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  • GARY GENSLER: Today we're coming back to blockchain and money,

  • Act Three of this course.

  • Now that we've done a little of the basics, a little bit

  • of the economics, and now it's some use cases

  • through the lens of finance.

  • And to say something about one, why

  • I thought it'd be worthwhile to structure the course this way,

  • and what I'm hoping we all get out

  • of these next 10 or 11 lectures is

  • that I thought that it was important after laying

  • some foundation of what blockchain technology might

  • or might not be, and cryptocurrencies,

  • and of course, talking about the economics,

  • is to use one field that's the most dominant field right now

  • about potential blockchain technology

  • use, which is finance.

  • It's not the only area, but finance is

  • completely reliant on ledgers.

  • It's completely reliant on moving property rights

  • around multiple parties.

  • And of course, the first use case

  • was about Bitcoin, which was a peer-to-peer money.

  • So I thought even if you're thinking

  • about this in terms of health care,

  • thinking about it terms of the internet of things,

  • et cetera, many, many other use cases, why not take finance.

  • Now it also happens to be my comparative background.

  • And I've spent the last three or four decades of my life

  • around finance.

  • And so I can be most helpful and dig deep,

  • you know, probably as deep as you

  • want to get in the mortgage market, the payment markets,

  • the exchange markets.

  • I've probably been there at some point in my career,

  • or still have contacts and networks and have studied it.

  • But no doubt, with the 80 of you in this room, or 90 or so,

  • you're going to press me.

  • And that I like that.

  • I will say last weekend was really

  • a joy reading 50-plus papers that it was only about 25

  • of you that had decided to hand in papers early in classes 2

  • through 9.

  • But class 10 was 50-plus of you.

  • So I really do have a sense of the class

  • in terms of what you think about finance and blockchain.

  • Of course, you'll probably do the same.

  • I think I might design it differently the next time.

  • But if you all hand in--

  • if 50 or 60 of you hand in the papers for class 23,

  • it will be--

  • and you have that right.

  • I'm not taking that away from any of you.

  • But it means I might be delayed getting back all the projects.

  • I want to say two or three other things overall.

  • In terms of where we are, we're halfway through the semester.

  • And Sabrina and Thalita and I did

  • a good job of just saying, how are we

  • doing on class participation?

  • And I've kidded a lot, and I've joked a lot about who's talked

  • and so forth.

  • We're down to about 15 of you that have never

  • talked in this whole 12--

  • so I want to work with you.

  • I'm not trying to torture anybody.

  • And I really want you to all not to worry

  • too much about your grades.

  • I want you to worry a little bit,

  • but not too much about your grades.

  • But if you've not spoken yet, and you

  • haven't gone online-- two people have gone online, both of whom

  • I've responded to.

  • You know, come see me.

  • Try to figure out how to be part of this community

  • and this discussion, whether it's

  • in class or online in some way.

  • Cause again, I want this to be a positive learning

  • experience for everybody.

  • In terms of the papers and just some overall things,

  • by and large they were good.

  • Some were extraordinarily good, which

  • you'd expect with such a talented group of people.

  • But some really made me think and challenged me and so forth.

  • It is a bell-shaped curve.

  • Some, on the other hand--

  • not many-- kind of missed the mark.

  • So I just want to say a couple of things.

  • One is, it's not about just answering the three study

  • questions.

  • The study questions are really to spur the dialogue here.

  • There's three questions.

  • Not many of you, but two or three people just sort of just

  • tried to answer those.

  • Think about it as a uniform three-page paper.

  • Five is the limit.

  • One or two of you that did six or seven pages.

  • That's fine, but it's just--

  • you don't need to, and it's more work, in a sense, for us.

  • Two is, I really did try to give feedback and comments.

  • And overall what we're trying to get to is,

  • what are the economics here?

  • What is there about append-only logs and consensus protocols

  • amongst multiple parties writing to a shared ledger?

  • So multiple parties updating some state

  • of economic-- an economic state, really--

  • of property rights or something.

  • And what verification costs, what networking costs,

  • could be lowered.

  • And it's unfair, because all of you

  • are going to try to figure out a final project together.

  • And I went back over the weekend looking at the final projects.

  • I think there's some really neat ideas that you're looking at.

  • But at the core is what verification costs, what

  • networking costs, can you lower.

  • Why do append-only logs consensus

  • amongst multiple parties sharing a ledger, and possibly

  • a native token.

  • Because you don't have to do something around

  • permissionless native tokens.

  • But I think some of you will get there.

  • And we'll have some exciting thoughts.

  • So those were my thoughts.

  • If I say in the comments to your paper--

  • and I only did this two or three times--

  • come see me, don't be scared.

  • It might just be I want to pursue.

  • I said this on some really excellent papers,

  • and I said this on one or two that just

  • I thought it'd be worthwhile to talk about.

  • But I'm trying to just get through this all with you

  • and have you learn.

  • So there's just some overall thoughts

  • on where we are halfway through.

  • Post SIP week.

  • Today we're going to talk about payments.

  • And Thursday we have a guest, Alin.

  • If you want to get mic'd up, I've

  • got a mic up here somewhere for you,

  • cause I'm going to call on you.

  • Or you can speak from there.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: I'll be loud.

  • I'll be very loud.


  • That's not hard, is it?

  • So what are we going to do?

  • We're going to talk about just what are we

  • trying to cover for the rest of this semester?

  • Sort of call it H2 in blockchain and money.

  • The readings, payment systems, ledgers, and credit cards.

  • Just a little bit of history all together.

  • And that's when you're going to meet Alin.

  • Not computer science Alin, but payment Alin.

  • And we're going to talk about mobile payments, which

  • is a very significant change all the way

  • around the globe in payments.

  • Then global and US payments statistics.

  • Bitcoin and blockchain we're going to come back to.

  • And then conclusion.

  • And remember, whether it's this week, next week,

  • or the following week, this is all just

  • to sort of say, well, wait.

  • What are these use cases tell us about blockchain?

  • What are these use cases tell us about cryptocurrencies?

  • My goal isn't that everybody here is an expert in payment.

  • But if your final project is around the payment space,

  • or if you ultimately want to go along and become

  • an entrepreneur and do something successful in this space,

  • hopefully these two lectures today and Thursday will help.

  • And I can't remember exactly what next week is.

  • Next week's central bank and commercial banking.

  • So next week we're going to turn to central bank

  • digital currency and what's going on in Sweden,

  • and why the e-krona project's interesting,

  • but how's Canada looking at it through their Jasper project?

  • What's China kind of thinking about

  • and why they're a little worried about this space?

  • And yes, what's the private sector doing

  • around stable value tokens?

  • So you have sort of a similar thing

  • coming both from central banks and from the private sector.

  • I just came from a meeting where one of Larry's colleagues--

  • he's from the Harvard Business School--

  • a professor at Harvard Business School

  • came over because he's got a stable value token project.

  • And so that's kind of next week.

  • We're then going to go and talk about ICOs.

  • You couldn't do a course in blockchain and money

  • if we didn't talk about initial coin offerings

  • with, of course, $25 or $30 billion that's been raised.

  • It's an enormous crowdfunding opportunity for any of you

  • that want to be venture and entrepreneurial

  • after this course.

  • But it's an important, also, test.

  • Are there attributes of certain economies where

  • native token is appropriate?

  • It will spur as an incentive function.

  • I'm not willing to give up.

  • I know some of you are minimalist.

  • I'm still thinking of the Skins and the gamers.

  • Larry, when you weren't here we identified our most avid gamers

  • in the class.

  • And so we always refer to Skins, Shields, and Swords

  • as a form of native token in the gaming sites.

  • But where there might be economics-- token economics.

  • So we'll sort of turn to that.

  • On the 15th of November we've got

  • a couple of guests in Jeff Sprecher and Kelly Loeffler,

  • who run the Intercontinental Exchange and the New York Stock

  • Exchange and others, but have real live payments and crypto

  • exchange.

  • We're going to turn--

  • oh-- I'm sorry.

  • I got it out of order.

  • Primary markets, ICOs is before and after Thanksgiving,

  • I guess.

  • And then do a little of the back office side.

  • The back of a side is clearing and settlement.

  • I mean, why is the Australian stock exchange

  • using a permissioned system?

  • Might you use something else?

  • Why is the international swap and dealer association

  • using smart contracts now to try to rationalize a lot

  • of their payment flows?

  • So we'll get to real live use cases that

  • are happening around smart contracts

  • and permissioned clearing systems.

  • A little bit of trade finance, digital ID.

  • I know at least one group is doing some--

  • one of the groups here is doing something on digital ID.

  • So you'll be out ahead of us.

  • So that's kind of a review of H2 for us.

  • So we had a bunch of readings.

  • Some of them were quite short.

  • I don't know, because you're on sip week,

  • whether you were able to go through them.

  • But maybe I should just ask, does anybody

  • want to tell me about some of the major trends in payments?

  • I don't know how sleepy everybody is or whether--

  • Priya, I saw your hand, or you were scratching your nose.

  • AUDIENCE: Either ways, I'll go.

  • GARY GENSLER: All right.

  • AUDIENCE: So digital wallets is a big thing now.

  • All the articles acknowledge how kind of [INAUDIBLE]

  • according to what you see in China where

  • you have a digital wallet, and you pay directly,

  • cutting out all the intermediaries that we

  • can't [INAUDIBLE].

  • GARY GENSLER: So one big, big trend.

  • I mean, I've got a bunch of discussion on this,

  • but let's identify them.

  • Digital wallets or mobile wallets.

  • What other big trend?

  • AUDIENCE: Person to person payments, so like, Venmo,

  • Apple Pay, Cash.

  • GARY GENSLER: And Zelle.

  • All right.

  • So person to person payments.

  • Stephanie.

  • AUDIENCE: Tokenization, like in Apple Pay, the way

  • you, like, transform your credit card data into a token.

  • GARY GENSLER: So tokenization where you can actually

  • transform your identity into a token, in essence, right?

  • Chris.

  • AUDIENCE: There's a lot of social aspects

  • of payments going on.

  • Like, for example, in China there's WeChat.

  • They have spending millions of dollars on these red envelopes

  • that used to always be cash.

  • And people spend hours during the new year sending these

  • back and forth to each other.

  • GARY GENSLER: So you're calling it socialization of payments,

  • so to speak.

  • Any others?

  • Jeff.

  • AUDIENCE: Biometrics.

  • GARY GENSLER: Biometrics.

  • Absolutely.

  • So it's sort of another trend.

  • So lots going on.

  • I'm sorry.

  • AUDIENCE: I'm going to mention one other thing

  • that caught my eye on the statistics

  • was that the larger--

  • so checks, the number of checks is going down,

  • but the value is up slightly.

  • So it seems to me that the remote payment

  • or digital payment is not capturing

  • the values of payments of over $1,000 or [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: Right.

  • And I think part of that is because for small values,

  • by and large, few of us use checks anymore.

  • In fact, I'll ask.

  • How many in this room has written

  • a physical-- any written check in the last month?

  • OK.

  • But how many has written a physical check

  • for less than $100?

  • All right.

  • Some.

  • I can't even remember the last time I wrote a physical check

  • for less than $100.

  • Priya.

  • AUDIENCE: If you have a child in schools,

  • and schools do field trips and everything--

  • GARY GENSLER: Oh, this was not a judgment.

  • I wasn't trying to--

  • oh, Priya, I'm sorry.

  • But I think we tend to write them for larger.

  • Rent checks sometimes, even though I now

  • pay my rent online.

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] like Ripple and Chain.

  • GARY GENSLER: So one more change.

  • You said Ripple and who?

  • AUDIENCE: Chain.

  • Chain.

  • Chaining?

  • GARY GENSLER: Chaning.

  • And are those really live?

  • Or you're saying those are things

  • that are going to happen?

  • AUDIENCE: Well, Ripple is live, especially in Japan and Korea,


  • GARY GENSLER: So then what sort of lessons can people draw?

  • We're going to talk a little bit more about M-Pesa and Alipay

  • and so forth.

  • But what lessons?

  • Kelly.

  • AUDIENCE: The thing that I took from quite a few of them.

  • And I liked [INAUDIBLE] article, because it's sort of like, you

  • mentioned the trend in China.

  • It took trends from separate countries

  • and sort of identified their own statistics.

  • You saw a lot of countries that people

  • don't feel that their payment data or their payment identity

  • is secure on a lot of mobile and digital devices.

  • And that lack of security if preventing them

  • from entering the digital retail space.

  • GARY GENSLER: How many people looked at it that Worldpay

  • article, read your own country, and said, I didn't know that.

  • Like, there was something-- it was just one page per country.

  • So, of course, it didn't say that much.

  • But.

  • Alpha?

  • I don't remember, was there a page on Ethiopia?

  • AUDIENCE: There wasn't, unfortunately.

  • No.

  • Not yet.

  • But on M-Pesa, you know, the big success story in Kenya,

  • they've done a tremendous job.

  • And it's billed as a huge success

  • at getting mobile payments and wallet [INAUDIBLE] distributed.

  • But it's interesting to note that they're

  • able to acquire customers by partnering

  • with visible networks of agents.

  • And again, something that going forward

  • for a lot of these companies, we have to be [INAUDIBLE]..

  • You can't be completely decentralized

  • or completely automated.

  • That's [INAUDIBLE].

  • GARY GENSLER: I mean, initially, M-Pesa, which is in Kenya,

  • and you had a reading on it.

  • But it came out of mobile phones and that the values stored

  • on mobile phones for mobile minutes people were trading,

  • in essence.

  • So the network of users were these shops in Kenya

  • where you could go and get your minutes.

  • Jihee.

  • AUDIENCE: Kind of going along with that M-Pesa,

  • in addition to basically, like, in an easy--

  • I mean, convenient and lower transaction costs, like M-Pesa,

  • for example, were very instrumental

  • in corruption cases and like, keep

  • letting people know that kind of basically cutting

  • the corruption.

  • GARY GENSLER: Right.

  • There was the example in Afghanistan.

  • Does anybody remember that from the reading?

  • The police officers all of a sudden

  • realized that they got a 30% pay increase when the government

  • was paying them directly.

  • But it was actually they didn't get a pay increase.

  • It was like cutting out the middle man or middle

  • woman of corruption.

  • I was going to say gender neutral.

  • But whomever was the--

  • it was probably men.

  • But in that case, in Afghanistan.

  • And then what challenges are there

  • in the cross-border payment?

  • Well, I probably got 50% of the class

  • that has personal challenges with cross-border payments.

  • But what would be the biggest challenges

  • that you took from the readings or your personal life

  • in cross-border payments?

  • Anyone?

  • AUDIENCE: I'll say the number of [INAUDIBLE] from you that

  • the payment service providers to the other end,

  • there are just so many layers, which was just incredible how

  • money can move seemingly so easy from one country to another--

  • GARY GENSLER: So a lot of layers of intermediation,

  • tons of them.

  • Anything else in the cross-border?


  • GARY GENSLER: Costs.

  • You've probably had that.

  • So let's go through a little bit.

  • So, I'm introducing a guest.

  • There you go.

  • You want to stand up?


  • So Alin , he heads part of the digital currency initiative

  • here at MIT in the Media Lab.

  • All the efforts around lightning network and layer two

  • solutions.

  • But before MIT, he was a vice president of First Data.

  • And First Data is a payment system provider.

  • And he had about 200 people reporting

  • to him and a big business--

  • $200 million P&L. That's revenues, right?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, if it was profits, even better for you.

  • And then he spent three years in a startup world.

  • So he's somebody if you're interested in blockchain

  • and digital currency initiative, you should get to know anyway.

  • But if you're even interested in startups outside

  • of payment world, Alin's great.

  • And he's going to be here today and Thursday.

  • And not only when I make mistakes,

  • but a couple of times I'm going to get you

  • up here to say stuff about how payments really works.

  • But he's like, way embedded in the MIT blockchain community.

  • So payment systems.

  • Again, what is a payment system?

  • It is moving money, of course.

  • But on some level it is a way to amend and record

  • entries on ledgers.

  • Because a ledger is how we keep money now.

  • Certainly in the digital world it's

  • always recorded on some ledger somewhere.

  • So there is an authorization phase.

  • There's a clearing phase, and then final settlement.

  • Does anybody want to take a crack other than Alin

  • as to what it means to authorize a payment?

  • Just to authorize a payment.

  • It might not have been in the readings,

  • but it's sort of just use your language

  • skills to tell me what it might mean to authorize a payment.

  • Tom.

  • Your laugh gets you called on.

  • AUDIENCE: I am struggling to describe it

  • without using the word to authorize.

  • GARY GENSLER: It reminds me of when I was, like,

  • a freshman in English class at University of Pennsylvania,

  • and I had to describe a telephone without using

  • the word "telephone."

  • AUDIENCE: So I was thinking about the digital system

  • we're using right now.

  • It's like, when you click Send on Venmo,

  • like, you authorize the account, the money to leave your ledger


  • GARY GENSLER: So you just used the word "authorize"

  • to define the word "authorize."

  • AUDIENCE: Is it just--

  • GARY GENSLER: Oh, back here.

  • I'm sorry, I don't remember your name.

  • What's that?

  • AUDIENCE: Dan.


  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • I just think it's you're approving the actual transfer

  • of the money.

  • You're saying it's OK that the--

  • GARY GENSLER: Right.

  • [INAUDIBLE] I can't--

  • AUDIENCE: Aviva.

  • GARY GENSLER: Aviva.

  • Good to see you.

  • AUDIENCE: It has to do also with KYC AML

  • And to authorize the source of--

  • the sender's identity and the source of money, what countries

  • it's coming from.

  • If it's above a certain threshold or a certain amount,

  • financial institutions have further checks to--

  • GARY GENSLER: So most systems do what Aviva and Dan said.

  • They have to say, we know who the person is.

  • They have the balance is in some account.

  • So they are who they say they are,

  • or at least digitally they are, and they

  • have a certain set of balances and monies within an account.

  • And they have the legal ability to move that money,

  • all without using the word "authority" in essence.

  • Clearing.

  • Anybody know what clearing is?

  • Or am I going to have to call on Alin?

  • James.

  • AUDIENCE: Isn't the [INAUDIBLE] that confirms that money,

  • it's getting somewhere, and it's going somewhere.


  • And it also has to do with netting, sometimes.

  • Clearing can be-- if the 100 people in this room

  • were all sending 10,000 movements all in the same day

  • at the end of the day, you might net all of those

  • movements down so there's fewer actual movements.

  • So historic clearing, which goes back centuries,

  • was also a way to lower the friction,

  • just taking the 100 people in this room,

  • of all those movements.

  • So authorization-- Aviva.

  • AUDIENCE: It also has to do with foreign exchange.

  • So if someone wants to transact in peso versus dollar,

  • so you then also have to net off, like you said,

  • that balance.

  • GARY GENSLER: Right.

  • So in foreign exchange, any circumstance--

  • and this is in the securities world as well--

  • you'll hear the words "clearing" and "settling.".

  • God knows, even when I was chairing the Commodity Futures

  • Trading Commission, all of us sometimes

  • got a little bit confused about the two words.

  • But clearing is pre-settlement.

  • Clearing is netting of transactions,

  • arranging the paper when we were still in a paper world,

  • all in together, taking all the physical checks

  • and getting them all in the same place in the right place.

  • And then what's settlement?

  • Sean.

  • AUDIENCE: It's to discharge.

  • GARY GENSLER: To discharge.

  • I like that.

  • AUDIENCE: Receipt.

  • It's the receipt from [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: So discharge the receipt.

  • It's basically the final amendment of a record.

  • It's changing a balance from 10 to 11 or 10 to 9.

  • That's settlement.

  • And that's true in securities.

  • Alin.

  • AUDIENCE: To me this is mesmerizing,

  • because there has to be a history

  • behind this authorized clearing and settlement

  • sort of free part movement of money.

  • Because if you think of a computer system,

  • or if you think of a blockchain, if you want,

  • there's no need to do any of this.

  • Right?

  • You just do the damn transaction, and it's atomic.

  • A moves money to B, and you're done.

  • So like, how did this even happen?

  • Like, how do we--

  • like, to have a computer system that does this is just inane.

  • You don't need any of this in a computer system.

  • So why do we still do this in a computer system?

  • Where did this evolve from?

  • GARY GENSLER: So Alin's question,

  • I was hoping would come out of the group.

  • So I'm going to go to the other Alin.

  • But there's centuries of history as to why we have these.

  • But this Alin.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: Let me say right here, because I think--

  • so first of all, I'm happy that this came up,

  • because it's excellent.

  • Right?

  • So when I saw the slides, you know, I--

  • GARY GENSLER: I sent this Alin the slides last night.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: So I saw that there is

  • a really interesting historical component to all of this,

  • as you rightly pointed out, right.

  • This all came from about four decades' worth of evolution

  • here.

  • So we started-- you know, you started

  • with a very convoluted way, as it would appear now,

  • to actually send out paper-based receipts

  • and have a plastic-based card, if you will,

  • that will have to be recorded and, you know-- first of all,

  • you just say, does the person have the money there?

  • Right.

  • Is the money there?

  • I'm [INAUDIBLE] authorize.

  • Right?

  • I'm gonna get an answer right back, saying, yep.

  • The money's there.

  • OK.

  • I just authorized it.

  • But it's a very simple, like, ping right back and forth.

  • Right?

  • So it needs to be a very small transaction.

  • From there on you can start to say, OK.

  • Now let's batch transactions and do the clearing.

  • And then from there on you actually send on the money.

  • Right?

  • The interesting part about all of this

  • is that it evolved in time.

  • So this technology, if you were to do it now

  • with all of the tools that are at our disposal now,

  • you'd do it differently, entirely.

  • However, payments, as Gary will point out

  • in the next couple of slides, basically evolved organically

  • through decades.

  • And you know, they started with [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: So stay with us.

  • Stay with us just so that--

  • That is literally a check that Thomas Jefferson

  • wrote to himself in 1809.

  • But that is a payment instruction

  • from one Thomas Jefferson account

  • to another Thomas Jefferson account.

  • But it's a payment instruction.

  • It didn't actually move the money.

  • It's just a payment instruction.

  • This is a Western Union Telegram.

  • The telegraph came along in the 1840's, if I remember.

  • But Western Union took several decades to come along and say,

  • we can send instructions to move value using the telegraph.

  • And the Telex machine, which was post-world War II-- and yes,

  • I'm old enough to say that there were still

  • telex machines at Goldman Sachs when

  • I started in 1979 that you would type

  • in to type in an instruction.

  • So Alin, you're asking where did it come from.

  • It came from technology move from first authorizing.

  • Does that party have the legal rights

  • to move something, move value?

  • Do they have enough of the value?

  • Is there enough in their account?

  • And so forth.

  • That's the authorization phase.

  • Now you'd say, well, can't that all be done simultaneously?

  • And the answer is, yes.

  • Maybe.

  • But most of the payments system is still

  • based on authorization, clearing, and then settlement.

  • Financial ledgers that are also the reason.

  • Ledgers record economic activity.

  • We've talked about this earlier in the semester.

  • They record transactions or accounts.

  • Bitcoin is a transaction ledger.

  • Ethereum and others are account ledgers.

  • But they're both ledgers.

  • They're both forms of recording something that has a right.

  • The data is usually used around some right or a token.

  • But the first ledgers were thousands of years ago.

  • And I think on those ledgers, I don't

  • know how they split authorization, clearing,

  • and settling.

  • But they were a form of a ledger.

  • I like presidents, I like American history.

  • So I pulled--

  • George Washington used to use a personal ledger, single entry

  • ledger.

  • But the IBM 360 came along in the early 1960s.

  • And it revolutionized the world of finance and ledgers.

  • It still took about 14 years.

  • I think it was in the early 1970s

  • after big paperwork crash on Wall Street, meaning

  • literal, physical pieces of paper

  • were moving around the late 1960s.

  • And they had to shut the New York Stock Exchange down,

  • I think, for a day or two, because they'd

  • gotten weeks or months behind in clearing the paper.

  • They had passed authorization.

  • It was all in clearing securities trends,

  • and was created by an act of Congress

  • that there would be central clearing and settling.

  • And DTCC was in essence created to solve and get out

  • of that huge mess and a problem.

  • But it was on the backs of technology

  • that it could even be done, that there

  • would be a central ledger.

  • Is it helping to answer your question yet?

  • AUDIENCE: I think my question kind of changed.

  • So I'll talk to you after the class.


  • You're good.

  • Do you have a question?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • So one thing that came out of the readings for me,

  • I guess it's kind of solved by checks.

  • But like, how are cash transfers captured in all of this?

  • GARY GENSLER: How are cash--

  • cash, cash.

  • AUDIENCE: Cash cash.

  • Right.

  • Because now they have digital everything.

  • Everything is really easy to track.

  • And you talked about confidential transactions

  • or private transactions, if you give me $10,

  • nobody else in the world knows that you gave me $10 back.

  • GARY GENSLER: Well, right now this is being recorded.

  • It's being seen.

  • And so you'll give it back to me.

  • AUDIENCE: 100%.

  • GARY GENSLER: No, you can take it.

  • You can take it.



  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Remember.

  • What lawsuit was that?

  • The Scottish lawsuit?

  • AUDIENCE: Can't remember.

  • GARY GENSLER: Crawford.

  • But that bill, what's it say on the top?

  • AUDIENCE: Federal Reserve note.

  • GARY GENSLER: So it's a Federal Reserve note.

  • It is a Federal Reserve note, which

  • literally means it is a liability of the central bank

  • the US government.

  • Now that's a social construct.

  • We talked about it's not that there is a room full of gold

  • or a room full of wheat behind it.

  • There's some gold in Fort Knox.

  • But that is a form of a ledger transaction.

  • If you read a little bit more closely,

  • can you see on the upper right there's something in there?

  • AUDIENCE: United States of America.

  • GARY GENSLER: All right.

  • Is there a serial number?

  • There is a unique serial number on every Federal Reserve note.

  • That unique serial number is, in essence,

  • tying it to a ledger, a liability of the Federal

  • Reserve.

  • But it's a tokenized ledger receipt.

  • I've handed it to you.

  • It's anonymous-- well, it's not anonymous,

  • because it was captured on the film.

  • But it was anonymous because it's a tokenized paper.

  • It's actually linen, it's not really paper.

  • Anybody know who is the sole source

  • manufacturer of the linen that goes into Federal Reserve

  • notes?



  • Crane.

  • C-R-A-N-E is the name of the company that has the contract.

  • But to answer your question, it's

  • a tokenized form of a specific serialized ledger

  • on the Federal Reserve.

  • AUDIENCE: So that only gets triggered

  • if it goes into and out of institutions.

  • Right?

  • If this bill comes to me, and then goes to somebody else

  • and goes to somebody else--

  • GARY GENSLER: Like, James.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: --before it goes on to a bank.


  • AUDIENCE: Then none of those transactions are tracked.

  • GARY GENSLER: That's correct.

  • AUDIENCE: But on something like Venmo, they are.

  • So something like Bitcoin, they are too.

  • GARY GENSLER: So we're moving.

  • There's a big trend that's happening over these last 50

  • years.

  • And if you go back 200 years, it was all anonymous.

  • But once you get into the 20th century,

  • it starts to be more or more digitized,

  • even early 20th century, commerce-- big commerce--

  • was starting to be in the banking system.

  • But in the last 50 years, and certainly the last 20 years,

  • we're almost fully digitized in developed countries, not

  • middle economic countries.

  • But that's correct.

  • But this still ties back to a ledger.

  • I'll get that back later.

  • Credit cards.

  • The first big write-up of credit cards

  • was a book from the 1880s that said, what would the world be

  • like in the year 2000?

  • And 15 or 20 times in the book it used the word "credit card."

  • They fictionalized the future of credit cards.

  • I haven't read the book, but I just

  • love that it was written in the 1880s.

  • But the actual start of the use of credit tokens,

  • if not credit cards, started actually

  • in the late 19th century.

  • And the idea is that you could have a token that

  • was for as particular merchant.

  • And by the 1920s you had them for getting your gasoline

  • when automobiles started to be popular, and so forth.

  • But they were not generalized credit tokens.

  • They were a credit token really by one merchant.

  • So think of them as a merchant-specific token.

  • In the 1940s in Brooklyn, New York, somebody--

  • in essence the innovation was to have a more generalized token

  • that could give you credit at more than one merchant.

  • And once that happened, of course, credit cards took off.

  • First in the US, Diner's Card.

  • American Express was in the mid '50s.

  • And then Bank of America figured out,

  • maybe we will even extend credit multiple banks.

  • And they created a network.

  • Bank of America was a California bank.

  • It's not the bank you think of now.

  • In those days it was California based.

  • But maybe we can have a network across the whole US.

  • And that network is actually the network that became Visa.

  • It was a shared ownership service

  • amongst a bunch of banks across.

  • But the cards had to be processed.

  • Does anybody even ever see the processing

  • that's in the left, in the middle,

  • any longer in the US and Europe?

  • No, you probably--

  • ALIN DRAGOS: The imprinters still exist.

  • There are some cab drivers who will still

  • take out, like, one of those--

  • one of those machines.

  • So they still exist.

  • GARY GENSLER: So they still exist.

  • So technology has moved us in advance.

  • So here we're going to do modern payment systems.

  • I think Alin's going to help me out here.

  • You've got a customer.

  • You'll see this play out.

  • But this is complex system.

  • The customer has an issuing bank.

  • I'm going to say it's me.

  • And I'm Gary Gensler, and it's Bank of America.

  • And I might use a credit card to instruct my bank,

  • I might use a check, I might use a debit card.

  • I actually have all three--

  • credit card, debit card, and checks.

  • I could instruct them in any of those three ways,

  • but there's other ways I can instruct them.

  • I can instruct them and ask Bank of America to send a wire.

  • I can in the US ask them to send an automated clearing house

  • payment--

  • ACH.

  • Wires are more real time.

  • ACH take up to two days--

  • is it now?

  • ALIN DRAGOS: That's in the longest form.


  • ALIN DRAGOS: The ACH has been suffering some pressures,

  • and now they actually offer--

  • GARY GENSLER: Real time.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: --almost real time [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: But traditionally, wires

  • were something that you did which were more immediate,

  • and what's called ACH, more slowly.

  • So there's actually five ways I could

  • have my Bank of America send something of value.

  • It has to go through some network.

  • It's too small to see, but the first little blue arrow there

  • is Visa MasterCard.

  • It might be going across a credit card network.

  • The second arrow there is where this guy used to work,

  • First Data stripe.

  • There's dozens and dozens of payment processors or payment

  • system processors--

  • PSPs.

  • So you have a credit card, but you might also

  • have somebody call it a PSP.

  • Has anybody started a business in this room?

  • A merchant?

  • I'm sure somebody-- has anybody?

  • All right.

  • Did you have to hire a payment system processor?

  • Who'd you hire?

  • AUDIENCE: First Data.

  • GARY GENSLER: First Data.

  • When I was chief financial officer of the Hillary

  • campaign, we had to hire a payment system processor.

  • It was Stripe.

  • So all the donations that were coming in,

  • somebody could use a MasterCard, could

  • use a Visa, could use an American Express.

  • We didn't have any legal contract.

  • We were a merchant--

  • I mean, you might think of it as a political campaign,

  • but we were a merchant.

  • You were a merchant, you hired first data.

  • So when you start your businesses,

  • whether it's a grocery store, a bar, a political campaign,

  • or something else, you're a merchant.

  • You don't want to deal with a bunch of credit card companies.

  • You want one payment system processor.

  • And you chose First Data.

  • We chose Stripe in that circumstance.

  • So those are the networks.

  • Then on the other side there's the merchant bank.

  • For the Hillary campaign it was Amalgamated Bank.

  • Who is your bank?

  • Do you care [INAUDIBLE]?

  • AUDIENCE: It was in Korea.

  • GARY GENSLER: It was in Korea?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • GARY GENSLER: Korea Bank One, let's call it.

  • Korea Bank One.

  • But the customer is all of a sudden, it's at five layers

  • before it gets to your bank.

  • And then, of course, you have access

  • and so forth, and you're the customer.

  • So all of these steps are in this chain.

  • This is modern payment systems, pretty detailed.

  • Digital wallets we talked about.

  • We're going to say a little bit more about digital wallets.

  • And the big question is whether cryptocurrency

  • is going to have something.

  • But before you get to digital wallets,

  • this is the payment stream.

  • And part of the answer, Alin, too

  • is why you need authorization, clearing, and settlement

  • is there's a lot of steps in this,

  • in the traditional movement of money.

  • And this is just domestic.

  • You can add digital wallets, and you could add Bitcoin.

  • And the question is, does cryptocurrency

  • skip all this stuff in the middle?

  • And can digital wallets jump start over some of these?

  • And the answer is, digital wallets

  • need to do all these things if they're going to jump.

  • They have to store the value; they

  • have to do some authorization; the equivalent of clearing,

  • if there's any clearing; and then move

  • it, which is settlement.

  • So these are the fees.

  • You want to--

  • ALIN DRAGOS: Can I add a few things?

  • GARY GENSLER: Yeah, please.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: A few minutes.

  • GARY GENSLER: No, take more.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: I wanted to say a couple of things.

  • Right?

  • First of all, you'll have to appreciate the fact

  • that this is a system created by banks for banks.

  • Right?

  • And I think that--

  • it shows, right?

  • This entire value chain, which we're

  • going to go through right afterwards,

  • basically relies on consumer using this process

  • to pay a recipient.

  • It can be a merchant or another person.

  • Right?

  • Merchants like the fact that they get value.

  • They don't have the type that have to pay a lot of money.

  • So there's an inner intention there.

  • And that intention manifests itself in a number of ways.

  • But it's important.

  • Right.

  • So just the dynamics are [INAUDIBLE]

  • to where this black box out here getting money over here

  • automatically have kind of a [INAUDIBLE] way

  • to the banks for the merchants.

  • Right?

  • The interesting piece here is that this access method

  • is probably the most underrated aspect of this entire bank

  • chain.

  • If you think of anytime you go up to a merchant

  • or to a website or whatever, whoever

  • manages that access point is probably

  • the most important thing.

  • You may have the best solution out there.

  • If you're not in that access method,

  • might as well not have it.

  • And that, I think, is something to import.

  • Cause as you're going to go through [INAUDIBLE]

  • where does value accumulate in this value chain, what you're

  • going to see is more often than not [INAUDIBLE] methods aren't

  • going to [INAUDIBLE] point to actually any meaningful change.

  • Because those are hard changes, right?

  • For a large merchant, changing anything at access point,

  • it's hard.

  • So that's something to keep in mind.

  • Right?

  • The other thing I would say is one

  • of the things where we talked about how

  • exactly to get big change at scale,

  • and you have to have two things.

  • You have to have technology, which is this is OK.

  • It's not great.

  • Right?

  • This is kind of old.

  • It used to be really great about two or three decades ago,

  • but this is not [INAUDIBLE].

  • But this is an unbelievable business model.

  • And if you look at the way the business model operates,

  • consumer love it.

  • Consumers love it.

  • So consumer gets--

  • I can pay wherever.

  • It's great.

  • Right?

  • Banks love it.

  • You know, they make a lot of money out of it.

  • They get what's called [INAUDIBLE]..

  • All these other vendors out here exist because of it.

  • Merchants, I would say are kind of neutral to it.

  • They dislike many aspects of it, but then processing cash

  • is also expensive.

  • Right?

  • So if you're trying to understand where do

  • I want to change things here?

  • A lot of the folks in the actual payment space

  • will tell you, well, payments is kind of-- you

  • know-- it kind of works.

  • Right?

  • It really doesn't work if you're on the fringes.

  • But if you're in the middle, it kind of works.

  • It's a pretty good system.

  • And the beauty of the existing model we have right now

  • is actually the business model on the way it works.

  • So I'll pause right there [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: But it's expensive.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: It's expensive [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: It's got a lot of friction.

  • World Bank statistics say payment systems

  • around the globe take a half a percent to 1% of economies.

  • Now economies would be much smaller

  • if we didn't have payment systems, because we would have

  • never probably come out of the dark ages

  • without some form of payment systems.

  • And in the last 50 years I think it's

  • been part of how economic growth has continued

  • in the internet phase.

  • You know, how we all transact on the internet.

  • But if you take nothing other than, it's complicated

  • and there's a lot of points of friction,

  • then I've done my job.

  • You don't need to know all the individual pieces unless you

  • actually personally want to compete

  • with PayPal or Venmo or Zelle or Alipay, which

  • is what you might do one day.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: I don't know.

  • GARY GENSLER: Yeah, just a rumor has it.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: Well, the funny thing is, as you'll see,

  • every now and then there comes a player that says,

  • we're going to disrupt payments.

  • And it is one of the hardest products to disrupt.

  • GARY GENSLER: It's a hard place to disrupt, largely, I think,

  • because of the collective action issues.

  • There's millions of merchants that

  • rely on dozens of payment system providers that, yes,

  • only rely on three to six credit card or debit card companies.

  • In any country there's usually two to three dominant.

  • It's not always Visa and MasterCard, of course,

  • not in China, for instance.

  • But the merchant end has such a huge collective action.

  • And that's why Alin focused on the access points.

  • If you're going to disrupt this, you've

  • got to figure out some way to get adoption-- broad adoption--

  • on the merchant class.

  • The money.

  • This was from the Bloomberg article, the Bloomberg article

  • that was reviewing China.

  • $2.75 in the US on average comes out of every $100 purchase.

  • And by the way, if you make $1,000 purchase, it's $27.

  • And I used to think when I was on the CFO of the Hillary

  • campaign, if somebody was generous enough

  • to give us $2,700, which was the legal limit

  • to a political candidate during that cycle,

  • we were paying 70 US dollars to this,

  • to that, to help elect a president.

  • Or in a billion dollar campaign, 2.7% is $27 million.

  • Now I'm not saying we spent $27 million

  • on this, because we were able to encourage

  • some donors to give us checks.

  • But I will tell you, even being recorded,

  • in the modern economy it's hard to convince somebody

  • to give you a check, even somebody who is generously

  • giving their support to a political candidate

  • to win the presidency.

  • And you say, well, we actually get $70 more

  • if you give us a check.

  • Yeah, but I got my credit card here.

  • So, yes.

  • AUDIENCE: How would that work if say, you gave 27.70?

  • And so the political campaign actually

  • ended up with $2,700 in the bucket.

  • GARY GENSLER: So this is a legal question for the Federal

  • Election Commission lawyers.

  • But we asked that question.

  • We did ask that question.

  • And it's not allowed.

  • It's not allowed, because it's going beyond the legal limit

  • under our federal laws for campaign contributions.

  • That would be deemed to be a 2,770 dollar contribution.

  • Even if somehow the donor is paying the $70 directly,

  • we weren't able to solve--

  • by the way, we were not able to solve that, because the payment

  • system provider, in our case, Stripe or First Data,

  • is actually a vendor for the merchant.

  • And the political campaign in essence is the merchant.

  • You with me?

  • Shawn.

  • AUDIENCE: Well, when you make a, for instance, $1 million

  • donation, it's not that--

  • GARY GENSLER: A what donation?

  • AUDIENCE: If you make a $1 million--

  • GARY GENSLER: A million dollars, that's

  • breaking the law right there.

  • But OK.

  • I'm big filmed.

  • I just want to--

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • You're not actually making a million,

  • because you get perhaps 1.5% or 2% of the points

  • back on your credit.


  • Yeah, right.

  • So Sean is just observing that well, actually the donor

  • is getting some points back.

  • So this is just averages, and averages sometimes mask things.

  • But $2.20 of the $2.75 actually goes back to the quote--

  • "issuing bank."

  • So if you're doing something on Bank of America,

  • Bank of America might then give you points

  • and share generously.

  • And a lot of the bank programs will share maybe up

  • to half of that.

  • You might get $1 per every $100 or one point for every 100.

  • But they're getting $2.20.

  • But you're right.

  • There were some donors that said, well,

  • I'm using my American Express card.

  • I'm getting my points back.

  • And if they gave $1,000--

  • not a million-- you know, that they would maybe

  • get the equivalent of $10 of points back.

  • That is correct.

  • So merchants aren't enthusiastic about this split.

  • This is the US model.

  • It does not cost this much in India.

  • It does not cost this much in China.

  • So in many other countries the jump

  • started around the credit card payment systems.

  • It costs a lot less.

  • But in the US, our payment system

  • is significantly built on credit card rails--

  • rails like tracks-- it's called.

  • So cross-border.

  • I'm not going to go through these two charts.

  • These were-- Shimon were you--

  • AUDIENCE: I think the US is somewhat unique in the sense

  • that there's bundling of the payment as a service,

  • and the credit.

  • Right?

  • GARY GENSLER: Right.

  • AUDIENCE: And those are being unbundled now.

  • But doesn't have to be the case.

  • And it's not always the case.

  • Right.

  • GARY GENSLER: So Shimon's point is that we, in this country,

  • have bundled the credit provision with the payment

  • provision.

  • And there are many of us that when the merchant says, give me

  • your payment data, we give him a credit card,

  • even though we might, in fact, regularly pay off our credit

  • card on a monthly.

  • I mean, many Americans don't.

  • But many Americans do.

  • So it's this bundling of payment and credit services.

  • And you're absolutely right, because when the internet came

  • along in our country, we had established credit card payment

  • rails.

  • And most of the internet payments, whether it

  • was for your mortgage--

  • well, usually not mortgage, but whether it

  • was for your utilities or your small dollar payments

  • were built on top of the credit card rails.

  • Your mortgage-- most mortgage lenders would say, no.

  • I don't want to pay the 2.7%.

  • We didn't have enough market power

  • even as a political campaign to get

  • people to give it to us in checks,

  • or to Zelle payment to us.

  • But this 2.7 is economic rents.

  • This is a form of economic rents.

  • Fraud.

  • Does anybody know the figures for frauds in this country?

  • I went and looked at it in the last two days.

  • So it was not in the readings.

  • Total fraud is about 10 to 20 basis points.

  • So of this 270 basis points-- or 2.7%--

  • less than 10% of it's really going to pay for fraud.

  • Now fraud is a really big thing, don't get me wrong.

  • But it's a small portion of this.

  • It's not the dominant feature here.

  • AUDIENCE: What is the credit risk cost that's covered

  • by that 2.20?

  • So the bank is-- there's typical losses on credit cards,


  • AUDIENCE: So one thing I would say--

  • I think that point that was just made

  • was-- it was really just right.

  • You do want to just conceptually think

  • about payments-- digital payments--

  • and credit as different.

  • They're just different products.

  • So typically, extending credit to someone,

  • it's a very personal relationship.

  • Right?

  • You cannot really-- you can look at [INAUDIBLE] and basically

  • make a guess.

  • Right?

  • [INAUDIBLE] there's so-- some type

  • of [INAUDIBLE] called debit payments.

  • Right?

  • When you're using money you already have.

  • Well, that credit risk is much, much smaller than the money

  • that you're not going to pay me back if [INAUDIBLE]..

  • So I would say the big thing that I would encourage everyone

  • is to separate the two.

  • And more to the point of a what is the credit risk.

  • I would say it's probably [? half. ?]

  • GARY GENSLER: So I don't know the number,

  • and I'll research it.

  • But I would caution to say the compensation for credit

  • doesn't only come out of this.

  • It also comes out of the anywhere

  • from 18% to 27% interest rates they're charging.

  • So when you think about it like, it's a dual model.

  • It's this, which is not solely for the payment,

  • but I'm saying this is largely for using the credit card rails

  • as a payment rail.

  • And then you charge an interest rate spread,

  • which is over 1,000 basis points, usually.

  • The spread versus underlying bank borrowing

  • tends to be anywhere from 1,000 to 1,800 basis points

  • on some of these.

  • But I'm not saying it's separate.

  • It's two business models.

  • Let me churn on.

  • AUDIENCE: I'm just going to [INAUDIBLE] a brief question.

  • Is that just for credit cards?

  • Or is it debit cards as well?

  • GARY GENSLER: So this is for credit cards.

  • Debit cards tended to be about the same.

  • But after the Dodd-Frank Act-- the regulatory reform bill here

  • in the US--

  • and the Durbin Amendment--

  • Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois had an amendment

  • where debit cards had to be priced closer to cost plus--

  • I can't remember if it said reasonable return on capital.

  • And there was a Federal Reserve rule making on that.

  • Debit card numbers came down significantly from this.

  • I just don't know the exact figures.

  • But it's over 100 basis points still on debit cards.

  • But it's not 270.

  • Good question.

  • So I'm not going to go through the details.

  • But cross-border payments have more complexity.

  • I'm not going to go through, but the paym--

  • this is the what I'll call the front end.

  • You have a payer on the left and a payee on the right.

  • Think of somebody in the US sending money to somebody

  • in the Philippines, maybe.

  • I need on my side a payment system processor.

  • That's the bubble on the top.

  • I need them to have some payment system processor.

  • They're both ends on the front end.

  • So just think more complexity, more friction in the system.

  • And really the reason is, is because you're jumping from one

  • money to another money.

  • Or another way you can think of it as you're usually

  • jumping from one ledger system to another ledger system,

  • if you're thinking like the computers and recording.

  • And the back end--

  • I should have called this back end, but I labeled both of them

  • front end, sorry--

  • has a bunch of things inside of it.

  • And the one I'm just going to mention

  • is correspondent banking.

  • It is a feature that came out of centuries of banking.

  • Arguably, you might not need it as much now.

  • But the concept was, I'm a small regional bank in the US.

  • I'm sending something to somebody in the Philippines.

  • The Philippines doesn't recognize

  • this small regional bank, let's say, in Kansas.

  • I need a correspondent bank that they can trust.

  • So it's a cost of trust that it could go from one country's

  • bank through a bank called a correspondent bank, which

  • had trust, to the other country's bank.

  • Or maybe you even had correspondent banks

  • in both countries.

  • But usually you had one international bank in between.

  • Hugo.

  • AUDIENCE: Hypothetically, if there became enough trust

  • in the Bitcoin network, could that

  • act as the correspondent bank?

  • Where like you're in the US, you go to a Chase or whatever.

  • They transfer your US dollars to Bitcoin.

  • You go over to the Philippines, they transfer

  • your Bitcoin [INAUDIBLE].

  • There is no need for that.

  • GARY GENSLER: So Hugo's asking whether Bitcoin

  • or any cryptocurrency could play that role of a correspondent

  • bank, or effectively play the bridge currency between fiat

  • to crypto, US dollar to Bitcoin, you said.

  • And what was the other country?

  • The Philippines.

  • Which is a peso?

  • What's that?

  • Peso.

  • Yeah.

  • So US dollar fiat to crypto Bitcoin to Philippine peso.

  • That is called a bridge crypto or bridge currency.

  • That's, in fact, what Ripple is trying to do with XRP.

  • So Ripple is a company that started as a payment messaging

  • service to compete with Swift.

  • And that messaging service, which

  • we'll talk about more Thursday, has been adopted by many banks.

  • More recently in 2018 they rolled out a prototype

  • of using a crypto token--

  • XRP-- as a bridge currency.

  • I would say yes, that is possible.

  • I think there's an issue also about volatility.

  • So if you're moving fiat dollar to crypto Bitcoin XRP

  • to fiat, if you have a lot of volatility,

  • that means it's a less--

  • it could be costly.

  • But if it's stable value, so you can

  • you can lower the cost two ways--

  • lowering the volatility of the crypto or lower the time.

  • And XRP believes they have a solution that

  • can be down to seconds.

  • And thus, even if it's volatility, that in seconds

  • it won't move as much.

  • And the friction will be that you

  • have to sell dollars to buy XRP, and then sell XRP to buy peso.

  • Or you can interpose any bridge currency.

  • One of the most significant opportunities for stable value

  • tokens that we'll talk about in a few classes is maybe

  • is what we can call it is a bridge currency

  • for cross-border.

  • AUDIENCE: Yes.

  • The question is, what will be the fees?

  • And if it makes sense from an economic [INAUDIBLE]..

  • GARY GENSLER: So Western Union and other remittance companies

  • can sometimes charge as much as 9% or 10%,

  • especially for small dollar remittances.

  • And I don't know if any of you do cross-border remittances,

  • but if it's small dollar, it can be very significant fees.

  • If it's large multi-million dollar transactions,

  • you're getting into corporate treasury functions.

  • So on the blockchain payment solutions side,

  • you have to always think about, is this

  • targeted for the retail small dollar transactional

  • side where you're trying to get inside of an 8% to 10%

  • fee structure?

  • But again, if it's only on $50 to $200

  • US dollar sort of transactions, you'd

  • have to figure out how to get your cost structure down there.

  • Or is it for the multi-million dollar treasury

  • function, for the Fortune 500 or the World

  • 1,000 or whatever treasury function,

  • where they're really talking about frictions

  • which are in basis points.

  • But still, the bridge currency-- crypto bridge currencies--

  • might still help in the treasury function side--

  • I'll call the corporate treasury function side all the way

  • to the retail remittance side.

  • The percentage fees are different.

  • And you just have to be able to say, well, can I get inside

  • of those inefficiencies.

  • And on the retail side it takes two to five days

  • to do a remittance.

  • So can you get inside the timing?

  • Alin.

  • ALIN DRAGOS: So one of the things

  • that I think I found useful when I was doing remittances

  • is trying to distinguish between getting remittances

  • from an account to an account.

  • So account to account remittance versus person to person.

  • And I know they sound the same, but they're not.

  • Right.

  • A person means, hey, you know what?

  • My mother out there doesn't have a bank account.

  • She's a person.

  • If she were to have an account, then that

  • would be a fairly easy transaction.

  • Right.

  • But is she doesn't have a bank account, that's not that easy.

  • Right?

  • Most of the value that all of these Western Union

  • or whatever, they've been valued by the fact

  • that they have a lot of locations,

  • that people can walk in, get their money, get out.

  • Right?

  • A lot of the folks that are coming [INAUDIBLE] right now,

  • they're trying to address this account-to-acocunt problem.

  • As in like, hey, you know what?

  • If you have a bank account here and a bank

  • account in South Korea, that's not that complicated, right?

  • And cryptocurrency can probably actually

  • compete fairly well there.

  • However, if you're trying to say, hey, you know what?

  • I have a bank account here.

  • But my mother, who doesn't have a bank account in South Korea,

  • how do I get the money to her?

  • If I send her cryptocurrency, she's like, fine.

  • What am I going to do with this?

  • Right?

  • So the real problem is, you have to think about

  • if you [INAUDIBLE] the remittances, OK,

  • where are the exit ramps on both ends?

  • How exactly are you going to get that to actually use

  • those funds?

  • GARY GENSLER: And also, right now

  • because there's no economy-wide use of crypto,

  • if you're trying to move value around the globe,

  • on the other end it's probably fiat to crypto, crypto to fiat.

  • So it's probably two money exchanges.

  • If it's to be stored value, if it's stored value,

  • a lot of people are still willing to store value

  • in crypto.

  • But until it grows larger it's not

  • a medium of exchange in any economy-wide solution.

  • So this is a slide you've seen before.

  • We're not going to spend much time.

  • But in payments some of these matter and some don't.

  • And I think if I did my little thing--

  • some will grow.

  • All right.

  • Yeah.

  • There you go.

  • All the illicit activity.

  • Remember in public policy there's

  • something called the Bank Secrecy Act.

  • If you're thinking about anything in the payment space,

  • you're probably moving something of value.

  • And in almost every country you have

  • to comply with some form of anti-money laundering,

  • know your customer, Bank Secrecy type of thing.

  • The US Department Treasury said so in 2013.

  • You probably also have to deal with some consumer protection.

  • That's why that box on the bottom sort of grew.

  • Like, you're just not going to lose their money

  • or steal their money.

  • And maybe something about privacy,

  • whether it's GDPR type of privacy in Europe or elsewhere.

  • You're not worried about investor protection.

  • But in this country, you have to worry

  • about how to register as a money service provider.

  • And other countries similarly register.

  • So I just raise that.

  • And as we go through use cases in H2,

  • I'm going to constantly kind of use this start

  • and say, well, what public policy issues?

  • You don't have to worry about the SEC, probably.

  • But maybe some stable value token

  • might be an exchange traded fund.

  • So it's possible you might be blurring up

  • against that regulatory state.

  • So technology is affecting us.

  • And this is a slide I think I've used before with everybody.

  • But I thought, well, wait a minute.

  • What of these eight-- and there's

  • more technology affecting finance-- but what

  • are these main eight are really hitting

  • payments, when I add payments.

  • Well, I'd say there's kind of four or five of them.

  • Blockchain is affecting payments.

  • But biometrics, we talked about that earlier.

  • Biometrics, definitely.

  • Mobile telephony, open API, which is the UK initiative

  • where they're saying that UK banks must allow merchants

  • an ability to get inside of those bank accounts, basically.

  • It's called open API, because they have an interface directly

  • into the bank accounts.

  • And even robotic scraping of data--

  • RPA.

  • I think they're all related to payments in some way.

  • Or maybe everything.

  • Maybe cloud and AI and machine learning.

  • But I kind of think--

  • I think that these five are the ones.

  • So blockchain is amongst the things changing payment.

  • It's not the only thing changing payments.

  • And then remember a bunch of attempts in the '90s?

  • A bunch of ways to do digital cash in the '90s?

  • We talked about this in the first or section lecture

  • of the course.

  • Fundamentally, why did they all fail?

  • Anybody remember why they failed?

  • AUDIENCE: They didn't solve the double spend problem.

  • GARY GENSLER: They didn't solve the double spend problem.

  • So bitcoin and blockchain technology, Nakamoto consensus,

  • is a solution to the double spend.

  • Nothing's 100% solution, it has some challenges too.

  • But it's a solution to the double spend issue.

  • So then before Bitcoin we had a bunch of mobile payment,

  • and now afterwards.

  • And I want to spend our last minutes

  • kind of just chatting about what are the lessons learning.

  • So first, Alipay and WeChat.

  • Who wants to tell me a little bit?

  • There's probably somebody-- who has Alipay and WeChat

  • on their phones?

  • Thalita, you want to tell us about it?

  • No?

  • AUDIENCE: Go ahead.


  • GARY GENSLER: Chris.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • So WeChat was started as just a chat service.

  • So they built out a huge user base,

  • which is the key to the similarity between WeChat

  • and Alipay.

  • And so essentially once they had that chatter base,

  • they wanted to start monetizing it.

  • And that's where the payment system was added on top.

  • GARY GENSLER: So when WeChat and Alipay started,

  • they started one, out of communications, basically.

  • Chat, text.

  • Right?

  • And Alipay was off of like--

  • is it appropriate, Shawn, to call it like,

  • China's mixture of eBay and Amazon.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • P2P.




  • AUDIENCE: Alibaba is a B2B platform

  • and combines an e-commerce platform.

  • So [INAUDIBLE] combination service.

  • GARY GENSLER: And those payment channels--

  • I don't think it's a surprise.

  • China was not as developed in terms of a credit card rails

  • as the US, and had far fewer banked.

  • So these two companies solved a problem that kind of

  • existed because there was not--

  • as it developed, banking system and credit card systems.

  • Overall, those systems cost less than in the US

  • then 270 basis points.

  • And you had an article in the readings

  • that maybe the US payment system is going to get shook up.

  • I don't know the answer.

  • But you know, maybe they'll get shaken up by these two.

  • How about the M-Pesa story?

  • Anybody have any M-Pesa on their phones?

  • No.

  • Who wants to give a crack at M-Pesa?

  • It's basically telephone, mobile minutes.

  • In all three of these, the central banks

  • saw a traditional banking function--

  • payments, and a second traditional banking

  • function-- the store of value, being done by non-banks.

  • What do you think the central banks

  • in the official sector did?

  • AUDIENCE: They came in and started

  • to regulate those [INAUDIBLE].

  • For example, we now are reading, they talk about M-Pesa.

  • Actually, the Kenya government oversaw the trust

  • so that even Vodaphone ran out of the business,

  • people can still use the money stored with the M-Pesa.

  • GARY GENSLER: So let's break it down.

  • So one is, the official sector said, whoa.

  • We've got to bring this inside the public policy framework.

  • Regulate it.

  • And then two, they said in the Kenya case,

  • it's gotta be set up as a trust.

  • And the value-- the stored value--

  • has to be in the banking system, literally.

  • So all those little--

  • Eric?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, I just wanted to add one example

  • to your list that actually is the opposite of what

  • [INAUDIBLE] described.

  • [INAUDIBLE] which is Peru modal.

  • And it's the initiative [INAUDIBLE]----

  • GARY GENSLER: Peru--

  • AUDIENCE: Peru modal.

  • GARY GENSLER: Modal.

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • And it was tackled or begun by a former production

  • minister in Peru, who actually thought

  • about that potential issue.

  • And she started reaching out to all local banks

  • and all local telcos, brought them all together

  • and created a whole model that's called

  • [SPANISH] which is mobile wallet in Spanish.

  • And it's been growing since 2016 as a means

  • of financial inclusion for underserved populations

  • and people that don't have bank accounts.

  • Because banks see that as an opportunity

  • to get more customers.

  • GARY GENSLER: So Eric, can I ask you a couple questions?

  • Do you know, was it a means for just payment?

  • Or did they actually store value in this system?

  • AUDIENCE: It's both.

  • Yeah.

  • You can use your mobile to pay to another person,

  • to a merchant, for example, a small store

  • with another mobile.

  • Or you can actually cash it out to a--

  • GARY GENSLER: Has it been brought inside?

  • Is it now being regulated as a financial firm?

  • AUDIENCE: We got them regulated.

  • And begun with a--

  • it's now a spinoff as a--

  • what we call sociedad anonima, which

  • is some sort of private company.

  • But it's basically a consortium of all the banks in Peru.

  • GARY GENSLER: So if you can send me an email with its name,

  • I'd love that.

  • And maybe I'll put something on Canvas about it.

  • But in all these circumstances, they were payments.

  • But they also had--

  • they started storing value.

  • The other one I want to mention is Starbucks.

  • Starbucks.

  • How many people have Starbucks on their phone?

  • And they have-- right?

  • So wait a minute.

  • Wait.

  • I saw a hand back there.

  • Larry.

  • Geez.

  • I'm going to call on you, then.

  • Who knew?

  • All right.

  • Does it store value?

  • AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • It steals value.

  • Like, you have a minimum amount you have to deposit.

  • So $20, for example.

  • Whenever it goes below the minimum, it kicks another 20

  • in.

  • So you never-- so they've basically taken $20

  • and held it permanently.

  • GARY GENSLER: So they're taking it out of your bank account.

  • Right?

  • You gave them authorization-- back to that word

  • "authorization"--

  • to just take money out of your bank account.

  • So this is a form of what used to be

  • when Larry and I were kids.

  • you could have physical prepaid cards, gift cards.

  • I got them on my birthday.

  • It's a gift card.

  • But now it's sort of prepaid cards on your mobile |

  • I think if Starbucks had billions of dollars

  • in everybody's $20, that the US Federal Reserve might

  • knock on their door and say, you've

  • got to register as a bank, or you've got to--

  • In China, basically, that's what happened to Alibaba.

  • The largest money market fund in the whole world

  • is at And Financial Alipay.

  • Largest.

  • About $300 billion US dollars.

  • But I think the same would happen with Starbucks,

  • because they're storing value.

  • And Kenya, they said you've got to put it in a trust.

  • And by the way, we want you to make deposits

  • with 100% of this in the banking system.

  • And that official sector said, we

  • don't want to dis-intermediate the commercial banks.

  • Now, they didn't write that in a statement.

  • They probably couched it all in consumer protection.

  • But at the essence, the outcome was,

  • they were keeping their commercial banking

  • system alive by doing it.

  • Starbucks, I don't know what they're doing,

  • Larry, with your $20.

  • But you don't, either.

  • No.

  • But I don't think it's a surprise

  • that Starbucks has partnered with Intercontinental Exchange.

  • And you should ask Jeff and Kelly

  • when they're with us, well, why is that connection?

  • I'm sorry.

  • There were a couple of hands.

  • I saw Jihee And I saw Alin.

  • AUDIENCE: Well, we just wanted to point out

  • that you probably had set--

  • set the auto subscriber, or--

  • OK.

  • GARY GENSLER: You can tell Larry advice.

  • How did he set his auto subscriber?

  • Oh, that's right.

  • I mean, I could physically have to go through every time I

  • want to reload.

  • But obviously, that's just wasting my time.

  • So.

  • It's like the internet.

  • That I'm losing is probably worth my time.

  • So I'm not saying I have [INAUDIBLE]..

  • But it is amazing.

  • There must be an extraordinary amount of money [INAUDIBLE]

  • GARY GENSLER: Oh no.

  • They're doing you a service.

  • I'm not saying they're not doing you a service.

  • Let me take one more, Priya, then I'm

  • going to go to [INAUDIBLE].

  • AUDIENCE: Interesting back story to the M-Pesa Safaricom fees.

  • I used to work for one of the NGOs

  • that pioneered the savings and loans concept in all of Africa,

  • really.

  • And what happened in Kenya was that you

  • had these groups, like hundreds of thousands of them,

  • in very remote places.

  • And these groups, you know, they had annual saving cycles.

  • And eventually, you know, they were saving very little money.

  • But they were saving.

  • And they didn't have a way to then move

  • into the formal economy.

  • You know, so the money just stayed there.

  • And it literally was money stored in a box with three

  • locks, and they were--

  • And you know, it was a way that even without literacy you

  • could do it.

  • At that time, DFID, the British overseas development agency,

  • was sponsoring a few of these NGOs to do this work.

  • And the consortium's biggest problem

  • was, now how did we-- the next step up is to transition them

  • into the formal economy and gain access to credit.

  • It was like the opposite approach

  • of the micro [INAUDIBLE].

  • And that's the point when in Kenya this breakthrough

  • happened is when these savings groups finally had some money.

  • And the first thing that happened at their villages--

  • like, no bank was going to open a branch.

  • There was a movement around mobile branches.

  • But even that was very expensive for the amount of money

  • that each of these scripts was saving.

  • And so then these first operators came up.

  • It was almost like an act of frustration, you know.

  • Like, OK.

  • We have this cash in this box that cannot be stored.

  • So now we're just going to move.

  • GARY GENSLER: So let me capture it.

  • So some of the themes is that where there is a market gap,

  • there is a gap in Kenya with unbanked.

  • And by the way, half of sub-Saharan Africa

  • is still unbanked.

  • But half of that unbanked have mobile phones.

  • But there is a gap in China.

  • And so Alipay and WeChat and so forth started to fill it.

  • What gaps are there today that you all can fill.

  • And then secondly, does a blockchain technology solution

  • help fill that gap?

  • There might be big gaps created by 275 basis

  • points in the US, the 2 and 3/4 percent

  • using the credit card rails for payments.

  • There might be gaps of the unbanked.

  • There might be big gaps in customer user interface,

  • because a lot of the customer user

  • interface in current banking isn't that great

  • as we move to mobile phones.

  • QR codes.

  • There was a nice comment--

  • see, if you do comment, I remember what you say online.

  • But there was a nice comment about QR codes.

  • Where are QR codes used in payment most dominantly?

  • Two countries.

  • What?

  • China and India.

  • The US, and I would even contend Europe,

  • are no longer at the forefront of payments.

  • Because we're sort of had existing big legacy systems.

  • But that might mean that there is big legacy systems built

  • on the credit card rails dominantly,

  • might be vulnerable.

  • A quick thing just on the methods.

  • This was out of a report you had, but I just thought

  • in 2016, 29% stole credit card.

  • Estimate, five years from now worldwide down to 15%.

  • eWallet is 18% to 46%.

  • Those trends, if they're right, and of course,

  • they won't be exactly right, but those trends

  • creates opportunity.

  • When you have huge changes, and people are changing the way

  • they're doing things, that's usually where

  • business opportunities are.

  • You had-- this is too detailed.

  • But I think it's sort of fascinating

  • that the Federal Reserve puts this out once a year.

  • It's always old, stale data.

  • But the big things I took away is

  • that we've got a huge change that's

  • happening here even in the US.

  • And card payments still growing, of course.

  • But not like they once were.

  • Mobile payments are big changing.

  • Half of all card payments are done online, by the way,

  • not in person now.

  • So those statistics, if you're going

  • to build a real business and not just a business

  • for a final project for Gensler's course,

  • you're going to want to dive into these statistics.

  • You want to see where are the opportunities.

  • What are the trends in the statistics.

  • And then Bitcoin came along.

  • And we're not going to chat more,

  • but I'm going to just say, just as the two minutes left,

  • don't forget the economics.

  • And I say this again coming back to having read

  • 50 papers over the weekend.

  • When you're writing for the rest of the semester,

  • whatever section--

  • whether you write on payments, whether you

  • write on central bank, whatever you write one, remember

  • about thinking about what are the benefits of block J.

  • What are the real specifics?

  • And particularly, how does it lower verification

  • or networking costs?

  • Like Christian Catalini wrote about,

  • but just we talked about it.

  • Coming to my office.

  • Ask for office hours.

  • Say, wait a minute.

  • How does-- does it really need to happen this way?

  • And most importantly, what are the net benefits?

  • And I keep coming to my friend Brotish.

  • No, don't do a traditional database.

  • You gotta get to a private blockchain.

  • This is not a traditional database course.

  • We're about permission blockchains or permissionless

  • blockchain.

  • And remember, blockchains are about append-only logs

  • with some consensus with multiple parties

  • having the right to change the state of the ledger.

  • So it's sort of like, when does that valuable?

  • I believe there is value to that.

  • But not in every circumstance.

  • And certainly if there is a native token,

  • why do you need a native token?

  • Is it there to jump start a network?

  • Is it to help with token economics?

  • Remembering that there is great network effects to having

  • one currency per jurisdiction.

  • But let's not forget that certain multi-jurisdiction

  • currencies have failed.

  • The history of multi-jurisdiction currencies

  • is they almost always fail.

  • We still have not seen the end or what's

  • going to happen with the URL.

  • I mean, decades from now, I'm saying.

  • And don't forget the skins and the swords as well.

  • So we're back together again on Thursday.

  • We're going to do payments on that day.

  • We're going to dive more into payments-- actual blockchain

  • technology stuff and payments.

  • Thank you, Alin.


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13.付款,第一部分 (13. Payments, Part 1)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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