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with a big group of people today, we're going to high score camp, which is where they are doing.
Uh, I scoring drilling project.
Oh, cool.
Using cardboard tubes is what we do as what we've drilled this year on.
And that was when we were in the brittle ice.
So fragile eyes put it in some green netting in case it pops or breaks.
So this will sit over a year, and then we'll come back and process it next year.
But just yesterday we started actually processing the ice.
That turned out that it's sturdy enough that we can cut it and it won't Boston two million pieces.
So that's what you'll see in, like, 30 seconds up there so far I wanna head up because we can see the drool coming out of the hole.
Yeah, I'm in displeasure.
This is so dramatic.
1120 meters back.
What is the vacuum for?
To get liquid off cable.
Looks like just a long candy bar.
Lookit, man, those are the cutters.
Okay, hole.
Hi, guys.
So the piece of ice that they just pulled out was pulled up from about a little over 1000 meters below surface of the of the snow here.
And they think it's about 20,000 years old that that snow was deposited 20,000 years ago.
Pretty cool.
And then the story here on then, after storing it here, supposedly, they ship it to a place where they study the ice, the bubbles in the ice and, uh, the water on the dust.
This is the motor instrument.
Sexually good is essentially the brain.
Okay, okay.
100% recovery of the ship's collected doesn't.
Then what'd you do with them?
He actually put them with the lieutenant.
Skin out all the fluid to capture that.
Coming back down the border.
So where is let me live?
In 100 means lady.
Little short of 20,000.
Nice and omen.
It's super exponential.
Yeah, as you go to 17,600 meters, 50,000 years old.
Pretty cool.
That's pretty amazing.
I got a total turnaround time from taking the drill down, drilling, bringing up and clean it up.
Process it and put it back down.
Her has been about one hour and 15 minutes.
Okay, this is by far the lowest product, part process, stripping down, tripping up and go a lot faster.
Oh, yeah.
Get my per hour.
Uh, right.
This is all the sludge that all the chips?
Looks like vanilla ice cream.
A thing like that, it is really cool.
It's a vacuum cleaner that had this tape of the corps.
You can't buy that from Hoover.
It's so cool.
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