of 1-billionth of a volt.
Not only would the equipment start to get very expensive
and the measurements very time consuming,
but we'd discover that phenomenon like thermal noise
would confuse what we mean by the instantaneous voltage
at a particular time.
So our ability to encode information using voltages
will clearly be constrained by our ability
to reliably and quickly distinguish
the voltage at particular time.
To complete our project of representing a complete image,
we'll scan the image in some prescribed raster order —
left-to-right, top-to-bottom — converting intensities
to voltages as we go.
In this way, we can convert the image
into a time-varying sequence of voltages.
This is how the original televisions worked:
the picture was encoded as a voltage waveform that
varied between the representation for black
and that for white.
Actually the range of voltages was
expanded to allow the signal to specify
the end of the horizontal scan and the end of an image,
the so-called sync signals.
We call this a “continuous waveform” to indicate that it
can take on any value in the specified range at a particular
point in time.
Now let's see what happens when we try to build a system
to process this signal.
We'll create a system using two simple processing blocks.
The COPY block reproduces on its output whatever
voltage appears on its input.
The output of a COPY block looks the same as the original image.
The INVERTING block produces a voltage of 1-V
when the input voltage is V, i.e.,
white is converted to black and vice-versa.
We get the negative of the input image
after passing it through an INVERTING block.
Why have processing blocks?
Using pre-packaged blocks is a common way
of building large circuits.
We can assemble a system by connecting the blocks one
to another and reason about the behavior
of the resulting system without having
to understand the internal details of each block.
The pre-packaged functionality offered by the blocks
makes them easy to use without having to be
an expert analog engineer!
Moreover, we would expect to be able to wire up
the blocks in different configurations
when building different systems and be
able to predict the behavior of each system
based on the behavior of each block.
This would allow us to build systems like tinker toys,
simply by hooking one block to another.
Even a programmer who doesn't understand the electrical
details could expect to build systems that perform some
particular processing task.
The whole idea is that there's a guarantee of predictable
If the components work and we hook them up
obeying whatever the rules are for connecting blocks,
we would expect the system to work as intended.
So, let's build a system with our COPY and INVERTING blocks.
Here's an image processing system using a few instances
each block.
What do we expect the output image to look like?
Well, the COPY blocks don't change the image and there are
an even number of INVERTING blocks, so, in theory,
the output image should be identical to the input image.
But in reality, the output image isn't a perfect copy
of the input.
It's slightly fuzzy, the intensities are slightly off
and it looks like sharp changes in intensity have been smoothed
out, creating a blurry reproduction of the original.
What went wrong?
Why doesn't theory match reality?
Perhaps the COPY and INVERTING blocks don't work correctly?
That's almost certainly true, in the sense that they don't
precisely obey the mathematical description of their behavior.
Small manufacturing variations and differing environmental
conditions will cause each instance of the COPY block
to produce not V volts for a V-volt input,
but V+epsilon volts, where epsilon represents the amount
of error introduced during processing.
Ditto for the INVERTING block.
The difficulty is that in our continuous-value representation
of intensity, V+epsilon is a perfectly correct output value,
just not for a V-volt input!
In other words, we can't tell the difference between
a slightly corrupted signal and a perfectly valid signal
for a slightly different image.
More importantly — and this is the real killer — the errors
accumulate as the encoded image passes through the system
of COPY and INVERTING blocks.
The larger the system, the larger
the amount of accumulated processing error.
This doesn't seem so good.
It would be awkward, to say the least,
if we had to have rules about how many computations could
be performed on encoded information
before the results became too corrupted to be usable.
You would be correct if you thought
this meant that the theory we used
to describe the operation of our system was imperfect.
We'd need a very complicated theory indeed to capture all
the possible ways in which the output signal could differ from
its expected value.
Those of us who are mathematically minded might
complain that “reality is imperfect”.
This is going a bit far though.
Reality is what it is and, as engineers,
we need to build our systems to operate reliably
in the real world.
So perhaps the real problem lies in how we
chose to engineer the system.
In fact, all of the above are true!
Noise and inaccuracy are inevitable.
We can't reliably reproduce infinite information.
We must design our system to tolerate some amount of error
if it is to process information reliably.
Basically, we need to find a way to notice that errors have been
introduced by a processing step and restore
the correct value before the errors have a chance
to accumulate.
How to do that is our next topic.