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  • all right, Uh, I'm gonna be honest here and say that the reason that I'm shooting right now it's because I literally haven't gotten anything done this week and therefore tomorrow it's Friday and I don't have any video.

  • I was supposed to be two videos this week.

  • One promotional video on DDE than one video for tomorrow, which is Friday s.

  • So therefore, we're doing over long instead.

  • And so I was considering just not posting a video this week.

  • But there's something that I really like about consistency and being super consistent with actually posting every Friday and so far like the last, I don't know, four or five months, I've been able to actually post every Friday.

  • So therefore I can spend some time trying to figure out okay, what type of video could I have Time to actually shoot.

  • And I figured out that actually documenting this day when I tried to shoot another video is probably gonna be the easiest way to do it, because documenting something is usually a lot faster than actually making like a proper tutorial or one day build or anything of the other things that I do.

  • And I don't do that many logs.

  • Figured it might be interesting for you guys to see kind of what it looks like When I tried to make a video and the video that I'm gonna make today, it's for a collaboration that I'm doing, and the entire video is essentially gonna be that I build a website.

  • You've seen WordPress and yet this week has just been a mess, in a sense.

  • So I ended up with, like no time actually filmed this video.

  • I have the entire week to film the video, but I was planning on doing it Monday, so I would just get it out of the way.

  • But then a lot of things just happened, so I didn't have time to actually shoot it.

  • And now it's Thursday, and I have to finish it today and send it to them tomorrow.

  • So we're gonna essentially try to finish this video today.

  • And documenting the process of finishing that video is gonna be way simpler than making a second separate video.

  • So I hope you'll enjoy this little segment.

  • When I tried to make that video, it's currently 9 30 I spent the morning just working on my freelance work.

  • And, uh, now I'm just gonna have to take a short walk and try to clear my head so that I can then get hopefully super focused and actually finish this video and also finish this log that I'm doing so that I have both a promotion to send to them tomorrow and then also a video to post tomorrow.

  • So we'll see how that ghost.

  • But now I'm just gonna take a walk, and then we're gonna have some breakfast, and then we're gonna get into actually shooting the video.

  • So I only have one to do today, and that is to film this promotional video, and we're gonna get started with that as soon as we can.

  • And we're gonna hope that everything works because that one of the reasons that this entire week is just like ran away from me is because yesterday I spent the entire day pretty much looking for a little like video capture card that you used to connect your camera as a web camera.

  • But I haven't tested it.

  • It's I don't know if it works, but hopefully it works.

  • But now we're gonna have breakfast, so All right.

  • Uh, Let's see.

  • All right, so now I've had breakfast, and it's 11.

  • 30.

  • I am right now.

  • And now we're gonna get to actually trying Thio filmed this video and get it done today.

  • And the first thing that we're gonna do is we have this list off to juice, which is just essentially one thing that we need to dio.

  • What we're gonna do is I'm gonna break this down into several Maur to do so what do I actually need to do to be able to accomplish this or to finish this video s so that we can get it done more efficiently?

  • Wait, So the test that I came up with, I think I'm going to start with just setting up the camera, because that's the most important thing.

  • If that doesn't work, then the rest of the videos essentially not gonna be ableto get done.

  • So we're gonna have tried to connect this and hopefully it's gonna work first go.

  • But we'll see.

  • Okay, so right now it's set up and it works, so that's great.

  • So now we're gonna just start shooting it.

  • It's 12 o'clock right now.

  • I'm hoping to get it done in maybe three hours.

  • Depends on how long everything takes.

  • And also I need to eat because usually when I do these sort of things, I just don't eat.

  • And because of that, I end up feeling like super tired and I don't have any energy.

  • And then these things just end up taking way longer than they should because I haven't eaten, so I can't really think clearly.

  • So the problem's just become way more difficult and take a longer to d'oh.

  • So we're gonna start with this for at least two hours.

  • We're gonna see where we're at in two hours, and then depending on where we're at, we're gonna eat.

  • We're gonna eat either way.

  • But depending on where we're at, we might be done.

  • At that point, I hope that we're done at that point.

  • But I think that's a little bit of wishful thinking, because I think it's gonna take way longer.

  • All right, All right.

  • So I'm done now with actually filming the videos.

  • I've made my website.

  • Maybe I can show you quickly.

  • So this is the website, and what I'm thinking that I'll do here is when I've done, like a one day build.

  • I will write down all the sources, all the things that I've used, that tutorials, all the stuff essentially to make the one day both possible.

  • And then I'll post it on here as like an article so that you can see how I got from point A to point B essentially, how I made the one day build.

  • So hopefully you like it.

  • I'm not sure when I'm gonna post the first post because, like I said, I haven't really had time this week, but I'm really happy that I got that filmed.

  • Now I need to write the script for the intro and then write the script for the Outro and that film, the intro and the Outro and then edit the video way.

  • All right, so now we have something that I run into pretty much every day on that is that I don't really have a good idea for what I should eat.

  • And the thing is, I didn't prepare anything, and that's probably my.

  • My issue is I haven't prepared anything, and because I haven't prepared anything, I usually end up tryingto make something that's like super fast.

  • But right now we've run out of things that are super fast to do.

  • So I'm not really sure what I'm gonna eat, but see what we have.

  • So we have, like, these dogs things that you can use.

  • But I did yesterday, so I don't really feel like doing that today.

  • Uh, I like bread.

  • White bread.

  • I don't really have any protein.

  • The problem is the protein, because the protein is what usually takes awhile toe, prepare to do chicken breast.

  • All right, So what are we gonna do?

  • We're gonna put this in some hot water and just have it melt essentially.

  • And while that is melting, I'm gonna It's something else after.

  • So that's my lunch.

  • And believe it or not, that's actually not too weird for me.

  • I often times just eat chicken plain with nothing else.

  • I mean, I had some sandwiches just before, but now I'm just gonna eat this chicken without anything else.

  • And now it's about 4 p.m. And I'm exhausted again.

  • I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but as soon as it hits like three PM for May I yet super tired and I have a very hard time to get actually doing something.

  • So that's why I always tried to keep all the productive all that, like, necessary stuff in the morning so that I know I'll get that done before, like three.

  • PM Because after three PM, I'm just way less productive and way less efficient because I get so tired.

  • But yeah, we're gonna We're gonna get to what?

  • I had to work and try to finish this video now.

  • All right, that's a wrap.

  • I've filmed all the stuff that I need to fill.

  • And now all I need to do is just edit this footage and make it into a video that I can then upload to YouTube.

  • Essentially.

  • But I'm really, really tired right now, and the last thing that I want to do is sit down and edit this video.

  • It only took me, like, 30 minutes to actually shoot it.

  • So it was quite a quick a quick little chute so that I'm happy about that, at least, uh, yeah, so I'm just gonna have to sit down and end this now.

  • I'm guessing that will take about two hours.

  • Maybe, but I'm gonna try to get it done in one.

  • It's exporting.

  • I think I've done that, which is really exciting because I also have this video that I've made today so essentially made two videos and I think I'm done.

  • When I get home, we'll just upload it and then I'll send an email to the company I'm working with and with the link to the video, hopefully they'll, like, approve it pretty quickly.

  • And then I just finish this video, leave it behind me, go do something else.

  • But now it's six pm and I have to go to my parents house because we're gonna celebrate my mom's birthday.

  • So we're gonna have some dinner and then just chill for the rest the night, so yeah, but I'm really excited about this.

  • I mean, all right, So now we've had some dinner with my parents, and, uh, yeah, I'm pretty happy about today.

  • I got to finish that video and I also got to finish this video.

  • So now all I have to do tomorrow it's just edit this video and then post it and, uh, yeah, good day to video's done in one day.

  • Also, as a side note, I'm never out this late.

  • Usually 5 p.m. Is like night time for me, and I don't go out.

all right, Uh, I'm gonna be honest here and say that the reason that I'm shooting right now it's because I literally haven't gotten anything done this week and therefore tomorrow it's Friday and I don't have any video.

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我如何製作我的視頻 (How I Make My Videos)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary