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So it snowed last night, and, um, today it's pretty foggy.
Yes, you can see right there is where the lake is.
I feel like this doesn't really give a fair representation of what Winther in Gothenburg is like, because we usually never get this much snow.
And it's been really cold now for almost a month having so this is not actually what march in Gotham are usually looks like, but I kind of like it.
This, uh, a little like, manmade wall up there.
It looks like Let's check it out.
Oh, it's so much harder walking and snow.
So I just found those tracks and, uh, I think that must be like, um, wild boar.
I kind of want to see what where they lead because there's no other trust here.
So could probably full of them.
Actually, they're probably long gone, and I think this place looks pretty good.
Toe make a fire.
Still like following the tracks, though.
So when I go out like this, I pretty much always make a fire or try to make a fire.
And, um, I figured I might show you how how I go about making a fire So what I try to do is I try to collect some of this like birch bark, and you need a bit of it, but this I think it contains some sort of oil.
Um, that light's really easily.
Usually you can like this with, even just like a spark, but this is like, this is not enough.
So I'm going to try to find a better tree.
Okay, so this is a birch tree and one of the things that you can do, it's just cut a little slice out.
I don't like doing this, but I'm I've heard that if you don't cut through the inner bark than it doesn't harm the tree, it's it'll grow back.
So this is what we're left with, and, um, this It's pretty small, but I think this whole I think it'll work.
So now we'll clean this place up, make room for ah, fire, and I'll give you a little a little house tour.
Um, So what I just did was I went and cut a few ah branches off.
It's Bruce Street and I put them down here.
That's like, Well, for insulation so that when I sit there, I will sit straight on the ground and I won't get wet.
And, uh, hopefully I won't get us cold.
But it was pretty cold still sitting on there and then here, right here.
I'm going to make the fire on this little, like incline here.
I think it's time to make a fire.
This it's like soaking wet, so I don't know, it'll be a good test.
So I just did this, scraped some of the birch bark off, and, um, it ended up in this, like, little bundle, and that will catch a spark really easily.
So hopefully that'll work.
And then I'm gonna use this stuff to kind of once that catches, this will be I'll need to be really quick with this on.
Uh, I'm using fire steel, which just shoot sparks.
Um, destroyed.
If you're wondering what I'm doing and find the kid as much stuff on there, it's possible it will warm up and dry out some of wits and believe it or not, But that was actually the first goal.
I'm pretty happy.
Actually, I did not think that was gonna work, but, uh, yes, for now, it's working, and, uh, I'm gonna try to keep this alive.
So I think I'm gonna show you four things that I always bring with me.
When I go out like this, the first thing iss an axe feels like people look at you like you're crazy.
Please, Gavin acts.
But if you're getting firewood or something, that's pretty good.
And ah, I was being like, ah, metal cup as well so that I can melt snow or something.
Make tea something else.
I always bring this a knife.
The Swedish more Ah, knifes.
Because there no, no, it feels good.
The last thing it's a fire steel because I always I always use this to make a fire like I've pretty much never used matches.
I know it's harder to make a fire with this, so I kind of like the idea of using this every time it Plus it works, even if it's wet.
So those are the four things I always bring with me when I go out on a in my family, we call them survival trips when I do this.
So yeah, survival trips.
I'm done and I'm ready to go home because it's it's really cold.
I'm gonna pack up stuff Okay, let's go.
Um, so I always kind of liked Thio.
Try to make it look the way that it looked when I first got to the place.
So if I make a fire or something, I tried toe leave it the way I found it, so that because I really I hate when I get to some place, you know, I want to make a fire or something in you see the trace of, like, charcoal everywhere.
Then it feels less special.
It sounds like it's raining, but I think it's just the snow melting from the trees.
So now I have to get down to that place.
So so far, I think it's been a pretty good day.
Um, even woke up at 55 40.