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  • everybody welcome with black coating with Jesse Jesse.

  • And today we're gonna work on something that I didn't gets really cool.

  • We're going to make our search function a lot better because we're gonna use algo Leah, and I'll explain what that is.

  • But we're gonna use algo leah to handle our search.

  • Um, like getting all the data going through it all and providing the results, and we're just going to display it with react.

  • So that's the plan for today.

  • First of all, I just want to say thank you to everybody yesterday who provided some encouragement and support to me on Twitter and Instagram.

  • So, as many of you know, I launched this project last week, the one that we've been working on for so long.

  • Um and so I got a lot of positive feedback, but I did get some negative feedback, and some of it was very constructive and good, and I'm okay with that.

  • But some of it was, um, a little bit more mean spirited, I guess, and didn't really even contain anything constructive.

  • So that was kind of getting me down.

  • And I think I have just been stressed because I've been working a lot.

  • Ah, lot more than unusual.

  • I wouldn't feel unwell.

  • My Even though I've have been trying to exercise regularly, I think my immune system was just wearing down.

  • So all these factors just combined And the point of yesterday morning I was just feeling down and it just was like, you know, little bugs.

  • And the site kept coming and kept getting comments from people through email on social media and things that you negative feedback.

  • And so I knew, like, you know, I just I know I am.

  • And with my history of depression, I knew I got to do something or else I'm gonna get really depressed here.

  • I'm not gonna be able to function.

  • So that's why I am I reached out to you all on social media.

  • Just I'm just You all responded just overwhelmingly.

  • And I thank you, Thank you.

  • I really appreciate it.

  • And it definitely helped.

  • It helped me to feel a lot better.

  • I mean, some of the messages were just amazing.

  • And there were some people, like I had no idea that some people even knew who I was or watched the show or that I impacted them at all.

  • And it was awesome Thio here that so I don't want to spend too much time and not do any coding.

  • But I just I had to say thank you to you because that it really meant a lot to me.

  • And I'm gonna be going back and looking at those messages at probably many times.

  • Thio, you know, just give me some motivation and help me.

  • You stay focused on, you know, just trying to do the best I can.

  • So anyway, um, let's see, we have a lot of people here, so I'm sure there's new people.

  • Let me explain briefly what's going on here?

  • I'm a friend and developer, employed full time at a small university, and this is me doing my everyday work.

  • I'm in my office right now.

  • I'm about to work on a project the main website for this university that we just launched last week.

  • And so this is not a tutorial, But I do my best to try to explain what I'm doing.

  • And I'm welcome to any questions that you have Just let me know.

  • I'll take breaks periodically and answer questions at the end.

  • If there any questions left all answer all your questions.

  • Um, so hopefully you can still learn something for me or from the other people in the chat.

  • Um, even though, right, it's we're kind of going in the middle of the project.

  • We've been working on this project for a really long time.

  • This is video 98.

  • Um, so, yes.

  • So that's what we're gonna do.

  • I'm gonna step a timer here in just a minute, and we're gonna start with the code, and I'm gonna kind of ignore the chat for a little bit while a code on.

  • Then I'll come back to the chat and catch up on things.

  • So let me just very briefly just check out who's in the chat now and say hello.

  • Hey, I see a lot of you.

  • You're saying hi.

  • How's it going?

  • Um, I see there some questions.

  • There are a few questions about why I'm using Al Goglia over elastic Serge.

  • Um, so let me address those since it it's definitely gonna deal directly with what we're doing.

  • Um, I've taken truth.

  • Um, I'm really impressed with Al Goglia.

  • And yesterday I already put a bunch of data in There s so I like what I see.

  • So I'm open to Elasticsearch.

  • Maybe in the future, if I learn more about it and figure out that's a better way to go, I'm definitely open to it.

  • But for now, this is a feature that I really want to get live as soon as possible.

  • I'm not satisfied at all with the search that I created before it worked well for some of our previous projects because there was a small amount of data.

  • But with such a large amount of data with this site, it just does not work.

  • There's there's too much.

  • There's too much data for a user to be ableto find what they're looking for you.

  • The search we did before was just very simple.

  • If that word existed in that particular post, it would show up Well, we're talking about thousands of posts here s O.

  • A user's not gonna be able to scroll through all those s o.

  • This is gonna help and you'll see.

  • I'll show you what we could do with this data in a little while.

  • So if you're still confused about what a goalie is or what it's gonna do, just stick around you'll see it in action.

  • Okay, so any of the other questions in there right now I'm gonna get to those after we do our first coding session.

  • So let me switch my screens here.

  • You could see this is the site.

  • This morning, I added a feature where different images would show up S so it's kind of just a random as to what image shows up.

  • Just a simple, uh, you know, math math dot random and, uh, javascript.

  • And I just put all the images in an array, and so it just doesn't randomly grabs a.

  • You are all from the array and puts it in Is the background image.

  • So if you click, you get different images.

  • Sometimes you click.

  • And it's the same one, obviously, because it's random, So just have some different.

  • I had some feedback on the images, and they said to be nice to get images from different parts of campus and about different things going on, I did.

  • I definitely I got the most vocal feedback, and it's actually came from some students where, um, we're actually they said, Well, you know, we're a Catholic college, but it doesn't really say anything about us being Catholic on the main page, except for this little thing right here.

  • And that was actually true.

  • Uh, it was kind of not really my intention t do that.

  • I just kind of wanted to highlight all of our degrees cause I wanted people to know we have really good academics here on from our research.

  • It showed that that was an area that we could improve on in terms of the public's opinion of our university.

  • But I threw some pictures in there.

  • See, this is our original picture.

  • And actually, from what I heard these two women, I saw this this picture, and we're sharing it on social media, and we're excited that they got on the website, so I actually don't know who they are.

  • I just This picture I thought was really great to put on here, shows women and stem.

  • Um, and, uh, they just looked really joyful in the picture, so I thought this would be a good picture to use, but I'm glad that they like it s o.

  • Anyway, let's, uh let's get started.

  • Let me go.

  • Try and find my timer.

  • Come on.

  • Let's see.

  • Okay, that's better.

  • Uh, I'm gonna start up my server.

  • Let me make this bigger.

  • Let's start up our death server.

  • I didn't get pool this morning, so we're all up to date.

  • I've been working a lot from home.

  • Um, so I had a ton of changes.

  • Uh, lately, up I it seems like I'm busier now.

  • After the site launched than I was before the site launched, we ended up finding a lot of broken links because there were multiple euros for each page that I didn't really know about.

  • So that was that was a little bit crazy.

  • So I think we found almost all the broken links.

  • I mean, I'm sure we'll find some more, but, um, I'm trying to get some consistency and only having one.

  • You Earl Goto one pace and not have all this stuff everywhere.

  • Okay, so you're deaf service running now.

  • I'll be able to start up and rock.

  • I'm gonna copy and paste the link in the live shot right now, and that's gonna let you all check out the changes we're making to the website in real time.

  • And you'll be able to inspect it in everything right there on your machine.

  • So I guess I'll go over here.

  • And this is the life.

  • Say this Is that Franciscan dot e d u u ude.

  • Check that out if you want.

  • Um, but I'm gonna go to a local host right now, and I'm gonna put this on a different branch.

  • Let me make this a bit bigger.

  • I think that's probably still too small.

  • Okay, so down here in my terminal and I'm using visual studio code.

  • I know usually people ask about this, and I just have the little terminal option down there.

  • So if you go to view, you can open your terminal right there, and I I always have to open one to run the damn server and the other one for commands.

  • Usually, like, get commands.

  • But I'm gonna go to a different branch right now on DDE.

  • If you're not familiar with git, it's basically like I can test out some things, like a separate version of my project, without messing up my mane version that that I'm gonna push to my life server at some point.

  • So this will let us work without having to worry about breaking something, because if we do, we can always switch back the master branch, make it quick change if we need to write.

  • So that's that's why I'm gonna make this branch.

  • So I'm gonna do it.

  • Get check out with a B flag.

  • That be flag is what's gonna make the branch checkouts actually gonna switch us to the branch.

  • So we're combining to get commands.

  • And then after that, I just take the name of the branch that this is gonna be, uh Let's just call it search.

  • Hopefully, hopefully I don't have a bridge called Serge.

  • All right, Nice.

  • I thought I might So we have a new branch called Search.

  • And now what I'd like to do is I'm gonna use a package from Mongolia called React Instant Search Eso I'm just gonna copy and paste what they have in their instructions and get so that's your ad React.

  • Instance Search dome, And then I'll go, Leah, Um, a goalie.

  • A search.

  • So while that's loading up, I'm gonna paste my copy and paste into the live chat.

  • The link to this, uh, depository that.

  • Okay, so if you want to check out this this package, there's a link right there.

  • Also let me give you the length to the documentation so you can check that out as well.

  • But second link is the documentation.

  • And then, well, go.

  • I'll show you the alveoli, a dashboard, and what's going on over there in just a minute.

  • All right, so all of this is now loaded, and I'm going to try to do just something really basic.

  • First, to make sure everything works were definitely I'm gonna have to set up from a P I keys before we'll work with the data that I brought in.

  • So let's get that running, and I need to I'm just gonna copy and paste the basic getting started code so you'll see it in a second when I pasted in here on Let's let's just do this on the search page.

  • So we already have a search page.

  • But what I'd like to do here is, I guess, add this search in Mmm.

  • Let's get rid of, you know, let's not get rid of anything for right now.

  • Let's just add this in and then we know we'll probably end up getting rid of most of this.

  • But for now, I just want a page where we can view what's happening.

  • So right here in this grid where we have our original search.

  • Whoa.

  • And I tried to copy everything in there, and that was that was a bad move.

  • Okay, let me do this a better way.

  • Okay, So I'm just gonna copy this component into in here hoops, and I don't even need this.

  • Okay, so we have this instant search component, and we're gonna pass in the index name and the search clients so I don't have an index called Best Buy.

  • I'm gonna have to figure out where my index I do believe I have in the next cold faculty or something like that.

  • Uh, let's see.

  • Yeah.

  • W p Post faculty.

  • So let's use that.

  • Okay, so I'm gonna This INDU index contains all of the data we have on faculty so over faculty profiles, This one's kind of cool, because we should also be able to pull images.

  • Since we have featured images, eso hopefully we can get that working.

  • And then our searchers also contain little thumbnail images as well, Which is kind.

  • It looks kind of cool.

  • Looks fancy.

  • Um, now our search client, we need thio pass in some data for that.

  • And I'm gonna need to probably put that in a dot and file, so I don't put all of my a p I keys out there.

  • Let me see what I need.

  • I may need search Client X.

  • So I think you punished you.

  • All right, um, if you're falling along, let me.

  • You know what?

  • Let me bring some of this over so you can see what I'm looking at.

  • So here's Oops.

  • Not that.

  • Or am I looking?

  • Okay, here we go.

  • So here's the, um, documentation.

  • And then this is the Read me for the ghetto bay, so I'm right here.

  • I've just been copy and paste in some of this over and let me grab this while I'm here, and I While I remember, we'll just pop this down here.

  • Okay?

  • Um and then we need to do We need to bring this in, and we can put this, I guess.

  • Wherever.

  • Let's just put it right here.

  • It'll be easier, less less growing around, so I'm not sure what values need to be here, So that's what we need to look up.

  • So, instances, let's just check here in the documentation see if we can find it.

  • Okay.

  • It looks like this one is It's a little bit different, huh?

  • All right.

  • Let me know if you if you are seeing what I'm seeing here, it looks like the instructions are different here and here.

  • I wonder.

  • Let's see when The last time the reading was updated, read me was updated a month ago.

  • So let's say that Sze pretty new we're looking at I don't know what version this is.

  • Okay, I'm gonna check the chat, See, just to see if if you'll notice something Um a P i d and key.

  • Okay.

  • Hardship from the lab chat is saying the one on get hub is old.

  • Is that used the docks?

  • Okay.

  • Cool.

  • Um, okay.

  • And michael Crew saying the app i d is late and see the ap I ke in the index name.

  • Okay, cool.

  • So, actually, this shouldn't be a problem for me to put this in here, because it's not my secret.

  • AP ikey.

  • Right?

  • So Al Gogia can be used client side, So, like, it should be fine in terms off.

  • You're a P.

  • I will be fine right now, but he's gonna get access to be able to change anything on your A P I they maybe could pull data from your A p I, which, in my opinion, is fine, Right, Because this is all information we want the public to have, so why not give it to them?

  • All right, so let's do that.

  • Let me go to on my other screen.

  • I am going to go to my dashboard just to grab my A p I keys.

  • Actually, yeah.

  • Let me show you the dashboard because Thea the secret a p i ke is, um it's hidden right, so nobody can see that anyway, so I'm okay with that.

  • So this is the elbow.

  • Leah Dashboard.

  • We've gone to a p I keys, and this is our application.

  • I d I'm gonna copy that and let's put it.

  • Actually, let's let's go with what the doc said.

  • Um, actually, the docks don't even have me using algo Leah search.

  • So maybe I don't need that.

  • All right, so let's let's go with what they say.

  • Here.

  • Let's get rid of this and get rid of this on scroll down.

  • Here we go.

  • Okay.

  • So we're not gonna have search client I'm gonna pace this.

  • We already have index name.

  • Let's get rid of that.

  • Now we can throw in our app.

  • I d Oops.

  • Our ab i d and our a p i ke.

  • Okay, let's save that.

  • And let's see.

  • Harsh.

  • It says, uh, feeling too sleepy today.

  • CR should I know It's really late where you're at.

  • Thank you so much for joining us and for helping out.

  • Okay, so hopefully everything else is okay.

  • I know.

  • I kind of switched instructions there in the middle.

  • We could probably get rid off.

  • I'm not gonna do it right now.

  • We could clean it up later, but we may not need that Al goalie.

  • A search package that I loaded, so maybe I'll get rid of that in a little bit.

  • But first, let's to see if if this is working, uh, see?

  • All right, So this is use widgets here, which it looks like we've already put in.

  • Yeah, we put in the search box and hits, so let's see if anything shows up.

  • Uh, you all may already know.

  • You may be going to that page already, so I'm gonna go to search and see Mmm.

  • Nothing showing up here?

  • Yes.

  • So it looks like nothing is rendering.

  • Let me.

  • I want to inspect this and just see if anything is there, See what's going on Expect?

  • Oh, it's popping up on my screen.

  • Uh, see, So it should be.

  • Mmm.

  • Yeah, that's weird.

  • All right, let's It's a search box.

  • It's active sensors still.

  • All right, let's go back to the, uh, documentation.

  • Look, I can't talk today.

  • I keep, like, searching for the words.

  • I'm pretty tired.

  • I was up before 5 a.m. today.

  • It was actually exciting.

  • So there's a conference in Russia, a job, a script conference called Holy Js.

  • Uh, and it's held, I think, twice a year once in Moscow and once, I can't remember the other location.

  • But I got, uh I guess kind of interview to be a speaker at the one in Moscow at the end of November.

  • So I had to do the interview at a time that was convenient in Moscow time.

  • So it was one PM in Moscow when I did the interview, but it was 6 a.m. Where I'm at, so I wanted to make sure I got up early and was prepared eso I may be speaking about how we built this app at a conference in Russia in November.

  • I really hope I get to go.

  • Uh, I've never been out of the country.

  • I am going to go to Germany, though for the for the doc fest conference, so that'll be cool.

  • So I may go from being 30.

  • I'll be 33 in October, so I'll go from being 33 years old, never leaving the country to go into to foreign countries in November.

  • Maybe.

  • That'll be fun.

  • All right, let's see what our widgets are.

  • OK, so search box.

  • That's good.

  • We did that rate search box.

  • Okay?

  • And then All right, let's see about styling the widgets.

  • Maybe.

  • And, uh, I mean, it just it seems like I should see something without the styling, right?

  • Anything.

  • Mmm.

  • Maybe l I'm gonna get rid of hits because I don't really know what that does right now, and I'd rather keep it simple.

  • Just, you know, if we're just trying to make this work, So let's get rid of that.

  • And let's also get rid of See, I don't want to try it.

  • Don't want to get rid of too much and then have Let's just move this somewhere.

  • My fear is that I start removing this stuff, and then it causes errors.

  • And then I have to try to go back and see you.

  • We're going to take up half the stream, just removing things.

  • So, uh, let's see, It's just There's something in here.

  • Put a little further down the page.

  • Maybe we'll have better luck if it's showing up.

  • Hey, look, we got something.

  • So right here, we have a search.

  • Wolves accidentally clicked on a link.

  • Okay, so we have a search here.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • Uh, let's see if we can find some education faculty members.

  • Serge.

  • Okay.

  • Nothing happened.

  • I'm gonna check the consul.

  • I have it open another screen.

  • It looks like we're getting an error.

  • All right, let me show you the air.

  • We're getting okay.

  • It's not.

  • Let me make this bigger.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • So it failed.

  • Failed loading posts.

  • So it looks like it was trying to get something and sailed.

  • And we have some areas here.

  • Which truth?

  • I'm not 100% sure this is just from Mongolia.

  • I I suspect it is, but I'm trying to see.

  • I don't see anything that says for sure that it's coming from there, So I guess we'll try.

  • Mmm.

  • So is trying to make a coal see?

  • What's happening here is our large algo Leah queries.

  • And we can see Let's make this large.

  • We can kind of see what's happening.

  • Um, here's the results that we get, um, from the index post faculty, and it looks like, Yeah, we're getting We're getting data.

  • Right?

  • So we have here, um, Dr Alex Plato.

  • I just saw him earlier today.

  • He's a good guy.

  • Um, he's also a philosophy professor, and he has the best name for a philosophy professor.

  • Okay, so we actually did get the data.

  • I'm just not exactly sure why.

  • What happened here.

  • Okay, so we got the data.

  • It's just not displayed.

  • Let's look at our consul again.

  • So it failed.

  • No, that's not it.

  • There we go.

  • Okay, so it looks like it failed appear, but it actually worked down here, so maybe let's just get rid of everything, uh, restarted and then see what's happening If I can find period.

  • Okay.

  • Um, let's just try it again.

  • We had search again.

  • Um, let me refresh.

  • And then we'll do.

  • Say I actually let me check first.

  • Okay.

  • Looks like we're getting whatever errors we just got before may not even be.

  • Do tow Kolia with a search again and see what happens.

  • Interesting.

  • OK, so it seems like we fail first, and then it works.

  • Um, but in any case, nothing is actually being displayed.

  • So let's go back to our documentation.

  • In about three minutes, I'm gonna go back and answer some things in the live chat.

  • Um, harsh it is.

  • You need hits component to display data.

  • Thanks.

  • So should I guess that component I just deleted was more important than I thought.

  • So let's throw that back in there who put it down under the search box.

  • The hits component.

  • And we'll go up here and make sure we import heads component.

  • Or should I thought you were going to sleep, but you came back.

  • Thio save the day.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, let's a look at this way you have it.

  • It looks not great, but we have it cool.

  • So the data's here of Look, it's a live search, so I just take biology.

  • Let me zoom in.

  • This is so I just typed in biology and we get the data.

  • Let's type in.

  • I don't know.

  • See if we have anybody named Joe.

  • No, no joke.

  • There we go.

  • We do have some Joseph, though, that that works.

  • Um, cool.

  • All right.

  • So next step, then we need to make this look good.

  • It's working.

  • Obviously.

  • Uh, so that's important.

  • Ready?

  • It's on the site.

  • We're getting the data.

  • It works.

  • Here's the next steps because that the time is about to go off.

  • So I'm gonna do his next steps just so we know where to pick off.

  • Uh um, not only do we need to make it look good, which is definitely important, but we've only searched for faculty, right?

  • I have a lot of other things I want to search for.

  • So right now, every post type is an individual index in Al Goglia.

  • So we need to figure out How do you search multiple indices?

  • Um, with Angola?

  • Michael says That's fast.

  • Yeah, it's insanely fast.

  • It's so much faster than what we built.

  • So it's definitely it's better in many ways.

  • Um, so we need Thio.

  • Try the first thing we should do is make sure you have all the data in order.

  • So let's figure out a search.

  • Multiple indices.

  • Then once we see what all the data is gonna be like, then we can figure out how we're going to display it.

  • First thing we'll do, though, is, uh, Before we try to make our own solution, we'll see what solution comes prepackaged without Kolia.

  • I think that styling section that I skipped over is probably gonna come in and here.

  • So that's what I look for.

  • If we like how Julia Stiles it, then maybe we'll do it like that.

  • Hopefully, maybe it'll work right off the bat.

  • Maybe some minimal styling changes.

  • And then we can have this thing live like before I leave today, which would be awesome.

  • Okay, short break.

  • I'm gonna go to live Chatham School all way up to the top.

  • I'm answers many questions as I can.

  • Uh, let's see, just a lot of people saying hello.

  • So I'm not going to read out all the individual lows, but I am reading them, so I know that you said I and I'm saying hi back.

  • Um, Morrow says, uh if possible use test driven development.

  • I know, I know.

  • I need to be better with using tests, and, um, I'm just always busy, and I don't make it a priority, realistically, I mean, that's that's the truth.

  • If I made it a priority, I would probably do it.

  • But it's so tempting to just, you know, get code written without wearing about tests s o.

  • I need to do a better job at that and feel free to call me out on that if you'll see me doing it too.

  • Maybe I ought to take a course on tests writing tests on dhe.

  • Part of the reason why I don't do it, because I just don't feel confident my skills at it, so that might be a good idea.

  • Um, Rukh arm Rukh Armour says you're doing an amazing job.

  • Don't listen to the negative feedback.

  • Thank you.

  • I appreciate that.

  • I appreciate it.

  • I mean, I Sometimes there's some truth in the negative feedback, so I'm just I'm trying todo I'm trying to read it, Hear it, you know, and see.

  • Like what?

  • What is the truth to it?

  • Um, So, like some of the feedback about not actually showing any not giving any indication that this is a Catholic university.

  • You know, the way that people were saying it was kind of mean, but the truth.

  • Waas Yeah, actually, I mean, the previous website, it was really obvious in this website.

  • It wasn't so The truth was, Hey, maybe I wouldn't include some type of image that would show that so I mean it It is true.

  • But you know, when you get so much of that, it does just kind of wear you down.

  • Like even if I'm trying Thio, ignore it.

  • You know, it still gets its in there, you know, it's in your brain war, hon says, Uh uh In a word, I can't say to the haters.

  • Nowhere is you're doing a majestic Joe.

  • I love the majestic job.

  • Thank you.

  • Appreciate that.

  • Morrow says.

  • Al Goglia uses elasticsearch in the background.

  • It just makes it easier in Flint.

  • Oh, awesome.

  • That's really cool.

  • I do not realize that, um, you're a says you're looking bad.

  • Don't take it so close to your heart.

  • Well, thank you.

  • I appreciate the sentiment that's thinks that I'm looking bad, but like, realistically, my eyes for probably read like I was up super early.

  • Uh, let's see.

  • Morrow says algo Leah is better for just front end.

  • Does.

  • If you're full stack, you can use the last exert.

  • So you have more control over the search.

  • Okay.

  • Good to know.

  • Good to know.

  • I guess it maybe I'll check it out at some point and use it on a future project.

  • We're working into this project.

  • It seems like something.

  • Maybe I need to research a little bit more to get right.

  • Tripp says, Do you enjoy your job?

  • Not.

  • Are you happy with it?

  • But do you enjoy it?

  • I I really I do enjoy my job.

  • I mean, there are all these parts of the job that you don't enjoy.

  • So, uh, sometimes, like, the the attitude of people that I work with, not necessarily Amount department, but, like in the larger organization is frustrating.

  • Um, so I don't necessarily enjoy that part of my job.

  • Uh, but I do it.

  • Enjoy what I do.

  • Enjoy building, um, websites, APs making them look nice, making them fast.

  • And through that, helping people to get information or do their jobs, you know better than they did before I think that's really cool.

  • That's that's pretty awesome.

  • So I definitely enjoy that.

  • Tripp says as much as you did when you started coding.

  • Honestly, I think I enjoy what I do now more than I did when I started.

  • Because I'm better at it now, Uh, before there was just so much I had to think about everything.

  • Everything was hard, right?

  • There was so much that I didn't know and so much that I was like, I don't know if I could do that.

  • Now, I know I'm more confident in the things that I know, and I'm okay with the things that I don't know, right.

  • I realize that I can't be an expert at everything, so I've just been able to let go and not worry that I'm not an expert at everything and just say, you know what?

  • I'm gonna do what I know how to do.

  • I'm gonna try to learn as much as I can, but at the end of the day, like I'm gonna try to produce something awesome.

  • You know, no matter what technology end up using or whatever, like, um, so I I like that, uh, I think it can be like that with everything.

  • When you first start something, it's it's fun because it's new, right?

  • But then you get into this area where, like you start to realize, um, how bad you are at it because you're new and then it's not as fun because you see other people doing awesome stuff and you can't do that yet.

  • Eso once you get past that and I think I'm I'm past that to certain extent, right?

  • There's still a ton of cool stuff I want to be able to do, but I can't yet, but I can do a lot.

  • So now it's It's fun, you know?

  • I know.

  • Okay, if somebody asked me to do this thing, I know I got this right now.

  • It's not a matter of Can I do it?

  • It's well, like, how am I going to do it?

  • How fast can I make it?

  • How nice can I make it look, Um, what new tech can I use and learn while I'm doing this?

  • And that's just that's one.

  • It's one for me.

  • Um, then the added thing of being able to see you on the live stream is just like this whole.

  • Another level of just coolness to what I do.

  • That was just unexpected and really amazing.

  • So that's a really good question, I maybe think.

  • But I like that.

  • Like, that question.

  • Okay.

  • Definitely didn't get through all the questions.

  • I'm gonna start up a Pomodoro timer again and let's see.

  • Cool Her shit Just gave me the elbow.

  • Leah.

  • CSS.

  • Awesome.

  • So let's go over and through the CSS in our head.

  • Aereo.

  • So we have our layout here, and let's grab so harsh it putting that CSS I want to just you know what?

  • I'm just don't feel like actually typing out a link tag.

  • So I'm gonna grab this.

  • Uh, let's see, I think this is what our ship is in.

  • Sensors, themes.

  • Oh, that made.

  • This is different.

  • Actually, this is different.

  • A wonder I'm gonna grab these because they're already there.

  • Reset cookies.

  • All right, we'll try the reset one first.

  • What is the difference?

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • They recommend using the reset.

  • So let me grab this one and well, paced this.

  • And so we have this little head component and that lets us throw in things like blink tags.

  • Right?

  • So we already have this link tag of our paged on C s s and which page dot CSS gets used on almost everything.

  • So might not be a bad idea to just make that global.

  • I have to make sure.

  • Okay, Let's see what we have now.

  • Mmm.

  • Okay.

  • Looks like maybe you didn't do anything.

  • Where is my cirrhosis?

  • Okay, that came in.

  • I do not do anything.

  • Reset his basic elbow.

  • Leah is more stylish.

  • Okay, so let's go with the more stylish one.

  • Okay, let's go back here and see.

  • Let's see what the goalie a one is.

  • Forest, right?

  • Cruise.

  • I'm gonna close that, Tae.

  • We'll keep going the wrong way.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • That's definitely, uh, different here.

  • Okay, cool.

  • So now we're getting It's still like we're getting a lot of, um, a lot of this.

  • So we probably need to say to indicate somehow exactly what data we want to display, because a lot of this is is completely irrelevant, but this is pretty cool.

  • I mean, this is not it's not exactly the style that we use for the for the website, so I would be okay with adding it like in here with this type of styling, temporarily just to get a good search in there, because the functionality is important to get in there right away, but and then maybe going back and redoing it so that it matches our material design style.

  • But this is good enough.

  • I think it could work.

  • Uh, definitely need to figure out.

  • Oh, you know what?

  • I just said it.

  • The latter end of the last poem.

  • It'll recession that we're gonna get all our data before we started styling, and I completely forgot.

  • Okay, well, we reverse reverse that.

  • And let's see.

  • Sorry.

  • My boss just sent me a question.

  • Um, okay, uh, so up to this point, it's been mostly me entering data.

  • And so student workers and I haven't gone through the process yet of, uh, really teaching anybody else out under data.

  • So it's a little bit crazy for May, because every time something these changed, Like, I get these questions.

  • So, um all right, let's check our documentation and figure out how to get searched.

  • Multiple indices.

  • Right?

  • Is that you do it?

  • It's not Index is right.

  • It's indices.

  • I don't know.

  • I think it's in this city.

  • Okay, Let's see if it says it.

  • Mmm.

  • Parameters.

  • Mmm.

  • Okay.

  • Char Bo says sometimes it is indexes.

  • All right, let's go to the dashboard and see what it says.

  • All right, Um, Olia uses the term indices.

  • So I guess we'll just use indices for now, and all right, here we go.

  • Multi.

  • Index.

  • Why didn't I see that?

  • Here we go.

  • You can use multiple index components.

  • Each index component takes one problem.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Let's check out both examples.

  • It looks like there's there's two different ways to do it.

  • Um, not that one.

  • Uh, let's go to source and check out app.

  • Okay, so they have instant search, and they have one index there, and then underneath hits, they use index.

  • Oh, and then results in the second database.

  • All right, let's just copy and paste this and see how it looks.

  • See if this is what, um, kind of what we're going for.

  • Uh, let's see.

  • Import index first, and then we use it down here.

  • It's not here.

  • Eso under hits.

  • Sorry I did my boss.

  • When it's just me again.

  • Uh, so let's put in a really index name.

  • Let's go to a dashboard and see Secondly, friend, I had more than this.

  • Oh, uh um, you go is campus security, cause I think that's all there's all have the data that they need to go with that.

  • So is that what it waas?

  • It's hyphenated.

  • You go.

  • It's okay.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So this will put him, they'll be displayed, but they're just be displayed below.

  • Interesting.

  • All right, let's see, we need I'm just not sure about that.

  • I mean, I I don't know about it.

  • It works, but I'm not.

  • I'm not sure that that's the best thing.

  • Mmm.

  • Let's look at the other option.

  • So, what is this?

  • React instant, Serge.

  • Multi Index.

  • It seems a lot more complicated, but maybe it'll give us what we want.

  • Um, had touched.

  • This is my phone is stripping.

  • I'll catch you later.

  • CIA.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • All right.

  • Um, I'm showing a 12 minutes.

  • Okay, let's try to get this other example.

  • Working way may need to put this.

  • Yeah.

  • You know what this is?

  • Grab this whole component.

  • Let's make a new component on.

  • We'll do this or about this.

  • Let's just get rid of this entire search page and pop this in here and call it search.

  • No, no.

  • Okay.

  • And react auto suggest.

  • I guess I have to do this.

  • Um, you're on.

  • All right.

  • So we're getting react.

  • Auto suggests and, uh, FBI keys.

  • I gotta put my 80 ikey.

  • And again, it's so convenient when they have that little button that copies automatically.

  • I mean, it seems like something like, I don't need this, you know?

  • But really, it's so helpful.

  • Andi, what did we have?

  • A b t posts faculty, And then could you have news?

  • Let's go with news.

  • Cool.

  • Let's see Merivel wrecked.

  • Instance.

  • Surge connect.

  • There's Mmm.

  • Uh, let's check out the package.

  • Jason, from this example.

  • Make sure you have everything.

  • The reactor incident, Serge, Uh, looks like we have all the packages.

  • Yeah, Michael was shocked that I just deleted every day.

  • All right, why is this not working?

  • What's that?

  • Hey, should be research reacts, instances connected.

  • All right, let's go back to the documentation.

  • Maybe you need to use the auto complete connectors.

  • Uh, let's see what it says about this.

  • I see.

  • All right, let's copy and paste this and just search for it.

  • he will comes up.

  • Okay.

  • When you wanted to swear widget using another library material.

  • Hey, cool.

  • I do want to, um what are connected iss How to use them.

  • Okay.

  • When I when I first installed this, I installed react instant Serge Dawn and not react.

  • Instance, sir's right.

  • Let's check our package.

  • A zon.

  • Yep.

  • Okay, here's we need to do.

  • Let's go yarn.

  • I don't know what the commanders this Trevor moved.

  • Let's double check and make sure I don't need this.

  • Don't think.

  • Okay, cool.

  • We removed it.

  • All right?

  • Also, while we're at it, let's remove our goalie a search.

  • You go.

  • Goalie is Serge.

  • Then we can and stole yarn.

  • Or we could we could do your What is it called?

  • Instant react Instance, Serge.

  • All right, so that's horseshit.

  • Mentioned earlier.

  • The for whatever reason, the instructions in the reed may were out of date.

  • So we started with those instructions, and then we moved over to the other one.

  • That's what's were newer.

  • Unfortunately, it was actually different packages, so hopefully now things will work.

  • Let's go back and see.

  • Yeah, Okay.

  • All right.

  • Look how beautiful this fetus.

  • All right, that's Let's see.

  • Um, we're going to say, see if we have she would be computer science.

  • Nothing.

  • What is happening?

  • Uh huh.

  • We inspect.

  • I can't see anything.

  • Why's this?

  • This fucks this.

  • Yeah.

  • What is going on?

  • I can't re property trembling to find I looks like some weirdness is happening.

  • Finish loading pose.

  • Your, uh are We're getting stuff, right?

  • See, we got from you.

  • We got these queries.

  • Results.

  • Faculty.

  • Yeah.

  • Way.

  • God, Who is this?

  • Yeah.

  • Dr.

  • Christina said France Key.

  • She's very nice woman talk to her last week.

  • Um, all right, so for whatever reason, we're having some issues getting this rendered.

  • But it looks like it works, though.

  • It's just, um it's not So we're getting the data that works.

  • That's important.

  • Let's see where I've gone wrong.

  • Hey, maybe I look at the air message that it's just like a good idea, huh?

  • Okay, uncle type.

  • Cannot re prep region would define auto suggestion as 41.

  • She's 77.

  • Check this out.

  • 77 orders.

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • You know what?

  • Probably one of these props I passed in is not working right with the data that we actually have.

  • All right, So is that good?

  • All right, let's see what these were doing.

  • Its value status.

  • You're proud of this order section section index?

  • All right.

  • My timer went off.

  • Let's do another break, and I must grow up and try to figure out where I left off.

  • We can answer more questions and probably do another Pomodoro session after this figure out what's going on.

  • It just It feels like we're close.

  • You know?

  • I just have to sort out what's going on there with all those props.

  • Uh, might not be a bad idea.

  • Just go to the, um uh documentation and figure out what those crops actually do, Massoud says.

  • I want to learn computer software coding system awesome.

  • Well, hopefully you'll be able to learn something from my my streams.

  • Feel free to ask any questions.

  • What's up?

  • Dude says, Hey, you future Bolger.

  • It said black guy.

  • But I'm assuming bold guy.

  • I hope I don't go bored, but I mean, it could happen.

  • My kind of like my hair, uh, did yes.

  • Says, Hey, you're doing a really good, great job.

  • Please keep it up.

  • Thank you.

  • Appreciate it.

  • Devious says today I had a react reduction interview.

  • I was suppose to make an app which renders data from their Bitcoin a p I.

  • And it may be so confused because I made a fetch data action with axis Get requests.

  • Oh, well, I mean, what happened?

  • Did you end up being able to do it?

  • I mean, how did it go?

  • Uh, m i t pluses.

  • Thank you for your awesome, informative answers.

  • She welcome.

  • Uh, thanks for watching, uh, harsh.

  • It says here you're going to use react.

  • Instant surge?

  • Yep.

  • Actually, that was probably really early on before I said I was going to use it.

  • Uh, let's see Phoenixes today.

  • I successfully created my blog's site using Gatsby.

  • It was previously playing HTML and Java script.

  • It's a great tool.

  • Made a few mistakes that costs a couple of hours.

  • But I learned Oh, that's awesome.

  • Congratulations.

  • Uh huh. 01:08:0

everybody welcome with black coating with Jesse Jesse.

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使用Algolia搜索與React(P5D98)--與Jesse一起現場編碼。 (Using Algolia Search with React (P5D98) - Live Coding with Jesse)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary