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  • The human body is a complex place, and our immune systems are powerful allies.

  • If you get sick, doctors can often rely on strengthening what's already inside you.

  • But sometimes you need an assist: technology that can be put inside the body.

  • Things like biodevices.

  • [Theme Music]

  • We've all seen a TV show where someone has a heart attack, only to be revived with a quick shock to the chest.

  • Defibrillators are powerful tools, but by the time a patient needs one, they're already in a life-or-death situation.

  • What if it never had to get to that point?

  • What if there was a way to catch the problem as it started and act more quickly than any human could?

  • This isn't science fiction:

  • millions are walking around right now with exactly that inside their chest, an incredible tool called the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, or ICD.

  • It continuously monitors a person's heartbeat and delivers an electrical pulse to restore a normal rhythm whenever it detects a problem is about to occur.

  • That's something a drug, no matter how sophisticated, could never do.

  • That's where medical devices, or biodevices, come in.

  • They serve many roles, from rebuilding lost bodily functions, to managing diseases and helping you live longer.

  • It's a broad category, but some of the most important are implantable biodevices, like ICDs and cochlear implants.

  • A biodevice is implantable if all or part of it is put inside the body for an extended period of time.

  • They might not be easy to spot, but they're already in widespread use today.

  • Around 8% of Americans and 5% of people in developed countries have used an implantable biodevice of some sortthat's millions and millions of people!

  • Before they could become so common, engineers had to overcome numerous challenges.

  • The body's a complex place, so many biodevices are, too.

  • They have to coexist with changing temperatures, electrical signals, and chemical reactions in a way that doesn't disrupt our body's carefully-balanced systems.

  • So to design a good biodevice, you need to acquaint yourself with not only the environment of the human body,

  • but also its functionality, structure, and ongoing processes.

  • The design process for these devices is similar to anything else you might make as an engineer.

  • You need a design that doesn't just work, but one that can be manufactured in a safe and cost-effective way.

  • But the tolerances can be tiny: a needle that's a hair too short might not reach where it needs to go.

  • A joint that's too large could cause a lifetime of pain.

  • There are a few things you'll need to pay special attention to, the first being biocompatibility.

  • We've already talked about biocompatibility in a previous episodeit's the idea that not every material is at home in a living thing.

  • Not only do you need to use biomaterials, it's important to sterilize anything going into the body and you need to account for the stresses that process demands.

  • One technique recommended by the CDC is dry heat sterilization, which bakes the device at a high heat using moisture-free air.

  • Baking the device at 160°C for around 2 hours should do the trick, or you can go to 170°C for about an hour if you want to speed things up.

  • If your biomaterial can't survive that kind of heat, you'll need to find a different way to get it clean.

  • Many biodevices contain tiny computers, so you'll need to include a battery to keep it running and maybe some wifi to communicate with the outside world.

  • Engineers call these things power and connectivity.

  • You don't want your patients to have to lug around big battery packs or always need to be hooked up to a cord in the wall.

  • If you don't think about power and connectivity during the design process,

  • it can lead to a device that's too impractical, one that doesn't work, or one that stops working soon after you implant it.

  • A great example of this was the first successfully implanted electronic pacemaker back in 1958.

  • Pacemakers use electrical pulses to help the heart beat more regularly, so it was a big step forward for patients with abnormal heart rhythms.

  • However, as revolutionary as this was, the first implanted device failed after only three hours,

  • in part because of electronics that were too bulky and batteries with short, unreliable lives.

  • Until the advent of more reliable lithium batteries in the 1970s, failures like this were inherent in the design of implantable biodevices.

  • Not to mention that all that water in the body is pretty bad for electronics, so you need appropriate packaging, too.

  • The device should be airtight and watertightwhat engineers call hermetically sealed.

  • You might be tempted to encase everything in a metal like titanium, but metal packages don't just keep out air and water: they also block radio waves.

  • If your metal device needs to communicate with the outside world, it will need an external antenna, which makes everything more complicated.

  • A better bet might be to use a ceramic or glass enclosure like you'd find in a smartphone.

  • Wireless connectivity helps not only with device diagnostics, but also with a patient's peace of mind.

  • People want to know their implant is working properly and it's far more accessible to have stats on a device that patients can take with them,

  • rather than something that can only be downloaded by the doctor.

  • Dropping an external antenna also helps make the overall structural design of the system smaller and less invasive.

  • Remember, at the end of the day, whatever you design is gonna be placed inside a person.

  • The same goes for your delivery system, or any medical procedure that you need to do to implant the device.

  • Patients are more likely to recover quickly if you use the least invasive approach practical.

  • If you can build your device small enough using tools like nanotechnology, in the future doctors may be able to deliver it through a simple injection.

  • Larger implants might be deliverable through a tiny slit using laparoscopic surgery, which often enables patients to go home the same day.

  • If your device is too big to go in through a small hole, you might run into another problem: finding enough space inside the body.

  • If a spot isn't big enough to fit the whole thing, or it's simply better for different parts of the device to be in different places,

  • you can design it so that it's separated into multiple components.

  • Take a cochlear implant, for example.

  • These deviceswhich can help provide a sense of sound to people who are profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearingare often made up of two main parts:

  • an external portion that fits behind the ear and one that is surgically placed under the skin.

  • Even if space wasn't an issue, it's much better for something like a microphone to be on the outside so that it can more easily pick up sounds from the environment.

  • Another option might be to remove part of an organ to make room for your device.

  • Hip replacements, for instance, replace the damaged parts of the joint with titanium.

  • Once you take all of this into accountfrom biocompatibility to delivery systems

  • you still need to consider device management and diagnostics from the day you deliver it, to the second it's removed from the patient.

  • Basically, you want to keep an eye on your device to make sure it's working correctly.

  • This can be rudimentary, like having a patient come into the office to physically get their implant checked out,

  • to more modern options, like giving a doctor the ability to remotely diagnose any issues.

  • But what if you didn't need an external device at all?

  • That's the promise of smart tattoos!

  • Researchers are learning how to put flexible electronic sensors into temporary tattoos that would be able to withstand all the twists and bends of daily life.

  • These sensorswhich are thinner than the hairs on your head

  • could monitor the electrical signals produced by the body, allowing a patient to monitor heart conditions.

  • Or, for those with diabetes, the tattoos could measure blood glucose levels in real time.

  • The results could appear as a changing color, right there on the skin!

  • Tiny tech like this is just the beginning.

  • Devices that use Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, or MEMS, are the future for active implantable drug delivery systems.

  • MEMS enable delivery systems on the micrometer scale, which doesn't just make things more compact,

  • but also allows them to accomplish tasks that wouldn't be possible at the macroscopic level.

  • You've probably had your blood pressure checked by one of those inflatable cuffs that they put around your arm.

  • That may work for a simple checkup, but measuring someone's blood pressure in that way isn't always that easy, especially for people in intensive care.

  • That's where MEMS come in!

  • A new MEMS sensor can monitor blood pressure directly through the IV line,

  • enabling continuous measurement and removing the need for daily calibration and sterilization.

  • And soon, with MEMS, the idea of tiny robots inside your body could escape science fiction and make its way into real life!

  • One day, they might not only deliver drugs, but help repair DNA and even restore sight to the blind.

  • Once you've solved all the problems of getting a biodevice working well inside someone, there's just one issue left: how do you get it out?

  • Some patients might need the device for the rest of their lives, but for everyone else, it's usually a surgical procedure to take it out.

  • Well, it's a surgical procedure for now.

  • Researchers are focused on developing metallic materials made from elements like magnesium, zinc, and iron that are also biodegradable.

  • These materials could be invaluable in the electronics of a temporary biodevice.

  • They'd have the same properties of the devices made today, but once their job is done, they would just disappear into the body.

  • With applications like these, the potential for biodevices is nearly unlimited.

  • But it's gonna take the work of dedicated engineers to continue to bring those ideas to life.

  • So today we talked about biodevices and the part they play in the healthcare world.

  • We focused on implantable biodevices and all of the challenges that they face,

  • including biocompatibility, power and connectivity, packaging, structural design, delivery systems, and device management.

  • Finally, we saw some of the latest research, like smart tattoos, and just what the future of biodevices might hold.

  • I'll see you next time, when we'll talk about genetic engineering.

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  • Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

  • Wanna keep learning?

  • Check out The Art Assignment where host Sarah Urist Green highlights works, artists, and movements throughout art history, and travels the world exploring local galleries and installations.

  • Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

  • And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

The human body is a complex place, and our immune systems are powerful allies.

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