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  • >> Hilah: Hey dudes!

  • I am Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking I am gonna show you the easiest, most fool-proof

  • way to roast a pork tenderloin in the oven.

  • Then we're going to throw a little apricot pan sauce over it.

  • It's really simple, really delicious, and really healthy because pork tenderloin is

  • a very lean meat.

  • It's what!?

  • That's right!

  • You heard it!

  • Healthy and delicious!

  • Believe it sister, and brothers.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [Roast Pork Tenderloin with Apricot Sauce]

  • >> Hilah: All right, I've got about a one pound pork tenderloin here.

  • It's a little bit small in the way of pork tenderloins.

  • You should be able to find those, but if you can only find like a two or three pound one

  • that's fine too, it's just gonna take a little bit longer to cool.

  • I am just gonna salt and pepper it, and I don't ever bother trimming off the silver

  • as they call it, this like sort of thin membrane on there.

  • You can if you want to, but I don't, whatever, I don't find it makes a big difference,

  • and it's kind of a pain in the ass, so I leave it.

  • Okay.

  • Great!

  • Awesome, and then I've got a hot skillet here.

  • It's pre-heating over a kind of high heat.

  • I am gonna add a little bit of oil and a little bit of butter, and just get yo tenderloin

  • in there.

  • There we go.

  • So we're just gonna get this seared on a couple of sides.

  • I really like pork tenderloin because it's boneless.

  • It's lean.

  • It's really, really quick to cook, and kind of looks like a penis.

  • That's disgusting.

  • Forget I said anything.

  • All right, this will probably take about five minutes, and then I'll flip it and we'll

  • do the other side.

  • BRB.

  • My house is getting smoky which means we're on the right track.

  • Awesome!

  • Beautiful!

  • I am gonna let this side get brown for a couple more minutes, and then I'll pop it in the

  • oven to finish cooking.

  • We're gonna cook our pork until it reaches an internal temperature of about 155.

  • Then it'll maybe take like 15 minutes, but it depends on the size again.

  • While that's happening I am gonna go and start our delicious sauce, so a little bit

  • more oil and butter, and the butter adds flavor and the oil kind of keeps the butter from

  • burning so quickly.

  • So we'll get that warm.

  • I have just got a little bit of onion here.

  • I am gonna cook it until it gets soft, and it'll probably take maybe eight minutes

  • or so, and I'm gonna add a little bit of salt to that to help dry out some of the water

  • and help them soften up a little bit quicker.

  • If you wanted to do the sauce in the pan with the pork after the pork comes out, you take

  • the pork out to rest and then do the sauce in that pan and save a pan washing.

  • You can do that, but this makes it get done a little bit quicker.

  • You don't, you know, you can do this while it's cooking, so I'll see you back in

  • about eight minutes or so.

  • All right.

  • So once your onions are looking like this, really soft, a little bit brown.

  • We've got some chicken stock to add.

  • Whoooooo!

  • It's magical!

  • And a little bit of ground ginger, and some apricot preserves.

  • And I am using one here that's got a lot of fruit chunks in it.

  • I imagine you could also use lots of other fruit preserves.

  • Cherry preserves would probably be good, and some green mustard, and just sort of get this

  • incorporated.

  • Okay.

  • I am just gonna bring this up to a simmer, and let this simmer until our pork gets out

  • of the oven which is probably just about five more minutes.

  • Timing is going to be perfect! [bleep] Okay.

  • Check that out!

  • My pork tenderloin is awesome.

  • I checked the temperature right at 155.

  • I am gonna take it out of this super-hot skillet and set it on my cutting board and just let

  • it rest for about 10 minutes while our sauce finishes thickening up.

  • Look how beautiful that is, very exciting.

  • We're going to let it rest so that the meat juices redistribute and that when you slice

  • into it, it doesn't just squirt meat juice everywhere, and I am gonna go ahead and add

  • this pan drippings into our sauce too which is getting nice and thick.

  • Why not add that?

  • And then I've got a little bit of apple cider vinegar, and that's just gonna counteract

  • the sweetness of that jam a little bit.

  • Yeah, it smells so good.

  • Okay, so I am just gonna let our pork rest, and I will slice it up and serve it for you

  • in just a moment.

  • All right.

  • Our meat has been resting here for a few minutes.

  • I am gonna go ahead and slice into it.

  • I am just gonna sort of slice it on the diagonal.

  • Nice!

  • Yay!

  • So it's still got a little bit of a pink color in the very center.

  • That means it's gonna be nice and juicy.

  • It's not overcooked, and I've just got a little pool of my sauce here.

  • Look at that!

  • It's like you get it at a fancy restaurant, and let's give her a taste.

  • Yeah, it's really tender, really easy to cut into.

  • I've got my sweet and sour and fruity sauce here.

  • Oh, it's gonna be good.

  • Mmmmmmmm!

  • Man!

  • Pork goes so well with fruit sauces you guys.

  • Man!

  • I hope you try this recipe it's really, really delicious with the sauce or not the

  • sauce.

  • I mean you could just cook a pork loin like this and later on through the week slice it

  • up and add it to a stir-fry with some bell peppers and pineapple and have like kind of

  • a lower fat sweet and sour pork kind of thing, or you could make the awesome sauce that I

  • just showed you and really wow some people this month.

  • So, I hope you try this, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.

  • I will get to them as soon as I can.

  • Thank you so much for watching and have a wonderful day!

  • Bye guys!

  • See ya dudes!

  • I got to get a little more of this now because it's tasty times, and I bet Daisy and Mr.

  • Banjo want some too.

  • [BARK]

  • >> Hilah: Yep.

  • She wants some.

>> Hilah: Hey dudes!

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如何烤豬裡脊肉|Hilah Cooking Cooking (How to Roast Pork Tenderloin | Hilah Cooking)

  • 22 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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