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  • Hey I'm Jake and I am here to give you a pointer but I'm also here to

  • give you a lot of DONGs, things that you can do online now guys.

  • Fulfill your destiny with the website that determines how intense your

  • rage is compared to the greatest thespian of all time.

  • Click scream for me and then let out the Nicolas Cage inside you to see what your score

  • is from one to cage.


  • And now that you've realized your own dreams, discover those of children with

  • On this site you can listen to the dreams of children in other parts of the world.

  • Radio eight visited schools and orphanages in Nepal, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Seattle

  • to record children's accounts of their dreams.

  • Speaking of dreams, have you ever dreamt of being in a music video?

  • Well now you can with the interactive chariots of fire music video.

  • Click on each of the subjects of the video in any order you like and it's time to get started.

  • The letters W, A, S, D, Q and E are importatn to remember because that's how to vary scenes, actions, and sounds.

  • Hold the keys down or tap them depending on which way your directional instincts guide you. The more you interact with the characters

  • the more they enjoy the party and the more time you have to figure out optical illusions

  • on Akiyoshi's illusion page.

  • This site provides amazing and confusing optical illusions like the Autumn Color Swamp where

  • the center appears to be moving. Or the Rotating Rays where the outer ring of rays seem to

  • be turning in a clockwise motion while the inner rays are going counter clockwise. Here

  • you can look at a more detailed explanation. This page takes us through a progression of

  • illustrations of the peripheral drift illusion. It demonstrates how Rotating Snakes has a

  • stronger effect on our perception of rotation than the previous pictures in the series.

  • Whoa.

  • After imagining the movement of circles let's experience the real thing with the circle

  • game where you use your mouse to eat little bubbles while dodging the larger ones but just be

  • careful because the more you get the larger you get and

  • That just ended pretty quickly.

  • But some things don't, like the Endless Race. Scroll through the vehicle options until

  • you find the one that will lead you to victory. Choose a location and begin your drive.

  • Use the arrow keys to steer and pick up bottles to keep your engine running strong to earn

  • the highest score possible before your time is up. After crushing everyone at the races

  • enjoy intricate challenges like the 8 by 8 Tromino puzzle.

  • Start with the small white square and put it anywhere. Then fill in the rest of the

  • chart with the L-shaped pieces until no blank squares are left. It tracks the number of

  • moves and how many you have left to use. After conquering the Tromino conquer a different

  • kind of puzzle.

  • With Play a variation of hangman where you guess a phrase or saying by looking

  • at the picture. Like backrub, or alarm clock, or walk around the block. It can get pretty

  • difficult but if only I were faster with words.

  • Well I guess I could use Speed read your own text by pasting whatever you

  • want in the box to spreed. It's like speed but with an R in there like spread but spreed.

  • Like seed but with a P and an R. Spreedom! You can adjust the words per minute to increase

  • or decrease your speed so you can whiz through those textbooks and still have time to watch

  • DONGs.

  • Links to all the DONGs can be found in the description below and if you want a DIRLG

  • something you can do in real life guys there is the Curiosity Box by Vsauce it is an awesome

  • little thing that the Vsauce guys, that's me and Michael and Kevin made. It is full

  • of awesome sciency and geeky things sent to you every quarter. And a portion of the proceeds

  • go to Alzheimer's Research which is very, very exciting.

  • Okay I love you dearly and as always.

  • Thanks for watching.

Hey I'm Jake and I am here to give you a pointer but I'm also here to

Subtitles and vocabulary

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你能看到這個幻覺嗎? (Can You See This Illusion?)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary