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  • Our first task is to work on the datapath logic needed to execute ALU instructions with

  • two register operands.

  • Each instruction requires the same processing steps:

  • Fetch, where the 32-bit encoded instruction is read from main memory from the location

  • specified by the program counter (PC).

  • Decode, where the opcode field (instruction bits [31:26]) is used to determine the values

  • for the datapath control signals.

  • Read, where the contents of the registers specified by the RA and RB fields (instruction

  • bits [20:16] and [15:11]) are read from the register file.

  • Execute, where the requested operation is performed on the two operand values.

  • We'll also need to compute the next value for the PC.

  • And Write-back, where the result of the operation is written to the register file in the register

  • specified by the RC field (instruction bits [25:21]).

  • The system's clock signal is connected to the register file and the PC register.

  • At the rising edge of the clock, the new values computed during the Execute phase are written

  • to these registers.

  • The rising clock edge thus marks the end of execution for the current instruction and

  • the beginning of execution for the next instruction.

  • The period of the clock, i.e., the time between rising clock edges, needs to be long enough

  • to accommodate the cumulative propagation delay of the logic that implements the 5 steps

  • described here.

  • Since one instruction is executed each clock cycle, the frequency of the clock tells us

  • the rate at which instructions are executed.

  • If the clock period was 10ns, the clock frequency would be 100 MHz and our Beta would be executing

  • instructions at 100 MIPS!

  • Here's a sketch showing the hardware needed for the Fetch and Decode steps.

  • The current value of the PC register is routed to main memory as the address of the instruction

  • to be fetched.

  • For ALU instructions, the address of the next instruction is simply the address of the current

  • instruction plus 4.

  • There's an adder dedicated to performing the "PC+4" computation and that value is routed

  • back to be used as the next value of the PC.

  • We've also included a MUX used to select the initial value for the PC when the RESET signal

  • is 1.

  • After the memory propagation delay, the instruction bits (ID[31:0]) are available and the processing

  • steps can begin.

  • Some of the instruction fields can be used directly as-is.

  • To determine the values for other control signals, we'll need some logic that computes

  • their values from the bits of the opcode field.

  • Now let's fill in the datapath logic needed to execute ALU instructions with two register

  • operands.

  • The instruction bits for the 5-bit RA, RB and RC fields can be connected directly to

  • the appropriate address inputs of the register file.

  • The RA and RB fields supply the addresses for the two read ports and the RC field supplies

  • the address for the write port.

  • The outputs of the read data ports are routed to the inputs of the ALU to serve as the two

  • operands.

  • The ALUFN control signals tell the ALU what operation to perform.

  • These control signals are determined by the control logic from the 6-bit opcode field.

  • For specificity, let's assume that the control logic is implemented using a read-only memory

  • (ROM), where the opcode bits are used as the ROM's address and the ROM's outputs are the

  • control signals.

  • Since there are 6 opcode bits, we'll need 2^6 = 64 locations in the ROM.

  • We'll program the contents of the ROM to supply the correct control signal values for each

  • of the 64 possible opcodes.

  • The output of the ALU is routed back to the write data port of the register file, to be

  • written into the RC register at the end of the cycle.

  • We'll need another control signal, WERF ("write-enable register file"), that should have the value

  • 1 when we want to write into the RC register.

  • Let me introduce you to Werf, the 6.004 mascot, who, of course, is named after her favorite

  • control signal, which she's constantly mentioning.

  • Let's follow the flow of data as we execute the ALU instruction.

  • After the instruction has been fetched, supplying the RA and RB instruction fields, the RA and

  • RB register values appear on the read data ports of the register file.

  • The control logic has decoded the opcode bits and supplied the appropriate ALU function

  • code.

  • You can find a listing of the possible function codes in the upper right-hand corner of the

  • Beta Diagram handout.

  • The result of the ALU's computation is sent back to the register file to be written into

  • the RC register.

  • Of course, we'll need to set WERF to 1 to enable the write.

  • 5.oo Here we see one of the major advantages of a reduced-instruction set computer architecture:

  • the datapath logic required for execution is very straightforward!

  • The other form of ALU instructions uses a constant as the second ALU operand.

  • The 32-bit operand is formed by sign-extending the 16-bit two's complement constant stored

  • in the literal field (bits [15:0]) of the instruction.

  • In order to select the sign-extended constant as the second operand, we added a MUX to the

  • datapath.

  • When its BSEL control signal is 0, the output of the register file is selected as the operand.

  • When BSEL is 1, the sign-extended constant is selected as the operand.

  • The rest of the datapath logic is the same as before.

  • Note that no logic gates are needed to perform sign-extension - it's all done with wiring!

  • To sign-extend a two's complement number, we just need to replicate the high-order,

  • or sign, bit as many times as necessary.

  • You might find it useful to review the discussion of two's complement in Lecture 1 of Part 1

  • of the course.

  • So to form a 32-bit operand from a 16-bit constant, we just replicate it's high-order

  • bit (ID[15]) sixteen times as we make the connection to the BSEL MUX.

  • During execution of ALU-with-constant instructions, the flow of data is much as it was before.

  • The one difference is that the control logic sets the BSEL control signal to 1, selecting

  • the sign-extended constant as the second ALU operand.

  • As before, the control logic generates the appropriate ALU function code and the output

  • of the ALU is routed to the register file to be written back to the RC register.

  • Amazingly, this datapath is sufficient to execute most of the instructions in the Beta

  • ISA!

  • We just have the memory and branch instruction left to implement.

  • That's our next task.

Our first task is to work on the datapath logic needed to execute ALU instructions with

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13.2.2 ALU指令 (13.2.2 ALU Instructions)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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