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It's time for another Q & A Tuesday!
Q: So we're going to get rocking with Amy and Amy writes:
"I get asked a lot to participate in programs, do interviews, write articles, etc. I feel
like I've been saying yes to everything in order to stay top of mind and build exposure
for my name and brand. But it's burning me out! Do you have some tips to help me recognize
the good opportunities versus the ones that are not worth my time? As I grow my biz, they
all seem worth it."
A: Amy, that's an awesome question. Immediately it reminded me of this incredible quote that
I first thought was from Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland but upon further Google investigation
I discovered it's not from that. It's actually from a George Harrison song, go figure! The
quote goes like this, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
Amy, the first thing that you need is clarity on where you're going, where you're going
for the long-term in your business, and where you're going in the short-term. Once you know
that, then what you need is what I call a filter question. A filter question is a simple
question that you ask yourself that helps guide your actions and decisions on a daily
Filter question will help you focus all of your time and your attention on the activities
that will get you where you want to go the fastest. Here's an example, let's say that
your long-term goal is to build a very profitable online business and your first milestone is
a hundred-thousand in revenue. So let's say you're short-term goal is to add 5,000 high-quality
subscribers to your email list over the next three months.
Every time that another opportunity comes up you have to ask yourself this filter question,
how will this help me add 5,000 subscribers to my email list over the next three months?
If it doesn't, you say no and it's that simple. So here's a few key points about filter questions;
first up, they will change as you achieve goals and set new ones.
Number two, the great thing about filter questions is they just don't apply to business. You
can use them in your personal life. So let's say you want to lose 10 pounds over the next
two months. You want to get all sleek and fit and trim. The next time you're going to
put something in your mouth, you going to ask yourself is this going to help me lose
10 pounds over the next few months? And if not, do not put that thing in your mouth,
Ooh, that sounded weird! I mean don't eat it. You know what I mean.
So number three is to share your filter questions and your goals with your team and with your
friends, and family. So they can help you stay on track. They can remind you of that
filter question any time you start to go into overwhelm and you got too many things coming
at you. They can help you get where you want to go. Speaking of sharing, let's get this
party started right now. In the comments below this video, I would
love to know your top three goals. Whether they're short-term or long-term and I want
to know your filter question. What are you going to use for yourself to help you stay
focused and on track. Write it now. So there we have it. That's how we're going to A that
Q for today. Hope you enjoyed it!
If you did enjoy it, like it and share with your friends. And if you're not yet on the
newsletter list, come on over to and jump on. Thank you so much for watching
and I will catch you next time!