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"I'll be rolling on a Q & A Tuesday! Rolling with you're A's and your Q's! I'm rolling
on this Q & A Tuesday! We're get going right now! Q & A!!"
Q: Today's question comes from Crystal and Crystal writes:
"Hi, Marie. I'm working on writing a book which will fulfill a serious void in the market.
However, I find myself spending my days doing more immediate things. Social networking,
answering emails, taking on new clients, etc.
The half-finished book keeps getting pushed to the backburner even though I know it's
the thing that's going to have the biggest impact on my career and be the most helpful
for my audience. Any suggestions for putting the other stuff aside and getting the book
done without losing momentum with my audience in the process?
A: Great question, Crystal! Very, very important one and I know millions of people are in your
situation right now. In fact, I was talking to a young lady this morning, someone here.
Hello! Who completely relates to this question, here's what I mean. Most people have a book
either in their head or it's half-finished, or it's done and it's sitting in a drawer
collecting dust. So we're going to handle this once and for all, right now.
Here are three easy strategies to help you get that sucker done without losing any momentum
in your business: Strategy number one, schedule it, girl! You may have heard me say this before
and I will say it again. If it's not scheduled, it's not real. You need to schedule clear
writing chunks in your calendar and treat it like a meeting where you don't answer emails
or take any phone calls.
You also need to be super hard-core about eliminating any distractions that can interrupt
your writing time. So quit out of any applications that ding or beep like Skype and Tweetback,
and Facebook, and bop, bop, bop,wop, wee, toop, toop; like that. Now if I were you,
I would work on writing first thing in the morning. This way the rest of your workday
is free to be with your clients and also continue building your audience.
Strategy number two, is to use the site called This site is awesome because
it is a free online tool that helps you continue writing without stopping each and every day.
You can even set it up to send you email reminders which is awesome to guilt you into finishing
your book.
Number three is my favorite strategy of all! You need to pony up and pay somebody! Here's
what I mean, if you find it hard to discipline yourself. You may need to actually outsource
your discipline. Here's what I did, when I was in the middle of writing Make Every Man
Want You, I was also teaching about five hip-hop classes a week.
I was choreographing fitness DVDs and I was also keeping my coaching practice going. So
I had a lot going on. So I can completely relate to what you're going through. I knew
that the only way I was going to actually get the book done was to hire a book coach.
I needed someone whose only job was to ride my ass every single week to get her chapters,
to review things that I was working on and make sure that the thing actually got done.
Trust me if you're serious about getting your book done, it's the most powerful and fastest
way to ensure that it actually happens. Before we wrap this up, I want to share a great quote
with you from Mr. David Campbell who is the founder of Saks Fifth Avenue. By the way,
it's a tweetable!
"Discipline is remembering what you want." David Campbell via @MarieForleo
Ooh, doesn't that one get you in the gut? Got me in the gut. Did it get you in the gut?
Yes. If you find yourself distracted or checking email or doing client work when you should
be writing, ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing right now getting me any closer to getting
what I really want?" If not, you better stop and get back on track.
Crystal, that's what I got for you. Use all these strategies and you're going to have
your book done and flying off the shelves in no time! Now, stop watching YouTube videos
and get back to work, woman! Just kidding! You can watch me all day long. Now if you
have your own strategies to get a book or any other passion project done, leave a comment
below this video.
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share it all over the world. And, if you never want to miss another episode of MarieTV, come
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Tuesday. Isn't that nice? Thank you so much for watching and I will catch you next time.