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This is the lock picking lawyer, and today we're going to look into a question that's come up quite a few times.
In the comments to my videos.
Viewers often ask me if new locks are easier to pick, then used locks, and that's really a hard question to answer.
Oftentimes, the biggest issue here will be lubrication.
An old dried lock will usually be very hard to pick where sometimes even hard, to operate with the key.
But that's something that can be remedied in just a few moments with a squirt of loop.
So let's put it aside for now, and I'll mention the two competing concepts that are at work here.
First, excess where tends to make locks easier to pick.
And second, the grit and grime that accumulates in a lock over time tends to make that lock harder to pick.
So is an old lock harder to pick?
Unfortunately, the best answer I can give you is that it depends on the lock, and that leads me to the locks that got me thinking about all this.
These are two identical kryptonite.
New York.
Forget about it locks.
The first is brand new.
In fact, I just took it out the package a moment ago, and this other lock has seen some hard use in a salty marine environment, which is just about as harsh as it gets when it comes to locks.
In fact, when I first received this, it didn't even work with the key.
However, after a squirt of Lupin the key way it began to operate normally.
So today I'm going to pick these one right after the other, and I'll try to explain what I'm feeling and how that relates to the age of lakh.
However, I should start by noting that distant tainer locks have a reputation for aging fairly well.
That's because there's a lot of room in between the desks for that dirt and grime toe accumulate without interfering with the operation.
So it may be that age here made absolutely no difference.
We're going to start with the new lock, and I'm going to be using this beautiful dis detainer pick that Bosnian Bill and I made.
The first thing we're going to do is rotate all of the discus far clockwise as it will go.
Then we'll stick that pick in there attention off of the first disc.
Okay, were attention off of one.
So let's find number two and two feels loose.
Operating smoothly.
So does three loose four is binding.
Okay, I felt a little bit of drag.
That was probably the newness of the disks.
I'm feeling some of the the imperfections in manufacturing.
I think this is number five.
I felt a little bit of that as well.
Six is loose.
Seven binding, a lot of the same and nothing on eight.
Back to the beginning.
Disc one click there Disc to and we got this open.
So all in all, I don't think the newness really made picking even easier or harder.
On the one hand, I didn't feel any grit.
That wasn't an issue at all.
However, because it is new, probably the edges of the disks are a little bit on the rough side.
So it did drag and give me an unnatural, gritty feel to it.
Let's get thesent lockout.
Once again, we will rotate all of these disks as far clockwise as they will go, and then get our dis detainer picking there tensioning off of disc one.
So let's find number two to his binding actually very smooth.
No issues there.
Same on three.
If anything, this thing feels smoother than the new lock.
I'm not feeling any grit or any roughness on those discs.
Forget what number I'm on.
I think it's five.
Gotta click there.
Six quick out of six.
No, miss Disk Seven.
Click at a seven and we open this up.
This is really interesting.
Wait, We did pick this, but it's not opening.
Oh, there we go.
It must be a little bit rough in the mechanism other than the core.
In fact, if we look inside of there, I didn't see there some rust inside of it.
This was interesting, because if anything, this feels smoother than the new lock.
I didn't feel any of the roughness on the edges of the disks that I felt on the new one.
And I also didn't feel any dirt or grime or grit inside of there that you often feel with an older lock.
So it seems like we have the exception to the rule here.
The older lock was actually easier to pick.
However, as I mentioned earlier, it's going to be a little different for every set of locks.
In any case, that's all I have for you today.
If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.
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And, as always, have a nice day.
Thank you.