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  • [ ♪ Intro ]

  • If you've been outside, like, even one time in your life, you know that the Sun plays

  • a key role in the weather.

  • It's usually warmer during the day and colder at night, and a cloudy day feels a lot different

  • from a sunny one.

  • But that's pretty obvious.

  • Here's a harder question: How much does the Sun affect Earth's climate?

  • Like, beyond the fact that it keeps us from being a frozen hunk of space rock?

  • After all, the Sun goes through all kinds of cycles and changes,

  • so it seems like at least some of that should affect our planet, too.

  • It turns out that it does -- and has for billions of years.

  • But it's definitely not the only variable.

  • When scientists talk about the planet's climate, they're referring to long-term patterns of weather

  • that can only be seen over long periods of time, like tens, hundreds,

  • or even thousands of years.

  • All kinds of things can influence this, so it makes sense that changes with the Sun,

  • like with its energy output, would, too.

  • After all, that's mainly where we get our heat.

  • The thing is, though, some solar changes don't always do what we think they should.

  • One way we can track the Sun is through the solar constant,

  • which measures roughly the average amount of energy striking every square meter of the Earth.

  • We've measured it at about 1.4 kilowatts per meter squared,

  • but studies of other Sun-like stars suggest that number could have changed.

  • The solar constant isn't very constant at all.

  • In fact, early in Earth's life, it was likely 25 or 30% lower than what it is today,

  • thanks to how processes inside the Sun have changed over its lifetime.

  • As a result, basic physics suggests that three billion years ago,

  • Earth should've been as frozen as Hoth from Star Wars.

  • And some models suggest the Earth would've been frozen solid

  • for something like two billion years after its formation.

  • The problem is, that totally didn't happen according to the fossil record.

  • There's also evidence that Mars was warm and wet early on,

  • exactly when the Sun should've been dim and cool.

  • Planetary scientists often call this apparent contradiction the faint young Sun paradox.

  • Since it was first realized in the late 1960s, astronomers, geologists, and climate scientists

  • have tried basically every idea under the Sun to explain what happened.

  • Some scientists think the Sun must be unusual

  • or that Earth's orbit and rotation had to have been very different.

  • Others argue that maybe clouds or the greenhouse effect work differently than we think.

  • Fifty years later, we still don't have a good answer

  • for why the Sun didn't affect Earth as much as it should've back then.

  • But this paradox does make one thing clear: Even if the Sun can change our climate,

  • it's not the only thing that affects it.

  • Even over shorter and more recent time spans, it isn't as constant as it might seem,

  • and evidence suggests that those little changes have affected our planet, too

  • -- at least, to a point.

  • For hundreds of years, scientists have tracked a pattern of activity on the Sun called the solar cycle.

  • Over the course of each 11-year cycle, magnetic forces in the Sun cause big variations in

  • things like cool sunspots and explosive solar flares.

  • Evidence recorded in the rings of trees also hints at longer and more subtle cycles spanning

  • hundreds or even thousands of years.

  • It's hard to know for sure, but some of these cycles seem to match up with ancient

  • changes in the climate.

  • For instance, one study tracking solar activity from about 6000 years ago matched up periods

  • when the Sun was calm with wetter environments here on Earth.

  • But it's not like the Sun directly caused floods or anything, so to know the whole picture,

  • we'd need to understand everything else happening around that time.

  • In general, our star does seem to have played some role in our climate, but there's also

  • a lot going on down here.

  • If nothing else, though, one thing we can say for sure is that these long-term solar

  • patterns are definitely not causing the global warming of the last century.

  • At most, the solar cycle results in a change in heat from the Sun of about 0.1%, or nearly

  • 60 times less than what would cause the heating we see today.

  • And, in fact, while the last few decades have experienced the most dramatic warming in millions

  • of years, the Sun has been going through one of its least active periods on record.

  • There's only one culprit for the rapid climate changes Earth is experiencing: us troublesome humans.

  • The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the recent warming of the Earth is due primarily

  • to our production of greenhouse gases.

  • There are lots of these, carbon dioxide possibly the most famous, and they're called that

  • because they contribute to the greenhouse effect, or trapping of heat by Earth's atmosphere.

  • That heat first arrives at the Earth as visible light from the Sun, but eventually it gets

  • re-emitted by the surface in the infrared.

  • Then, greenhouse gases block much of that infrared energy from escaping out to space,

  • so it sticks around and warms up our climate.

  • Now, some amount of greenhouse gas is a good thing, because it helps us stay warm.

  • But too much -- as you might already know -- is a really big problem.

  • At the end of the day, the Sun dominates almost every aspect of life here on Earth.

  • But that doesn't mean we're off the hook, either.

  • We're a pretty big variable all on our own.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

  • If you'd like to learn more about how scientists study the Earth's climate and predict our future,

  • you can watch our episode all about climate modeling over at the main SciShow channel.

  • [ ♪ Outro ]

[ ♪ Intro ]

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太陽對地球氣候的影響有多大? (How Much Does the Sun Affect Earth's Climate?)

  • 4 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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