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  • Joker: killed those three Wall Street guys.


  • [Audience gasps and murmurs]

    [觀眾倒抽一口氣 低語]

  • Murray: Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline.

    好的 我在等笑點

  • There is no punchline.


  • It's not a joke.


  • [Audience murmurs]


  • You're serious, aren't you? You're telling us you killed those three young men on the subway?

    你認真的是吧? 你在地鐵殺了那三個年輕人?

  • Hm-hmm.


  • And why should we believe you?


  • I ain't got nothing left to lose.


  • Nothing can hurt me anymore.


  • [Chuckles] My life is nothing but a comedy.

    [笑聲] 我的人生只是一部喜劇

  • [Audience murmuring and booing]

    [觀眾低語 噓聲]

  • Let me get this straight. You think that killing those guys is funny?

    讓我搞清楚 你覺得殺了那些人很好笑?

  • I do.


  • And I'm tired of pretending it's not.


  • Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn't it what they say?

    喜劇是主觀感受 莫瑞 大家不都這樣說嗎?

  • All of you... the system that knows so much... you decide what's right or wrong?

    各位 這個萬惡的社會體制 讓你們決定是非對錯

  • The same way that you decide what's funny, or not.


  • Audience member: Get him off!


  • Okay, I think I might understand that you... did this to start a movement?

    好吧 我想我大概懂了 你這麼做是想發起一個運動?

  • To become a symbol?


  • Come on, Murray...

    拜託 莫瑞...

  • Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement?


  • I killed those guys because they were awful.

    那些傢伙是人渣 我才殺了他們

  • Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.

    這年頭每個人都是人渣 足夠把任何人逼瘋

  • Murray: Okay, so that's it. You're crazy. That's your defense for killing three young men?

    好吧 所以你是瘋子囉 那就是你殺人的理由?

  • Nah.


  • They couldn't carry a tune to save their lives.

    他們連歌都唱不好 所以才會送命

  • [Audience booing]


  • Oh, why is everybody so upset about these guys?

    拜託 大家為那些人難過幹嘛?

  • If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you'd walk right over me!

    要是當時是我橫死街頭 你們理都不會理我

  • I pass you every day and you don't notice me but these guys, what, because Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV?

    我每天經過你們 卻沒人注意我 湯瑪斯韋恩在電視上為他們哭 他們的命就比較值錢?

  • - You have a problem with Thomas Wayne? - Yes, I do.

    你也對湯瑪斯韋恩有意見? 沒錯

  • Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray?

    你看過外面的世界有多糟嗎 莫瑞?

  • Do you ever actually leave the studio?


  • Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore!

    每個人都在對彼此大吼大叫 大家都不相互尊重!

  • Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy!


  • You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it's like to be someone like me?

    你覺得湯瑪斯韋恩那種人 有替我這種人想過嗎?

  • To be somebody but themselves? They don't.

    他們除了自己 有想過別人嗎? 並沒有

  • They think that we'll just sit there and take it like good little boys. That we won't werewolf and go wild!

    他們以為我們都會默默承受 就像聽話的小孩一樣 不會變成野狼暴走發瘋!

  • You finished? I mean, it's so much self-pity, Arthur.

    講夠了嗎? 你只會自怨自艾 亞瑟

  • You sound like you're making excuses for killing those young men!

    聽起來 你只是在替殺人找藉口

  • Not everybody, and I'll tell you this, not everyone is awful.

    讓我告訴你 並不是每個人都是人渣

  • You're awful, Murray.

    你就是個人渣, 莫瑞

  • Murray: Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah, how am I awful?

    我?我是人渣? 好喔 我是怎麼個渣法?

  • Playing my video.


  • Inviting me on the show.


  • You just wanted to make fun of me.


  • You're just like the rest of them!


  • You don't know the first thing about me, pal.

    老兄 你根本就不瞭解我

  • Look what happened because of what you did, what it led to. There are riots out there.

    看看你做的事 引起什麼樣的連鎖反應 到處都是暴動

  • Two policemen are in a critical condition,


  • and you're laughing, you're laughing. Someone was killed today because of what you did.

    而你卻在笑 你只會笑 因為你的所作所為 今天又有人被殺

  • I know!


  • How about another joke, Murray? - No, I think we've had enough of your jokes.

    想再聽個笑話嗎 莫瑞? -不想 我們聽夠你的笑話了

  • - What do you get... Murray: I don't think so.

    當你惹毛... -別說了

  • ...when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash!?

    當你惹毛一個被社會遺棄 被當成垃圾 精神有毛病的邊緣人會怎樣!?

  • - Call the police, Gene, call the police. Joker: I'll tell you what you get!

    -報警 Gene 快點報警 -我告訴你會怎樣!

  • You get what you fucking deserve!


  • [Audience screaming]


  • [Laughing]


  • [Audience screaming]


  • Goodnight. And always remember: That's-

    晚安 千萬別忘了 這就是...

  • [Spanish Flea plays]


  • Anchor 1: Breaking news. Popular TV talk show host Murray Franklin was shot dead tonight in the live telecast of his program by one of his guests.

    新聞快報: 知名脫口秀主持人莫瑞.富蘭克林 今晚在直播現場被來賓開槍打死

  • Anchor 2: The man, who was introduced by Franklin as 'Joker' is currently under arrest...

    這位由富蘭克林介紹 名為"小丑"的男子已遭到逮捕

  • [Overlapping feeds]


Joker: killed those three Wall Street guys.


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