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  • the beginning of the outbreak, gyms and health clubs were doing their best to wipe down exercise equipment.

  • But now, in many states they are closing up shop altogether.

  • And since exercising is an important part of staying healthy.

  • Victoria Kanye has tips on how you can keep your workouts going at home.

  • Ah, fitness trainer leads a workout for people in quarantine altogether Neighbors in Spain do jumping jacks from their balconies.

  • Proving just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you can't get a great workout in Los Angeles, personal trainer Alec Panic says.

  • Everything you need is at your fingertips.

  • So basically it's all about things.

  • Our house.

  • Exactly.

  • First off, you always want to disinfect your home exercise area, everything that you're going to touch.

  • You want to make sure that you clean it off.

  • So the good thing about the chair is that automatically gives you the correct form.

  • We just wanna make sure that the knees don't next up.

  • Use the same chair for a set of tricep dips.

  • Just put your hands right outside your legs and then you just drop your hips perfect.

  • Looking for weights.

  • Just head into your pantry.

  • Let's see way back cans.

  • And actually, why don't we got the water to?

  • You can use that a cz wait to We want the cans to go down to touch your shoulders.

  • Just like that.

  • Yeah, and so we're looking to do 20 reps of this.

  • If you could just set your opposite arm on your knee.

  • And the key is to keep your back straight and you're rolling the water up to your chest.

  • Great tips on how to stay in shape without a gym in this age of Corona virus.

the beginning of the outbreak, gyms and health clubs were doing their best to wipe down exercise equipment.

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如何在沒有健身房的情況下也能得到很好的鍛鍊? (How to Get a Great Workout Without a Gym)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary