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What's going on, buddy?
Welcome to part three of our A I building in Starcraft two with Python tutorial Siri's in the previous video.
We got to the point where we're creating more workers, create more pylons so we can create more workers.
And now we want to do is, um, kind of two things.
One is at least we want to start collecting the other resource that we're gonna need, which is like the best being gas.
Uh, and then we also because eventually we're gonna exhaust our little area.
We need to expand to new areas.
And we need to at least get this stuff out of the way before we get into the kind of offensive types of strategies and stuff like, How are we actually going to attack our enemy?
So because up to this point, we're just trying to get our resource is under control, and then we can go on into actually building an army.
So let's go ahead and get started.
So once we've got workers in pylons, the next thing that we need is so like the workers will automatically distribute workers.
When we call this, it's just gonna automatically distribute them across, you know, mining the minerals and grabbing the gas from the Kaiser's.
So, really, all we need to do is just build the buildings on top of the Kaiser's, and the rest is kind of handled for us anyways.
So, um, the things that we build on top of these guys er's air called assimilate er's so we're gonna go ahead and away self build lips, self build, underscore a similar later.
And, um, maybe we'll call this build.
Yeah, we'll go with the simulators.
I guess so.
Then we need Thio along with pylon.
We need to also import, um, similar laters.
And, um and then, uh, well, actually, it should be assimilate tour and they were ready to actually build the function or the method rather t build the assimilate er.
So what we're going to do is come down here and screw up a little bit.
So a saying the build assimilate er's no forget past self.
Otherwise we'll hit that error again.
And then again, we we want to build the assimilate er's wherever we can or need to.
So we wantto iterated over our nexus buildings.
So four nexus in self die units of nexus type that are ready.
So the nexus is built.
Ah, what we want to do is build.
Um, we're going to say, Well, first we have to find the actual, like, vest being guys er's So our vast peen so vast Peens we're gonna say self dot state dot vest bean underscore er got guys or dot Closer underscore Van So we're looking for any guys, er's that air within 25 units of our individual nexus that were like iterating through.
So that's gonna tell us where the vest beans actually are.
Then what we want to say is for Vast Pino, I guess its vast been I don't know best being vast anyway for rasping in vast beans.
Oh, uh um, what we want to do is if if we can't afford one, So if not self dot can afford assimilate.
Er we just want a break.
Not all caps just simply break.
So if we can't afford, we're gonna go ahead and break.
And then, if not, self dot units assimilate er dot Klute closer than one point.
Oh, so if we don't business, if we don't have in a simulator built on top of that specific vest, Vastine.
Okay, um so is long as if not this dot exists.
So this is a really long statement, but basically just saying that if there's not an A simulator that exists really close to that vast being already, um, it's so that's not already the case.
We're going to await, self dot Do.
And then we're gonna call one of our workers to build.
Um, in fact, um, So what we actually need to dio is if we can't afford if we can't afford, we need to break.
Then what we actually want to do is grab a worker.
So we're gonna say worker equals self dot select build worker.
And then we want to select a build worker near here.
So vast being dot position.
So, um, we might find that we don't have a worker that's like, close to that, that position for whatever reason.
So if worker is none, so if we could just can't find one, we need to go ahead and break otherwise, as long as there's not already a vast being there, we want await self doubt.
Do use that worker to build.
Um What do they want?
What do we want them to build well and assimilate.
Er, where do we want to build it?
Uh, that vast peen.
So on this vast, this vast being location.
So that should give us our assimilate.
Er's uh, see, this is just a pepper.
Um, so it's going to run this and see how we've done.
Hopefully without any errors, we're running real time.
It should.
It should pop it up pretty quickly.
Um, so then besides this, um, the other thing we need to do is we're gonna go ahead and expand our forces in this, uh, in this tutorial and then that way in the neck.
Oh, yeah.
We definitely hidden there.
What was issue Sunday, but has no ob know at tribute unit Build A simulators for self.
Oh, is it?
I think it might be units with an S units.
Let's try that again.
So what, we wait on that, um, the next thing we want to do is expand to new areas.
And again, this is kind of like a low hanging fruit, because we can just actually just call expand now.
Now, obviously, you don't want to just expand infinitely.
That was just by the with from from body I right.
That's just in included method.
Let's see if we're gonna build on top one of these guys or soon.
It should happen relatively quickly.
I'm not really sure what's gonna be required.
So if private first we're gonna make these workers, and then we're gonna build on top of the guy up.
Jesse, there's one going right now.
Okay, so we're building the assimilate er here.
And then again, the distribute workers should automatically kind of distribute workers to this simulator.
So the next thing there goes another one.
So the next thing that we're going to do is go ahead and run this expansions.
I'm gonna Yes.
Uh, and I'm gonna come down here.
I'm gonna set real timeto false now so we can just get things going a little quicker.
And so after we do the build a simulators, the next thing we're gonna do is await self dot expand.
So even though in theory, we actually could do self dot Um, and we could just call this expand now.
Um, that would be probably not the greatest idea, because, um, you don't want to just expand till all the resource areas because, especially as you get closer to your enemy, they're going, they're gonna It's gonna be a lot easier for them to attack those positions rather than than for you to defend those positions.
So you probably only want to expand, and then also, you're gonna have to create the workers.
You only have, ah, limited number of workers that so you're supply your total population doesn't get to exceed 200.
So at some point, you're probably gonna have too many workers.
Anyways, if you just tried to expand all the resource areas so you only want to expand when it makes sense when, like you're really prepared to expand.
Now again, this just like, um, some of the other things that we've seen this, you know, when should you expand is actually a very, very complicated decision that you have to make.
But for now, we're gonna keep it really, really simple and just expand tow either two or three nexus points like a resource areas.
So, anyways, um, we're gonna wait self dot expand.
And then ah, well, just come down under here a sink deaf expand.
Don't forget to pass self and what we're going to do or how we're gonna do this is we're just going to say if self dot units So if self units nexus, not amount so we don't actually care if the nexus is is ready here is being built or whatever.
If nexus don't amount is less than, um well, go, I'll say three.
For now, that's probably a healthy expansion number any less than that.
It might not be enough any more than that.
It might not be enough.
But again, if your enemy decides to just immediately rush you, um, this is probably too many to just build immediately right out of the gate.
You're really stretching yourself pretty thin.
But anyway, so if let's just say three for now, so you're gonna have it a goal of hitting three resource areas.
If self doubt units nexus amount is less than three and self dot can of Ford, uh, the nexus.
Let's go ahead and wait.
Um, self die expand now, So the rest of the logic has already handled for us.
It's pretty easy operation for us to make, so let's go ahead and save that Run that and again, this is real time fall So she should be, like, super quick the whole game unless we hit, like, some sort of error or something, which is totally possible.
Okay, No area.
And actually, you can already see that we went ahead and expanded down here immediately and then probably relatively soon will have expanded.
Yet we're expanding here and actually building a nexus here.
It looks like we went down to here and built on a guy's ER, but there's actually no nexus there on it Looks like here we're building on the Kaiser's and we've put up our nexus and all that.
So anyway, as you can see, this is super fast.
Already at the four minute mark, we've also put up some some, uh, assimilate er's here.
Probably not the wisest decision in the entire world.
You probably want these to be maybe a little closer to your toe where you are.
So like, maybe what we should do is it's just exit.
We're gonna get attacked any moment now and lose because we don't have any fighting units.
Um, you know, may maybe rather than 25 we go with, say, 15.
That might be a little more smart that way you haven't just a little closer to where we're trying to be exists.
Not in your favor.
Tohave him outside of areas that you can really protect.
Um, otherwise you just wasted a resource is most likely on them.
I just want to see how this does real quick to make sure that's a little more reasonable.
As long as we get something built on these.
Yeah, that'll make sense.
So that Yeah, once we got those, got her pylons.
This guy's navigated over here.
We're building our nexus up.
What about down here?
Also, just building a nexus here.
So this looks like it's making a little more sense.
We should probably keep our and let's see if we get Yes, we're building on top of those guys.
There's already here again.
We've built on top.
Okay, so I think probably 15 is a smarter number to go within 25.
Okay, So, um all right.
I think that's a good stopping point.
Um, got used to my mouth now, right?
So the next thing that we're gonna do after I finished chewing on his eyes is in the next tutorial, I think what we're gonna do is build our offensive types of buildings.
So, like barracks, basically, only here it's a gateway.
Um, and then after the gateway is produced, you want to build the cybernetics core, and then we can build the stalker that we're gonna build.
But there's so much that goes in, you don't have to.
You don't have to build those same things as me if you don't want.
If you want to go to, like, a a different entity or something like that, have at it.
So we're already under attack by by the guy, so we're not gonna do very well because these guys, they're just gonna keep coming after us, So yeah, we definitely are.
Next thing here is we've got a thons or resource is actually you can't really see the resources.
There you go.
We've got tons of resource is, but we don't have any any.
We're not producing any units or anything like that, and we totally could.
So that's what we're gonna do.
The next tutorial.
If you've got questions, comments, concerns, whatever.
Feel free to leave in the low as always.
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And I will see you in another tutorial.