I amnottoSSTUm, yeah, I'd saythatifanything, theprocesssirisgoingtolast a verylongtime.
TheRx 5 80 isstillverycapableat 10.
80 p aswell, but I imaginetheif I hadtochooseanythingtopgradeinthatbuild, itwouldbetheRx 5 80 I knowit's capableatthemoment, butifyouhadtoupgradeanything, I wouldseethe 5 80 startingtostrugglebeforethe 3700 exputitthatway.
Okay, sokeenandmehaveseeagain, I apologizeforanypronunciations.
If I hadtosayanythingthere, I thinkthehighfiveisstillprettycapable, especiallywith a G ticks.
10 60 likethat.
I thinkit's a fourcourseCPU, soyoumaystarttoseeitstruggleinsomegames.
I supposeyoucouldupgradethat I 5 to 1 i seveniftheCPUdoesstarttostruggle.
But I'm alsorecommendingSSDinthere, say, asthebootdriveshouldyouwanttogodownthatroute?
Buttheeye 5 44 40 andsixget 10.
Asfaras I'm concerned, it's still a nicecombination.
Theywillworkwelltogether, as I'm sureyouknow.
Okay, thenextsubmissionisfromFiFox.
I'vewantedoneofthoseracingwheelsforages, but I justdon't havetheroomforit.
I'd lovetoplay, youknow, don't reallytoforcethehorizonwith a willonthedesk.
Maybeitwouldmakeme a betterdriver, eventhough I'm sureitcan't work.
I purchased a prebuiltPCandupgradedittomake a cheapgamingPC.
Another 5 44 60 usedtohaveoneofthoselovethoseCPusetwotimesForgetcrucial 1600 megahertzDDR 3 512 GigSSD a genetic 16 50 OndaLogitech G 9 20 willagain a prettysimplecasedesignedthereBut I am a fanoffthosesimplecases, especiallyconsideringyoupurchased a PCandandturneditinto a gamingrig.
I'm always a fanoffpeoplegoingdownthatrouteaswell, becausethereare a lotofoptionstoexplore.
Ifanyofyouarethinkingofdoingthat, justbecarefulwhenyoubuycertainprebillsbecausetheymightnothave a upgradepathorthemotherboardmightbeof a certainandawkwardformfactor.
Still a prettydecentCPUthatyoucanactuallyfindfor a verygoodpricethesedays.
FourcauseandFourThreads, I believe, butit's stillmorethancapablein a lotofftitles.
Infact, thevastmajorityoftitlesouttherehas a GeorgewhoSorrowhassenthisriginhere.
Itfeatures a riseof 5 1603.8 gigahertzwith 16 Gig's off 3000 megahertzRamaswellas a GTX 10 60 again, verynicecombination, Theriseand 5 1600 is a greatCPU.
I don't knowifyou'vegotthenew A F versionortheoriginal E variantoffthechip.
Andifyouwantedsomeadviceonwhattoupgradefirst, I wouldsaythatthegraphicscardsorrytheCPUcouldeasilyhandle a morepowerfulgraphicscard.
Shouldyoueverwanttoupgradethat 10 60?
Butas I saidbeforethe 10 60 still a greatcard, thesixgigabyteversionatleast I'llhavetorevisitthethreegigversionbecausetherearecertainlysomegameswherebythethearoundlimitationwouldeasilybeexceededwiththatamount.
Butthericeand 5 1600 g ticks 10 60.
A greatcombinationthere.
Okay, sotheunderscoreboringunderscorePagezerohassentmethereReguswelland I 7 77 100 k atfivegigahertz, deletedwithliquidmetal.
We'vegot a fancyrignow, someoneshowingoffand m b asrocksaid 1 70 Board 16 GigsofDDR 3 a.m. S i g ticks 10 80 Lovethe 10 80 hadonemyself, butititwasso, soloud.
Atleastyouhaven't gotthegigabyteversion.
I thinkthatwastheversionofminethatgotreallyloudandhotunderloadtwoterabytes.
SogreatbudgetPCthereon a greatconsultoboot, right?
SonattyUnderscore d 307 onour 7 27 100 exit, 4.1 gigahertzbefore 50 TomahawkBoldArctic's 2070 16 gig's off 3200 megahertz.
TriedandsaidRgbramcoursethat h 100 I.
Youknowwhatwehavehereis a veryimpressivesetup.
Theriseand 7 27 100 X is a fantasticchip, and I'm surewiththatArctic's 2070 youarehaving a greattimeplayingallofyourfavoritegamesandwatchingallofyourfavoriteYouTubersaswell.
Okay, soLorenzounderscored.
Neveras G heresentmeisPCbackinJanuary.
I'm notsureif I havefeatureditbefore.
Allnot, but I don't thinkso.
Wehaven't I?
5 84 100 A greattripagain.
Anotherone I'vehadexperienceswithreallygoodCPU.
IfyouwanttogodowntheIntelrouteandstillhave a capableprocessEr, actually 10 inmobilemotherboard, ofcourse.
EightgigsofRam, a twoterabyte H D D and a 240 gigSSTwithan R 9 to 90.
5 9600 k Now, thiswaswhenthepriceswerehigh.
Sotheyhadplannedtoupgradeit a littlelaterdowntheline.
Andnowwehave a 96 100 k and m aside.
Frozen l callersaid 3 70 board.
16 gigsof 3000 megahertzmemoryontheVegas 64 which a coupleoflinesdownmeltitdown, intheirwords, sotheyreplaceditwithanRx 5760 RedDevilon.
TheRx 5760 is a greatcar.
TheVegas 64 Also a greatcar, butitdoesgethotontheRxis a niceupgrade.
I wentfrom a VegatoanRxmyself, and I'm veryhappywiththechange.
It's anofficekeyboardherThey'veturnedinto a gamingkeyboard.
I see.
I thinkthatlooksfantastic, but I am a fanofthoseoldschoolperipherals.
Nowwehave a submissionfromLila.
Okay, I'm gonnagetthisonehorrificallywrong.
LornaLatal a thingthat's correct.
Ifthat's a mispronunciation, Thefirstsystemhereis a rising 5 26 100 exrigwith 16 Gig's offBallisticstrace a DDR 4 34 66 megahertz.
NovideoArtIX 2070 0 C.
Fromsotechon a B for 50 i gamingboardfrom M s.
That's a verynicelookingsystem.
I doenjoythegreenlighting.
They'reverymuchthesecondsystemaswellHereand I 5 46 90 with 12 gigsof G skillonbothsystemshaveseveralSS D's and h D D.
He's alsogot a verynicelooking a SeussTough 505 laptop, whichhasan R 5 35 58 Generics, 5 60 X and 16 GigsofDDRfour.
I'm a longtimeadmirerofthosesuits.
Letmeknowhowitplaysgamesbecause I maybeinterestedintryingtogetmyhandsononenotjustfor a video, butforkeeps a swellnicesetupin a nicelaptoptogowithit.
Solet's startin a coupleoffTwittersubmissionsaswell, the 1st 1 herefromatfour.
Wehavearrivedin 7 1700 ExRiggedwithan A M D R X, Vega 64 orin a suit, our G versionaswell.
16 gigsofDDRfourmemoryat 2400 megahertzand a lotofstorage.
That's a verynicelookingsetupthere.
TheVegas 64 againTheGreatGPuseonesthatyouconfinedfor a veryreasonablepricethesedays, butbearinmind.
Foranyonelookingfor a Vegas 64 I alsoseesomeundervolt.
Inghastakenplacethereagain, whichisidealwith a GPUlikethat.
Okay, sonowwehave a billfromSvenska 76.
Ariseand 5 26 100 X oneofmyfavoriteCPUse a 55 100 x t a gigGPUNo, I'venothadanyexperienceswiththenewRx 5500 or 5600 cards, infact, so I'm lookingforwardtoonedaytestingthoseout.
I knowitwillprobablybe a bitof a lightreviewconsideringthecarcameout a whileback, buttheydostrikemeasinterestingGPuse.
Andit's a nicecombinationwiththe R 5 26 100 X.
I'm surewehaveanotherrignowfromScotty C 69 makinguseoff a rising 5 26 100 x.
Thegreatthingaboutthemiswell, isthatyoucanpickup a andthreeplusmotherboardsfor a fairlydecentpriceandallyouknow, herewehave a greatentrylevelsystem, which I'm sure I canhandleallofyourfavoritegamesverynicely.
Andforthepriceis a goodbabyindeed.
OK, soatSatoshiArik, eh, Eric?
Oh, I wonagain.
Therewehave a rising 5 1600 rigwithan R X 5 80 inthepicture.
Herewehave a 77 19 olderAMGGPU, buttheyhavesinceupgradedittotheaforementionedRx 5 80 Thereasonwhythere's a fanattachedtothecasecoverhowistopreventtheRx 5 80 fromsoundinglike a vacuumcleaner.
Yes, someofthosefiveeightiescangetquiteloud.
Yeah, it's understandablethemorefanswithoneofthosethebetterHorizon 5 1600 Again, I'm notsurewhichversion, whetheritbethe e orthe A F chip, a stillgreatCPuse.
Andincombinationwith a 5 80 Well, it's a nicesetupindeed.
I liketheCPUfan, which I gotfrom, whoknowswherepartjust a randomCPUfoundthattheyfoundstuckonthere.
9 70 16 GigsofDDRfouronHe's currentlywaitingon a goodGPUtoupgradetoanextracashtobuy a 14 40 p monitorwiththerisein 5 36 100 X.
Thesky's thelimitintermsofgraphicscards.
Tobehonest, youcouldliterallypairanythingwithoneofthoseandhave a fantasticexperiencethatCebuisn't goingtoholdyoubackatall.
Okay, sotofinalizefromHarryNewmanhereonTwitter, wehave a verynicelookingbill, whichfeatures a DRITicks 10 71 oftheFoundersAdditionCards I absolutelylovethelookofftheFoundersEditionDRIPPIuse.
Thisispairedwith a risein 5 36 100 X 16 Gig's off 3600 megahertzmemoryand, ofcourse, at V s 5 50 insideoffantex P 300 case.
I knowtherecanbe a bitloudduetothesingleblubberstylefan, butyeah, thatthey'reprettyprettynicecardsintermsofanupgrade.
Youseehere I lovefeedback.
Theonlything I wouldsuggestthereisthatshouldyoueverwanttoconsiderupgradingandyou'renotsurewhattoupgradefirst, thenthe 10 70 wouldobviouslybe.
I feelthefirstthingthatshouldbeupgraded, although I'm suretheyworkfantasticincombination.
Ifyoueverdidwanttoupgrade, then a bettergraphicscardwouldbethewayforward, though, as I say, it's still a greatpairing, andyoushouldn't worryaboutupgradingrightnow.
The 3600 X willalsolast a verylongtime.
Plus, theycouldbeoverclockedaswell.
Soyouknow, justtosqueeze a littlemoreperformanceoutofitwithallthatsittingdown, thenthankyouverymuchforwatchingatRGinHDonInstagramandTwitter.
Ifyouwanttosubmityourrigforreview, ifyouenjoythisvideoleverlikewhenitleaves a dislike.