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  • Do you what this is? This is cheese sandwich and I absolutely love it. I'm a big fan

  • of cheese and therefore I decided to make this lesson for you, because you know what?

  • Cheese has gone way beyond Dairy, what I mean is, it's not just an eating product, it's

  • just so many more functions, cheese is more than one type of a noun, it's a verb and

  • it's also a phrasal verb and if you wanna learn all the different meanings of the word

  • 'cheese', then keep watching this lesson with me, my name is Michelle and now I'll

  • enjoy my sandwich.

  • So the first meaning of the word 'cheese' is exactly what you

  • saw, you saw me eating cheese and that's what it is, it is a noun and a dairy product

  • which means it's made out of milk and it's a solid food which is very delicious and we

  • all love our pizzas loaded with cheese and If you want to use it in a sentence, you could

  • easily say that, “the waiter got her pizza with oodles of cheese', oodles means lots

  • of cheese. So cheese here is a noun, solid food made out of milk, solid food made from

  • milk. Okay, now the next one that we have is cheese and cheese and cheese, do you remember

  • I told you in the beginning of the lesson that the word 'cheese' has many meanings,

  • you know what, 'cheese' as a noun itself can also have a different meaning, so this

  • is cheese, the noun, okay? This is 'cheese', the noun and now we have 'cheese' the

  • other noun, the other noun, okay and you must be like, enough of grammar, what is this other

  • noun? So this other noun is actually inspired from the Hindi word 'chiz' which means

  • a thing, okay and it has its origins actually in Urdu, the word 'chiz' means thing in

  • Hindi. But in English it can be used for a person who is very important. So if you see

  • that she's “big cheese”, this means that she's a very important person. So you could

  • say that, “she's a big cheese in the office”, which means that she's a very important person

  • in the office. Now the important thing is although this is inspired from the Hindi 'chiz'

  • but the spelling remains same, okay? And you write it as 'cheese' and English has adopted

  • it for this spelling. So it means a person who is very big or very important, “she's

  • a big cheese in her office”. Okay, now the first one is 'the noun' and the second

  • one is the 'other noun'. Now what about this 'cheese', what could it mean? Is

  • this 'cheese' a noun, yes or no? This 'cheese' is a 'verb', okay? It's a

  • verb. Now this 'cheese' means cheesehow do I look when I say 'cheese'? Well

  • I'm always smiling but especially when I say cheese I'm smiling even wider. This is a common

  • word that photographers use to get you to smile if they are clicking a picture. So whenever

  • you are clicking a picture next time say, 'cheese' so that you can smile widely.

  • So 'cheese' can be used as a 'verb' to ask someone to smile, you could say, “Hey,

  • give me a cheese”, which means, give me a nice smile for this picture. 'Cheese'

  • can be used as a verb to ask someone to smile. Great! But what about this again 'cheese',

  • is this a verb or an adjective or a noun? Now this is also a noun, can you beat that?

  • You never knew that 'cheese' has so many meanings, did you? You'll love this lesson

  • for sure. So this is a noun, so this is 'the noun', this is the 'other noun' and

  • this is the 'other-other noun' and out here 'cheese' means money, okay? So this

  • is a slang word for money and you can use it, it's like an old slang word it's often

  • used in British English, so if you hear someone using cheese for money you know that they

  • are Brit or possibly they are very good with British English. So cheese for money can be

  • used like, “she's not very happy with her job because she's not able to make enough

  • cheese”, which means she's not able to make enough money. So this is how you can use cheese

  • for the 'other-other noun' to mean money, okay? So these are the four ways and four

  • meanings of the word, 'cheese'. The first is a noun solid food, the second is cheese

  • the other noun which is a very important person a big cheese is usually used with the word,

  • 'big' so big cheese, she's a big cheese and the third one is cheese and the fourth

  • one is money, cheese. Okay now we look at some other words with cheese. So these words

  • are a combination of words usually called as 'collocations', which means two words

  • which come together to mean something. So the first one of these ishard cheese”.

