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  • and I Come on, it's really sunny outside.

  • So I reckon I'm gonna go for a short little walk and I'm gonna show you around the lake, that's all.

  • Okay, so let's go.

  • Okay, so I think just the walk Thio go up to see the the little lake.

  • I think just that's gonna be a bit of a challenge.

  • So, um yeah, because with all the ice on the on the path, that's really hard to walk and yet, but a really good day.

  • And it's really it's quite warm in spite of it, like looking really cold because it's snow everywhere.

  • It's actually like I'm not freezing to death without gloves, so that's really good.

  • Um, but yeah, I just I'm really surprised that there's so many people walking because to me, it's like you saw earlier.

  • Just it's quite hard just to walk.

  • So now I'm gonna keep moving so the mission get to like and before the sun sets a swell, because I think it's about to go.

  • Okay, so now I'm back, and my camera died when I was out walking, so it died pretty much when I got to the lake.

  • So there's not much footage of me actually being at the lake.

  • But there's a little bit of footage of me walking to the lake and then or this a bit of footage of me walking to the lake, and it's a little bit of footage of me at the lake.

  • This is, um, one of my favorite places in Gothenburg.

  • So it's in the lake is called Deal Con, and it's one of those places that's really, like tranquil and nice to go to, Um, really nice place for a walk.

  • And this work actually became a bit more of ah, uh, an effort than I thought it would be because of how, like, how slippery the ground was from all the snow and ice, Uh, because it's been snowing now in Gothenburg for a couple of days, and then it got a bit warmer and it started to rain and rain on top of the snow that froze, so that made it just like pure ice.

  • Yes, it was quite hard to walk for a bit, but I managed and I got there and it was quite nice on.

  • It was just great.

  • Get enjoy this weather and I don't think I'm going to do anything Maur exciting than this today.

  • So I think this would be the end of today's vlog.

  • Hope you enjoyed it.

  • And now I'm just gonna chill.

  • Might even sleep a little bit because I just realized now I'm really tired.

  • So that's my day.

  • I'll see you when I see you.

and I Come on, it's really sunny outside.

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瑞典哥德堡最好的地方|| Vlog 08 (Best place in Gothenburg, Sweden || Vlog 08)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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