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All right, So let's start with this.
If you don't want to watch the entire video, then I've left links to all the materials and resource is that I would recommend for learning flutter from very like beginners to more advanced.
So in case you don't want to watch the entire video that you can just go into the description on Look for the resource is there and the reason for starting the video out that ways because I feel like my story really isn't that interesting.
And I think that if you came here for looking for the way to learn, flutter.
But I think there's a more interesting story to be told here, and I don't think that what I'm gonna say in this video is gonna be like ground breaking news or even use.
I think that oftentimes we look for the best way to do things, and we're trying to make sure that we're going about things in the best possible way, and I don't think that's a bad thing.
I think that's exactly what we should do.
We should try to find, like, the most efficient path towards our goals.
The problem is that this search for, like, the ultimate path or the perfect way forward oftentimes get hinder us from actually doing.
And from what I've learned, whether it comes from like exercise, science or computer size, it is that just doing something has, like, tremendous benefits because most of your learning is gonna come from just doing whether it comes Thio learning to play tennis or learning to code practice alone teaches us a lot of things.
And I'm gonna try to use tennis as an example here.
So if you imagine a beginning tennis player, they might have seen only like 100 different bullet trajectories.
And that means said, because they haven't seen enough trajectories, they don't know where the ball is gonna go.
So basically that means that they will end up standing in the wrong place of the court at the wrong time because they simply haven't seen enough trajectories to be able to predict where the ball is gonna go.
And in this way, the sole act of like practicing tennis, even if it's with no coach at all, just on their own, is going to expose them to more bullet trajectories and therefore it's gonna lead them to be better at predicting where the ball is gonna go just simply because they've seen more bolt predictive trajectories.
Hell regretting that.
I decided to use the word trajectory in this video because that is just waited difficult to say fast.
But anyway, the same thing goes for learning to code.
In the beginning, you've only been exposed like a limited set of problems.
And the more that you do it, the more you get exposed to new problems and the better you'll automatically get.
So I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that I can pretty much guarantee that you already have all the knowledge that you need to get started.
And getting started is really all that you need, because once you get started, you'll run into problems.
You'll google the answers and build your understanding slowly, just through the act of like doing.
You probably already have an idea for a project, and that's a great place to get started.
You can start right there.
You could start right now, just get started, and then you'll figure out the best way to move forward from there, okay?
And also since you probably came for some specific advice on how to learn.
I like, I said at the start of the video, Put together a list of resource is that I think are good for, like, learning flutter in the description of this video.
And they're like Rang ordered, Rang ordered.
I don't know.
They're ordered anyway from, like, beginner to more advanced.
So if you want to know what I would recommend, then go through that list.
But like I said, the most important thing is just to get started.
So that's it for this one.
I hope you got something out of it, so I'll see you on the next one.