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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.
And what is another episode off?
But can it ran?
Dot, dot, dot insert gain title.
Here in this Siri's, we take older, fairly easy to run games, give them a graphical overhaul using mods and then see how well they run in comparison to the unchanged or vanilla game.
Why do we do this?
Well, because we can.
Plus it gives you the chance to see how graphical changes impact the performance off certain titles.
If you haven't guessed that already today, we're looking back at Mafia to now almost 10 years old.
Mafia to was very well received on release, and honestly, I think it still holds up today in terms of both gameplay and graphical quality, though it's always felt a little clunky.
As expected, this game will run at the absolute highest settings with Auntie, a leasing enabled at four K resolution on a lot of modern hardware, a 10 80 p or lower.
It will be an even smoother experience, and we'll run on a wider range of components.
It's no surprise considering the recommended graphics card is a 98 100 GTX from in video or an a M D H D 38 70 both of which will handle the game with at least 30 F PS and a mixture off settings.
Anything newer will run even better.
For example, let's take a look at how an old workstation card, the Fire Pro W.
5000 handles thegame.
This a M D GPU dates back to 2012 and was never intended for gaming purposes, but even it will manage a solid gameplay experience.
I also couldn't resist seeing how once flagship Duty X for 80 hand with the game.
After all, this was one of the best cards available when Mafia to came out.
Once again, it's no surprise that things are running very well, despite the GP use urge to catch fire.
But if you want something more from Mafia two in 2020 you might want to give it a visual overhaul as well as improved some of the little annoyances that never really got ironed out by the developers.
Well, that's where modern comes into play, and thankfully, one model found takes care of a lot of small issues.
Now, just like all of these videos, the end result is totally subjective some of you might think the game is improved, and some of you may think the game looks worse.
All I know is the following changes sure will affect performance from what I've tested.
So let's take another quick look around Empire Bay before changing anything to me.
Mafia two's unique style means it's instantly recognisable.
It's not the best looking game in the world, and this has always been the case.
But that doesn't mean it isn't a good looking game to me.
What said it apart was the story telling a story that in some ways was like playing a film with some great supporting characters to back up Vito as the star of the show, even if some offset characters did have questionable taste in furniture and decor, this screenshot brings us onto the mods.
Today I'm using Q T Mods, old time reality model, a recent release that is still being worked on, which is always nice to hear, as it means there will only be more and more added in the future.
The reason I like this modest because not only does it make changes to the way the game looks, but it makes subtle changes toe other aspect, like the camera field of view on the amount of ammo you can pick up.
For example, primarily, though, it's things like the new weather effects, new lighting and rewritten post effect settings that make the biggest difference.
And the texture.
Alterations are welcome improvement, in my opinion, too.
Here are a couple of comparative clips that highlight the differences side by side.
Here's the opening scene of Chapter two, where Vito returns home and walks through the old neighborhood on the way to his family's home.
The original still looks excellent.
And when using a modern GPU like the 5700 X T, you can expect to see over 100 F PS.
In some cases, though, there are certainly still some dips here and there.
Which is why the four gig Patra is an essential tool to install a CZ well, especially after installing any mods.
If we switch to the old time reality footage, you can see that the colors and lighting effects stand out more here on.
The textures are sharper overall and have been totally replaced in some places.
As always, I'd recommend playing through any game in its vanilla state first time round to fully appreciate them the way the developers intended, then messing around with mods afterwards.
I apologize for the small frame rate counter in the top left corner as well as the usage figures.
But I can tell you that with this modern stalled, our frame rate was cut in half.
Here's a look at another comparison, this time inside a hotel.
First of all, we have the vanilla footage, which again looks great.
The biggest noticeable change the mod brings here is the way the light comes in through the windows and brightens up the walls again.
We find our frame rate not quite hitting 60 and there are a few drops to the mid forties, sometimes even lower.
It still feels very smooth over, although personally, I think this mod works best when it comes to the Games snow covered winter segment or during rainstorms, though the impact on frame rate will be apparent regardless, interiors also benefit from the overhaul, too.
As you previously saw in the hotel level, I couldn't get rid of the mini map and could find no working linked to any mods that would remove it.
Otherwise, I would have done that as well.
So we know that with this modern stored, we can still run the game with at least 30 f p ece four k touching 60 in some cases.
But that is with a relatively new and powerful graphics card.
So what about with our previously tested older GP?
Use the G text for 80 from in video on a MDS Fire Pro W 5000?
Well, first, it's the 4 80 This will average about 42 F.
P s with the high settings at 10 80 p.
After turning off Auntie Alice Ng, we saw an improvement in this figure.
But it will mean that an increase can be seen in jagged edges around objects, which are apparent anyway at this resolution.
So there's no point increasing the amount of jagged edges on things.
This game is more than playable, but you have to ask yourself whether the changes are worth the performance loss.
Obviously, if you prefer the vanilla game over the modern game, then the sacrifice won't be worth it.
With the Fire Pro W 5000 we were seeing only 30 f.
P s with the settings turned right up, and this dipped into the mid twenties On occasion.
This model seems to have more of an impact on the game using this GPU, but I do believe this is an in video optimized title.
That shouldn't be the sole cause of poor performance, but it's worth mentioning nonetheless, as if you have an older AM D card, you may see a few problems.
Make sure with aforementioned in video cards the physics is off to a CZ.
This can have a significant impact on the overall frame rate over all.
These graphical changes will likely impact performance as expected.
But how much performance Los you see will totally depend on the graphics card that you use on dhe the CPU, of course, But even if you were seeing 60 F P s with the vanilla game, then you should still get 30 or Mawr.
After these changes, and on some hardware, it may not make that much of a difference, especially if you turn Auntie a leasing off or just reduce the settings.
Overall they're doing that does defeat the object off a mud like this.
In some ways, the best thing to do is to try it for yourself and see how well it works for you.
I'll leave a link to the mod in the description below.
Now I know this isn't our usual style of video.
I like to make these.
But can it run videos every so often?
Because I like to do the occasional modern showcase just to see how well old games hold up when they receive a little bit of a visual overhaul as well.
It's seeing how well they perform on certain hardware.
They aren't for everybody, as I mentioned before, but anyone looking to give a different style to certain older titles.
Whether that's better or just different, then I certainly recommend trying things like this out as it may be worth it if you want a slightly different experience with games that you've played many times in the past beforehand, I would liketo reiterate, though, that playing through your games collection in there vanilla style is always the best way to start because you get to experience them, how the developers initially intended.
Unless, of course, you need mods to fix what is otherwise a broken game, and there are certainly a few of those titles about anyway.
thank you for watching.
Let me just leave you with a little video clip of me driving around in the summer season with this modern stored because I don't think it looks as good as thegame does in the winter months or when it's raining or during a snowstorm.
But I wanted to throw this in here anyway, just so you get a good idea of how the game looks under different scenarios, you can see the new road textures and the new weather enhancements here, too.
I personally prefer the vanilla look when it comes to the sunny side of the game, but that's just me, and it's entirely up to you as to your personal preferences.
Anyway, thank you very much for watching if you enjoy this video lever like on it lever dislike.