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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.
Now, looking back through my upload history and I'm honestly very surprised we've never spoken off this.
This is the 8800 GTX.
And if you owned one of these in 2006 well, let's just say you'd have a pretty decent time when it came to running games today.
I want to take a look back at this legend.
Explain why I think it's one of the most influential and best graphics card releases of all time and see what it can do in a few modern ish titles despite its age.
So without further ado, let's get into it, take a trip down memory lane and explore the power and the overall be Steenis of this once legendary GPU from Team Green.
So the 8800 GTX, launched in November of 2006 and was the first to primarily implement Microsoft's new A P I direct takes 10 along with the cheaper and weaker 8800 GTs, which we've taken a look at in the past.
With the launch price of 600 U.
Dollars, it costs the same as the company's previous generation flagship the 7900 GTX, though the 8800 was such a beast back in the day that some review sites even concluded that a single one of these was as powerful, if not more so, than two aforementioned 79 hundreds in SL I.
A card like this meant that even the most demanding games out there would run maxed out with the resolutions up to and including 25 60 by 1600.
This power came at a cost, though, and I'm not just talking price.
While it's not uncommon today to see two or maybe in some instances 36 been connectors, a topographic scarred back then the presence of 2 75 what connectors would have certainly bean a new site to some, demonstrating just how thirsty this 155 What TDP card waas Aesthetically speaking, This card is also very long with this particular model having been pulled from an old school del X p s for 20 gaming system, likely meaning it spent most of its life paired with a court to quad.
Before we check out the performance, let's look under the hood, so to speak, removing the massive heat sink reveals the huge GI 80 graphics chip and also gives us an opportunity to remove any dust from the bold and reapply a fresh coat of thermal paste.
Essential maintenance for any second hand PC component.
Specs Wise Thes 8800 utx features 768 megabytes of Judy DDR, three V Ram, a 576 megahertz clock speed on a 900 megahertz memory clock.
Thes specifications meant that for the next year it would remain among the top performers, eventually dropping to $400 before being discontinued.
These days, you can pick them up fairly cheap, and I happily paid £20 for this piece of hardware history.
So now we must see how it performs.
And to do this, I jumped into a few of my favorite last generation titles.
So during today's game play results, as you may have noticed, I've included the frame time under the usual F P s counter in the top left corner.
Now, basically, this frame time relates to those 1% and 10.1% lows, as I still get quite a few questions regarding what they mean.
Basically, the more consistent the frame time number.
The more consistent the frame rates, the more variation we see on that frame time number.
Well, the more Stata you're going to experience in game basically, and that reflects what the 1% in 10.1% figures come back outs.
In today's test, I started off with Battlefield three at 900 p and had to turn everything down to the low settings to achieve its pretty stable 51 frames per second on average, with decent enough 1% on 10.1% lows.
That meant we really didn't see that much stutter it all.
It was a similar story in bio shock.
Although we were able to turn the resolution here back up to 10 80 p, though, I had to keep the settings at their lowest after playing through this level in its entirety.
The average recorded frame rate was 43 f ps.
This was followed by a 1% low of 31 on a 0.1% low of 26 meaning that throughout my game play today with this game, I saw no real stutter.
There were a couple of drops here and there, but nothing that hindered the overall gameplay experience off this title, and I could happily played BioShock infinite from start to finish on a system that featured the now a 12 year old 8800 GTX GPU.
Next stop, I jumped into the original call of duty Black Ops, one of the best in the series.
In my opinion again, we were able to leave things at 10 80 p full HD, and I was even able to turn the settings up to normal here to achieve a pretty close to 60 frames per second average.
The 1% lows of 42 the 420.1% low of 33 again indicate that there really wasn't much stutter so far, so good.
And I was seeing a lot less hiccups than I was expecting to with this old 768 megabyte card.
Now we all know how demanding the original 2007 crisis can be sewed.
In today's video, I decided to check out its successor crisis to 900 p.
We were able to run the game with the high settings with an average of 46 frames per second.
Now, while high settings that sound quite good.
The lowest settings in this game is actually the high preset.
I believe it goes high, very high, extreme and then ultra.
So if you do select high, just know that it does mean that you are selecting the lowest in game preset from the list of options in this title.
46 frames per second, however, was pretty respectable for this ancient GPU, although you will see some stutter here and there, as indicated by those 1% on 10.1% figures.
But how could I test the sequel without testing out?
The original was well, so here it is the original crisis.
This actually ran a very similar to its successor with around 45 frames per second, although in the original crisis I was able to turn things up to 10 80 p with the medium preset.
So we are running at a high resolution than Iran crisis.
To add on for the 8800 GTX.
Well, it seems to be a pretty easy task, though.
Don't expect 60 frames per second unless you're willing to turn things down too low or you want to drop the resolution to say 900 or even 7 20 p.
As the action does heat up in this game in different areas, some areas are relatively quiet, and some you will see a bit more action going on.
So it's advisable to adjust your settings to account for what you see on screen.
They're sticking to 10.
80 p medium throughout should be a decent enough option for most of you on a card like this.
Now, while we're on the theme of jungles and open worlds, I decided to play a far cry to once again at 10 80 p.
Full HD.
Here I left things on the medium presets and ran the game in direct X nine mode.
That's an important distinction because you can pay this in either d x nine or D x 10.
The DX 10 will, of course, take a bit more of a toll on your system.
So to maximize performance, I switched everything over to D x nine on dhe.
We were able to achieve at least 60 frames per second on average, which I feel is a very respectable result.
Far Crater is one of those classics that once you start playing it, you really can't put it down, and it's an ideal title to run on this card, so definitely check it out if you have an older card and aren't sure if you can run it.
Of course, a relatively modern title that also runs on direct extent is Grand Theft Auto five.
Although I did have to turn things down to 7 20 p, we were able to achieve an average frame rate of 47 f p s, which was actually quite surprising considering the hardware.
And considering that we only had 768 megabytes of Iran to play with even on the lowest settings, all the normal in game settings, according to D.
D A.
We did exceed that V RAM limit, so we couldn't really turn things up higher than normal, although I expect you could turn things up a little more and still achieve closer to 30 frames per second at 7 20 p.
But I found that keeping everything on low here was definitely the best way to go.
The original version of the eldest girl, Skyrim, also ran very well.
Now this wasn't the remastered version.
This is the original version of the game that came out a few years ago on with the medium settings and ta listen off and 10 80 proof allegedly resolution.
We were able to see at least 50 frames per second with pretty respectable frame times as well as you can see by the results.
Now I tried a couple of other slightly more demanding or modern shall we say titles, the first of which was Fortnight.
But unfortunately I couldn't make it past this error screen here.
I really thought the game was going to fire out, but unfortunately it just crashed to the desktop.
After this message, CS go as well, another popular title that you're always asking me to check out.
Just simply displayed a black screen before jamming the whole system and forcing me to sign out of windows.
So that wasn't exactly a brilliant result, either.
So there we have it, one of the most popular graphics cards of all time and one of my personal favorites, Theeighty 800 GTX, now in video, did release another 800 Siri's card theeighty 800 ultra, but it retailed for between $801,000 its popularity was nowhere near the previous GTX, with many thinking it was too expensive, considering the performance gains were only about 10% over the standard GTX.
So that card never really went down as well, although these days it can be found at a relatively cheaper price.
Also, as for this video and this card, I do hope you enjoyed it.
If you did leave a like on it down below lever dislike.
If you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and hopefully, as always, I'll see you in the next one.