I believethegunandbasehasherownversion, andithaslights.
Andthen I guess I don't know, butyeah, I thinkseverallysoldlightningunit.
Soyeah, so I guessthisoneisseparate.
Soyouhavetobuyyourown, eh, ladies?
So I'm prettyexcitedtohavethisguybecause I loveHaro.
I havetonsofCharles.
I got a hugeoneuptherethat I gotfromTokyo, so I'm prettyexcitedtobuildthisguy, and, um I don't knowif I'm gonnapainthim a differentcolor, like a pink.
Maybe, butwe'llsee.
I willdefinitelyguess I'm gonnaberereviewingeverythingthat I havebeenonboxingforyouguysonmychannel.
Allright, Nextup, I got a crosssloughitframe.
So, um, I reallyamnot a fanofSDKidsheads.
I reallydon't have I havezero.
Butthe's proportionsofthesenewones I really, reallylike.
I didgrab a couplewhen I wasinJapanaswell.
So, youknow, I'm hopingthiswillchangemymindonthesekidsbecause I reallyliketheseproportionswithlongerarmsand, youknow, notlikethefreakingweirdeyeslike I don't know, I'm not a fanofbesties, but I gotheretheexactroutetoone.
So I willcauseyouknow, I honestly, thisiskindofconfusingformebecauseit's, like, short.
I think, um, but I wouldhavetolookintothis, butyeah, I got a doctortoSDkit.
Whatelsedid I getinhere?
I got a destiny.
Oh, amazingthingsforyou.
Sure, youguysdestinyGundamtogoalongwiththeorangeonebecause I'm not a bigfanofseed, but, youknow, maybe I wouldlikethesekids, so I don't eventhink I have.
Youknow, I liketheseed.
Umrunsuitsthat I dolike, I think I havetheearsofthetwinBuster.
Not, huh?
He's orangeandgreen.
I havehimthat I builtthebecause I honestly I don't knowwhothebadguyswhoweretheevilguys.
I justgrabkidsthat I thinkarecoollookingand I'm Billdown.
Theguywhokindofrideson I think a donkeyorhorsewith a giantthinklikethis.
I'm gonnafightSowhenMills I believeit's a very, veryoldSpanishstory, but I thoughtitwas a reallyinterestingdesignedtoit.
Youknow, I'm notreallyallaboutit, but I don't know.
Youknow, I waslike, youknow, letmeletmeThatwillwenttosomething a littledifferentfromwhat I normallylike.
Andwe'llsee, youknow, I don't know.
Uh, whatdid I gethere?
Theseare, youknow, hadnocluewhatthesethingsare.
Thesephoto, getthiscamera a bookissue.
I'm reallygonnahavetoget a differentlensbecausethisisnevergoodforcloseups.
Ifyoulikethe's photoetchdetails.
So, um, I guess I gotsomenewdireEmma's and I kindofwant, youknow, spiceitup a littlebit.
Sotheserailslookreallycool, and I havenocluewhatthehelltheyare.
So, youknow, I'llfigureoutas I go, butagain, I willbereviewingtheseguys I gotWhatarethese?
Um, hopefullytheyhavesomeEnglishinstructions.
I hopeso.
I thinkthisis a a stand.
And I sawthatthereare, like, theseonesthatyouputonthecakeandhopestodescribewhereyoucanadddetailstothem.
I feellikethatmighthavebeen a littletooadvancedtothinkformebecause I'm stillbeginnerbuilder, youknow, food.
I think I don't know, I wasn't verygood, but, um, I believethisis a stand.
So I willbereviewingalltheselittlephotoedgedetailsAreareyounotsayinggivingittherightname?
So I'm sorryif I'm callingitthewrongthing.
Letmeknowinthecomments, peopleguysover.
Andyoudon't reallyknowhowtopackyourstuff.
Well, nothing's gonnabreak.
What's thedaytodayiswe'realmostseptemberorbiting.
So, um, we'relike, what, threemonthsawayfromtheGundamconvention, I'm reallypumpedinthefirsttimeinCalifornia.
I hopeyouguyscomeoutthereandyouvisitmeonethere.
I'm a littlenervous.
Oh, untiltheonepersonthatcameuptomeinJapancaughtme a littleoffguardbecause, youknow, I reallyneverthoughtsomeonewereactually, like, recognizedmeintherealworld.
I mean, asidefromreward, youknow, outsideoflike, I justreallythink I makethesevideosonYouTubeand, uh, justreallysurprised.
If I paintthem, I liketo, like, youknow, use a varietyofdifferentmetalcolors.
Oh, thisguy's big.
I hopeyougetreadyforthis, uh, Dom, like I haveAbsolutely, Youknow, I haveabsolutelynoideawheresomebody's kidscomefrom.
I don't I don't pretendtobe a goodencyclopediabecause I'm definitelynot.
But I sawthisand I'm justlike, yothatyet.
Look, I mean, youcouldhavefor a box.
He's got a yellowingcolorpatrongoingoninhereand I lovethedoll I lovelikehelookslike, youknow, he's a superretrosuitand I justlovedtheshape, youknow, hisbellbottomsandthings.
So I unfortunatelydon't haveamassed a greatdeal.
A massivegreathasbeenonmylistforquitesometimenow, but I justtoldmyselfNorMassagreatspumpbreaksbecause I'm startingtogetyouknow, I'm reallybackedupMassagreatsthink a lotoftimetoWell, not a lot.
Butyouknow, thereweremoretimeconsumingthanbuilding a highgreatest.
So I toldmyselfnomoremassivegreat.
Still, I startThio, get a littlecontrolonmybacklogbecause I didhave a lotofkidsbeforestartingYouTube.
I alreadyhad a lotofkidssittinginmybackwalkthat I justhaven't had a chance.
Thechance a chancetogettobecauseofworkingstuff.
I eversince I startedworkingfulltime.
Howthefreetime I usedtohavealreadyhad a craptonofkicksinmybacklog.
Andthen I wanttostartyoutwostarkwarning.
Youknowwhat a morekidsthanwhat I alreadyhas.
And I justlikemywombtrytoslowdown.
Butit's, like, sohardtoresist.
I feellikegumplayslikecrack.
Sometimes I'm justlikenomore.
Andthenbefore I knowwhatthenextday I'm like, man, I orderedfivemorekidsonlikeMelissa.
Whatdid I tellyou?
But, youknow, sometimes I justcan't risk, right?
Youcan't resist.
I knowsomepeoplecanrelatetome.
Theygot a backlog.
Theytoldthemselves I'm notgoinganywhere.
Kidsfishmyback, andthenyouendupgettingsomething.
I knowitcan't betheonlyone.
I can't betheonlyonethatdoesthis.
Sohere's thisguy I'm tryingtomakeup.
I gottafigureout a planonwhat I'm gonnabuildfirstandjustgodownthelistofthealreadybuild a couplethingsalreadyintheweekthat I gotherefromJapanandjustwentthrough a couplekids.
Butagain, I'm nottryingtorushthroughanythingbecausethatisonethingthat I'm veryclearwithmyselfis I'm notgonnahavemyhobbyturninto a job.
If I gettothatpointwhere I'm gettingstressedoutlike, I gottabuilditbecause I havetobecause, youknow, chaperoneyouto.
I'm justgoingtojustquitrightthenandthere.
Thisisjust a hobby, andit's gonnastaythatway.
So I'm verystrictmyselfonthat.
Youknow, I don't wantmyhobbytoturnsomethingthat I dread, or I feellikeit's a chorebecause I'vebeenbuildingkidsforsense, like 22 since, like, 2006.
So, youknow, sometimes, like, youknow, everyonehas a littleoffbreaks.
Youknow, I'vehad a couplebreakswhere I gomonthswithouttouchingitintheGundamkit.
Andyouknow, sometimesthathappens.
Butanyways, I'm gettingahdistractedheretalkingtomyselflike a crazyperson.
Now, honestly, I I'm notgonna I'm notgonnalie.
I looksick.
Recentlygotten t evenGillian.
I trywatchingitwhen I wasinmiddleschool, highschool, anditjustwent, like, rightovermyhead.
AndthisTuna's itgotweird.
I droppeditlikehotcakes.
I'm justlikethis.
AndwhenitreleasedonNetflix, that's when I actuallyreallygotintoit.
And I reallyenjoyedtheenemy a lot.
So I'm like, youknow, whynotpickup a kid?
I reallywantedthemetalbill, butit's expensive, youknow?
Unfortunately, I can't finditanywhere, So I hadtosettleforthemassacre.
I believethisis a mastergrade.
I thinkit's anolderoneforsurewasmadein 2010.
I kindofwishitwoulddo a twopointallofthis.
I mean, I don't seewhynot.
Youknow, theyhavethemovie's comingoutorsomemoviesalreadyout, but I willbedoing a reviewforthis.
Ofcourse, I keepsayingthatwe'llbereviewingeverything I getinthisbox, but I don't knowWhy?
Hopingit's notterrible.
I didbuild, um, oneevenGilliankitmanyyearsago, anditwasallonecolor, allright?