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What did you do?
Oh, todo oh, just encapsulate my dog in glass.
It's stuck forever now, Jack.
You kidding me?
They get attacking me.
You attacked him.
Kill you.
Hey, come on.
Dog lets him a dog as he wants to stay.
He wants to stay.
Oh, no.
Do p to P little A doghouse.
I can't find my dog.
Jack, this is so sad.
I don't know where he is.
Sort of my ego.
I don't know.
Sing the song of his people I know way gotta sleeps it Sure.
Oh, my God.
We both got bells.
Goodnight, gamers.
Should I messed it up?
Wait, Stops up.
Well, good night.
I gave her good night.
Bottom of night to you.
What time of night?
Oh, this is getting a peek.
I have Ah, I have a surprise for you, Jack.
I I see a lot of right start out here potatoes.
I get a little.
Not that one way.
What do you want?
Me, Tonto.
Well, as you can see, there's also potatoes.
This from where Jack?
Oh, really?
I feel like I should not have actually maybe maybe not this one First.
Do this this one first.
Actually, I feel like I have here.
Are poor for potatoes?
Uh, no.
My Irish senses can smell them.
Go back where you do.
What's the damage?
Nothing's supposed to happen.
God, I see obsidian up there.
I don't trust this stuff.
OK, ok.
This way is well out.
Oh, my God!
He must want your potatoes.
I just had a chance.
Damn it!
Get the timing is off When?
Okay, I see what it did once.
Did you test the sun yourself first?
Is this why you're back?
Yes, Yes, I bad.
I must have tested it.
Ok, ok, get going.
All right, do it now.
Oh, what is this potato I never see before.
Oh, wow.
Oh, God.
Oh, God!
Oh, no, e just You're trapped now, coward.
Don't worry, Jack.
Don't worry.
You can just dig down to go back.
Oh, no, wait.
Did the latter catch you?
Ah, yeah.
I'll jump off the ladder.
I can't.
You know you can't you miss.
It's okay.
I did.
I like there to be nice to you.
That's a missing miner here.
Oh, no, I'm stuck.
There's a sticky piston Oh, just a lot of looking.
Oh, God, Like I was supposed to prank you.
And then now I trapped myself.
Is what helped me.
He appear.
Oh, look with this.
Look down for potatoes.
What better?
Look down.
Wait, look.
Look down for potatoes.
Hey, I love those.
Is it down to your Not bad.
Over here.
Oh, my Oh, my God.
That's what you get, Jack.
We're gonna die!
Say your last prayer, Jack.
See your last potato.
Your last Wait.
Enjoy your last potato, Jack.
Hey, guys, you're Swedish, okay?
But I'm not arrows.
I accept this site saved it.
Are you?
Oh, man, Dis Ausubel.
I have the power of God and my craft of my sight.
Oh, did you get the ladder E up?
No, I know.
I'm going to destroy your message.
No, my l a pill.
No, your epic alone.
Well, now, just the way.
I haven't even better one.
I haven't even better one for you.
I'm gonna write a new message for you.
Ah, that's l equals l.
Which is laugh equal.
No, You left use.
Wow, You totally didn't use creative mode to dig this cave.
No, come back up.
I'm so sorry about that.
There's potatoes.
Oh, take many hurt.
There better be potatoes at the bottom of one of these.
I don't like being epically pranks Epically.
Yeah, that there will be potatoes.
That one of them may, of course.
Okay, now there's a missing daughter here, so I'm stuck.
Uh, somebody reading also down a ladder for you.
Okay, I'm waiting or worried.
Um, here n German.
Oh, but I know what you know.
Uh uh, no.
I spawned at the very first base.
Know what?
Receive What is she?
I missed the ship there.
Their sheep here in spirit and body God, this first base.
It's just not that good, is it?
I found our diamond.
Oh, grab it.
Describing a bigger it here.
Okay, cool.
Hey, get back here right there, Scum.
Okay, there's more potatoes.
Father, May, um what are you putting back to dog?
That is not very ship Shop of you.
Ok, sorry.
OK, my who You have to stay imprisoned.
