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  • {♫Intro♫}

  • Right now, as we speak, there exists a relatively inexpensive method for detecting certain early

  • cancers with an accuracy rate of up to ninety-seven percent.

  • You might even have one in your room with you right now home.

  • And it probably goes wild when you reach for a tennis ball or the doorbell rings.

  • Yes -- we're talking about the domestic dog.

  • So why aren't there domestic dogs trained to detect cancer in every hospital on the

  • planet?

  • It's complicated.

  • Anecdotally, there are a lot of stories out there about dogs who seemed to smell lung

  • cancer on their owner's breath, or became unusually interested in a particular mole

  • later found to be cancerous.

  • But there's also more rigorous evidence too.

  • In fact, a 2019 study found that some dogs can detect lung cancer in blood samples with

  • almost 97% accuracy.

  • And that's not too surprising when you consider that dogs can learn a huge amount about other

  • dog's health, age, and reproductive status by smelling their butts.

  • But how they're able to separate the smell of healthy cells from cancerous cells is pretty

  • remarkable.

  • Cancer cells produce odiferous chemicals called volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. And dogs

  • sometimes actually detect a particular cancer's signature blend.

  • The particular group of VOCs produced by a given type of cancer can act as a biomarker

  • for that cancer.

  • A biomarker is any biological characteristic that can be measured and then used to identify

  • some sort of process in the body.

  • If that sounds vague, it's because biomarkers can be a huge range of things. But in this

  • case, they make it possible to tell healthy tissue from cancerous cells.

  • VOCs are produced during normal biological processes. They might be present in skin,

  • urine, blood, sweat, stool, or even a person's breath, where they can serve as biomarkers

  • for both healthy and diseased biological processes.

  • That's because the VOC profile you see in these places is different in people with,

  • say, lung cancer, than it is for healthy people.

  • And it's different in people with lung cancer than it is in people with ovarian cancer,

  • or bladder cancer, or breast cancer.

  • Detecting cancer-specific VOCs is complicated for us humans because there are so many to

  • sort throughthere can be as many as 3000 different VOCs in a person's healthy exhaled

  • breath.

  • In 2003, researchers were able to identify two classes of VOCsalkanes and monomethylated

  • alkanesas possible tumor markers in lung cancer patients.

  • The specific biomarkers of many other cancers haven't been identified yet.

  • That's mostly because it's challenging to pick out the few VOCs that are specific

  • to a given cancer from all the other given compounds that might be present in a sample.

  • But if that two 2019 study is any indication, some of our fine furry friends can be trained

  • to sniff them out.

  • So you'd think every hospital and doctor's office and diagnostic lab that doesn't already

  • have a cancer-sniffing dog would be trying to get one. But there are some technical barriers,

  • despite these pooches' impressive accuracy.

  • Dogs thrive in jobs that require a close relationship with a handler.

  • Dogs that sniff out drugs or bombs, or who look for survivors of disasters, work in a

  • very engaging environment.

  • These jobs are exciting for dogs. The animals are working in an environment with a lot of

  • external stimuli, and that moment where a survivor is found under a pile of rubble can

  • be, like, emotional for everyone involved.

  • And a search and rescue dog's handlers can confirm that the dog has found its target,

  • which means the dog will always get the right reinforcement at the right time.

  • Compare that to a bunch of dogs in a lab sniffing out sample after sample, most of which probably

  • won't be positive.

  • That could be frustrating for a dog.

  • But the biggest problem in that real-life scenario is that the handlers can't give

  • the dogs any feedback if they don't know which samples are cancerous.

  • If they reward the dog for every alert, they could unknowingly be rewarding false positives,

  • which will ultimately impact the dog's accuracy.

  • No rewarding means no joy, and those cancer-sniffing canines could easily start regretting their

  • career choice.

  • And even though the dogs can be pretty accurate in theory, things could be different in practice..

  • Like people, dogs are fallible.

  • I don't wannadon't send me hate mail!

  • And unlike a hypothetical cancer-sniffing machine, a dog might work better in the morning

  • and not so great in the afternoon, which would result in different rates of accuracy.

  • You don't have that kind of problem with a machine, which operates the same way every

  • time you use it.

  • Finally, it's a huge investment of both time and money to train a cancer-sniffing

  • dog.

  • A single dog needs to spend six to eight months sniffing a minimum of 300 biological samples

  • before they can be a certified cancer-sniffer.

  • But that doesn't mean we can't learn a lot from cancer-sniffing canines.

  • Dogs can still help us identify the odor signatures of different cancers.

  • We could use that information to build electronic noses -- a robot cancer-sniffing dog.

  • Like, not literally, but it was fun to say....

  • These devices are already being tested, but more work needs to be done to determine which

  • VOCs the noses should be looking for, as well as to improve their overall accuracy.

  • So far, some studies are using electronic noses to look at patterns of VOCs, rather

  • than picking out specific ones, because the specific VOCs aren't always known.

  • And electronic noses still aren't as accurate as some dogs are.

  • Other medical conditions, for example, can sometimes interfere with the machine's ability

  • to spot cancer.

  • One study on using VOCs to detect bladder cancer found that the presence of an infection

  • could reduce the accuracy of the electronic nose. Which means there's more progress

  • to be made.

  • Still, while it's fun to imagine legions of lab coat-wearing canines quietly saving

  • lives behind the scenes, it's probably not going to happen in quite that way.

  • But the things we've learned from dogs and their amazing olfactory abilities are already

  • helping us build technologies that will save lives through early diagnosis.

  • So break out the tennis ball, and thank your best friend for their help.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow. If you like what we do here, you can support

  • us by joining our community of awesome patrons. Patrons get access to neat perks, like our

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  • {♫Outro♫}


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為什麼我們不養嗅癌犬? (Why Don't We Have Cancer-Sniffing Dogs?)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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