  • Have you ever heard any other word combining with 'hard', think of it, take a few seconds,

  • she has a very ___, she has a very hard ___. So let's say that she always gets into something

  • wrong, so she has a very 'hard luck', yes, you got it right. So 'hard cheese',

  • could also mean 'hard luck' or 'tough luck', this is again British English but

  • Americans also use it. So hard cheese means a person who has a really bad luck. Now don't

  • ask me that what's so unlucky with cheese because I don't know how it originated but

  • that's what it means. So you know I have this friend who works like throughout the month

  • and gets only one pound per day for working eight hours every day. Now that's hard cheese,

  • which means that's hard luck. Okay so this is hard cheese for you if you know someone

  • who has a really tough luck you can use this to talk to them and tell them that they have

  • a hard luck. Okay the next one that we have ischeese pairing”. So like we saw that

  • cheese has some connection with money, it's also used for money here the same way cheese

  • pairing here is also used for money. But here we have the word 'pairing', so here it

  • means that a person who uses money very stingily or miserly, which means they don't like to

  • spend too much money and they take too much care when they're spending money. They don't

  • want to waste money maybe and sometimes they just go a bit over with that, so they don't

  • want to spend over little-little things and they try to save money wherever they can.

  • So if they're buying vegetables, they'll try saving money, if they are buying a car, they'll

  • try saving money. So such a person lovescheese pairingwhich means that they love you

  • know saving money or spending money miserly and if you want to use it in a sentence you

  • could say that, “she's really not into cheese pairingor pinching which means to spend

  • money miserly, I'll write it here for you. I guess you're already hungry now because

  • I've talked about so much cheese don't worry just two more to go. So the next one ishead

  • cheeseand here we are again talking about food. Okay so this is a kind of food, “head

  • cheese”. When I talk about, I've already told you its food, okay so when I talk about

  • 'head' what can you think of, something vegetarian or non-vegetarian? Non-veg. When

  • you think of cheese, it's vegetarian? Okay that's a cliché, but sort of vegetarian

  • for some people it's still non-vegetarian because it comes from the animals but it's

  • vegetarian because we are not eating animals, we're eating a product by the animals. Okay

  • so 'head' is non-vegetarian and cheese is vegetarian, so what about the food dish,

  • it's a vegetarian or non- vegetarian? Well the answer to the million dollar question

  • is, it's non vegetarian. Yes, “head cheeseis actually a “jelly meat”, the meat looks

  • like cheese, okay possibly like goat cheese. So it looks like a jelly and cheese so that's

  • why it's called head cheese. So this meat is basically made out of pig's head, calf

  • and neck. So that kind of meat which looks like jelly and cheese is called head cheese.

  • If you were a non-vegetarian, you could have eaten this but since you are not a non vegetarian

  • you cannot eat head cheese. So do remember that you cannot eat head cheese, it's a meat

  • or jelly meat and the origin of this dish was in Europe and as usually eaten cold. I've

  • not yet tried it, if any of you have tried it then do let me know in the comments of

  • how it tastes, I think I'm going to try this too, since I love cheese so much. This is

  • not cheese. Okay the last one we have ischeesed off”. Did you get my expression? “Cheesed

  • off”, this means that I am quite cheesed off, annoyed or irritated cheesed off, means

  • to be annoyed or irritated. So if you're really annoyed irritated you could say that you're

  • cheesed off and my friend who is not able to make enough cheese at his 1 pound job,

  • he is quite cheesed off with it, which means that he's quite annoyed with it. Now we're

  • gonna look at all the words once again, cheese the noun and cheese the other noun and cheese

  • this means to smile it's a verb and then we have cheese as money and all of these are

  • collocations that you can use and if you're not cheesed off then congratulations because

  • we are at the end of the lesson and you can go ahead and have that cheese pizza cause

  • I know you're very hungry now. So thank you so much for watching this lesson with me and

  • come back for more this is Michelle signing off bye-bye.

Do you what this is? This is cheese sandwich and I absolutely love it. I'm a big fan

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俚語英語單詞和短語與'CHEESE'? (Slang English Words & Phrases With ‘CHEESE’ ?For Daily English Conversation | Speak Fluent English)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary