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  • The singularity, well I mean that's just something that we just don't understand.

  • It's a singular point and that means the curvature of the spacetime at

  • this point is gone

  • infinite and all the mass is collapsed to one point. So it''s a point

  • literally a point, with this mass in there. So it's got infinite density, you know a density is mass per

  • unit volume, well if this got no volume, it's an infinite density. These black holes

  • that are defined, are defined in the sense of using General Relativity and this is this

  • wonderful theory of Einstein which explains how matter and

  • curvature of spacetime are intricately linked together. So you really need some

  • quantum theory of gravity to try to describe that, so I'm sure that our

  • quantum theory of gravity will resolve the question of what the singularity is at

  • the centre of a black hole. It's just that we don't know what that is yet. So that solution

  • as it stands, is there classically but when you include the world of quantum mechanics

  • where things get, can get smeared out, what isn't clear is whether that singularity

  • will remain or maybe it will get smeared out. Will this event horizon still be there?

  • So will that, what we think of as the black hole still be there? It probably will.

  • -What's that area like between the event horizon and the singularity?

  • Is it like a, is that a tumultuous place or do you not know you're in that like

  • almost like the eye of a hurricane? -If you're heading into the black hole and

  • if this is a big enough black hole you actually don't even know you cross this

  • event horizon. In fact the density of the black hole around the event

  • horizon for really massive black hole is of order water, that of water and so

  • you'd just sort of pass through. But what begins to happen is you begin

  • to experience the gravitational attraction. It begins, as you get closer

  • and closer to the singularity it gets bigger and bigger and so you will

  • begin to stretch and you will begin to feel the effects of the pull of the

  • black hole. And on the other hand for a solar mass black hole,

  • you know one of order the mass of the Sun

  • then the pull of gravity on the event horizon is much stronger and you would have

  • already been spaghettified by the time you cross the event horizon. You won't see

  • the event horizon, there's no sign post saying you know: 'event horizon no return!'

  • but you will pass through this, you would

  • already be gone in terms of living by then. But a supermassive black hole you

  • actually want even realize. The pull is far less, the density of

  • the matter is far less significant there, then it would be in the

  • smaller black hole.

  • It's a good question. Ok so if the black hole is a big, there's a big black hole like maybe the one in the

  • center of the Milky Way, then you know when it crosses the event horizon,

  • well forget firewalls for a second, but when it crosses the event horizon

  • generally you'd expect nothing much to happen because actually the

  • gravitational field's pretty weak out there. As you start to go deeper and deeper

  • inside this black hole, you might think that indeed does it retain its status

  • as a particle? I would say probably not because you know you're entering that

  • regime where even your theory of gravity is breaking down. Well let's think

  • about how election became an electron, ok? So where does the electron get its mass from?

  • It gets its mass from the Higgs particle, from the Higgs field actually more

  • appropriately and for it to get its mass from the Higgs field something has to

  • happen called spontaneous symmetry breaking, a symmetry has to be broken. Now if you

  • restore that symmetry and that symmetry does get restored at high energies,

  • then the electron looses its mass and you know you can't really talk about, eventually the

  • electron just becomes part of some greater thing. And that's what would

  • happen I think as you approach the black hole singularity

  • things would just, symmetries would be restored, you would no longer be able to describe

  • matter in terms of what we think of the low-energy matter dynamics you would

  • have to replace that by some high-energy version of it and eventually you'd have to

  • replace things ultimately by the full quantum theory of gravity and everything

  • i.e. maybe string theory. So you'd really be talking about strings so you would never even

  • talk about an electron, you can't talk about electron very very close to singularity

  • you don't have a singularity really, you probably got some sort of

  • stringy type structure of which that electron

  • has now become a part itself, some stringy excitation.

  • We do not know how to use gravity and quantum mechanics

  • in regimes where gravity is incredibly strong and quantum mechanics is playing

  • a big role. We can use our quantum theory is really well understood in

  • regimes where gravity is not that strong, gravity is really well understood in

  • regimes where you don't need to worry about quantum mechanics, but we know both

  • have to exist. We know we have to be able to understand the world of the macroscopic

  • and the microscopic and there are regimes where these two clash and the black hole

  • is a regime where you have the world of the microscopic quantum theory and the

  • world of high strength gravitational fields coming together and a

  • manifestation of this problem is this information issue because it's defined

  • simply in terms of its mass, its angular momentum and its charge. It's got what's

  • known as no hair, there's nothing coming out to tell you what's bit gone in there.

  • The world of quantum mechanics on the other hand should also be able to

  • describe this process. In the world of quantum mechanics there is what's known

  • as a wave function. It's integral to the world of quantum theory that we can keep

  • track of this wave function we solve it by the Schrodinger equation. Knowing

  • about this wave function tells us about the probabilities of everything we

  • always expect probabilities to add to one. If they don't then it's a bad,

  • something's wrong with our system. When you lose information it means that this wave

  • function no longer is deterministic in the sense that you lose that ability to

  • have probabilities adding up to one. Something's gone wrong with the old

  • world of quantum mechanics but we believe our world of quantum mechanics

  • so we have to be able to reconcile this classical picture of the black hole where

  • the information gets lost, to this quantum mechanical picture where we know

  • the information shouldn't get lost.

  • We need to be able to retrieve it and in order to do it you're having to match these two together.

  • The very existence of black holes and this singularity that you seemed,

  • it looks like you have at the center of them, tells you that Einstein's theory is

  • not a complete theory

  • It's the best and effective theory there needs to be replaced by something else

  • when you start talking about high-energy strong gravitational fields and so on

  • and so forth. You need something else which is most likely string theory I guess.

  • It's believed that the centers of galaxies have got these supermassive black

  • holes right, to billions of solar masses which actually raises an

  • interesting question: how did they form? How did these have time to,

  • I think there's might be some cosmic strings involved but no one likes that idea. I'm just hoping

  • they'll keep finding these supermassive black holes earlier and earlier and

  • earlier utntil eventually there's just not been enough time for black holes

  • coalesce and you need another seed, something like a super, like a massive

  • cosmic string but anyway that's just my own pet hope. -Is it possible that as you start

  • reconciling quantum mechanics and General Relativity and understanding black

  • holes better, that singularities could come under threat? And people might think 'oh, it's ok

  • there's actually a little bit of volume there.'

  • -Yes, absolutely and I think the majority I don't about the majority but a lot of

  • people that think about what will be the effect of quantum mechanics, is that,

  • that singularity which again is a breakdown of your, demonstrates the breakdown of your

  • field equations, the breakdown of your mathematics, that singularity will get

  • smoothed out.

  • Example of a star or an object, whose gravity was so great, that light couldn't escape from it.

  • So basically what's being hinted at here for the first time is a black hole!

  • Of the existence of bodies and either of these circumstances we could have no

  • information from site.

The singularity, well I mean that's just something that we just don't understand.

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黑洞的問題--60個符號 (The Problem with Black Holes - Sixty Symbols)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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