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  • Hey it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and life you love. This is Q&A Tuesday and today’s question comes from Leah and she

  • writes,

  • Hi, Marie! I love your show; it offers tons of motivation and inspiration. My Q is

  • this: Say my friend (cough cough),” friendwants to become a business consultant.

  • The problem is thisfriendhas no experience running her own business, except through reading/watching/listening

  • to everything she can get her hands on about the subject. She's passionate about helping

  • business owners, and she believes she has the know-how. But so what? Does that really

  • count for anything when she wants to offer business advice and get paid for it?  With

  • no business credentials to her name, will people really take her seriously?

  • Myfriendis 20 years old and doesn't have a lot of cash on hand, if that puts things

  • into perspective. Thanks!”

  • Leah, I LOVE you for asking this question for yourfriend.” And here’s an answer

  • for yourfriend.”

  • So many people share your dilemma about the integrity factor of teaching something that

  • you have no real world experience in.

  • And you gotta know this, no matter what field youre in - whether youre starting off

  • in business or the arts or even being a parent, we all start out at the same place. At square

  • one with no credentials and no experience.

  • Doesn’t matter whether youre self-taught OR youve got a formal degree, until you

  • get out there and start getting REAL RESULTS for people, I agree -- you haven’t earned

  • the right to be taken seriously. At least not yet.

  • As for your know-how, it absolutely counts for something. But does it qualify you to

  • charge money? Not until you take that know-how and turn it into results for real clients.

  • Those are your real credentials.

  • What earns you the right to be taken seriously and to charge for your expertise is GETTING

  • PEOPLE RESULTS. Youve gotta get your hands dirty and actually do the work.

  • As Einstein said, and yes it’s a tweetable, “The only source of knowledge is experience.”

  • Now you may wonder, how am I supposed to get people results when I haven’t had any clients

  • yet? The answer: CONSULT for free.

  • So I started my coaching business when I was 23 years old, just a few years older than

  • you. And I coached EVERYBODY that would let me - for FREE because I wanted to get experience!

  • I knew that the only way that I was gonna figure out what worked and what didn't, and,

  • by the way, I had a formal education in this stuff, was to actually have clients and test

  • things out. And also, build a list of people who said, “You know what? Marie Forleo changed

  • my life!”  

  • I was so passionate about life coaching and figuring out how to be the best coach that

  • I could be that I would work with anybody who would agree to work with me and meet with

  • me on the phone a couple of times a month.

  • So, what do you want to talk about this month? Youre gonna have to open up if you want

  • me to help you. No really, I understand.

  • So if I were you, I would take the next 12 months and work with AT LEAST 12 business

  • owners for free and help them achieve results.

  • You said youre 20 years old and don’t have a lot of cash. Well this is really good

  • news, because being 20 is the one time in your life that you probably don't need a lot

  • of cash!! So youve gotta be resourceful and get a job - or 3. And you can coach business

  • owners in the mornings, in the evenings, and even on weekends.  

  • At the end of 12 months, you should have AT LEAST six solid case studies of businesses

  • that youve worked with that youve helped achieve results.

  • So here’s the thing, when you start working with these business owners, make sure that

  • you  track everything. Really get a clear painted picture of where they are when you

  • guys first start out working together, and then what tangible, specific results you help

  • them achieve over the time that youve been coaching them.

  • By the time youre 21, youll have MORE than enough real world experience to have

  • a consulting business that you can be proud of. Plus, if you get any business owner results,

  • theyll HAPPILY pay you to keep going.

  • When it comes to having credentials as a coach or consultant, there are no shortcuts. Learning

  • is great, but getting real results for real people is where it’s at.

  • So Leah’s “friendthat’s my A to your Q. Now get out there and do the work

  • and pretty soon, you will have credentials out the whazoo.

  • Now I’d love to hear from YOU.

  • So tell me, what’s your take on people going out in the world and getting paid for advice

  • on something they have no real world experience in?

  • Conversely, if youre a coach or consultant, what did you do to take your learning and

  • turn it into credentials?

  • As always, the best stuff happens after the episode over at so go there

  • and leave a comment now.

  • Did you like this video? If so, SUBSCRIBE to my channel and share it with your friends!

  • And if you want even MORE great resources to create a business and a life that you love

  • PLUS some personal insights from me that I only put in email--- come on over to

  • and sign up for email updates.

  • Stay on your game and keeping going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift

  • that only YOU have.  Thank you so much for watching and I will catch you next time on

  • MarieTV!

Hey it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

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我沒有經驗 (I Have No Experience)

  • 184 24
    姚易辰 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary