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  • the third part of this build, and, uh oh, I'm exhausted.

  • I've had, like, a really long day.

  • I was, uh, filming a video on, uh, like, filming the stuff that I needed to say for it.

  • And that usually takes me a long time because I'm really slow at it.

  • But now I'm ready, and we're going to get to it.

  • It's gonna be one hour of building this out, and, um yeah, let's just get straight into it.

  • Oh, all right, let's take a look.

  • So where we left off was here, I think, um, we did create Ah, long list.

  • All right, so we did create a long list of things, but it's not As far as I remember.

  • It wasn't actually, um, actual things That was just, like random, randomly colored, uh, containers.

  • Just to kind of demonstrate that there are different different pasts in there are different cards for the different tests.

  • Let me just put that over there.

  • Right.

  • So I'm just gonna have to check here and see where we're, uh They got the entry page.

  • Oh, yeah, that's right.

  • Okay, I remember now.

  • So in here, if we do container, it's all right.

  • So my computer is, like, super slow right now.

  • Um, I'm gonna see if I can fix that.

  • All right?

  • Hopefully it will be a little bit faster now.

  • All right?

  • So we'll just do this.

  • Will create a couple of containers, colors red, all right.

  • And then said the heights should be 100.

  • Copy that, and we'll do another one below it, and that will be blue.

  • I'm just doing this now to say he kind of where we were at, because I don't really remember what he did.

  • It's been a stressful day, so I haven't had timeto do what I normally do.

  • Because normally I go through what I've done and, like, prepare a little bit.

  • So I haven't really prepared for this one.

  • All right?

  • Four.

  • And this four loop is essentially just gonna create or add different A ll the containers to a list.

  • Oh, I less than 10.

  • I think we want to create 10 containers of an eye close, boys.

  • All right, then we'll do list on and we'll do.

  • Oh, yeah, that's right.

  • So we'll add a container here like so and then we'll remove this container, and then we'll add that as well.

  • So we'll do color stuff.

  • Little right.

  • So I think that's gonna work, and then we'll return the list.

  • All right, so now we are at We should be asked where we were when we stopped.

  • Right?

  • So there we go.

  • We have a long list of all this would be the different tasks.

  • Once you press like ad and then you add a new task.

  • I think this what I thought of yesterday, I think, was that I'm going to do something where I create a, uh, a minimum viable product.

  • That's essentially going to be just this part.

  • So are this part of the app is just gonna be this screen, So I'm gonna build that out, and then I'm gonna try to publish that to the APP store on to Google play, because then we kind of get this base functionality up and working, and then we can add on, like, weaken iterated on that product, and we can add the different pages because otherwise I think I think I personally I just want to get this house and I want to work the use of myself.

  • So that's kind of why I feel like just publishing it straightaway all so I can get some feedback from you guys on.

  • What do you think of it?

  • And, uh, yeah, then I can kind of improve it and we can improve it, in a sense, A cz We go, and then we can addle the other different tabs on the different screens in afterwards.

  • It's like generations on the first minimum viable products.

  • And so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make just a little list of, like, what would be the things that I would need tohave in order to be able to actually publish the minimum viable product.

  • So I'm gonna create a new let's see if we can do this.

  • Okay?

  • Act requirements.

  • All right, so we're going to remove that, right?

  • So, in order to actually publish a minimum viable product, what we would need is we need to build the rest eight guys.

  • That needs to be our wrist.

  • A p.

  • I needs to be working.

  • We're just gonna create the bullet points list here.

  • All right, Wrist a p I.

  • We also need to create all the classes for, like, the notes that projects all that stuff I really want Thio essentially have all that stuff working straight away so that we can then just essentially work on the flutter app and not really have to do too many things with the rest a p I.

  • We might have to change some things because inevitably I won't be able to think of all the things that might be needed straight away.

  • So you might have to actually add some things later on.

  • But these two things, if we can create those, then we can essentially pull that down in here.

  • And then we can add different tests in here and then pull push them to the rest a p.

  • I save them on the daughter base on Dhe.

  • Then what we need is we need to be able to add items in the APP way also need to be able to move different items.

  • But hierarchy.

  • That's not how you spell that.

  • Maybe that's not how you spell that, either.

  • Hierarchy.

  • I don't care that's close enough.

  • Move different items.

  • So that's what I'm thinking is just that when you add different items here, they'll just get added in the order that you add them.

  • But I want to be able to also move them up or down and depending on what the importance of the task is, Um, so that's something that we need.

  • So we need to then also creates wth e ad you task screen or maybe window.

  • I'm not sure what we're gonna do with that.

  • Um and what else do we need?

  • I think that's going to be pretty much all that we need because we just need to be ableto in order to just publish this as, like, a very, very simple to do list up.

  • We just need to be able to add different tests in our to do list, and we need to be able to, like, press done also on them like, say, they're completed.

  • Um, So what do we do today?

  • I think today we should design the cards here.

  • Probably work on the move items in the hierarchy functionality on duh for Okay.

  • Yeah, I think that's what way should start with that wand.

  • Then, once we've done that, we can see kind of how much time we have left, because I want to do it.

  • This stream for just about one hour, maybe an hour 30 minutes and depending on where we're at, if we were even able to finish that today, then we'll go into maybe adding the screen or the window for adding new tests.

  • All right, so let's take a look at what the cards look like.

  • So that is kind of what I've made them look like.

  • I probably want to add something like a little radio button or something like that.

  • So you can press that they are actually done, as you can see here, if there don't know what that would be called by when they're, like, marked like that, they're done.

  • And then when they're not marked, they're not done.

  • Probably when you mark them, they should disappear or something, at least from the entry list.

  • So, uh, that is something that we're gonna do.

  • We're gonna have a radio button in them.

  • We're gonna have the card and then the title of the note.

  • Right.

  • So let's design that we'll create a widget here, um, gets to do something.

  • I feel like I need thio.

  • Actually get to is, um, creating because this this way, what I'm doing now is I'm creating a method that returns a widget what you could do and what I think.

  • It's like what you should do when you use flutter.

  • It's actually create, like, separate, create your own widget, in a sense, almost like you created class.

  • I haven't really looked into that failed Thio actually learn how to do that, but we can actually check that now because I don't think it's super difficult.

  • All right, let's see.

  • Creates first.

  • Both Alright, So what we'll do this will create something in year maybe called widgets.

  • All right, we'll create a new folder in models, and we'll call that widgets and then we'll create a new file and we'll call that intra in tray card interest to do with jets the dark, all right.

  • And then what it looked like.

  • Issue creates a class, and then you name that class will create.

  • Will name that in tree to d'oh.

  • And then this extends the stateless widgets.

  • I think we need to import material and then less widgets.

  • Okay, I do read the chat sometimes, but I feel like a soon as I start reading the chat, I kind of get lost in the chat, and it just creates a long moment of silence when I like, try toe, read everything out and try to figure out what Thio respond to.

  • But Sergio asked if you could or said you can run your or use your acts without publishing them, right?

  • And that's true, you can just use them.

  • I can just date basically connect my phone.

  • And then I could just pull the app over into my phone and then you sit there.

  • But I feel like the advantage of publishing it.

  • Don't know if I would publish it to be like public, but you could publish it in beta or something like that.

  • And then I could ask some of you guys to become like beta testers and I create could create, like a small group where I could get some, like, direct feedback on the app.

  • And that would be the advantage of doing it that way.

  • Um, versus just me testing it on my own.

  • So that's kind of the idea why I wanted Thio publish the app as soon as possible.

  • Uh, okay, So why did this not work?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Great.

  • Missing override.

  • There we go.

  • So here we go.

  • Now we can create the, um Ah, or the cards.

  • It's still super difficult to talk and do this at the same time.

  • Like my thinking is way too slow to be able to do this.

  • Hi.

  • 100 color.

  • Uh, colors, actually.

  • Let's just you the red color.

  • All right.

  • Save that.

  • And what Well do in trick of entry page on DDE, then we'll list dot uh, what that I called to do, I think I pulled it in trade to d'oh.

  • Okay.

  • No, that won't do it.

  • Oh, yeah, that's why.

  • All right, so there we go.

  • And if we run this now, if we're on this now, it should show.

  • Yep.

  • So there we go.

  • We have a long list of different cards, and these are these widgets that we created up here.

  • So what we do now, if we designed these widgets essentially to look the way that we want them to look so we'll create a margin edge in sets, and this is what Then we'll separate the different containers.

  • So if we do, legend says talk and then go 10 and then run it.

  • You see, they separate.

  • Um, so then here, we can actually see that we have different different items in this list.

  • So there we go.

  • We have some margins set for them.

  • We probably also want to have left and right, 20 right?

  • What?

  • And we'll go talk 20 as well.

  • Maybe bottom is better.

  • The reason that I think bottom might be better, ISS Because if we have talked, then there will be a margin up here, and we don't really need a margin up there.

  • We just need a margin down below.

  • So that's why we want toe have it on the bottom.

  • All right, so there we go.

  • We have a long list, and now we need Thio actually create it in the way, or design it in the way that we have it on in the to sign here.

  • All right, so there we go.

  • Okay.

  • Let's do you decoration folks decoration.

  • And this is what we used to then set the corners to be round and that stuff, so order, radius or radio stopped all and then ready Two years circular.

  • And in case you're, like new to this, I The only reason that I remember this stuff is that I've been using so much now that I I just remember it.

  • And at the start, I was just I would have to Google how to do this every time.

  • So it's not like it's pretty much just one of those things that you don't look.

  • I don't What do you call it, like route or rote memorization?

  • I don't use that.

  • Memorize a ll these different things.

  • It's just that once you use or the things that you use enough, you'll kind of remember automatically.

  • There we go round corners.

  • I think that the margin might be a little bit much.

  • Let's try just setting that to be 10 instead.

  • All right, I think that this this stuff is again, the stuff that I kind of get stuck in That's not super important, but I feel like that was a little bit too, uh, too small of a space between them, All right, I think that's pretty good.

  • Good enough for now.

  • Then we have books shadow and I know because I just, like, learned this the other day because I don't use this that much.

  • But book shadow is like an array, and then in that you can add a I'm not sure what it was cold now, so then we go.

  • Go books.

  • Actually, I know I have another app.

  • Where I you stood Job listings.

  • This is for the video that's coming out on Friday, Maine, and then search for folks shadow.

  • All right, then we go.

  • We have a shadows leak or exit out of that exit out of that paste.

  • It don't have to rewrite it.

  • And now we have a shadow.

  • But it's like life, Grace.

  • It doesn't look that great.

  • Um, let's do black.

  • Will that work?

  • Okay, I don't know if I like that.

  • There's also I also found this out just like a couple days ago.

  • But there's something called opacity.

  • Or you can just do when When you have one of those colors, you can just do dot and then with opacity.

  • And then you can set the capacity in here, which is really convenient, especially for this stuff.

  • So there you go.

  • I don't know if you actually saw that, but it did change the opacity of the shadow.

  • So now it doesn't stand out quite as much.

  • Um, let's take a look at Yeah, I think that's good to know.

  • All right, so there we go.

  • We have those things.

  • What else do we need?

  • So now we look at this card and we imagine that we also have a a little a thing like this.

  • Essentially, this is what we what we wanted to look like.

  • So we want a radio button like that, and then we want the title off.

  • What to do?

  • So, uh the way that I look at this is we would need a container here or what we would uses a row.

  • And then we have this thing in one cola, one section of the road, and then in the other section of the road, we add a column, and then we have the shopping list.

  • And then the subtitle below that I'm not sure if we're gonna use the subtitle Low cut.

  • I think we're gonna make something like that anyway, Right, child.

  • Um, pickle put everyone's OK, Ro Children, I think a you know what?

  • Just do radio button and hope that that's gonna look good straight away.

  • Ah, Okay.

  • We're gonna leave that for now, and then we're gonna do a colon Children and text title, and this is then something that's pretty good about use using these widgets.

  • eyes that we can then add something like, um, final spring title.

  • And then we do what we do in trade to d'oh that What?

  • Oh, there we go.

  • Is that what it should look like, though?

  • Okay, That seems to work, though.

  • But I still mostly where I've seen it in other APS, it looks like this.

  • And that's kind of what they used as well.

  • When you open up like the first flutter project, they use the curly braces and then the regular brackets.

  • Or race it parentheses.

  • Um yeah, any right?

  • So that was what we do for you.

  • What you would use to then get the title.

  • So then we can set this text here to be equal to the title.

  • All right, The entry page.

  • We probably need to D'oh!

  • This will set this to be fool.

  • All right, so that's what it looks like now.

  • It doesn't look that great, but what we need to do as well as we need to add some party.

  • So margin is essentially outside off the the widget that you're using.

  • So when we're adding margin where adding space on the outside of the widget if we had padding.

  • We ad space on the inside of the widgets.

  • So if we add padding here, essentially, the helo will get moved down a little bit, uh, instead of its yet.

  • So I'm just gonna show you putting edge in sets all I think so.

  • There you go.

  • It kind of gets everything moved in a lot of it.

  • All right, um, what we can do now so we can d'oh style.

  • Let's be named in trade title style.

  • Okay, so you want to create something that's similar to the entry title style, but we wanted to be for a little bit smaller.

  • All right, copy that and then paste it and then call this, um, dark to do life.

  • That's gonna be good enough.

  • And then we'll call that 30 coffee that paste it here.

  • Okay, run it.

  • And then we get kind of the bigger title of the text, which is pretty good.

  • We also would want this to be moveable, so we're gonna I don't really know how to make something movable.

  • I think there's something called What?

  • It's that cold, because I know I've used that some in some other, but it's one of those things that I don't use ever.

  • Really?

  • So therefore, I don't really know how to do it.

  • Okay, Let's see trackable witches.

  • The difficult thing is like coming up with the actual wording, Or like, how you gonna place the thing that you're looking for.

  • So what I'm looking for is something that's like, i a widget.

  • Uh, that's moveable, but it's not just moveable, like randomly.

  • I wanted to be pretty, like, strictly moveable, if that makes sense.

  • So if we looked at this tutorial, what they showed us is how to make something that you can just move anywhere on the screen.

  • And that's not really what we're looking for.

  • Maybe if we don't use X or while, Yeah, if we don't use X.

  • That might work, though.

  • Okay.

  • Movable.

  • Okay.

  • We're gonna cook all of that, gonna face it in here because it's easier to read.

  • Movable, stuck.

  • I don't stick for widget.

  • Stock item.

  • Okay.

  • Why?

  • Position is what we want.

  • We don't want the exposition.

  • Uh, color.

  • It's gonna be our red color, but I don't really know.

  • I don't think this is the one that move items in list.

  • So that seems to be what we're looking for sample.

  • All right, So what we do?

  • I think there's gonna be a repost off.

  • Look there.

  • Three award, huh?

  • Full list.

  • Here we go.

  • Okay.

  • Live to something like this.

  • And it's like, how many lines is that?

  • Like, 245.

  • I just want something that's, like, super quick and simple.

  • And I'm pretty sure that there is something that is way, uh, simpler than this.

  • Uh, all right, let's do another try.

  • Um, What did I go rule just before?

  • No move.

  • Items list.

  • Reorder herbal list for you.

  • Witches of the week.

  • I think that's all.

  • Okay, Re or the list?

  • You, huh?

  • I don't want to watch a video.

  • What?

  • Okay, some this might work, but I'm not sure.

