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no kids ready.
No goods.
I am was scrolling through my my instagram tag pictures on ds during last episodes.
Something happened that I didn't realize that the way I was presented with this tragic news was it was with a Mame first Mean was actually pretty funny.
Oh, no.
They have a baby.
I can't kill them.
Other horses with no family favorite mean templates.
Let's set.
Let's get serious.
This next one who loves Semyon here.
Where have you bean her?
Rest in peace by Angolan captain.
Thank you for making this apparent to me.
Last episode I found some iron on the ground and I didn't know where is from.
It was after that night that we got home late with my horse and it was anarchy.
Absolute anarchy out here.
I found so iron on the ground.
We passed the guy our role.
A little clip.
We passed the Angolan on the way on dhe.
We saw him doing big damage, but the skeletons had golden armor.
They were the rich ones which is telling me to destroy it.
Cherie, you're ruining the moment for me.
Well, look, Creeper explosions.
It was right here, Right here.
I found the iron and I had no idea where it came from.
And then I realized, No, only could we be missing some villages, but we've lost the iron golden.
He had no name.
I did show him a few times.
That was probably the only interaction we had together.
But the eye Angolan is gone.
So, uh, I think we should make a new one.
I don't actually know how much I and I have, but, um, let's see if we can make a new one and I might use the name tag to name him to actually.
Do we have enough iron to be able to make an eye Angolan and also Macon AM Bill, Let's have a look.
I think I've got some 42 in here.
That's pretty goods and 50 0 there's quite a lot in here.
Okay, we might be able to do this for an Iron Golem.
It requires four of these, which is almost 40.
There we go.
And then an anvil costs three Maur.
All dudes, that's could be seven.
I think that's a stack of iron.
Oh, no, that's good.
That's a lots of iron I've done it.
I've done it.
I've done it.
It's worth it.
Why is it telling me all these things?
I want that thing to disappear.
You want me to?
You want me to punch a tree?
Here we go.
Here's the tree.
Why was that a thing?
I've been playing this for ages.
What's he doing?
Oh, yeah.
We need to make an eye.
And Golden, we need three of these.
When you four of these.
And then we need to make our, um, Bill, I think this is gonna be worth it, but I'm not quite sure what to call him and put this here, and we're gonna ground.
I think I'm named tigers over here.
We need a name for him.
We want to get a pumpkin.
There we go.
Do we need a normal problems or do we need to carve it?
I can't actually remember.
Let's go and make him right now.
Let's make sure we name him.
The only problem is, if we name him and then he dies, I'm gonna be even more upset.
Stop telling me how to play the game.
I know how to play the game.
So what should we do?
Should we have him?
Is God in?
We should have him his guardian off the bridge.
But then you know what?
Let's put some Let's put some torches around so things don't spawn here.
I don't want him to die like instantly.
That would be awful.
We need some Redstone lamps to actually make some lighting around here and protect the village.
Maybe that's what we'll do today.
And I've also got some more diamonds to show you.
That's right.
I'm out here finding diamonds.
And it's a big old hoard as well.
Let's do this.
This this is a lot of iron buddies if you die.
We definitely to carve pumpkins.
Okay, give me two seconds.
I have She is somewhere.
Oh, can I do it with a country with an ax?
No can do with an ax.
Two seconds.
I know I had She is somewhere.
Where did I put them?
I've lost them.
I'll just make a new one.
Doesn't matter.
Had the member infantry.
It's fine.
It's fine.
You come to this.
Siri's expecting stupidity on.
That's your first load.
Uh uh, There we go.
Now we can make this into.
I got him.
Let's go.
We got another goal reached.
Hello, friends.
Please don't harm.
No, he's Ah, he's been born with no brain.
What are you doing?
What's going on here?
You don't want to become one with the squid.
If there's anyone you don't want to make friends with around here, it's squids.
Looks like he's just gonna go and do it anyway.
I'm gonna go to sleep because I don't want this guy to die straight away.
But balance has been restored.
Tha knows it's now born.
Oh, and I also made a double bed for myself on the cloud factory is coming along pretty well.
So those are those two sets of shares I made on gonna be too much of a waste.
Okay, so let's sleep.
Let's go get those diamonds.
Andi, I think you guys should come up with the name for our brand's new golden to leave your suggestions in the comment section down below.
Also, while you're down there, leave are like on this video will be greatly appreciated.
Your only mission is to stay alive and keep the memory of the unnamed Iron Golem alive.
you hear me?
You better hear me, buddy.
I'm gonna go get me some diamonds.
Isa Trader.
I'll wait.
So I have a story about you, don't I?
So you trade for some terrible things.
Let's be honest.
But this guy lost his la Murs because he decided to drop them down here.
I think one of them is literally all the way down here.
He I was mining down here like all this beer, and I actually tried to trap him in here, but that's a secret.
And he fell down here and scared the life out of me.
True story.
But now he's lost his llamas.
So he got what he deserved, right?
It's gonna grab these diamonds because I've been a lucky, lucky man.
So I've been just stripped my name away down here, and I just need to look out for the piece of woods, which is right here to show me our next set of diamonds.
So the way I'm doing this, you now strip mining works.
You just mind in a straight line than mine.
Either side and you come across diamonds.
Hopefully which I did on the last time we crafted this Fortune three pick axe, which means I can try and get more out of this.
So we should get eight diamonds from this.
Just mining this normally.
But now we're gonna get Let's see how many we get.
We get more experience, but we also get way more diamonds.
It's the best pickaxe I've ever created, so we can actually get Diamond Armored.
Say, Look, that's definitely more than eight.
How many to be yet?
We article 25 1 vein of diamonds got his 25.
That's insane.
I'm upgrading Diamond Dharma.
Here we come.
Stop shouting at me.
I know you're stuck, but it's not my fault.
Your friends down here they say, This guy, I feel a bit bad.
There you go.
Go and be reunited with the guy who lost you.
You're lucky I don't take you hostage, buddy.
Where's he going?
He's not going to is llamas.
You left him down a hole and now he doesn't even want to talk to you.
This pickaxe is literally making us rich.
It's insane.
So we add this to our collection.
We have 50 diamonds that's actually insane.
So let's do a quick upgrades we go are minuscule.
So git so good.
Yeah, but we still got 26 left.
Covered me with diamonds.
Please rein them on me.
But instead, let's take off this armor that's placed it lovingly into this chest because it served us pretty well.
It saved us from many Creeper explosions.
But for now we're going full diamonds.
Ah, yeah.
Finally, we're full.
We're ready to go.
We should actually be able to enchant this to a Level 32.
Let's get a little bit of enchanting up here, shall we?
I don't know when Max level yet though.
That's one of the worst in chart mints ever.
I think I need one more bookshelf.
So we should make that a priority today as well.
What we get on the leggings for now.
Blast protection.
Although there's or awful, so bad.
What about the boots?
Fire protection.
Definitely keeping up with the awful enchantments.
And then protection of three on the helmet.
Okay, that's not too bad.
I'm gonna actually grab that now on the helmet, because that's actually pretty good.
Protection three.
I got me a shiny hat.
This is great news.
This this episode starting off beautifully.
So what else do we need?
We need one more bookshelf, I think.
But my maths is terrible, so I'm not even sure if that's what he needs.
I kind of want to protect the village.
The problem is it's massive.
Are where is the I n Golam?
Where is he?
Is he in the hole?
He better not be in the hole.
Come on or he's gone to his post inside the village.
Is no in the hole?
Where is he?
Where are you?
Oh, there he is is doing his duty.
I I respect you his eyes.
I've never realized how weird and I in golden eyes are.
But they're pretty strange.
Well, we also need to think about is the idea I have last time of making a Villager vending machine so we can trade with the villages and get cool stuff.
And I think I want that to be literally right here.
So what I could do is move all the Villagers and then have this bad boy over here protect them.
So then the village isn't really needed our thought It could just stay there for decorative purposes.
Okay, Next course of action is getting more of these guys because the cloud factory needs to happen.
I'm actually gonna build a proper building for the cloud factory.
I just need more resource is on DDE more weeks.
We should probably start growing more of this rather than just his temporary farmed.
I just knocked up in two minutes.
Here we go.
Everyone do your duty.
Oh, my goodness.
This is actually terrifying.
They're gonna be pretty cramped in here, actually, but you know what?
I kind of don't mind.
Yes, breach.
Make me clouds.
I'm gonna have to make a start on it like now.
So what I have to do first is get all of our villages into a hole.
Now, I know this sounds terrific, but really, it's, um, kind of what needs to be done to protect them in the long run.
This is going to protect them.
I promise you, we're gonna make this whole get them all to go in it so that we know we have every are Look, our first little was gonna say challenger willing Oh, my goodness.
He actually went straight in.
I am so proud of you.
So very so very proud of you.
Why did you do that?
You strange man is light up real nice.
There we go.
I'm gonna build a house next to it because we need the house to be able to change sir and villages professions.
And then we can make sure we have one of every Villager to do trades with.
I just need to figure out how I'm going to stack them.
Because originally, I wanted it to go vertical, but I don't actually know how I'm gonna get villages vertically because they don't walk up things.
Actually, let's let's test something real quick.
I feel like the best way to transport villages is bye bye boat.
So let's see if we can, um, quickly test.
This theory says, Do that also, make a boat and see if a boat can go upstairs.
If a bow can go upstairs, that's that's how we're going to do it.
We're gonna make a vertical vending machine.
This is for science and science only.
Can a boat go upstairs?
All right, let's try this.
Here we go.
These are very these air.
Pretty hard to control, even on land.
This looks extremely dumb, right?
Now, let's try it.
No, it doesn't work.
What about, uh, slabs?
Because the thing is, you can't attach leads to villages for obvious reasons.
So maybe maybe we'll do slabs.
Maybe slabs will work.
Well, this could be it actually go.
No, it doesn't go up there either.
Am I gonna have to just make a column of water?
If so, that ain't gonna be fun.
Let me describe a bucket and see if we can test this during, like, village of science experiments today to see if this vending machine is going to actually work.
So we dig a hole here, Hold here, hold here, Hold here.
The water should just fall into that space.
So I don't want to flood this poor man over here.
And I also need to make sure that zombies don't appear because otherwise this guy's dead meat.
He's just straight up that Wait where he lost his.
He lost his own are no.
He lost.
He lost his profession.
He's now a jobless Villager.
Okay, so this isn't gonna work.
I need to put them into, uh okay.
This doesn't even work.
Maybe half the bubble elevator it Where is that Hello.
What was that?
This boat is cursed.
It's gonna be so difficult to do.
I think even pushing villages is difficult because they have a mind of their own.
They just kind of do what they want.
Actually, that's not too bads because I don't want to make bubble columns to go up the entire thing.
That's gonna be painful.
We might have to make an apartment block.
I just need to test one thing.
It is a new cartographer in town, but I also want to steal this cartography table and see if placing this in the whole means that the Villagers will change to that profession.
So you think they seek out certain blocks to make their profession?
So let's see.
No, no, no, no.
Stay in that.
I knew that was gonna happen.
I don't want this to happen.
Oh, it works.
Go on, get in.
Oh, he's in love with it.
Okay, this works.
So now he's a cartographer, which is good and has the same trades before.
So the idea of this, by the way, is to make a ll The Villagers have a ll the jobs and then Max them out.
So we have max levels of trades.
We might even try and capture some wondering travelers as well.
Now, the question is, do I keep them?
I could keep them underneath.
Listen, he's drawing What you drawing Sun designs for acute A monocle for me.
You shouldn't have a diamond.
One will be perfect.
By the way.
I could make them underground, but that seems a little inhumane.
But that alleviates the need for doing the vending machine Vertical.
Oh, this is complex.
Let me just see if they'll go up a bubble elevator.
Bubbles are happening.
This is good.
Only sends me up one by need to test it.
I need a village.
I need a willing participant.
You know what?
You're proving to be quite a magical.
So please get out.
Yeah, there we go.
He's willing.
He's willing and able, but it's kind of scared at the same time.
Why is everyone wanting to go over there for therefore down the hole went down the hole.
I need to test if this works.
Please, Please cooperate.
I will pay you.
I will pay you in sweet diamonds.
Come on, buddy.
You know you want to.
I don't like you.
I would like to like 10 seconds ago.
He's refusing to cooperate.
Come over here.
I know.
How about if I put your cartography table right next to it, huh?
You go.
There's your table right in there.
Go and use it.
Going drawers and stuff like the zombies are coming soon on.
Then you'll be in trouble.
He's gonna go sleep.
Isn't a Yeah.
You know what working with villages is Justus Annoying is working with water, trying to incorporate.
I'm trying to save their lives.
I'm gonna put them in tiny little test tubes, which means that they can survive forever, which is I'm giving them the joy of life.
Why would you not cooperate with that heart?
Hold on.
Brainwave boats plus bubble column.
Does this work?
It does.
We have our solution, but it requires a bubble column to go all the way up on dhe.
We need to capture the villages in the boat.
This is the only way that I found online to be able to.
Oh, great.
Okay, now there's two of you in there.
I mean, this isn't gonna work, is it?
Get out.
Get out.
Get out.
Now that there's a cool boat right involved.
You both want to get in.
Somebody come here.
I am the land shark.
Get in the boat!
Get in the boat!
Okay, okay, Sweet.
Let's see if this works slowly.
Turn around.
Jeez, you're huge.
The weight is dragging down this boat, and now it works, and then he gets out of the top.
Oh, this is gonna be glorious.
Okay, this is the way we're gonna do it.
Let's take that back.
Also, take this back and let's take this back.
So this is how we're going to do it.
We just need Thio plan out one earth we're going to do right here.
But first we need everyone in this hole.
I'm gonna have to use a boat to do it.
I think I don't really mind if they lose their professions Now we're going to give them new ones anyway, right?
So cooperate.
You have not been cooperating a ll day.
Don't make me get the boat because I will get in.
Get him right now.
The's guys really don't want to work with me.
But I'll force him Get in.
He's drawing no drawing and we go into the whole Perfect.
This is where you're gonna stay.
Now Disobey me again and you'll be in trouble now.
They shouldn't be able to use this to get out.
I don't think so.
Anyway, they can walk up it, but they weren't about to get out.
Who's next?
You, farmer friend is next.
How many o cheese harmony?
We could keep them in the boats.
That would actually be amazing.
We can keep two in each boat.
I think I've found what I'm gonna do.
He's gonna get all the villages in boats because then they won't move anywhere either.
This is perfect.
How many professions are there?
Let me just quickly look it up.
There's 13 different Villager jobs.
I need 13 villages, which means I need seven boats.
They're worried your role will be fulfilled soon.
But for now, I need to collect as many of these guys as possible, which is actually way more difficult than it looks.
Also, I don't know if we're gonna have 13 villages.
You know, some of them must have died, sir.
Did any of your friends die in the great zombie attack?
I mean, we could bring them all the way from the other villages.
But that's gonna be quite the trek in just the boat.
I'm not sure if that's gonna work.
I really wish you could put leads on them, but we can't be hanging villages.
I know.
There we go.
Speak to each other, lose your professions.
It doesn't matter.
You're all have new job soon.
I just know of another way that we can transport them.
We could do mine carts if we have them all in one place.
Buying cards might be better than a bubble elevator, because a little bit more precise.
So we're gonna do that instead, I'll get them all in one place so we know how many villages we have.
Then we actually need to create the block.
And I also need to do this so that this guy, when it's broken, lands in the other boat, landing it, landing it, get in the boat, get in the boat.
I'm not letting you leave until you get in the boat.
Do it now.
Come on.
You know you want to.
There's not many other places you can go.
So the boat's gonna have to be your choice.
I'll push you in.
There we go.
All right, we got four now.
He needs nine MB, or I'm gonna go and count how many villages we have.
That might be all of them.
I think a lot of them died.
I'm not seeing any other villages.
Did you really all die that easily?
You guys suck.
Where is everyone?
What are these?
Looms are perfect.
I can actually make a banner I want to add.
Like I know you could do a diamond shape and then you can add it to your shields.
So I want to do is get a banner to go in the front of the house, maybe either side and then at its my shield as well.
I think that'll look, corks.
I'm pretty sure you could do it in blue as well.
Problem is, we only have four villages and the only other village is Where is it?
It's this way.
I have to go the whole way in a boat.
I mean, I'm gonna have to get him to breeds.
I'm trying something else.
I'm gonna grab the beds from here because you guys aren't gonna need these anymore.
And apparently it depends Oh, I've got your in here.
You're the only remaining Villager away.
It's getting dark.
It's getting dark.
We need to sleep because these guys will instantly die of a zombie falls in that hole.
But I don't want that.
Yeah, we need as many beds as we can get because apparently the villages out, you have really large brains now so they can.
They can think for themselves.
They have routines and everything.
It's crazy.
They used to be so dumb, but we could do is give them beds.
Apparently they work out how many beds there are, and then how many villages there are and then they can breed.
So I'm gonna try and do that.
I'm not sure if it's gonna work.
In this whole, though, they need other things like doors and stuff to be able to breed as well and also food.
If you give them bread or if you give them carrots for potatoes, they will breed through that as well.
Let's make this little village bed place kind of like trampoline park, but with beds, and I see what happens.
I just need to collect as many beds as I could get my hands on our look at his face is like, Where are all the people I'm supposed to protect?
He's literally looking around for them.
Um, I have news for you, buddy.
They're not too far away.
But they don't currently only go.
This is a trap.
Look at this.
But they don't.
I've found it on.
So this is the guy who has his head stuck.
I will save you.
Can I save him?
Get in the Get in the boat.
Come on.
I need you.
Saved, Saved.
Did I just save you?
Come on, tell me it's true.
Get in the boat When you guys really don't like to cooperate, huh?
Oh, He wants to leave.
Yes, he's in the boat.
Okay, we've got another one that's gonna save us a bit of time.
Why these guys will farmers.
I think it's because they've got loads of the farming items.
Let's put you in the hole in this new boat.
Then we'll see if we can find another Villager.
If not, the breeding must commence.
You guys have no choice.
We need eight more so we can give every single one a job.
A unique job that weaken just abuse their trade.
So let's put the guy right over here in this corner.
I mean, it's getting a little bit messy up in here, but that's fine.
I have quite a few beds already.
The only I just thought of another problem.
They're going to be able to get out.
They're going to stand on the beds to get out.
So we can't have that.
That's blocked them in even further.
Now we can put the beds in, and I'm pretty sure it works.
If you just put loads in like this, someone's gonna have the blue beds.
And now we just need some more.
Okay, I've got 1234567 beds, plus the ones already in there.
This should be enough to be able to get some more villages.
Well, what's going on there?
Cursed bed, cursed bed.
Another one there.
And that's even put one in the middle to Where is it?
But oh, yeah, we can do.
This is cool on.
You could bounce with Emma's.
Well, this thing's great.
So now if I get rid of that boats, I think they should stop breeding.
I'm not 100% sure.
I'm gonna check.
They've all lost their jobs apart from this guy who's pretty new.
And I think this counts because we're within the boundaries of a village.
But I'm not 100% short note.
You're staying in your staying in none of that.
Do what you need to do.
They look very upset with me.
There's 12 people, Five villages in here.
I don't know how long it's gonna take, but if we get them some bread Apparently if they have three bread each, they'll start to breed.
Who wants this?
Who wants this?
Three breads.
He took it.
He took it.
I saw you take it.
Gonna take another one.
Took it?
Yeah, he took it.
I'm gonna go and get some more bread.
Look at all the hay bales.
I have I didn't even realize Oh, we've got bread for days.
Uh, you guys okay?
Here's some bread for all of you.
Don't eat it all at once.
There you go.
There collecting it.
They're real collecting it.
Don't look at me like this, you know, we're supposed to do take it.
Oh, I feel weird watching.
I think it's happening, though.
Then damage.
They've algo breads and they're getting crazy is actually happening.
Hey, it works.
It actually works.
What's good?
Buddy are so pleased.
Bounced on the bed with me.
Let's go.
He's so cute.
Well done.
Well done, friends.
I don't know who the parents are.
I'm guessing this guy's one of the parents because it's following it, but it works.
1234561526 On that, like oak you is this.
They're playing on the beds.
How many beds we have?
123456789 10 11 12 13 Were the perfect amount of beds because they have to be unclaimed beds cause the villages claimed the beds.
There's so many rules to this.
It's crazy.
But I need more bread.
So let's make a bigger farm.
Yes, this should do nicely for now.
Grab some more seeds real quick.
Okay, that's almost twice as big as it was before.
How they get on in there.
There were six, right?
12 3456 Okay, the little one is still there.
I shouldn't need to give them a cz much bread as I did, right.
Let me just go and make six individual pieces and then make sure that the same guy gets them.
Let's see if that works.
I got 21 squids is still dying.
I will make that sanctuary for you guys.
Don't worry.
So I'm gonna give 123 Who's gonna pick them up?
You picked up too.
And then 123 and see what happens.
Go on, Do it.
They're following me.
Don't tell me.
Villagers follow bread now.
Oh, yeah?
Is it working?
Lots of love hearts.
I don't know what these guys.
I don't know what's happening with three.
Uh, is this gonna work?
It worked last time.
Show me the baby.
Some of the baby.
A child.
Birth is easy, right?
If only it was that easy.
Oh, man.
123 Take that.
Going to three.
Take that.
Come on, make a child.
This is like they're just following the same person.
I don't think they care who their mom or dad is for this village.
A pit is working, but it's also slightly inhumane, to be honest.
123123 Come.
Pick it up.
There we go.
Come on.
123 I don't have that many to give out.
You know, they're taking all my bread.
And bread is the cheapest to make because I have loads off it, but it's working and maybe a way.
I think they said something about time of day as well.
In the in the editorial that told me how to do it, we need a time of day, different beds.
Now we got seven.
So we just need to double our villages.
And then we've got one for each profession.
This is This is perfect.
I didn't actually think was going to work looking pretty intense between these two.
Let me go and get another piece of bread and throw at them and see if they're willing.
Come on, guys.
We go.
There's some more.
Take it.
Take it.
Take it.
I think this guy still stolen a ll the bread because he's the farmer.
I'm not seeing many love hearts over here, and you're taking on my bread.
Still, what's the dealio?
Look, this guy's got a job now because the cartography tables right there.
That's pretty smart, handsome studying.
I think your foreheads on fire though.
You proud of your mom or dad's looking them playing?
I love how they got little behaviors.
Now it's really cute.
But you're proud of your mom or dad's, huh?
That they aren't.
You got a degree now in cartography.
That's pretty impressive.
Right anymore.
I need more bread.
I'm gonna run out Bread, More breads, numbs 21 more bread.
123 Take it before everyone else does.
There we go.
What do you three get it before the farmer does?
Quick pick it up.
Got, um Okay, these two have three each.
This farmer definitely has 3123 You have three now from him.
Oh, it's working.
Yes, this is perfect.
123 Somebody take it to three.
You need it.
Grab it to stop taking all of the bread, you fat boy.
Three little villages are This shouldn't take too long at all.
I don't know if, like sheep and stuff.
So adorable.
I don't know if, like, sheep and stuff they need, like a cool down on whether they will breed.
They all look like they're having.
They look like they're bullying this person.
Actually, I'm not I'm not a fan of that.
Come on, guys.
We got eight.
Need five more.
Come on, guys.
Don't make me eat this bread.
Do three.
Take it.
The infantry's must get full.
At some point.
I feel like this one needs bread cause it keeps going after it.
If it keeps going like this, I'm gonna run out.
What else can we use?
We can use carrots, potatoes or beetroot as well.
Any Villager with an excess or food?
Throw food to other villages.
That's crazy.
That's rubbing noses.
So the farmer guy can actually throw excess food at the other villages and tell them to make make baby villages.
Which is kind of sweet, actually.
Oh, I see.
Love hearts.
I see love hearts.
We're gonna have these in no time.
Bread take the breads is right.
There should be four of them Now.
There is love hearts happening.
How many are there?
1234 We will fall at once.
Now I just need to protect them and make sure that the sun never goes down on them.
I already feel like a little baby Daddy.
It's so cute.
So cute.
Even though they've been bred in captivity, Which is horrible to say.
This is actually working out.
Now, if I had a slimeball and actually be able to make the golden come over here, I'm gonna put out there.
I don't think you could put gold in a boat, but I'm gonna give it a go.
Hold up.
Got him.
Caught him.
Come here.
I want to try something.
Get in.
Get in.
You know you want to come on.
It'll be magical if you got in.
I don't think he's going to, but I need him to look over the rest.
The only problem is it needs to be night time for me to grab a slimeball, because there is somewhere.
Where is it?
There is somewhere on this map where there is a slot.
A swamp.
I am.
I think it's ahead of us over that way.
But it needs to be night time for that to happen.
And I'm not leaving these guys unattended without protection from the nasties, so I'm No, I'm not feeling confident in doing that.
Until they're safe.
I can actually make some more bread.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm going to sleep and then we'll throw more bread of them.
Could jump on my own bed too in my new diamond armor.
See, I could be a baby child.
What is so weird to see them?
You can only see one of them.
But I'm glad Villager breeding is so much easier now.
Used to be, like all to do with doors and rooms and crazy stuff like that.
They made it easier.
I'm so pleased that we could make our own little family.
I promise to protect you all with my life.
Oh, look at them, right.
Who wants breads?
Who wants bread?
I keep falling in.
123 Who's gonna grab it?
I don't want it.
There you go.
Your eager 123 Take that.
Okay, So now at least two separate villages have themselves three bread, and I think it might be these two here.
It's daytime.
You know what to do.
They even watch the baby's jumping up and down.
123 Farmer Joe.
123 Farmer Jill, this bread technique works.
These guys are thinking about it.
There's two Maura.
At least there's two couples with three bread each.
They just shared breads.
It just happens.
I saw it happen before my very eyes.
123 Someone take it.
There we go.
They should all be fueled up.
There it is.
Wait, wait, wait.
Three of them.
No, that doesn't work like that.
I don't know what's going on here.
We've got four babies we could get to Maur here.
There's four of them with love heart.
There's another one.
Okay, I think I'm confusing things here, but we've got five babies.
123456789 10.
We only need three Maur to make the Villager machine, but they don't need to listen to that just yet.
It'll the bread is in there.
They should start sharing as well.
I've seen it happen with my very eyes.
So when these guys have grown up, I just need to build the vending machine.
I'm pretty sure it's gonna go here where they're each gonna have their own little cubbyhole.
So if you think of it like each gets a three by three room with their particular job profession item in it because each of them needs either like a loom or a cartography table to turn into a different profession.
I think brewing stand is one as well To see the priest that we saw last time.
You can also get the What's the thing that you put the book on?
You can use one of those as well to the East.
Gonna have, like, a three by three room.
I'm gonna stack them up as well.
And if there's 13 we could do 36 nine.
That's quite high.
Would you?
448 12 and then one on top.
I think this is gonna work perfectly.
Yes, yes.
Look at the bowl.
I think we might be able to wait until we have all of them.
You know, we only needed three more, right?
It's just It's crazy.
It's crazy.
Oh, my goodness.
There's six of them.
Six little babies, six bubbles.
13 people by 6789 10 11.
Yeah, we only need two more, and then we're good to go.
I'm going to keep throwing bread in here and hopefully it happens.
There you go.
I think I have enough.
I'm sure I've given them way more than enough to create two more babies right there.
So cute.
I keep saying over and over again.
But they're just waddling around in a little gang, having a great time bouncing on all these beds.
I couldn't resist.
I bought more.
I bought more bread.
We go share it around, share it around.
Everyone could have some part from the kiddos unless they get hungry and then you can have them.
We just need two more little bubbles out of you guys.
And then we've almost re populated this village on populated must special Villager machine.
Oh, more hard.
This is baby number 12 baby number seven, Village and number 12.
We just need one more.
And then we just need to wait for him to grow up, which I don't actually know how long that takes it is there it is.
It's bouncing.
It's looking kind of freaky.
Actually, it's coming out of his head.
123456 have lost count of how many there are.
I think there's another one in there.
So 123 4567 years at seven.
There's one bouncing.
There we go.
There is eventually came out.
One more guys, one more.
That's all we need.
123 Take it.
Make sure that everyone gets what they need to be able to make one more of these guys.
But what?
He's doing it.
That's cool!
Bread for the taking.
You took it.
I haven't got any more.
So being so hungry.
Come on.
Oh, it's happening.
The farmer himself given out the bread to others, but also using it for himself.
A baby number eight, Number 13 in total.
1234560 I can't even count them.
They're so fast.
123456 Adults.
123456 Should have eight babies.
I'm not quite sure this might get our control.
But, guys, you know what I think our duty is done for today.
This is beautiful.
The miracle of life over enjoyed this episode.
If you did leave her like that, we greatly appreciated.
Make sure you leave your name suggestions for the protector off this little family that we created today In the comments section down below.
If your brand new Israel's keep up with this Siri's and the more likes this episode gets, the quicker I'll make another one Villager vending machine coming up next to show you how you can abuse your brand's new village of family in the form off an apartment block.
It sounds awful, but we're going to do it.
Okay, Wait for these little suckers to grow up, and then they're gonna work for us.
I was watching and see you next time.
Good bye.
Swing back in candle Camp four, Rubber Band.