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  • Hey guys, I thought I would share my outfit of the day.

  • This could be something I potentially could do just about every day.

  • If it's something that you're interested in, um, end if it makes sense for, like trying to get everything tape till that.

  • But I figured that it would be a really fun way to just sort of, um, create more content during this time when everybody is looking for more like fun content online.

  • I feel like there's a lot of room for that in a lot of peace and calming that it can create.

  • So that's my goal.

  • And, um, I also just wanted to be able to talk with you guys more anyways.

  • So for today, it's one of our warmest days.

  • I think it's around 83 degrees outside, which is so lovely as I'm sitting on my front porch, and also I want to spend a little time outside my backyard later.

  • So what I'm wearing today is a new top in that from the fifth label.

  • This is a top that I could easily wear with some high waisted pants.

  • These ones are not my highest waisted pants, so it's nice to be able to just have something a little bit flirty for today's weather ends just being around my man today and all that.

  • So also, I've got like higher waisted jeans.

  • If I ever want to be able Thio where something else that's like, you know, not exposing a little bit of skin there.

  • Other than that these jeans are from redone, they are old.

  • I got them, I think, last year, if not be here before that.

  • And so they've been really staying in good condition.

  • I pulled them out of storage just about a week ago, and it was so nice to just open up my box full of clothes that are in storage for, like, previous season's.

  • Pull those out and it's just the most wonderful experience.

  • It's kind of like going shopping again, and yet I'm not really buying anything new, so redone.

  • I love how they reconstruct some old Levi jeans and make them into new styles.

  • In the past, I feel like they've been just a little bit like flattening back there, but I do like the fact that with time they seem to be giving a little bit more.

  • Even though the structure of the pants like the material itself is like definitely a thicker Dunham for shoes.

  • These ones are also old and out of storage.

  • So you might have seen me wear them last year.

  • I felt like I wore them with almost every single outfit.

  • I felt like they went with just about anything.

  • And so these espadrilles are gonna be really fun to bring back right now in this season.

  • And they're very comfortable, Like I would say that arch support isn't great if you're gonna walk for a really long time or stand for a long time.

  • But overall, it's really fun and comfortable to wear around my house.

  • Um, I love to wear even with, like, bathing suits and stuff, So it's definitely a classic in my wardrobe.

  • I only have a black bear in a white pear, and I wear them religiously during warm weather.

  • So that is what I'm wearing today.

  • All of these pieces should still be available, so I will leave you links down in the description below, along with sizes.

  • And overall, I just plan on spending a lot of time in the sunshine today and enjoying the warm breeze and just staying put in my house earlier this morning, Zach and I, we worked out and then I had my coffee, which I got delivered from a local place here that I love so much.

  • So I've just had a really chill time, and it's wonderful.

  • And also, earlier today, I posted my every lane video.

  • If you haven't checked that out, you can.

  • Yeah.

  • So I might even include a little bit of what I'm doing during the day to almost like a log.

  • Just so you know, have a little bit more to share with you guys, and I think that might be really fun.

  • Um, see it.

  • Welcome to my backyard.

  • I am reading a book.

  • This book is really old.

  • 1944.

  • It is, um, called Board of London, and I'm about one page into it.

  • Wish me luck.

  • They use a lot of old words, and they're writing, you know, as the 14th century England, I believe.

  • And it's just interesting, too, because how they would write things now for historical fiction is just totally different than how um, people would write it back then.

  • So I don't know if I said that right but, uh, it's got a lot of, like, really cool old photos meant to And by photos, I mean illustrations.

  • So it's a little cover inside.

  • Also, it's from the Manahan Historical Society.

  • I've been trying to read this handwriting.

  • Looks like Northumberland County Historical Society as a gift from anesthesia.

  • And John, Um, so, yeah, I just got really beautiful old illustrations, and I just loved how they wrote to two blue eyed Susans.

  • But again, I've only been, like, 1 to 2 pages in, so yeah, I mean, it's it's going Okay.

  • I couldn't really tell you what it's about at this point.

  • Um, you probably google it.

  • I haven't yet, so yeah, also took my shoes off.

  • Just having a lovely little barefoot moment outside.

  • And I wanted to show you that this is my computer that I brought out here.

  • I was my favorite brand of Pollux Tre.

  • If you guys ever have this in your grocery store, if you can find the mock O'Berry, that's really good.

  • You can see that.

  • And then also, I love their cherry one so good.

  • I don't know howto vlog.

  • Um, anyways, guys, I think I'm going to end it here.

  • If this is the story of videos that you find fine, um, Bailey outfits and a little snippet of my life.

  • Then go ahead and give this video a thumbs up.

  • And that will let me know that you like this sort of thing.

  • And I just hope you guys are hanging in there.

  • Take care of yourselves.

  • Much love from me to you, and I will see you guys next time.

Hey guys, I thought I would share my outfit of the day.

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OOTD: Petite Outfits I Wired Ep.001 | The One With Reading Outside(在外面讀書的人) (OOTD: Petite Outfits I Wore Ep.001 | The One With Reading Outside)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary