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when I started Good 2008.
My calling is something else besides, you know, making out with Matt Damon on screen group Blob.
We're in Science Club here on DDE.
What we have are lots of us.
You can see shiny stainless steel stuff and in here we measure force fields.
And in here we minute measure energy fields between individual atoms between atoms and molecules, we move atoms and molecules around.
We've done loads of 60 symbols.
Videos of moving atoms or molecules around this lab has goes by the incredibly sophisticated title off Air One or three.
Nothing more to read into it.
There's no numerology there.
It was on my radar.
It's not something I would generally sit down and watch.
But given that this one is all about energy on energy, feels on the double slit experiment has mentioned onder a number of years back.
We did something as you remember Brady on Quantum Woo.
I really wanted to take a look on Dhe.
That's what we're gonna do now.
We're gonna sit down and I'm well, perhaps stand up and just watches.
Thief Looks like a lot of fun.
Very attractive people doing very attractive things.
Okay, let's just pulls out for a second, Okay?
The following series is designed to entertain and inform, not provide medical advice.
Okay, well, that's a good disclaimer.
Tohave upfront.
You should always consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health before you start any treatment.
As both of us know, Brady.
However, if you put stuff in the video information on a video often the vast majority of times it's ignored, Theo.
Okay, so that's actually okay.
In terms of the 4.6% of matter.
In fact, physicists have got a really embarrassing problem and that they don't know what the vast majority of the universe is made up off in terms of where we are in terms of what we're doing in terms of what they're doing, 4.6% is pretty much everything.
So let's the human body has an energy field.
What type of energy are we talking?
Fanatic entity.
Electromagnetic energy, acoustic energy, potential energy.
What type of energy this is?
This is already beginning to wind me up, Theo.
So it's the same old tropes and the same old means.
So that idea evident being one integrated whole and how we're all connected Energetically, etcetera, etcetera.
Okay, Every centuries, basically, the age of energy energy drives for pretty much everything.
What I don't want to do for a change is calm across is absolutely an orderly where this is just nonsense and the informed scientists, ridicule and everything.
If there's a placebo element of this city is a therapeutic element of this.
Perhaps you could argue from now perspective that some of this might have some value.
But let's let's see where it goes.
First time.
Okay, this is bomb push.
Really, Just way.
Can't let that one go.
I had an exorcism.
If we're talking about exorcisms, this pops might not be the most educational.
But let's go.
You wanna go to the tight with more mighty pissed off?
I work with energy as a body worker.
You have energy just bound up in the muscles and ligaments and spine and fascia and organs when you're under stress.
So I show up and actually influence how energies moving.
Okay, so energy is a really important concept in physics and energy.
Very broadly speaking is the ability to do work, but it comes in so many different forms into a certain extent what he's seeing.
The first part of that is light in terms of biochemical energy and your body in terms of your muscles, mechanical energy in bio mechanical energy there.
But how is he influence on that energy?
That's that's the question.
Is it possible that some of the problem, though, is just like misappropriation of the word?
Like if if they're talking about something different, But they're calling energy and you're getting all wound up like Is that Is that this is all the problem?
Possibly tracked back to that?
I don't think all the problem tracks back to that.
Certainly what I've read online about this, that's all the problems.
Not trying.
But that's a really, really good point.
Let me just pick something.
Can I put this down there?
OK, for a circuit, Okay.
No work has been done on this particular body.
I've lifted it up against gravity.
I've returned t the same position, so no network has been done on this particular body.
Of course, I've You know, my muscles have had the various things and has been energy expended there.
But we have to be really really careful how we define different terms for a physicist in a professional context, work is the dot product off the force and displacement factors of the integral off the dock product off the force and displacement vectors.
That's obviously not what it's, you know, facing.
You've been working 9 to 5 ready.
That's obviously brings to mind.
So, yes, we have to be careful with language.
But the problem is, we physicists have to take some of the blame because we import everyday language.
It's not just the people there who aren't physicists misinterpreting this, I would say we are very guilty in propagating quite a lot of quantum wounds on dhe.
Let's see where this goes.
So I show up so that your body can heal faster than your physical being.
Your emotional being, your mind, your soul.
I'm just gonna have to stop at that point, because this is meant to be.
What I dislike is the goop lab.
So there's a scientific Shane forgetting about that disclaimer at the start, and I don't think you know that disclaimer is really gonna impact to every people.
And now we're talking about the soul with in a scientific context.
I'm not treating a particular condition when I'm working with you, but I thought this is if you just change the frequency of vibration of the body itself changes the way that I do.
I have to stop it there.
What the hell do we mean by frequency of vibration?
What sort of a sort of push myself forward?
Push Brady, you know, Does he What?
What do we do?
Frequency of vibration.
But you know what?
Is this on again?
This is importing justice.
You said Brady.
This is importing particular language of physics and misinterpreting.
Not in an everyday, a context.
Off course, we talk about frequency in physics.
So what?
Quantum physics.
Right at the heart of quantum physics, we've got a very simple equation, which is a musical here to new or hitch f.
There's a direct relationship between energy and frequency.
But the problem is, that's then couched in terms of when you're on the same frequency as may, you know, very, very, every day, almost Monday in language.
And when we start to mix these terms, that's when it gets dangerous.
Just before he started talking about the soul might.
My concern is that when he seems to be catching, this is a violent medical process.
But you said yourself, you can come to work and have a talk about frequency, and then you can go home and talkto your loved ones and use frequency in a different context, and that's not a problem.
So why you calling him on it?
Because he's cutting this in a scientific context, whether he's doing that deliberately on whether Paltrow was doing it deliberately.
I don't know if stuff the part of the you know that's out there in Paltrow.
I think she believes this stuff, that guy in terms of what he's doing.
Does he really believe he's affecting people?
Maybe he does.
Is he doing this deliberately easy using that language deliberately to put that scientific sheen on?
Or does he just genuinely believe that I don't know, like laser therapy like therapy, vibrational therapy, the energy field of a person too hell or break up tissue, etcetera.
Just the energetic think they've never defined it, been hesitant to show it just because it it can look strange.
Yeah, but I think it's time for the world.
What a great No, you cannot know.
You cannot know you cannot really likes And surely you're giving off warm.
You know you're not in infrared radiation, but in terms of influencing.
Not to that extent were the bodies doing this.
That's an energy field he claims to be influencing so that he can control emotional responses to that extent via infrared.
But he if he'd mentioned infrared at some point, that might be useful.
But what is that energy field?
Is it possible?
You just don't know?
And he's He has found something and is able to Maybe that's something you just don't understand.
Okay, so let's say Okay, that's his theory.
I've got my theory.
Let's say a LL human emotions are couched in terms off completely undetectable.
Nana Skopje rings off energy.
That medic Lauren something like Medic Lawrence.
But they exist either on let's say that love.
Let's wind in some good physics terminology.
Love is due to the constructive interference of those rings, and here it is, due to the destructive influence, interference of all things.
They're not been detected yet.
Actually, their energy scale is such that way.
Just could never detect them prove me wrong definitively prove me wrong, but he's got people.
He has got people wobbling around.
He's got people saying better.
And so we need empirical evidence because the placebo effect is exceptionally strong.
We do trails of drugs where we build in the placebo effect.
This is a combination of placebo effect.
Cult of personality is a fairly attractive and charismatic guy would say, Ah, nde.
He's clearly very eloquent on.
He's clearly got people hanging off his every word does a huge number of confounding variables here.
The body doesn't end right here of the skin.
The body is multidimensional.
There are layers to it.
Multi dement.
In what sense?
Honestly, that's a word that's loaded.
I'm interacting with those layers.
So when I move my hands in the air and I'm snapping my fingers and I'm making sounds with my hands, I'm putting energy into the field around some of these body changing their energy system just by the way, with it way is different, right?
So so.
But he said he's influencing the person at the subatomic level by clicking his fingers.
If we could influence matter at the subatomic level by clicking your fingers, we wouldn't have to spend billions uncertain way wouldn't need this bloody thing.
I know that this is just nonsense.
This really is this nonsense.
And, you know, the argument would be made.
Well, science doesn't know everything.
So you know, how do you know?
Sure, science doesn't know everything.
If science knew everything, I'd the aid of a job.
Brady would be out of a job because everything would be out there.
But science know some things on the way that science works is that we have tohave empirical measurements and we have to have evidence.
If we don't have evidence on, you know, physicist are pretty bad.
I am no fan of the multi verse, because what what empirical evidence of week off for the multi verse hypothesis, zilch is what this guy is doing, you know, aligned with that to a certain extent in that he's proposing something with no one pickle evidence.
It is.
So I will stress that we really don't come closer.
Physicist on his high horse, you know, spots off about new age wuss stuff the way I'm doing that, but we physicists do have to take some of the blame.
Phil, Science works by collecting evidence and having a hypothesis and working through these different procedures, but that that's not how nature works.
So, for example, I don't know how my car works, but I know when I press the accelerator it drives.
Is it possible that you don't know?
And even he doesn't know how the human body energy field works.
But he's just stumbled across the fact that when he clicks his fingers, it a certain location it.
Is people just like I know when I press the accelerator, the car works?
I don't know why, but I know it does.
Okay, is this repeatable?
If we do this under controlled experimental conditions, can he do this?
So, for one thing, I would love to say he's talking is we're through.
You could hit the hands are clicking around.
What if we were to put a blindfold on people on whatever put the headphones on and do it an entirely darkened room, he says.
It works up to 66 feet away.
I think somewhere between three and six feet away completely isolate the person.
Don't give them any hints as to where his hands are or what he's doing, and let's then see what the motions.
But maybe it works because it's him.
Maybe maybe his quantum energy field chakra is what makes it work.
And therefore it's not repeatable by you because you haven't you're not here, so I'm saying, Use him.
The question is, let's caught out external stimuli and see if this still works.
Let's see if they're doing all this motion or that is solely due to suggestion on the placebo for, and we know how strong will disable.
There's this amazing research done in front of quantum physics to support this one foundational studies, It's called the Double Slit Experiment proved, apparently without a shadow of a doubt that our consciousness actually shifts or alters in some way, shape or form physical reality, right?
Does bollocks.
Sorry, but that is bollocks.
The idea that you might have to bleep a lot but really truly orderly, complete bullets.
The man is talking out of his nether regions that has not bean empirically proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, so irritatingly in frustratingly, some scientists have actually have cleared this some very important businesses, including Heisenberg himself.
But we don't have that evidence we do not.
That evidence is not there.
There are probably at last count, something like 25 different theories of quantum mechanics on there's no interpretations of quantum mechanics on.
There's no empirical evidence that definitively says this one is important over this one.
Is information important?
Yes, it seems to be, is knowing the trajectories off particles on how that plays into unknown in the history of particles and indeed even future of particles.
All of their plan to quantum mechanics?
Do we understand the mat?
Can we do incredibly sophisticated calculations and predict what happens in the real world?
Do we understand it?
And physicists Rhea, What really winds me up is when physicists presents something, a sort of affair complex on.
This happens all the time particularly, you know, things like many worlds, that's one interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Multi verse.
That's one interpretation of physics in terms of empirical evidence.
For either known doesn't mean we can't talk about him.
Doesn't absolutely, doesn't mean we can't talk about it on.
The thing is, I'm gonna cut this guy some slack here for a change, because when you have physicists off the caliber off Heisenberg Indeed, Martin race, Merman.
Those type of people basically saying without any real qualification.
Consciousness is so important for quantum mechanics.
Can you blame this guy, or can you blame people like Deepak Chopra and that under, like for taking this on board?
And, you know, as I say, we physicists really are sort of proper getting our own little quanta of Wu Every time we get up on we don't make it really, really clear.
Actually, we don't fully understand this.
Generate a way of moving through the spine to try to manipulate the flow of information between the brain nervous system losses.
This I know I'm or interrupting a lot, but this is this is really the crux of this.
How is he doing that?
How is he doing now?
You know, if we were to do well, I walk in here and I don't know how you're doing stuff, but I believe you doing, huh?
You tell me.
You tell me that in that machine you have manipulated atoms and you've moved them.
And you showed me a picture on a screen.
But I don't know You did, but you could sit here and you could watch every single step of that process.
In fact, you could be doing that.
He's letting us watch his process.
No, he's not.
So what's that?
Know what I can show you?
From the point off.
Here's how we measure the current.
This is the instrument we used to measure The current season is the way I do it is I moved my hand here and I feel an energy here, and I I click my fingers.
But what type of energy on Jai was influenced?
But, you know, you don't know because I've bored you senseless.
You know what is happening, but I don't know that it's happened.
But I can show you that current.
I can show you that measurement we can We can get a meter, and we can see that current.
Okay, you're convinced, but I'm watching him move his hand.
And then I'm saying the people on the bed go boom on, move around and have their little exorcism.
And like, there are multiple explanations for it.
But you can't say that he hasn't shown.
If I don't, I'm influencing my quantum fields.
Do you believe me?
No, I personally don't.
So what's the deal between me and him, apart from his multiple attractive was much more hair.
I think everybody knows me to be a bit of a skeptic, You skeptic.
Okay, that's a really great example.
No, that doesn't really what we were talking about earlier.
Brady in terms of energy being used in this sense of positive and negative emotional energy as compared to physical energy, that that's a real issue here in terms of confusing those two context, very different contexts.
In terms of semantics, it's not.
It's not in this context where he's arguing that he's gonna make people feel better by changing their energy fields.
So there's a question off the physical energy field being confused for the emotional energy.
But Phil, if you if you said we've just got a new member of our research group and like she's giving off really good energy, I think she's gonna be really good.
I wouldn't sit there and go our demon kinetic energy or electric.
No, I know neither would we.
Old stereotypes of physicists to one side, but we wouldn't be claiming to be able to stand beside or three feet away, an influence or energy and so change your state of mind, which is what he's claiming.
This is where our controlled story, where Bay?
She's got some headphones on and she's listening to them some nice relaxing music.
Unexplained fall and it's completely in the dark.
I would like to see if the reactions will be the same.
But Phil, maybe that external stimuli the handsome man with the night in the nice voice.
Maybe there is contributing to this cocktail off physical things that are happening that make it work.
Or maybe it's the only thing on.
How would we do that?
I would we isolate one effect from the other.
We do a controlled study where you try to control the variables in the environment.
I don't trust anyone that wears old Black, Given that I will give him that.
The man has got a key sense of style and sartorial elegance.
It's gotta be said, Look at that.
How do you feel about this being made and put out there?
That's a really good question, Really.
Good question.
I am I worried about it.
I am worried about it in terms of disseminating that type off.
It's nonsense, you know.
It really is no scientific basis.
They've got the disclaimer or fluent front for all of 10 seconds.
You know, you got that simple writing on a black background or whatever against incredibly attractive people, you know, you know, saying my life has been radically changed.
You no one is gonna wear the other if it's a therapy, if that's all it is, is a therapy on dhe.
It's a placebo on.
People are coming out of those sessions, and if it often so much better now, I'm not gonna argue with that.
You know, religion plays that role in many people's lives as well.
My key concern is particular, and this is pushed as a medical procedure when it will treat cancer or treat other forms of disease.
That's when I get really, really scared.
And actually, we need to regulate this time.
Should this feel Netflix?
This should.
It comes back to the question of balance.
I would say they can present the aspects of this, but the really should be a counter balance in this.
They pretty good pretty what's got free rein in terms of what they present?
There should be physicists that should be doctors.
There should be chemists.
That should be whatever right across the board saying No, this is wrong.
This doesn't work.
Explain this.
Explain this, Justus we're doing now.
We shouldn't have to rely on 60 symbols.
T take this to pieces.
That should happen in the process itself.
But of course, you know, is that going to is a fully balanced documentary like that Gonna attract any, like anything?
Like the attention this is attracted?
No, of course not.
Where is the evidence that what he's doing works?
There's no evidence of tall.
We've seen some people moving around the very first step.
And that is a controlled experiment where you caught out his visual and audible choose and do a perfectly controlled experiment and then see how those people behave.
And if honestly, if they do that experiment on DDE, where people have headphones on and blank falls on in a darkened room on, they move and they have no Cuba tallest.
Where his hands on his influence, I would be over the moon.
Oh, my.
That would, like revolutionize attack.
I will get a Nobel price.
Let's put it this way.
I'm not going to bet the bloody house on it.
that that's gonna happen, even 60 on DDE.
What it does is a connects New Age ideas, sort of Eastern mysticism with quantum mechanics and quantum physics.
The idea that you know quantum physics means that there's an interconnectedness to all things and with the universal spirits at all these type of things.