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  • When the heat of summer sets in, people flock to the beaches or head to the mountains to cool off.

  • But in some arid parts of the world, on hot, dry days, people cool off by drinking hot beverages.

  • Which doesn't make a lot of sense, if you've never heard of the practice.

  • If a cup of hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day makes you feel warmer,

  • how could a hot drink also make you feel cooler?

  • But there's evidence to back up this age-old tradition, if the conditions are just right.

  • In a study published in 2012, subjects exercised on a stationary bike.

  • And they drank water ranging in temperature from near freezing up to 50 degrees Celsius.

  • After seventy-five minutes, researchers measured the amount of heat stored in subjects' bodies.

  • Heat storage was lowest when they drank the warmest water.

  • The key thing to point out here is that the researchers created conditions where sweat

  • could fully evaporate from the subjects' skin.

  • The relative humidity was low, a fan was blowing, and the participants wore minimal clothing.

  • In these conditions, the participants lost the largest share of their body heat through evaporative cooling,

  • which is to say, their sweat dissipated heat.

  • When water evaporates, it changes phase from liquid to gas.

  • This phase change requires energy.

  • More precisely, it draws heat energy from the surrounding environment,

  • which, in this case, includes your skin.

  • Hot beverages stimulate sweating.

  • They activate temperature sensors that most likely reside in your guts.

  • The sensors send a message to the brain, which then tells the body to sweat more.

  • So even though a hot drink does literally warm your insides,

  • the warming effect is more than offset by a parallel increase in sweat evaporation.

  • In an article published in 2018, which included data from several studies,

  • researchers concluded that likewise, cold beverages have the opposite effect.

  • They make you sweat less, so they can actually make you warmer.

  • But before reaching for a hot beverage, remember:

  • the cooling effect happens only when sweat can fully evaporate.

  • If you're somewhere with one hundred percent humidity, a hot drink will just make you hotter.

  • There's a reason this isn't a widespread practice in, like, Florida.

  • And even if you are in an evaporation-friendly environment,

  • you should approach hot beverages with caution.

  • If you're dehydrated, you can't really spare the water loss from sweating

  • that a hot beverage would cause.

  • Also, sweating can still exceed the rate of evaporation, especially if the air is still.

  • If you're already dripping, adding more sweat won't help.

  • The amount and type of clothing you're wearing matters too.

  • Sweat cools you best when it evaporates from your skin, not your clothes.

  • If you're generously clothed, like an American football player or a firefighter in full uniform,

  • you should definitely skip the hot drinks.

  • In these cases, it's better to choose a cold drink

  • because it will absorb heat energy from your body.

  • There's also a psychological component: many of us find cold beverages more refreshing.

  • In the end, experts recommended keeping your beverages

  • at whatever temperature you find most palatable.

  • In hot weather or during exercise, the key is to drink enough fluids to match your rate of sweating.

  • If you enjoy your beverage, you'll drink more.

  • And that'll help safeguard against heat-related illness.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow.

  • And thanks to the amazing folks who support us on Patreon, you make what we do possible.

  • If you're interested in helping us make cool science videos, check out

  • [♪ OUTRO]


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熱飲能降溫嗎? (Can a Hot Drink Cool You Down?)

  • 11 2
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary