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  • Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday

  • I can't find my Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • I don't mean *the* Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • which can be purchased from any bookstore

  • I mean *my* Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • or, more specifically, my friend Chip's Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • that I borrowed from him in 11th grade and then eventually stole.

  • The 3rd edition of the Norton Anthology of Poetry is a deeply flawed book

  • for one thing, it contains almost no poems from the last 40 years

  • on account of having been published 35 years ago

  • but it is *my* deeply flawed book, or at the very least, Chip's

  • and I can't find it. One of the central facts of my life is that

  • no matter how many times I reorganize my home library

  • in any given moment I will. not. be able

  • to find the book that I desperately *need*

  • Like, I can always find the New York Public Library's guide to organizing your home library

  • *except* when I'm embarking on a library reorganization

  • And I can always find my 9th grade copy of

  • 100 poems by e e cummings

  • *except* when it's March and I want quote that poem about

  • Spring being like a "perhaps hand which comes carefully out of Nowhere" etc.

  • Right now I have no problem locating Everything You Need To Know About The Goth Scene

  • I can find plenty of copies of the Swedish edition of

  • Turtles All The Way Down, and its AMAZING cover

  • but I can not find my Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • It's not with the poetry

  • It's not with the Hot Wheels Ultimate track

  • It's not in the bookshelf behind our bed

  • And it's not in the background of this video set, although while we're here...

  • Two books I've really enjoyed reading recently are

  • this extraordinarily engrossing biography of Joseph Conrad, which are not words I ever thought I would say

  • and Dactyl Hill Squad which doesn't come out until September

  • but I've been reading an advanced copy with Henry

  • it's about orphans in the Civil War who ride dinosaurs and IT IS AMAZING

  • but that is a tangent WHERE IS MY Norton Anthology of Poetry!

  • I mean this is ridiculous. I've been looking for my Norton Anthology of Poetry for an entire day

  • I haven't been able to write a vlogbrothers script because

  • I've been looking for my Norton Anthology of Poetry, which, ergo,

  • *has* to become the topic of today's vlogbrothers video

  • IT'S A THREE POINT TWO POUND BOOK. Nobody like takes a 3.2 pound book on vacation and leaves it there.

  • And yes I know that I could just google the poem I want to read but

  • I don't *want* to google it, I want to read it in my Norton Anthology of Poetry

  • which HAS to be somewhere in this house

  • I mean it's not like I would have taken it out of the h- ...

  • [whispered] wait a second

  • Could it be at the office?

  • Okay I'm going to drive to the office to look for my

  • Norton Anthology of Poetry and if I don't find it I *am* going to let it go.

  • *maybe*

  • I'm on my way to my office. C'mon, big money, no whammies!

  • YES! YES! YES! My Norton Anthology of Poetry!


  • [reading whole poem] The house was quiet and the world was calm.

  • The reader became the book; and summer night

  • Was like the conscious being of the book. The house was quiet and the world was calm

  • The words were spoken as if there was no book, Except that the reader leaned above the page,

  • Wanted to lean, wanted much most to be The scholar to whom his book is true, to whom

  • The summer night is like a perfection of thought. The house was quiet because it had to be.

  • The quiet was part of the meaning, part of the mind: The access of perfection to the page.

  • And the world was calm. The truth in a calm world, In which there is no other meaning, itself

  • Is calm, itself is summer and night, itself Is the reader leaning late and reading there

  • Oh! it's every bit as good as I remember

  • and just what I needed today.

  • Hank, I will see you on Friday.

Good morning Hank, it's Tuesday

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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