  • So we're gonna delete all of this.

  • Save it.

  • I think what we need to do is essentially instead of this being a list view, it should be a reward or a little list to you and then on reorder.

  • Not sure what that's supposed to deal, but let's see.

  • Reorder cold by old index.

  • New index.

  • Okay on.

  • Really?

  • Okay.

  • So what we'll do is we'll create a global list here with containers, and that will be We're to do items.

  • All right.

  • And then what?

  • Well, d'oh, This will call this Oh, yeah, for this new Soviet, something like that.

  • And then we'll delete that and we'll D'oh!

  • What do we call that again?

  • Items to do items.

  • Okay, I think this may work now.

  • Hopefully it works.

  • 69 Children.

  • Trevor.

  • All right, so it seems like that needed a key for someone.

  • So I'm not sure that this actually solves it, but it might know it didn't solve it.

  • This is one of those errors that I've gotten before, and every time I'm able to solve it, it's like, I never really know how I solved it.

  • Um, let's see, Failed a social position.

  • That's Children of every witch.

  • It which he does not know.

  • Either the assertion indicates an error framework itself, or we should provide sister morning.

  • Help you determine a fix on in either case, police report this assertion by filing a bug on gets up, uh, wind its creation try.

  • Okay, so that did not solve it.

  • Okay, let's google it then.

  • 10 yr cheek she want because this is essentially what I did for you.

  • Uh, this a new one?

  • Pretty sure.

  • I added a key for each of the containers and that still didn't really solve the problem.

  • Reorder own reorder reorder list Children reorder list.

  • Okay, well, if we do this thing, we do.

  • Okay.

  • And then we'll d'oh to do items here instead.

  • Two thio items.

  • I don't think this should solve it, but no.

  • Okay.

  • Tried calling instance off infant to do the method ad was called.

  • Okay, I think we didn't even I don't think that sold it.

  • I just think it We created another error and it's still going to give us what you know, Cal on the link I share line 79.

  • There's a build reorder list.

  • Simple method.

  • Maybe it will help you.

  • All right, I'll check it out.

  • This is what one Marco Ciro sent in Line 79.

  • Let's take a look.

  • Seven.

  • Aren't we build reorder herbal sample use Simple glory.

  • Ordering, ordering, Allow reordering.

  • Simple.

  • Simple.

  • All right, let's call Be that one on DDE.

  • We'll need to import that or to install that package.

  • Who?

  • Okay, we have that and what we'll do.

  • We'll remove that recall that our to do items filled this tile.

  • Mr.

  • It came true.

  • Thio D'oh!

  • Build list File Lowry ordering.

  • Let's install the package where you find it.

  • Copy that.

  • All right, we'll do.

  • Is because I can't really be bothered.

  • It seems like I don't know.

  • I can't really find that there's a package for that.

  • Um, for that one.

  • Which means I might have to like, ah, get clone it.

  • Or, like, go through its report in order to actually get it or No, he's No, I don't need to get it.

  • Wait.

  • Build reorder Horrible list only order.

  • Let's try this thing just to see if that works.

  • Uh, okay, then we'll run it.

  • Nope.

  • Still didn't work.

  • Okay, He does something like with this map thing, and I'm thinking that might be what ISS important Trade todo build list tile.

  • So we'll do that.

  • Save it.

  • Options.

  • We don't need options.

  • Right.

  • Okay, so that actually did work.

  • Oh, Okay.

  • This was, uh, a bit of an effort, to be honest, to make this work, But now it seems that you can in fact reorder them, which is good s.

  • So now what we need to do is we need Thio.

  • Make sure that we actually get what we want to get.

  • So we list tile.

  • All right, so then we just make this into a list tile instead.

  • Right?

  • Okay, We'll try it.

  • We'll see what happens.

  • List style on DDE.

  • Right.

  • So this might work, then?

  • No.

  • All right, so that didn't work either.

  • Um, okay, lets do list.

  • Okay.

  • And then we'll do Will remove what we changed.

  • Here.

  • Save that on DDE.

  • I mean, it feels like we're going in circles kind of doing something over and over again.

  • That should just be simple to do once, or we should just need to do that in one place, which I don't really like.

  • Uh, let's do parting 300.

  • All right, so now we should be able to move them, which we are able to D'oh!

  • Right.

  • Um so that works, but it feels like we're doing We're, like, doing everything twice.

  • Really.

  • But I think that what's in the thing is, in reality when we build this app, or in reality, once we get the back end stuff going, what this would be this list would be really a list of A to do item what we could do.

  • Actually, we can create that class.

  • Um, so create a your folder in here.

  • We'll call that classes, and then in here we can create a file called too.

  • Do item.

  • If we go here, I think I have.

  • Let's see, I'm gonna open up every note and see if I can find cause I wrote down some requirements for the app or for the what?

  • I was thinking that the ah, the classes would look like.

  • So here we go.

  • I think screens classes here.

  • Rio.

  • Copy that.

  • Paste it here.

  • Okay, so here are the classes that I came up with.

  • So first of all, we're gonna have a task.

  • I think these ones that you're going to be tasks, So this could be a class that we can create straightaway.

  • Um, and these essentially what?

  • The things that I came up with that I think should be in this class and that iss a note.

  • So this, of course, in notes or not, of course.

  • But they can be a note where you write down some things about this task and then we have a date, which is the time to complete, and then we have Abel whether it's completed or not, and then we have a string, which is for repeat.

  • So if we want this thing to repeat every week or some like that, we have a deadline and then we have a reminder, and then we have the task I d.

  • And then we also have a list of tasks within this task.

  • I'm not sure if you can do this, but we'll see if we can do this.

  • But because I don't I don't know whether we can.

  • Whether we can create a class and then have a list off that class with in that class.

  • I'm not sure where that works.

  • And then we have another class here called Projects, and that's gonna be like the more overarching thing where we'll have a list of different where you can kind of categorize things in a different way.

  • Anyway, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense right now, and it's kind of difficult to explain it in a way for it to make sense.

  • I think it's better to just build it out and show you kind of how I'm thinking that it's gonna work so we'll create that class in here, actually, renaming this to do item star task, doctor.

  • All right, plus, and then we'll have a list task.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • So that seems to work.

  • That's really good.

  • String notes, and then we have a date.

  • Time?

  • Ah, time two from bullies.

  • Not sure what I meant for that.

  • Because I we have a deadline, and then we have time to complete.

  • I'm not sure whether I meant that the time to complete this gonna be like, uh, yeah, that's right.

  • I think I think what I meant by time to complete is how much time am I gonna allow myself to complete this task?

  • So, for instance, if we say, like, okay, I'm gonna do a live stream, then I know that I'm gonna do that for one hour and 30 minutes.

  • So the time to complete would be one hour and 30 minutes.

  • Um, I think that should just be a double, because we don't really need it to be actual time.

  • I don't think Yeah, actually, it does seem to be time, date, time, time to complete.

  • Oh, just created a two times, man.

  • All right.

  • Boom completed on then.

  • we have string Rick Keats.

  • Uh, that we have a time again.

  • Line the time ring minder.

  • This could probably be a list.

  • So we could probably have this essay list because we might wanna have several reminders on they will call that reminders instead.

  • And then we'll create a string task piety.

  • And then we'll create the, uh what is this called again?

  • Constructor.

  • That's the one, right?

  • And this dot notes.

  • Okay, I forgot to even add the title here.

  • So, Tyto So what we want?

  • It's just we're not gonna use all the things right now, so we just want title, and we probably want completed as well.

  • Uh, third.

  • Okay, so there we go.

  • We have that class done.

  • Now what?

  • We can D'oh ISS.

  • We can make this a little bit more of the way that actually would be made s o instead of this being a list of intrigue deduce it would be a list of tasks, and then we import tasks.

  • All right, so that is task list instead to be a little bit more specific.

  • Get a list.

  • Okay, Dog task.

  • All right, maybe.

  • What was it again?

  • It was title and we're gonna use just my first to d'oh Plus I, Dr String.

  • And then the next one was false on DDE fools, All right?

  • And then we're gonna use ideas.

  • Well, so task I d I don't to string, so that's gonna be the i d.

  • For now we're gonna add that here task, all right.

  • And that is just so that we can then get a key that we can use appear so we can say that the key of the list tile this It's like the main thing or the thing that actually creates creates the each item essentially in this list.

  • So that and this is the key here is the thing.

  • That what would you call it like identifies the difference tasks or the different things in the lists?

  • And that is why you can then move them between up and down.

  • I think that's why it needs to be very specific the way that you do that.

  • Um okay.

  • And then title should be in trade to do.

  • And then we don't need a key value for this one.

  • We just need title equals, I don't know.

  • Title.

  • Okay.

  • And then on reorder.

  • Okay, I'm not really sure of what I'm doing right now.

  • I think, Ah, this works.

  • But I'm not sure whether I'm actually used changing the right thing right now because we are.

  • What I'm adding right now is each of these things instead of reordering the class, that's like the intrigue to do class that we just now instead, we're just changing this list of tasks.

  • So we're changing the order in which, in the order within that list, essentially and ah, I'm not sure whether all of them are supposed to just change the order on that list because that list is not really Unless we Yeah, well, we do said State here, so it might rebuild this thing as well because the thing that I'm thinking of is like, if we have this Or here is where we essentially build that list of all the produce and ah, what we're using is the list of tests that we created, and then we create a new list that contains the different entry to do so that widget.

  • So these were just essentially and therefore we have a second list here that is just a widget listed, just contains the widgets and then we have the first list here which just contains the tasks.

  • So what we're doing now in all the the set states and on reorder, is we're changing the order of the tasks and we're not changing the order of the widget list essentially.

  • But since I think that we use it state and, uh, I think the only order yet that used to set state as well.

  • So that should then change that list.

  • And that should also trigger this list to be rebuilt.

  • So I think that it works.

  • Ah, but we'll run it and see if it works.

  • Okay, So the way to test it is by moving something because I've added the some identify her here.

  • So it's like 0 to 9.

  • So if we move this thing Oh, yeah, it stays the same.

  • So that score.

  • So that means that it works, which is great, because that's exactly what we wanted it to do.

  • Um, all right, No, we're able to move the different items, which is great.

  • I don't really like set.

  • It creates like this white background here, So we're going to see if we can change that list tile.

  • No, color.

  • Okay.

  • What if we do?

  • If we remove this, you might want to do bottom five.

  • Maybe this is just a little bit of extra decided.

  • OK?

  • Yeah.

  • So that looks pretty good.

  • And now we compress that and we can move it down if we want.

  • Oh, it's a little bit.

  • I think it's more difficult probably doing this on, uh, the on the emulator rather than doing it on an actual phone.

  • But it works pretty good, so I'm happy with that.

  • So thank you.

  • Ah, Thio Mark.

  • 00% in that in that tip Because that help feel lost.

  • I also want to get this across one.

  • This is kind of why I do this live is because I want to show that I'm not a magician.

  • I'm not an expert.

  • I just do these things.

  • I don't even know that much.

  • It feels like sometimes so it's really not super difficult, actually be able to build these sort of things because, as you can see, I mess up all the time and it takes me a while to do even things that may seem very simple.

  • So that's just kind of one of the secondary purposes of this life streams.

  • All right, But that's good.

  • We're able to do that now.

  • I'm happy with that.

  • The last thing before we stopped this stream is gonna be Thio.

  • Try to change that color if we can.

  • Because I don't like that.

  • Were changing the color behind there.

  • Unless we maybe change.

  • It's something else.

  • Yeah, so we want to change it to something else.

  • Let's see if we go here on order.

  • Hold on.

  • Change color off reading.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • You're a true.

  • So he might try something if we wrap it in a theme that might work.

  • Um, my computer gets super slow when I'm streaming as well.

  • So it's like every time I'm scrolling, it takes, like, have a little bit of like, a little bit too long, actually react.

  • Okay?

  • Knew the daughter.

  • All right.

  • That works s o.

  • That is sometimes one of the things that you have to do.

  • We have to wrap your things in themes, and that way you can.

  • Then I'm so tired.

  • I'm like losing losing the train of thought all the time.

  • Yes, you have to wrap your widgets sometimes in different themes In that way you can then set the color for different things.

  • If we don't have this theme than selecting that thing just turns Turns that into white.

  • Oh, okay.

  • It needs to be there.

  • Yeah.

  • So anyway, it doesn't matter too much when repressed it now long press it.

  • It just turns into the dark gray.

  • It doesn't look great still, because actually, what we could do is we could probably do, uh, colors.

  • Oh, toe transparent, baby.

  • We'll see if that works.

  • Because that way, Yeah.

  • So there you go.

  • Now we move them and we can move them without any background color at all, which is really good.

  • The only problem is that there's not really any, like, there's not that much feedback when you long press them, the only thing that happens is like three items below it moved down slightly.

  • But again, if this is just gonna be like the minimum viable product, it's not super important.

  • The most important thing is like that we can do some of these things.

  • Uh, the idea essentially is for there to be a couple bugs when you do the minimum viable product.

  • Um, short tan for minimum buyable product.

  • is M V P.

  • So I'm gonna use M v p from now on because it takes too long to say the full thing.

  • Uh, it's not really the idea for it to be bugs in the M V P, but there's it's okay for there to be bugs in the M e p Anyway, that's kind of Ah, it looks pretty good right now, I think.

  • And we we've got that up and running.

  • So I think the next time what we're gonna d'oh is we're going to start working on the rest a p I using python.

  • So that's gonna be pretty exciting.

  • And also, before we end this, I just want to mention that a lot of people have signed up to my new Slater that I created a couple of days ago called clean code Friday.

  • So in case you haven't signed up for it, I just want to mention kind of what that's about.

  • So it's gonna be a noose letter that I'll send out once every week.

  • So on Friday, every week, and it's going essentially contain just a couple of bullet points regarding things that I find throughout the week that I think are interesting and that I think you might enjoy.

  • And that might be things like podcasts that I'm listening Thio our books I'm reading or articles of red or like, tips and tricks when it comes to coding even productivity tapes, Really Just anything that I think you might enjoy eyes gonna be in this letter s O.

  • If you want to sign up to it, you can go to caltech dot com and then slash clean code Friday.

  • I can actually go to it right now so you can see it.

  • Cal, take dot com slash clean code Friday.

  • So it's all spelled out like that, and then you can sign up for it.

  • In case you wanna get an email from me every week, it's gonna be super so short.

  • And it's completely entirely inspired by Tim Farriss.

  • So in case you see a resemblance to the five bullet Friday he sends out, that's exactly where I got my inspiration from.

  • So, uh, I think that's just such a great idea because it's like it's a really short thing, and it contains a lot of different informations and like things that I usually find quite interesting.

  • Thio read and I wish more people did this sort of thing.

  • So that's why I kind of started it.

  • So anyway, that's gonna be pretty much it for today.

  • And, um, yeah, I'm pretty happy with how far we got today.

  • So next time it's gonna be the rest FBI using Python.

  • So I hope you'll join me for that one on Monday at two PM Central European time.

  • Today I was a little bit later so that it was three.

  • PM today.

  • But next Monday, it's gonna be two.

  • PM Central European time.

  • So I hope you'll join me then.

  • And I hope I'll see you next time.

the third part of this build, and, uh oh, I'm exhausted.

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從零開始構建一個應用程序。用Flutter構建它|#3 (Building An App From Scratch: Building it with Flutter | #3)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary