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This is the lock picking lawyer, and we are back at the range with Bosnian Bill.
Yes, we are having fun or what we are today.
We've got some combination locks for you.
We've got a master lock that I'm embarrassed to say.
I forgot to bring my Nerf gun.
Um, we can throw a couple of rocks at it.
That would be a good first try.
Second try will probably do the 22.
We'll use the 20.
Got a nice tiny little little 22.
It's a very thin aluminum.
There's no reason we can't get through that.
Okay, then we have this Brinks can.
I'm thinking a nine millimeter is a reasonable way to attack that brash body.
I'd say that.
I'm gonna say two shots.
I'll go with you on that.
This one, I'll tell you.
I don't know whether or not a pistol rounds gonna be enough for it.
I think this steel is going to deform a lot if it's truly stainless steel.
I think you're right.
It's just gonna bend around and it's gonna seize closed.
I think we're going to go to the rifle rounds, but let's try some pistol rounds see what the nine millimeter first.
That may be enough shock to get through it from there.
Well, let's lock them up down range and see what happens.
All right, Master lock with a clay pigeon.
Ah, not quite.
Shackles on.
There's the body.
Two shots with a 22.
I don't know where the guts went.
Probably well.
Things never, never to be found Land, but two shots e thought would be tougher Net.
That was one shot.
More than I thought it would take.
I thought the playbook is gonna get All right.
Let's, uh let's move on to the brink.
See what happens.
That 19 millimeter millimeter.
All right.
I'm embarrassed to say I lost track of how many times I hit this thing.
I want to go back and count in the video, but nine millimeters punched all the way through this.
We have to have to switch pistols halfway through this.
And the 2nd 1 is shooting a little low.
And that's my excuse.
But brasses, she is pretty brittle.
Once I got it centered.
Pretty good job of shattering everything.
And you see, we would have gotten open.
I'm ashamed of my shooting on that one.
At least I was consistently hitting exactly the same place.
It resisted a little better than I thought it would.
I talk in some of these places.
Yeah, it's actually pretty impressive for a breath for a brass lock.
Your right.
All right, let's get on with this.
Guess you with this word lock can do for us, Starting with nine.
Let's start with nine.
If I can hit it.
Well, there's the jacket.
Yeah, gut that's open.
There's an open.
That's one round of nine millimeter.
I would not have predicted that.
You I take it back.
It didn't split up the weld.
I don't think there is a weld holy crowd, A piece of garbage.
Are you kidding me?
Maybe they spot welded a couple places right there and right there Usually these air seem with all the all the a bus is air swelled in all the way around.
Is this just held together with a couple of rubber?
Oh my God.
You know, that should be a lesson to us both.
Whenever there's a piece of rubber on a lock before even try to pick it, cut the dangling rubber off Okay.
All right, all right.
We had a couple of surprises on this batch.
Surprise number one.
The clay duck did not break the mass at I was blown away by that.
I think I hit Lieu high with that clambered.
Probably what it was.
I think I hit the chain, but two rounds of 22 did the trick.
It blew the back completely off that day.
So 22 is the perfect weapon of choice to get this thing open.
Okay, moving on this guy was quite a bit different That survived a lot longer than I thought it was.
Yes, it did.
I didn't.
Well, of course, I missed several times, as you saw, but, you know, pretty solid center hits when I did manage to not shoot low, and it finally finally popped its guts out of the bottom and came open for us.
Now, this was the real shocker, but in a bad kind of surprise way.
This one after one shot of nine millimeter just popped open, and we were really confused.
Why, until we saw that is not seem welded.
There's just a couple of spots where they tried to hold this together Let's cut through this rubber off of here and you'll see Open it up like a clan.
You know, I think it is welded, but maybe only up there at the top, maybe we can find the one spot.
Well, that's still held right here.
You know what?
It's folded.
This thing is folded closed, and that piece of rubber covers up that seem.
How awesome is that word lock?
So not only is it easy to pick, it's easy to open up like a clam and get inside us.
That's embarrassing.
Stainless steel.
Let's let's try to forget about what we have for the next video.
All right, this is back on your cap it away.
If you guys are not subscribe to Bill the links in the description below.
Head on over there, you will see these locks.
We have this little shudder lock we haven't on guard beast.
And this Magnum.
So that's all I have for you today.
If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.
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And, as always, have a nice day.
Thanks for watching.
Stay safe.
Stay legal.