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  • Hello, world.

  • This is the third annual CS 50 fair at Yale University.

  • I'm here with my colleague and college friend Benedict.

  • Hi there.

  • So welcome again to the third.

  • Ah, CS 50 fair at Yale.

  • And we are at the Peabody Museum of Natural History here at Yale because we actually in CS 50 have a long and storied history.

  • And as you'll see from some of the exhibits in the museum, it in fact, goes all the way back to the time of the dinosaurs.

  • And we've brought it forward over many years so successfully that now we're up to the present day with some awesome projects from our students.

  • We have about 100 20 presenting, and so we're really excited to have you all here and come see what they've produced.

  • Hey, guys, this is CS.

  • I'm Idris, and welcome to the Seas with a fair at Yale.

  • I am glad to introduce Joe and Max.

  • They're kind of those shows are their project today.

  • So, guys, could you guys just walking through your project?

  • So I'll need you guys threw a little demo here.

  • So, uh, here you can see the corn axes.

  • So what we did a 300 rapper, and here you can enter in function of X and y.

  • So, for example, there's a plane and we'll just go ahead and grab that and wall renders.

  • You can choose X and Y ranges as well as a number of divisions.

  • So way chose a relatively small amount of divisions here.

  • So the graphics, little greenie and basically a small amount of divisions waste a lot of points basically.

  • So basically, it just drops this amount of points here on drug around on the screen.

  • Change in perspective Way did this in a library called through jazz.

  • We used mainly Java script way.

  • Also used a little bit of python to get a flask out running.

  • Um, but it was mainly Java script way also implemented the Math Jazz Library in order to parse the X and Y functions so that our graphic could have some utility for math functionality.

  • Okay, what do you think we're the biggest challenges?

  • Um, I think getting the grafts to render in a way that made them look like smooth surfaces was really hard challenge.

  • We initially wanted to make the grafts sort of tiles between points with that proved too challenging and too long took too long to render.

  • So we just tried to simplify it by utilizing the point cloud feature and three Js and it worked out really well.

  • Okay, Okay, sure.

  • I think we have preset.

  • We have a cone and 1/2 sphere on.

  • Then you can use the camera functions Thio.

  • And we really envisioned this project toe have some meaning, especially for, like, math 1 20 students, which we're currently in because there isn't really that reliable software out there to graft function.

  • So that was the rationale for our project.

  • Yeah, I have an idea.

  • Uh, you know, something you learned in this project wasn't covered in the main course is something that you built upon.

  • I do so like something that wasn't like wasn't covered.

  • Yeah, I think the sheer amount of helper libraries when you didn't join Creed, I think we didn't realize how much we were helped along by the source code that we were given the piece.

  • That's so we felt like we kind of do how to do everything on our own against its life.

  • So I guess proud way We're really happy with it.

  • That's great.

  • Could I could I put in the function of something to test it out?

  • So, for example, put in like, uh, ex.

  • Um so these are like the bass.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, God.

  • Functionality of that is, once you grab a function, it appears on the left function menu and you can click on click to have it appear again.

  • Okay, On the ground That way.

  • Way, way.

  • Oh, that's oh, man.

  • And then I could just Oh, wow.

  • World is American to finger 00 that's just visually so cool.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Okay.

  • So any any final takeaways from this project?

  • We were talking to some people earlier, and they were saying, like how this could have some sort of statistical functionality, so maybe we could extend out in the future way really proud.

  • Very good.

  • Okay, so this will see a city.

  • Let's check out some more projects.

  • Hi there.

  • My name is Xu 10.

  • And I'm Assault Warren Pierce in college, and I'm a course assistant for CSF.

  • The actual text yesterday last year.

  • So this was such an amazing opportunity.

  • I'm here with three awesome girls and they made an amazing project.

  • So if you want to go ahead and introduce yourselves.

  • Sure.

  • I'm Greta.

  • I'm Emily.

  • And I'm also first year in styles.

  • And I'm Catherine, and I'm also first year instalments.

  • Tell us more about your project and they give us a devil.

  • Yeah.

  • So basically, we made a Yale themed emoji.

  • I'm message extension, and we use this way called this in Swift if we have to learn from scratch by, like, washing tutorials online, and we use X code as our i d.

  • So I'm gonna give you a short demo of it.

  • So this is the app itself that you would like download from the app store, which has a text field in it but doesn't really contain the meat of the abs functionality.

  • For that, we go to messenger.

  • Let's say you want to text Save J.

  • Malin.

  • Um, you didn't pull up the keyboard and then use the globe icon to Taco.

  • And here we are at our keeper that we designed.

  • So you want to say David J.

  • Male and I don't know what you want something, Peter Salvador the mustache way.

  • Get a nice little message saying emotions being copied.

  • And now we can paste it into the text field and send it.

  • Yeah, and to use this app to receive the messages you don't have to have downloaded like sending anyone you want.

  • And basically, we use like a copy and paste functionality just like moving Awesome.

  • What were some challenges that you encounter when you were making your It was kind of difficult because none of us had experience with Swift before and we went over like, sea and job.

  • But after watching tutorials, it was much easier.

  • And how did you decide on Swift versus an android app which uses java?

  • All of us have products like I think you probably don't know.

  • I'm just drawing thio.

  • How did you make the artwork?

  • It looks really nice way just made them in Photoshopped pictures that way.

  • Another question I had was how is how did learning the things and yes, if you help you with getting used to a new language and working with a lot of it was really nice and seems to me that we like every week we kind of like a new language that was, like, really easy, like adopting new languages like we learned the syntax So just watching some tutorials we were able to, like, learn the new works.

  • And that's the final take away.

  • What was the most enjoyable part of your experience with CS in the final project?

  • Oh, way made, like a lot of progress on our project of the C 50 hacker on.

  • That was really fun.

  • I thought it was just, like, great till I'd be in the community with all the hiring, the coders working.

  • Also, there were lots of tea.

  • Is there are people who are mentoring.

  • You're like New Swift.

  • I'm really hopeful.

  • Yeah, because we were kind of, like branching off into uncharted territory for That's amazing.

  • Yeah.

  • So it was fine.

  • Yeah, Well, thank you so much for showing us a demo.

  • Let's check out the other projects downstairs.

  • Hi, this is Marcia from CS etc.

  • And I'm here with Eric Student.

  • So, Eric, do you want to walk us through your project?

  • I decided to do machine learning for my project.

  • Um, I want to be very ambitious efforts and make something that can recognize council images.

  • But that proved to be very difficult because cancer images are in and three D images and So is a little hard to teach my machine do that as a beginner especially.

  • And so I wanted to move to something simpler and have it recognized Time writing.

  • Specifically, I trained it to recognize the ammonites.

  • D database wishes a database of hand written images.

  • Here is some examples, like like this.

  • Um And so basically, when my machine can do now is if I input any sample images, that is handwriting.

  • For example, this one's a five.

  • You can put something like this, And just to show you how it works, I have to run.

  • Python addicts sample.

  • What number would you like to see?

  • Um, Thanks.

  • Six.

  • Ok, so, six, this is damage for six.

  • And then I talked to run sample six PNG, and it should win 97% accuracy.

  • Tell me that my number is six.

  • Oh.

  • So how long did this project take?

  • You said machine learning.

  • Yeah, So I was very intimidated by machine learning.

  • I spent the entire Thanksgiving break taking online courses on course era.

  • Andi just going on.

  • You two been watching a lot of videos, so I would say I spent over maybe like, 70 hours on this?

  • Yeah, like 50 hours of research, 15 hours of debugging and five hours of actually writing the cold and you're happy with then I am actually very happy with my project.

  • Well, Eric, any final takeaways, um you know, says that he has been a big challenge for me as someone who's never had any CS background.

  • But I think with challenges, it kind of pushes you to always improve.

  • And I really lost.

  • And what I've learned on improved throughout the US Mr Thank you so much.

  • That was a great project, Eric.

  • And let's just see us 50.

  • My name's Carter Page, and we're live here from the CS 50 fair.

  • I'm here with Jonas Kavaliauskas, and today we're gonna be talking about his app Odyssey, Jonas, tell us about your app.

  • Yeah.

  • Thank you, Carter.

  • So odd to say, would ideally be a now that connects for your lands local tour guys to travelers everywhere and being in international.

  • I found that the best traveling experience that I had by far where I would be somebody randomly on the street or in a bar and they would take me to see the rial authentic part of the city, the city they love and know.

  • So maybe they'd be really into night clubbing, and we would go do that where maybe we would go and see the restaurants that no tourists ever visits on.

  • They're, like, really nice price that the locals get to experience.

  • Not so much the travelers, and that is often left to chance.

  • Unfortunately, and me and a couple of friends figured, well, why does it have to be that way?

  • Why not create a platform that actually makes a network forthis?

  • That's a great idea.

  • Let's let's take a look at it.

  • Yeah, absolutely.

  • So this is meant to be just a simple our user interface that I coded using angular GS one integrated with Ionic Framework.

  • And this is meant to be a user base that we're gonna be using in business bitches, and we're gonna be using in applications for accelerators and so on.

  • Eso it's lacking in a lot of the h damn melon CSS work.

  • But if we go and see there's some functionality, this is pretty sick to be, Yeah, let's take a look.

  • So first it has this arrest feel, and this mostly relies on the fact that there's other businesses trying to do something like that.

  • But the 12 13 businesses trying to do that life majorly in many regards.

  • And they like If you want a book, a guy there, it's gonna take you through three weeks, whereas a lot of the traveling in Europe takes place very last minute.

  • Uh, it's not well organized in a sense that people take on the offers of cheap airfare providers that's going to cost you 90 euros or so to fly to complete opposites ends of Europe and they have nothing organized and they don't really have to be organized option available from them.

  • So what you would do is you with toggle this button on and this is the travelers perspective on you would have guys appear around you.

  • Alternatively, you can do it as a list on and see guys, if you go to my profile a year, you're gonna have my name's of basic information about me, some pictures, you know, just to make sure that the person is like a serial killer or something, and then you're gonna have some basic metrics by which the tour guide is rated.

  • So the number of four hours given star rating that has been given to the guy, and then you're gonna have some thinkers are criteria by which you can find people with common interests.

  • So this is all made up, but yeah, And then you're gonna have a little profile saying I'm an amateur film maker, which means I can help you immortalize your experience in Paris with my camera.

  • And I would love to be your guide to Paris, and then you won't have the options the best.

  • Such the guy asked to meet up or just see their suggestions on itinerary and what they would love to show you while visiting the city.

  • So this is on Iowa's.

  • Do you have any plans for Android?

  • Yeah.

  • So this is on ionic framework originally, so you can easily transferred from IOS and nature.

  • Enjoy.

  • Unfortunately, Ionic doesn't have that crazy that common documentation, and I sort of building this lack resources online, so hopefully we're gonna find something better suited for um So what?

  • Your plans going forward?

  • So we have all these calculations in the business sign larger ready on PVS.

  • We launch a little MPV and had people use this service, and they really enjoyed it.

  • Way launch A survey that question hundreds of universities is back in Europe.

  • And we've got overwhelming response that this is something that the market needs.

  • So now we have two more experience go destroying in and really praise experienced boaters.

  • We'll start up, we're hopefully making it through a person of a by five people.

  • And we're gonna be working all over next semester to launch over the summer.

  • And actually, I'm gonna use the opportunity while I'm here throughout the dissection of this, If you are experiencing at building, if you're interested in the business side if you I just want to join in and believe in this idea, do hit me up on it.

  • So long name, But is Jonas Kavaliauskas at Yellow?

  • Do you?

  • I would love to hear from you left here any sort of feedback that you can offer.

  • Yeah, and sorry.

  • I was planning to show.

  • This is Well, you can see that on the phone as well.

  • Um yeah, it's Jonas.

  • Thank you for being with us.

  • Thank you so much.

  • CS 50 has been amazing.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • All affair with David and say me and they're gonna take us to their products.

  • So everyone So we worked on an app that would provide students the opportunity to look at a publication The Yale Daily News on their phones.

  • Yeah.

  • So starting here on the computer, we're looking at the wide and website and we find that it's kind of difficult to pull the information straight from this website on DSO.

  • What we use instead is if you type backslash feed, you get this r s s feed, which provides us with a lot more useful information.

  • And so wait, take this information and we pass it into an XML part, sir, that's built into IOS Swift.

  • And it just takes all this data, recognizes it and sorts into an object that is like, readily usable for us.

  • And then we input the data that we just parts from the website into our app right here running on a simulator on my computer.

  • And so you see that for instance, this article about new staffers in the y tiene way see the title we get the author, we get the date that is published geta description.

  • When you click on it, we get the article itself.

  • Do you want to talk about some difficulties in, like, forcing images or something?

  • Yeah.

  • So from the from the data that they provided us on the R s s feed, it actually doesn't give us any tags associated with images.

  • And so what we had to dio is actually go to the website and run like an html parts.

  • I'm just like that straight html and what we found.

  • Like we had to use regular expressions to parse through all a lot of gunk, basically, to get images or to get to get videos for, like, white TV videos.

  • So I'm just gonna pull up this one article to show what he's talking about.

  • Actually, actually, we can look at this thing.

  • Yalies bust a move.

  • This is ah, why TV article on D.

  • C.

  • Right here we have it on our Apotex a little for the video to load itself.

  • And our app basically finds this by using a time search called regular expressions.

  • And we see here that it's searching for something called a white TV article.

  • I frame item.

  • If we look in the actual h e mail of this site, we see why TV article I frame and we get this link and then we plug it into our view.

  • So they're saying the difficult things of the back end in terms of the front end, which is why I was working with basically what you're like seeing on the APP itself.

  • The hard part is just figuring out how the different views, like the different screens, interacted with each other because there's a different set of code that is controlling.

  • It's called a view controller that's controlling each different screen that we're seeing.

  • And so just figuring out how to like pass information between the screens, I use something called a notification.

  • It's somewhere in there, basically use notifications to pass information from one of you controlled you another view controller by basically like sending a message, and you basically set up a little like program that's like listening for that message, and then when it gets it, it executes a certain excuse a certain program.

  • So, for instance, when I press this button, it sends a little message, and then it moved.

  • So it seems like you guys have done a lot.

  • Could you maybe map out your goals?

  • Were they how they change.

  • So the main goal for us at the very beginning was just learning how to use Swift because that wasn't covered in during regular CS 50 lectures.

  • But we found that way.

  • Tips and tricks we've learned throughout the courts really helped us because it's just like a really spiced up version of C.

  • Basically, and so from the beginning, it was just learning.

  • How do we use this?

  • And also, one of the big things we knew we would have to tackle is like parsing that ours has to be the initial thing we showed you, um, and that we kind of got within the first couple days, and we're really happy with it.

  • But then we discovered further challenges that came in the form of the images in the image credit in the videos because it wasn't providing us that in the R system.

  • So instead we had to do kind of mess your female part, sir, but ends up giving us much more power over what?

  • So what you guys say is like the biggest one of the biggest lessons is you can learn a new language and make a nap in two weeks like it's You have the ability to do it, especially coming out season where they teach you how to learn code and learn new languages.

  • I mean, that's the biggest thing I feel about it is that you can learn anything, and you can do it if you spend a little time stack overflow every day, all day.

  • So any final takeaways that you want to tell, uh, look for our app on the APP store.

  • Yeah.

  • 18.

  • You know, give us a little, uh, thank you so much.

  • Thank you, guys.

  • And this was CS 50.

  • Hello.

  • We're back here at the CS 50 Fair at Yale.

  • My name's Carter Page, and I'm here with Cecil Eagle and we're going to hear about Hurt Project, the 6000 Mega Trainer.

  • 6001st tells about a bit about yourself.

  • Yeah, So, sure.

  • My name is Natalie Gall.

  • I'm currently a first year at Yale University.

  • Andi, I'm panel being a CS major.

  • That's exciting.

  • So tell us about what is the mega train or 6000?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • So this this project came to us when the athletic department at Yale has an issue with training reaction times of their athletes.

  • And so what they want to be able to do is be able Thio, identify.

  • I feel quantify and train after times, and so that's what this floor does.

  • And they wanted something more sophisticated than simply a lack of mole game.

  • So we have a very unique, very novel like way of Be Able train and record accuracy reaction.

  • Wow.

  • So it's all about reaction time?

  • Yes, you see uses outside of the athletics for this reaction 100%.

  • Yeah, actually, way See this being used as and like drunk driving simulations, perhaps, are like anything like psychological studies.

  • Maybe like after you suffer a concussion or injury and seeing how the reaction time slows down like that.

  • So you can, like, feel the train people to receive.

  • Quantify that kind of number.

  • Wow, this is one of those popular projects at the fair.

  • So could you show me how this works?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • So So we have several different game old, depending on what kind of athlete you are or what you're trying to train for this current mon.

  • It's called the Newman Drill.

  • And so it's named after the strength coach at Yale Athletics on So this is a reset bond.

  • What it does after you reset the program, it will do a countdown from, like, 321 And it'll be the correct color.

  • You have to hit every one second all the color scramble.

  • So by the time you get to the crack, but it might be a different color.

  • So you just have to go really fast.

  • That's really all you have to do.

  • So if you ever you're ready.

  • OK?

  • Here.

  • Held my mind.

  • Okay, so your score 50.82 That's above average today.

  • On.

  • There we go.

  • Fantastic.

  • And so, first off, tell me, how did you guys actually make this?

  • Because this is pretty cool.

  • Yeah, so they're, like, seven components out into this three team three person team.

  • So I participated in the coding, which is on Arduino, which is a C plus class based language on the wiring for the wiring on the frame was laser caught at the sea, which is the Center for Engineering Innovation design at Yale on Yeah, the framing was also also like was like PVC pipe on.

  • So tell me about the bottom bun.

  • So for the bonds, we actually had Thio convert them ourselves from simple like a one color buying like rgb.

  • So Thio create like something that's more sophisticated.

  • And Malcolm, all you have to you would have more colors and none, but it's like these don't exist on the market.

  • So we had to make them ourselves.

  • We mass produce a bunch of ones.

  • I covered everything to our to be led.

  • Wow, that is impressive, especially Thank you so much for being with us.

  • Thank you.

  • My name is Shu and I'm a software in Pearson College.

  • I'm one of the course assistance for CS 50.

  • I'm here with the head T uh, ta for CS with the name Stelios.

  • Tell us a little bit about your experience with CS 50 in the past.

  • Sure.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • My name is Darius.

  • I, the one of the two just really had teaching assistants for this year.

  • I got involved with CS 50 at Yale during the first year.

  • This was a thing.

  • Back in 2015 I became a teaching assistant as a software.

  • I didn't really know what's his 50 was about.

  • David came over, so they did a infestation session.

  • We got hired and started training, but we really couldn't imagine what an impact 50 would have on yell CS and on off course on us as staff members.

  • Um, behind we, we have more than 100 50 students who started out without knowing anything about programming.

  • And now they're showing off their projects.

  • They've made cool APS and hardware projects on alarm clock.

  • I saw I've seen so many awesome things.

  • Actually, the 6 50 fare is one of them coolest experiences as a staff member.

  • Insolence.

  • 50 because you just walk around and see all these students that were stressing and emailing you throughout the semester, having received something they're excited about and proud of.

  • What else?

  • Well, this is my last year with your 50.

  • So this is kind of sentimental for me, because this is my last fare.

  • I'm really excited that it's happening at the Peabody Museum because the space is just amazing.

  • Um, what else do you want to know?

  • Did you encounter any challenges while you're being ahead?

  • Ta Well, being on staff teaches you a lot about yourself.

  • Um, among these things are Well, you have to master the material, right?

  • You also have to master your communication skills in just develop how you're gonna interact the students as ahead teaching assistant.

  • I guess that's especially important.

  • Just because you're the face off the course, you wantto make everyone feel welcome.

  • You also want to help staff?

  • Because this is this experience is as important for staff members as it is for students as a learning experience and as a self exploration.

  • So, yeah, there has been there having been challenges, but we have an amazing thing.

  • We, um I have worked really hard throughout the year, and we're really proud of what's happening today, which is basically the conclusion All CS if the 2017 at Yale.

  • So we are super excited.

  • Thank you for being one of the hosts today.

  • Give it up for shoe.

  • She was amazing.

  • Um, and thank you for tuning in.

  • Everybody see your own.

  • Thank you.

  • Welcome back to the CS 50 fair.

  • We have Leo with this.

  • Um, could you walk us through your project?

  • So what?

  • I made it.

  • I made a playlist generator.

  • The box of the top.

  • You can type in any song name that exists on Spotify and below that you have a bunch of parameters that you can choose from, like if you want your players to be more acoustic.

  • If you want more instrumental anything like that, they can adapt your playlist to sort of match those parameters.

  • There's also a box right here.

  • They can check Mark to filter any songs that have the explicit label.

  • So you can type in any song that you want right here, like, Is there a song you like?

  • Heaven Sure something.

  • Okay, Um, let's on.

  • Born to Die, Lana del Rey and let's Fill too explicit songs do hit Make My Playlist to get all the information for 10 songs that are similar to the song, which I put in just going to die so I can see like there's like another Lana del Rey Sol.

  • In here, there's Halsey.

  • Get 10 songs are similar to your input, plus the addition of whatever primers you put it.

  • Originally, I wanted just have you put in parameters like if you want to be like your music or if you want to dance music, I figure it's it's better to have a song.

  • It's You have a face off the song because then, you know, way.

  • Have a more specific idea of what you want your players to kind of sound like.

  • What do you think it was the biggest challenge?

  • Because it seems like you've done a lot of where the biggest challenges sort thing.

  • How to use the AP.

  • I almost like a lot of different functions in a lot of different complications and retrieving data for specific things on, so sort of like figure out the ropes of how to use it was the biggest.

  • Do you have any final takeaways?

  • Biggest lessons that you learned just in general.

  • CS 50 has been a really fun course.

  • I highly recommend it to anyone who's considering.

  • It was really great.

  • And they're amazing.

  • People think, Yeah.

  • Just loves your sister so much.

  • Leah, that was a great project.

  • This is CS 50 way back here in CS 50 Fair at Yale.

  • My name's Carter Page, and I'm here with Johan toady of fresh car.

  • Johan, tell us a bit about yourself.

  • I'm a freshman here at Yale.

  • I'm actually from Canada, and I think I'm gonna be a computer science major while sounds exciting.

  • So tell us about fresh bar I'd love to.

  • So I had an idea while back.

  • Where?

  • What if we can provide a service that people who live in condos where we go into their garages at night and wash all their cars?

  • I thought this would be pretty valuable because we've built to scale it and make it pretty cost effective because there's so many cars centralized in one garage.

  • So I tried to build a sight that would allow users to sign up for this.

  • Wow.

  • So let's take a look.

  • All right, I'll go through it.

  • So this is a home Page says, Wake up the fresh car.

  • It gives you a little bit of a description of what fresh car is and the three different plans that we offer.

  • Um, you could select whichever plan you want.

  • It depends on how many times you want your car washed.

  • This a membership info and three facts about it.

  • It's eco friendly, affordable and convenient.

  • So you wanted to register from account.

  • All right, sign me up.

  • All right, Johan.

  • Okay.

  • An email address.

  • We're getting you together a little bit more info is your unit number of parking spot number and your address these would be the list of condos that we partnered with once you submit this.

  • So let's sign me up for the pro plane.

  • Alright?

  • Pro plan.

  • You have poor car washing for months.

  • This should take you to a checkout page where you can pay with your credit card.

  • And it'll automatically going to the papal.

  • Yeah.

  • Paper had a very generous FBI that allow me to do this, huh?

  • So So now let's take me back to sure.

  • We could just skip this step so we're not gonna go through with paying for it.

  • But here's your account.

  • These are all the details he provided.

  • And you can update these whenever you want.

  • So So you get a new car or you move.

  • You can update this info and submit it.

  • You can also update the plan.

  • We don't yet have a plan selected because we didn't pay for one, so it just has none.

  • But this tab over here shows your calendar, and this will tell you exactly one year car is gonna be washed.

  • So this depends on your plan.

  • If you have a basic one, it's only about three times a month pro plan and the premium plan.

  • And you can export all of this to your Google calendar.

  • So you know exactly when your car is gonna be washed.

  • Perfect.

  • What are the plans going forward now?

  • Going forward.

  • I'm gonna try and propose this to a few condominiums, see if they're interested.

  • They would probably pull their people that live in their spaces and see if they might be interested in this sort of service.

  • And if that happens, I'll put together a team of people who are interested in washing the cars and we'll make it happen.

  • Wow.

  • Sounds great.

  • Thank you so much for being with you.

  • Hey, welcome back to the CS 50 Fair.

  • Gail, we're here with our last interviewing Sarah.

  • So, Sarah, could you walk me through your projects?

  • Absolutely.

  • So my project is an interactive online tour of the farm where you can pick a month.

  • So June, for example, click, submit, and then click on any of these green fields right here to see what's growing.

  • So if we want to know what's wrong in this one, you just click on it and you see that in June.

  • Strawberries, spicy salad mix and garlic are growing in that field.

  • Other functionality of my project is a volunteer sign up page.

  • So if you wanted to come volunteer with us, um, on Friday, you could click there, click, submit, and find out all of the other people who would be volunteering there with you.

  • So you tell us more about your goals and kind of what even inspired you to do this project?

  • Yeah.

  • So I worked at the farm and I really love it there.

  • Andi, I talked with the academic programs director about what they might want to have as a website, and he mentioned this is an option.

  • So I got really excited about it.

  • And my goal was to be able to implement the map for all of the seasons as well as a volunteer.

  • So I was really excited about it.

  • What do you think was the biggest challenge?

  • The math is very hard to work with.

  • I think not a lot of people work with images like this on, So it was a little hard to find code toe toe, have more advanced functionality.

  • And what was like your biggest lesson.

  • I think at the beginning of the project, they're definitely moments where I thought like, Oh, I should pick a new idea that looks like it's gonna work out but by the end of it, just by sticking with it.

  • And it's an amazing project.

  • Final takeaways, final takeaways, hours.

  • Your project.

  • Yeah, just there's a lot of things you could do, even after just one semester.

  • Well, thank you so much.

  • This is our last interview.

  • Things for joining us on this.

  • Well, that is it for the third annual CS 50 fair here at Yale University.

  • We're joined this time by our friend Natalie Mellow.

  • And now back to Benedict.

  • So thank you all for watching If you're watching later.

  • And you were visiting, thank you all for coming and to our students for showing off their projects.

  • We hope you enjoyed seeing a whole history of computing from the original debugging duck speck in the dinosaur days, all the way up through our project today in Java, script and see and all sorts of modern modern hardware and programming languages.

  • I would like to pass it off on that.

  • I just wanted to say we're so so proud of our students.

  • Every single student just really like blew us away.

  • Congratulations, everyone.

  • And thank you, everyone for coming.

  • Really?

  • Of all the projects today, we, of course, love them all equally.

  • This was CS 50.

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