I wasrushedtoanyrecentlywithterribleabdominalproblems.
I wasrushedtoan E onforaboutthreehours.
Aiport, um, onanyoneherewhoeverread a magazineas a teenagerwillknowwhat I mean.
I toldthat I wasabouttohave a surprisebabystoriesinthemagazine.
Well, everythingwasnomill.
Everythingwasright, Killer.
Well, then I wenttothesoul.
It's on.
I lookedinthetoiletsonthebabyinthebaby.
Itwasalwaysandthat's when I I thoughtitwasbutyou'llbehappytoknowthatactually, itwas a I'm bringingsexybackgotinfectionthemewiththeworstpartofthewholesituationwasthatthedoctorin a Anniewasreally, reallyhandsome.
And I just I thinkdoctorswhoarehandsomeshouldbestruckoff.
I reallydowantsomeonewith a sortofmashedpotatoheadthat I couldfeelitonewith.
Butinstead, thismanwasreallyhandsome.
Hesaidtome, Oh, whatseemstobetheproblem?
And I waslike, Well, Doctor, myproblemisisthat I'm toocute.
Howcould I tellhimthat?
I thought I washaving a surprisebabyaround.
I waswaitingfor a pool.
Youknow, oncewefindoutwhichoneitis, doyouwanttogofor a drink?
I'm delightedtobehere.
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