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Hey, it's Marie here with another Q & A Tuesday!
Q: Alright, so let's get rolling and we've got a great question today, and this one is
from Tia. So sweet, she writes:
I'm a mom of a 4-year old and I'm expecting my second child later this year. God Bless!
I'm a fan of your blog. It's been very helpful in the process of adjusting my thinking
toward business. Does being ambitious or wanting more success mean you're ungrateful for the
current gifts in your life? Is it possible to be fully grateful for the current blessings
you have and still pursue the six- figure income, the fame, the entrepreneurship, etc.
with abandon?
Want to know my answer? Do ya? Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Wait you know who else says yes? (Come here, Snicker. Picks up puppy: Kuma says yes.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!)
A: Here's the reason why I love this question. I'm so happy that it came up. One of the
biggest challenges that most of us go through when we're starting to explore spirituality
and discovering the whole idea of being super grateful for what you have is we can feel
guilty about wanting more. It's almost as if, oh, I really have to just you know be
okay with everything that I have now. Which is great but it's human to want to create.
It's human to want to grow, to want to explore to expand, and take in more. And, I just want
to make a little note here, you know wanting more doesn't equate to materialism. It doesn't
always mean toys. You could want to touch more lives. You could want to expand your
ability to love. So wanting more in of itself is nothing that you should shy away from and
I absolutely believe with my heart and soul that you can be extremely grateful for what
you have and go balls to the wall with your dreams!
So I have a few strategies to share with you that will help you accomplish this. In my
lovely book called Make Every Man Want You, How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep
from Dating Yourself! Which by the way, we're going to give you a free audio download, missy;
just because you asked such a great question! I talk about a concept called This is It.
This is It really means that you treat this moment like it's the most amazing moment
of your life. You look around in your world and you just make it the best it possibly
can be.
So in short, wherever you're at, that's where the party is. So if you find yourself
standing in line at a bank and there's a really long line, and everyone else is cranky,
this is it! This is your moment! So you're going to party with it. You're going to hang
out. You're going to have a great time! Talk to people in the line. Really appreciate where
you're at! But that doesn't stop you; the whole this is it mentality doesn't stop
you from having big dreams that you're also going to pursue.
So it's a matter of just finding that balance but you can absolutely do it and don't let
anyone tell you that you're ungrateful for what you have if you have big dreams and ambitions.
So one more little note and it's about complaining. This is a great way to just basically check
yourself before you wreck yourself.
Checkadee, checkadee, check yourself before you wreck yourself!
If you catch yourself complaining, you've slipped out of the modality of being grateful
for what you have. And, it's going to be really hard to really attract great things
or be really ambitious or have the energy you need to achieve those big dreams. So use
complaining as a bit of a barometer. If you find yourself saying, Oh, this sucks. My
current clients suck. My boyfriend sucks. Blah blah blah Not so good. Stop it. Don't
beat yourself up but just get back into the grateful mode and keep kicking ass towards
your dreams!
Tia, thank you so much for that awesome question! We're going to be sending you your free audio
book and for everyone else, thank you so much for watching! If you like this video, like
it! Please leave a comment below, let me know what you think. If you have thoughts to share
and if you're not on the newsletter list already, which you should be! Come to,
jump on and I will catch you next time!