Wait, It's his potatoes right here.
Oh, What?
I didn't place that That's so crazy.
Potatoes this way.
You've never played potato?
I don't think I don't think it's in there.
Oh, you know, you seem potatoes before I just feel like there's decide here.
Okay, cool.
Uh, there's more signs.
Yeah, that's that's not a terrible design at all.
I swear.
So many epic potatoes.
Dude, there's gonna be so many epic potatoes this way.
Hey, wait.
Oh, almost there are excited.
Oh, this looks like a potato Grave.
Sweet potatoes.
So close.
Okay, look down for potatoes that that went so well.
Last time I got so many potatoes, his name was potato creeper.
An anvil.
Right here.
Uh, what?
It disappear?
It is a fair What?
You solved three of four out of my three or four capitals.
Really does.
But can you fell the 4th 1 to get the real treasure?
I smell potato?
No, down in the mines.
Perhaps this is big potato time down in the mines.
I was already there was nothing there, huh?
Down in the mines, perhaps potatoes down in the mines, Perhaps.
Go with your smell.
You gotta go with your smile on this one.
There's some sort of history lesson to be taught here.
Is there no science to guide my way?
I think you were closed, maybe.
Oh, God.
Is he a charity?
Enough potato.
God damn it.
Hey, Booth, They There's a way to save you, Jack.
Do you see the love?
There is a way to save you.
I see it.
Tell how much you love potatoes.
And they were saving my love for data so much.
I obviously potatoes as much as I love you.
Oh, thank you, particular.
Say you're saved.
Save me.
What's more, Wow, There's there's There's one more little piece.
I don't know it.
Just one more little piece of love like it because I came with you.
Oh, wow.
That was close.
Water shape is guiding me Potatoes.
Oh, hello.
There's potato there.
Stop, Stop, stop!
I I stop.
I hear the sound of no potatoes anymore.
There it is.
There's the hold on invader.
Irish invader coming for potential.
Look, look back!
Potato rental.
You're fine.
You're fine.
It's justifying a little prank.
I'm in a tiny boy prison.
I can't get it.
Okay, I Is this very curious.
Okay, Theo.
Scary you, are you?
I don't diet at one heart.
What the young dude.
Oh, look, Jack.
Look, Potatoes does go.
Ah, dude, that was a prank.
Epically but I do have to get you.
Do you have to hit you with shovel now?
E o way would show I'm back to spawn now.
I thought you were Oh, my gods!
Their ship.
What this happened?
I'm back.
Spar water.
She want to see you again?
Say why you leave.
You know, Young quits me no more.
She honk when that were even, are we?
I remember that one time you pranked me.
I was cutting down the wood and you removed the floor underneath me.
Yeah, that's true.
Now we're now it's all ship show.
No, it's chip shop Ready to sleep Training?
I forgot.
I forgot thinking.
Being bottom of night.
He's a Russian bells sleep.
Sleep That was pro epically.
OK, ready to play normally I got you Good, right?
I got you good, right?
I was prying.
Typically you were frank epically.
I just enchanted a pickaxe even though it's almost broken.
Do you have sticks?
No, we have sticks.
Do this just right.
Here's there in the 60.
60 for us.
Our Abra.
That's awesome.
I mean, Lapidus, what we're doing usually pretty left.
It's next to that in Chairman thing.
I should put like a little buyer.
Yeah, I've heard a lot about an extra day, Chapman.
And that's why we get it.
But a little bar on their next visit the base.
Get here.
Go than another.
Don't step on my bed.
Is it daylight?
Yeah, he was burning.
Now where our epic pyramid shields the light until you get into the middle and then it's like, super intense.
I also have four named tank.
So once we get horses, we can name them.
I could name my dog.
We need an anvil.
Damn it, Let's go.
Today I have for a cent mille potato and well, you destroyed.
Oh, what if you destroy an animal?
Latest destruction.
I mean, you were in creative mode, weren't you know, I was never What do you mean?
I was never once a creation.
It's not here.
It's gone.
It's gone.
It was potato, the creeper.
He live life the way he wanted on his own terms.
He was my friend.
He was my best friend.
We grew up together, You see, with my child.
You see this behind him?
Upside down.
L Because I did not take one.
You bitch!
Where are you doing?
My dog?
He likes it.
It's like massage for him.
Look, it's smoking a fat one.
Like so much.
I didn't realize you'd like to smoke a bowl.
The shit?
He's crazy, so I must show you.
Sorry, sir.
We must show him we're superior.
Okay, I'm stealing this armor.
Good Lord.
Doing nothing.
Where did you learn how to do that School?
Dude, We're being raided.
Leave them over there.
Oh, my God!
Over there!
Okay, Okay.
Our techniques.
Remember Tactic, Insult.
Epic, Stan!
Yeah, OK, Squid world.
0 20 brain.
Tony, bring dumdums.
ThinkI pro.
You smells.
You think You think they really want a foolishness?
Um, there's two.
Holy Oh, wow.
So embarrassing.
Your mom must be like Poopy.
Your mom must have not wanted you.
Got him to hurt Your mom.
Must have been like No, thanks.
Mom must have been like I don't want contraction, I think.
Take it back in.
Stop, Stop!
Maya, He is a savage dude.
Broke it all day sitting there going smooth tank engine.
Dude, I really want my who it is that next to smoke a fat 12 Can I give you I can't give you food while we're here.
Here you go.
He doesn't need it.
He'd actually.
He needs weed.
Okay, first time.
Come on, grab a cyst.
Way Sleep.
Sleep first.
Is it getting late?
I can't tell with his mom.
Um, you shavers on?
Well, ship.
Oh, sleep.
Wait, I have idea.
This'll scare that.
They will know that we defeated them before.
If I put the banner.
Oh, put better.
Better at that doorway.
Don't come there.
Oh, God!
Okay, I'm putting away stuff before I lose it.
Over there.
I see them.
Do we have a perfect sniper town?
Oh, my God.
Snipe, Snipe!
Where's your frightened dude?
I'm out of our lost.
I did not push how I fell.
C l c l I help.
You literally got the achievement for pushing the two of us we couldn't possibly lose.
Get out of base or I get out of face their innards Sacred smoke era there in our sacred bull smoke!
Get out!
But protect the bells of old cost.
Whatever ravages shows up and destroys our pyramid, we must protect at all costs.
What's the Remlinger?
Big bowl thing?
Oh, the amount.
The mountain!
Okay, wait.
This is like when Gandalf and Kimberly was at Helm's deep and they're all right.
Don't come in first light 50 looked like Oh, God!
I forgot how much damage he's gonna do.
Oh, not that big.
That was a Minecraft prank gone wrong.
It's steel!
Bani Bani Bani!
Get him!
I didn't have my shield up.
Doing it!
Got him!
Got him!
Only took Monday.
We're rich now.
Oh, okay.
We need a trapped over here.
Oh, God.
I have to use the sacred trip.
Oh, no smoke signals.
They escape.
They're gonna know.
Um Oh, okay.
This is at a week.
Swedish and Irishman defend Europe.
Oh, here comes ravage.
Er I can't see anything with his mind.
It's so dark out there on the right, Right?
Yes, of course.
E c.
The pyramid.
Is I hacking?
I see through that because they bring the bell and you could see through the walls.
But if you do that, are you serious?
Do it again.
I thought you were joking.
No, no, I don't work.
That's it.
The belt in the war.
Wait, What?
Oh, so you can find them?
You send the Villagers home, then you find the Raiders.
Oh, God.
He hurt.
Oh, there's a lot of them.
This is an actual viable strategy way.
Break my craft in Minecraft I I don't want to get out.
Don't close.
I think you hit me.
Real enemy was within all of us.
Here he comes.
Get him away!
I grow a horse and you grow Oh, he looks so scary.
What if you get him down here?
Yes, dude, you're pushing.
I was perfect.
He hurt!
I only write with Data Farm.
Oh, God!
Okay, keep running.
Keep running!
Keep running out.
He's not gonna change to me, Right?
OK, definitely changed me when I had Ah, uh I don't know what that laugh was, but I'm happy way base getting there.
I need to cook potatoes again.
Meet her too much.
I have no food for in that sleep.
Monster's nearby.
What happened in every episode?
We have a new, annoying thing to do.
I love it.
People want it that people want Mama.
But you got a blip up bad.
Okay, Got a nice Okay, It can't kill you fully.
Get you doing okay now for her.
Now we use epic strategy against the last.
I used fishing, Rod.
I can fish it.
I need to get official health.
I'm still hurting.
Hold on.
Hold on as well, Because I need Thio.
Uh, this poison wear off and on behalf of hurt go out there.
So you're I only have two hearts.
Have to wait for me stomach.
I can't go.
I need I need a pep talk.
Endless potatoes and ocean potato happen is is no Feliz.
Each star look up represents the potatoes.
Come on, you big young for Izzy back here.
He's underneath the pyramid.
He's following me.
Okay, I'll be in.
I'll be in position.
Everyone is right behind us.
Okay, I'm going to the first guy.
I got him.
I got him.
I got him I got him.
Oh, it goes round two, round two.
Okay, wait.
Oh, is that Oh, God.
Okay, he's still chasing me.
Do another lap for another lap.
Keep running.
It's fine.
It's good.
No, it's OK with myself.
Strong ward isn't like he doesn't care about me.
Oh, God, He cares now.
Strong warrior return.
Okay, I'm back.
Oh, God.
He does a lot of damage.
Okay, Stinky.
Don't get too close.
Stinking staying.
I want fall.
Eventually, I was trying to hit him.
L equals l.
That means you tell.
I say you I say move.
You just Oh, bye.
Oh, no.
Gone to fight him down there?
Oh, no.
Oh, Uh, okay.
I have a new plan.
It's how about we grab a bucket?
Oh, God, You are evil God, coward.
In three years, he was gonna take a lot of pain.
Oh, look at them Panic.
Old tiny little, a little scared.
The boy peopIe fans be people poo in your deep.
Ooh, that was good.
That was evil, like, Oh, it's coming like a big many waves.
Like a big, dangerous snot.
Did this might be the most epic thing we've ever done in my craft, I think.
Live on Who are you?
How this happened.
I asked me something every time.
Hey, we're almost at the help Epic, guys take it.
Full health and my craft.
Just I, um Yes, e.
I hope the elves don't mess this up, but what the hell else are you learning to be a trap?
Eso es todo o.
Okay, that's our tactic.
Wait, wait.
There's more.
Did you like five waves of this?
God, I don't know.
Yeah, I think this is supposed to be a peaceful episode.
You're trying to kill May.
Oh, yeah, you're right.
Oh, they buffed me dumb.
Which dumb bitch?
Yeah, I think it's called for for this one, but yes, war.
Just don't tell you.
Oh, Killed three witches.
What did you do?
Ran away because I got poisoned by them.
I mean killed him Epically Typical Irish behavior, Says the Swedish person.
Come on.
That nice?
Yeah, it's work.
Killing it, dude.
Killing Damn.
Dude, I don't have a pick axe.
I can't get out.
Back to the pyramid.
Oh, gods.
They have a conjurer.
Oh, thank you.
Got trapped.
Oh, God.
Might get it!
Get it, get it!
Get out of our homes!
You don't pay rent out.
Oh, man, I got my stuff back.
Who's a stupid poopy Dooby doo 02 Get out!
I got They do do a lot of damage.
Oh, doo doo!
Did you say duty before you died?
It's he stuck there.
Ah, You made epic away.
He's stuck there.
He can't.
Oh, you think your cow you're not The school is cow.
I feel bad about the cows.
My bed.
Come on.
Come on.
I go in.
God's not Oh, God, He's crazy.
I went sick among Yeah!
Celebrate, Cow!
Thank you, Maya.
Thank you.
You have It's because you smoke a bowl.
It help?
You made a loop.
It worked.
That was a great episode.
Thank you, guys.
For what?
No one can deny how epic these gamers are.
Now it's time for that doughnut.