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  • What's up guys, hope you're doing well.

  • So about 10 months ago, I made a video called What I Hate About Women.

  • It's been 10 months.

  • I have a lot of things that I can add to this list.

  • So this is part two What I Hate About Women.

  • I'll probably stop when I get to around part twenty.

  • On a side note, everyone who's been asking me about a shirt, where can I get a shirt?

  • They are now up.

  • Go to

  • That link will be in the description, but back to this video.

  • One of the things that I hate about women is that they're just too nice.

  • I was driving in a car one day and on the side of the road there was a lost dog.

  • The girl in the car with me was like: Oh my gosh!

  • Let's stop the car and get the puppy.


  • You want me to stop the car so we can go get a puppy from the side of the street and then

  • what are we going to do?

  • We were on our way to Chipotle I'm pretty sure and you want me to stop and get a puppy.

  • No, I'm not doing that.

  • That puppy will bite you!

  • It probably has rabies.

  • Who knows what the puppy has!

  • Another thing that I hate, maybe it's just me, I don't know, let me know if this is

  • just me, but girls these days don't want to be in a relationship.

  • Like I said, maybe it's just me.

  • I don't know.

  • Let me know if it's just me, but the past couple of girls that I've been talking to

  • have not wanted a boyfriend.

  • I was shocked, because you know, that's normally what I feel like girls want.

  • I haven't had a girlfriend since high school because of this nonsense.

  • Do you want a boyfriend?

  • Do you not want a boyfriend?

  • I don't know!

  • Maybe it's just me.

  • Maybe I can't close the deal, but I've been a free agent for too long.

  • I know how Terell Owens feels now.

  • Another thing that I hate about women is when they refer to you as a friend, but not just

  • a friend, as like a best friend.

  • Don't ever do that to a guy.

  • Don't ever, EVER, refer to me as a best friend or call this a best friendship.

  • That sounds like the deepest and darkest place of the friend zone.

  • You ever seen Lord of the Rings?

  • Have you seen Lord of the Rings?

  • Sméagol!

  • People think the ring turned him into that creature.

  • Nah, that's the friend zone.

  • He lives in the friend zone.

  • Every guy, even if they're in a relationship, unless they're gay or married, they want

  • to believe they may have a chance someday, somehow, to get with you.

  • So by you saying that this is a great friendship, a best friendship, this ruins everything.

  • This ruins all of our fantasies, all of our hopes, desires, dreams and aspirationsright

  • out the window.

  • Even if we are best friends, don't ever verbalize it please!

  • And while we're talking about the friend zone, maybe I just don't understand, why

  • is it that girls will say: I could never see me dating you cause we're just too good

  • of friends.

  • Are you stupid?

  • Isn't that the person that you want to date: someone who you can be friends with and share

  • your inner thoughts and what you're thinking…I don't know!

  • Isn't that what you want?

  • Girls always give some lame excuse as to why they don't want to date a guy, when in reality

  • what you should be saying is: hey look, I'm not attracted to you.

  • A guy can't really say anything then, but you say some foolishness like: I just can't

  • date you cause we've been friends too long.

  • That's how people get killed.

  • We've been friends for too long sowhat?

  • Girls, think about the guy you want to be with.

  • Use your imagination.

  • That's what that means, imagination.

  • So you're with a dude, you hangout all the time, do everything together: go to dinner,

  • play Words with Friends, he calls you, you have conversations.

  • And then when you truly express your feeling for him, he just looks at you and he's like:

  • Umm, yeah…I don't want to ruin our friendship.

  • You see how dumb that sounds?

  • You're going to be thinking in your headthere must be another girl”, “I'm

  • not good enough”, whatever you're going to be thinking.

  • Wouldn't you rather the guy just come out and sayhey look, you're not my type.”

  • That's all guys really want.

  • Another thing that I hate about women, and this is a huge one, some girls feel the need

  • to lose more weight than they need to.

  • Beautiful girls feel like they're not good enough for some reason because of the way

  • the media has displayed how a girl should look, when in reality, if you lost 10-15 pounds,

  • you would look disgusting.

  • Embrace the curves!

  • Some guys like curves.

  • And it's just ridiculous cause some girls feel the need to lose weight.

  • You don't have to be all petite and about to die and you need a hamburger or something.

  • You look good the way you are.

  • Embrace the curves!

  • Conversely, some of you do not need to embrace the curves.

  • You have too many curves, way too many curves!

  • And you think, oh you're thick.

  • OK.

  • Let's just hold up a second.

  • There's a difference between being thick and being way overweight, like WAY overweight.

  • Know the difference.

  • Know the difference, OK.

  • Cause some of y'all are very close to being morbidly obese.

  • That's not thick!

  • That's not thick!

  • But those are just a few things that have accumulated in the past couple of months that

  • I just had to put into a video.

  • There probably will be another video coming out soon.

  • And I know a lot of these can go both ways with men and women, but let me know what you

  • hate about women, or if you're a girl, let me know what you hate about men.

  • Leave a comment down below or even leave a video response.

  • Subscribe if you're new and don't forget:

  • Press the like button.

  • New videos every Sunday.

  • No Jugamos Juegos.

  • Throw me the alley.

  • If you're dressed like a streetwalker in scantily clad clothing, I'm not going to

  • be expecting to have very deep conversation with you.

  • That's all I'm saying.

  • I'm a grown man.

What's up guys, hope you're doing well.

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男性忠告--我討厭女人的地方 2 (Male Advice - What I Hate About Women 2)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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