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  • If you haven't seen the Hallelujah Flash Mob yet, you've missed out. After one month, the

  • video already has 26 million views. One girl starts singing, people get confused, a guy

  • joins in, and then BOOM, a host of secret flash mob agents join in, and they handle

  • it pretty well.

  • But is the Hallelujah Flash Mob the best flash mob of all time?

  • From Michael Jackson to Latvian Folk dancing, all aboard the BOAT.

  • First up, my favorite. Improv Everywhere had 80 people dressed in blue shirts and khakis

  • walk into Best Buy. The store's employees got so scared...yeah...they called the police.

  • Improv everywhere is also famous for Frozen Grand Central, where 200 people just plain-old

  • stopped moving. They started moving eventually, but if you'd rather split the difference,

  • the same group also has 225 people move in slow motion at Home Depot.

  • Impressive, right?

  • Well, here are 3,000 people freezing in Paris. T-Mobile was behind this flash mob, one of

  • the best recorded and documented ever.

  • But who cares about cool angles and editing when you can have a Lightsaber flash mob

  • instead?

  • This happened in Poland. Not much is going on until a stand-off ensues, a finger-gun

  • is pulled, everyone freaks out and starts shooting, and people drop like flies.

  • Not enough skin for you?

  • Well, here's an effort from Flip. It might be all "over when the fat lady sings," but

  • it all starts when the fat boy in a Speedo dances.

  • If you wish these people would stop being so vertical, I guess this Swedish dance troupe's

  • flash mob is more your style...A bunch of people fall over Domino-style and then boogie

  • while lying on their backs.

  • Subtract the dancing and add a crazy guy with a giant hammer and you've got this human Domino

  • chain.

  • But now, here's a bus driver in Europe whose transport company surprised him with a birthday

  • flash mob. At first, a lone trumpeter makes him go "Whaaa?" But then a woman starts singing

  • to him, more people join in, and once he starts to get it, he drives right into a surprise

  • Bday party for himself.

  • I leave you today with some romance.

  • This guy organized an entire flash mob in New York, so that when he proposed and she

  • said "yes," everyone would clap and then join in with the dance explosion celebration.

  • So, there you go. What's the best flash mob of all time? Let me know what you think below,

  • and if you have an idea for a future flash mob that you think would be even better, let

  • me know what it would be, how it would work, and why it would rule.

  • And, as always guys, thanks for watching.

If you haven't seen the Hallelujah Flash Mob yet, you've missed out. After one month, the

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有史以來最棒的閃電俠--船1號 (BEST Flash Mobs of ALL TIME -- BOAT 1)

  • 305 7 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary