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Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday
So on the YouTube channel Healthcare Triage doctor Aaron Carroll often says that data is not the plural of anecdote
But in a world where there are so many factual anecdotes out there
it can be difficult to see the larger truths that data can tell us for instance
there are terrible crimes every day in the United States, but that doesn't change the fact that the US
homicide rate is lower than it was 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 years ago
Anyway to try to understand the world better
I often use maps and here are seven that I found especially helpful.
First we have this map which divides the human population into tenths
I like this one because it reminds me that Canada, the United States, Mexico, most of the Caribbean, Chile, Peru and more
only constitute 1/10 of the world's population
The world is so much bigger than my world
and the human story is so much bigger than the human stories I usually hear
also since I mentioned Peru, Peru is big, as is Somalia
Those are not among the seven maps by the way. Those are bonus maps. You're welcome
Then there's this map from Our World in Data which shows the average years of school people had around the world in 1950
the yellow is between 0 & 2 years the green between 2 & 6 and then as the colors get darker people get better educated
here's 1970 and then here's
1990 and here's what it looked like in 2010
There are still huge gaps between rich and poor countries and between rich and poor people within many countries
But even so all around the world kids are getting more educational opportunities
Which is good because it means more potential innovators to solve all of the problems
we are leaving those kids with. Speaking of which here's what global CO2 emissions look like in 1950
Almost all the emissions coming from the world's wealthiest countries
Here's 1970 and here's 1990 and this is 2016 a few countries starting to get lighter
but only a few. Meanwhile this map shows average temperature changes between
1965 and 2014
red areas are where the earth has gotten warmer white areas are where the temperature hasn't changed and blue areas are where it's gotten cold-
there is no blue. Then there's this amazing map of global borders and when they were created I'll put links in the doobly-doo
So you can explore all these maps in detail
but the fascinating thing to me here is just how recent many national borders are like we often think of nation states as
Intractable realities and national borders as fixed, but in fact most national borders are less than 120 years old
Okay let's return to Our World in Data to look at this map of the percentage of births in
1991 that were attended by trained health care workers - doctors, nurses, midwives etc.
in Brazil it was under 70 percent, in India 34 percent, in Mali 26 percent
Now let's flash forward to 2015 in Mali 60 percent of births are attended by a health care worker
in India It's over 80 percent and in Brazil, it's over 95 percent the benefits of this are staggering
522,000 mothers died in childbirth in 1991
in 2015 303,000 did. We still have a long way to go but that is real progress and lastly
Let's look at my favorite map; life expectancy
I know this is a controversial position, but I believe that human lives should be long and healthy
here's what global life expectancy looked like in 1980 and here's what it looked like 35 years later
All around the world low and middle income countries from China to India to Peru to Angola have seen life
expectancy go up by at least 10 years and in some cases 20. So thank you map makers for giving me hope
and also when appropriate, fear.
Hank before I go, one thing: I enjoy sponsoring AFC Wimbledon so much and it has made me want to sponsor other things
So if you're part of a club or team or organization or whatever that could use modest
sponsorship, like think high three digits to low four digits email me at with the subject line
Sponsorship and when I say sponsorship, I don't mean donation, which is a separate thing
I mean getting some kind of
"marketing value" in exchange for the sponsorship like our logo on your uniform or something if it sounds like I said that to make sure
I'm cool with the IRS, I did. But write I apologize in advance for all the awesome things
I won't be able to sponsor but I'm gonna try to sponsor at least a few things. Hank, I'll see you on Friday