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This is the lock picking lawyer.
And today I'm coming to you from Red Team Alliances East Coast training facility, where they're currently teaching a five day course on covert and tree methods.
With me is deviant allows a penetration specialist by trade, a prolific author and speaker and one of the instructors here.
Steve, thanks for having me out and for joining me on video today.
Thanks for being here.
It's a lot of fun.
Let's get to it.
We're about to head deeper into the facility to the training area and shoot four short videos on simple, reliable entry methods the deeps team uses in the field.
And we're also gonna talk about what you can do toe hard in your door against him.
So do you lead the way?
Show me where we're going, All right?
Okay, folks, this is the door we're going to be defeating, but we're not going to pick the lock.
If you watch my videos regularly, you know that padlocks can often be bypassed without picking.
Well, the same thing applies to doors.
And in this video, Siri's Dave's gonna show us four different ways to get past this door and what I'd love is that each method focuses on a different edge of the door.
The top, the bottom him decide in the latch side.
So, Deve, which are you gonna start with?
The top copy.
I'm sure you have some super secret government tool.
You're absolutely.
It's very restrictive.
Hard to order these days.
Hard to recognize these days for the generation upon us.
Now, this, my dear young guns is called film.
It used to come in your cameras.
I wouldn't even know where to get any of that.
I actually have a friend in Utah who gave me some his name's info.
Sec Pope on.
He's actually the person who first showed me this technique, if we're all very grateful that he shared it with the world.
So what we're going to do is feed a loop over this door, all right?
And as we're doing so we know about how far we're dropping down.
We know how far we want to drop down.
Because the handle on the inside gonna match the handle on the outside.
Obviously get to about here.
I need to make an extra step, which is right now we're flat against the door.
I want this to bow out slightly, so I'm gonna feed a little more of the outer loop.
Just just a bit.
Let's see.
That might be just enough.
And if we think we've got it, just walk it over.
You got it.
Let's feel I feel something fantastic.
So what do we do if we want a heart in our door against that?
Well, a couple of things.
You try to make sure the top of your door frames as tight as possible.
I wouldn't exactly call that feasible solution in most buildings.
Obviously, you don't want your doors scraping into one another honestly, protecting the whole latch.
Work back here protecting the lever style handle.
Put some kind of shield around it, make it less grip a ball less gravel.
There are products that are officially security products, but they do avoid, Let's say, crashing a cart into the call as you move.
There Just called door handle shrouds you find in the Granger catalog and make this near impossible.
Well, thanks for showing us.
And which side of the door we working on in the next video?
I don't know if you don't stop its first maybe go bottom.
Sounds good.
Okay, folks, that's it for today.
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And, as always, have a nice day.