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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, and I've mentioned in past videos how I love locks that teach me about the culture that produced them.

  • And this is one of those locks, remarkable in that its key way forms a symbol that post World War two is strongly associated with evil in Western cultures.

  • So much so that if I even mention the name of the cylinder, there's a fair chance that YouTube will do.

  • Monetize may yet dating back thousands of years.

  • And even to this day, in places like India, China and East Asia, this is a symbol of good fortune and luck.

  • So much so that the wrong man lock company out of Vietnam turned it into the key way of this lock.

  • And it's actually not the only company to have done so.

  • I know of at least two other companies in Asia to have done something similar.

  • As for the loch itself, it's a small furniture lock, and only three of the four arms on the key way have pins in them.

  • Of those arms.

  • There are four pins in each, so we have 12 pins total.

  • But despite this being relatively complex and ornate, it doesn't look particularly well made.

  • So we're going to try to pick this open and we're going to start with a raking attack.

  • It is the top arm that has no pins in it.

  • So that's where I'm going to put this wiper insert and we're going to start with this wave rake.

  • I'm going to rake the pens in each of the arms and then move on just going around the key way until we get an open.

  • And we'll probably have to do this a couple of times because once this starts turning, it will lock up again at the quarter turn mark.

  • I felt a little bit of movement there.

  • Hopefully, that means we're getting close.

  • Uh, it moved a little bit.

  • Oh, there we go.

  • We locked up in the quarter turn mark.

  • Let's do this again.

  • Should be easier since only two of the arms have pins that are engaging now and there we go.

  • We got it open.

  • So, as you can see, not a terribly tricky lock to pick, though the number of pins and the three different arms in which they're arranged can make it time consuming toe open in any case.

  • That's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

  • If you like this video and would like to see more like it, please subscribe.

  • And, as always, have a nice day.

  • Thank you.

This is the lock picking lawyer, and I've mentioned in past videos how I love locks that teach me about the culture that produced them.

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[1061]越南鎖,有一個出人意料的鍵槽。 ([1061] Vietnamese Lock With A Surprising Keyway)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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