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What's up guys, hope you're doing well.
So about 10 months ago, I made a video called What I Hate About Women.
It's been 10 months.
I have a lot of things that I can add to this list.
So this is part two What I Hate About Women.
I'll probably stop when I get to around part twenty.
On a side note, everyone who's been asking me about a shirt, where can I get a shirt?
They are now up.
Go to
That link will be in the description, but back to this video.
One of the things that I hate about women is that they're just too nice.
I was driving in a car one day and on the side of the road there was a lost dog.
The girl in the car with me was like: Oh my gosh!
Let's stop the car and get the puppy.
You want me to stop the car so we can go get a puppy from the side of the street and then
what are we going to do?
We were on our way to Chipotle I'm pretty sure and you want me to stop and get a puppy.
No, I'm not doing that.
That puppy will bite you!
It probably has rabies.
Who knows what the puppy has!
Another thing that I hate, maybe it's just me, I don't know, let me know if this is
just me, but girls these days don't want to be in a relationship.
Like I said, maybe it's just me.
I don't know.
Let me know if it's just me, but the past couple of girls that I've been talking to
have not wanted a boyfriend.
I was shocked, because you know, that's normally what I feel like girls want.
I haven't had a girlfriend since high school because of this nonsense.
Do you want a boyfriend?
Do you not want a boyfriend?
I don't know!
Maybe it's just me.
Maybe I can't close the deal, but I've been a free agent for too long.
I know how Terell Owens feels now.
Another thing that I hate about women is when they refer to you as a friend, but not just
a friend, as like a best friend.
Don't ever do that to a guy.
Don't ever, EVER, refer to me as a best friend or call this a best friendship.
That sounds like the deepest and darkest place of the friend zone.
You ever seen Lord of the Rings?
Have you seen Lord of the Rings?
People think the ring turned him into that creature.
Nah, that's the friend zone.
He lives in the friend zone.
Every guy, even if they're in a relationship, unless they're gay or married, they want
to believe they may have a chance someday, somehow, to get with you.
So by you saying that this is a great friendship, a best friendship, this ruins everything.
This ruins all of our fantasies, all of our hopes, desires, dreams and aspirations…right
out the window.
Even if we are best friends, don't ever verbalize it please!
And while we're talking about the friend zone, maybe I just don't understand, why
is it that girls will say: I could never see me dating you cause we're just too good
of friends.
Are you stupid?
Isn't that the person that you want to date: someone who you can be friends with and share
your inner thoughts and what you're thinking…I don't know!
Isn't that what you want?
Girls always give some lame excuse as to why they don't want to date a guy, when in reality
what you should be saying is: hey look, I'm not attracted to you.
A guy can't really say anything then, but you say some foolishness like: I just can't
date you cause we've been friends too long.
That's how people get killed.
We've been friends for too long so…what?
Girls, think about the guy you want to be with.
Use your imagination.
That's what that means, imagination.
So you're with a dude, you hangout all the time, do everything together: go to dinner,
play Words with Friends, he calls you, you have conversations.
And then when you truly express your feeling for him, he just looks at you and he's like:
Umm, yeah…I don't want to ruin our friendship.
You see how dumb that sounds?
You're going to be thinking in your head “there must be another girl”, “I'm
not good enough”, whatever you're going to be thinking.
Wouldn't you rather the guy just come out and say “hey look, you're not my type.”
That's all guys really want.
Another thing that I hate about women, and this is a huge one, some girls feel the need
to lose more weight than they need to.
Beautiful girls feel like they're not good enough for some reason because of the way
the media has displayed how a girl should look, when in reality, if you lost 10-15 pounds,
you would look disgusting.
Embrace the curves!
Some guys like curves.
And it's just ridiculous cause some girls feel the need to lose weight.
You don't have to be all petite and about to die and you need a hamburger or something.
You look good the way you are.
Embrace the curves!
Conversely, some of you do not need to embrace the curves.
You have too many curves, way too many curves!
And you think, oh you're thick.
Let's just hold up a second.
There's a difference between being thick and being way overweight, like WAY overweight.
Know the difference.
Know the difference, OK.
Cause some of y'all are very close to being morbidly obese.
That's not thick!
That's not thick!
But those are just a few things that have accumulated in the past couple of months that
I just had to put into a video.
There probably will be another video coming out soon.
And I know a lot of these can go both ways with men and women, but let me know what you
hate about women, or if you're a girl, let me know what you hate about men.
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No Jugamos Juegos.
Throw me the alley.
If you're dressed like a streetwalker in scantily clad clothing, I'm not going to
be expecting to have very deep conversation with you.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm a grown man.